White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 157 Hanging Road

Although Commander Xu, the inner courtyard guard of Xue Mansion.

It's about He Mansion's Li Guards.

Jin An couldn't fully digest it in a short time.

I always feel like this is quite magical.

But fortunately, Jin An has never seen any battles in the past few months, so it's not hard for him to accept.

"Wei Li, tell me honestly, what is your real name?"



"Which one is your real name?"

Faced with Jin An's question, Li Wewei clapped his chest and said that he could change his name or not, and of course his surname was Li. Jin An immediately laughed, I believed you, and said, "Why don't you call me Li Li, Li Li of course?"

Jin An's words were originally expressed in reverse, meaning that since you, Guard Li, can even disguise yourself, wouldn't it be natural for you to change your name?

Who knows.

Li Huwei didn't know if he really didn't realize that Jin An's Kitchen God was attached to the Door God - there were paintings inside the paintings. After hearing Jin An's words, Li Huwei's eyes lit up and he suddenly smiled.


"It's reasonable and reasonable. This is good."

"Since ancient times, many heroic young men and talented men were defeated in the end because they were unable to be straight, courageous and strong in middle age. From now on, I will be called Li Suo. Of course, Li is straight and strong."

Looking at Guard Li who was so thick-skinned, Jin An's forehead had a few black lines hanging down.

"If you can't get rid of your mule, you can still be confident, right?"

The old Taoist priest laughed out loud at Jin An's remark, and gave Jin An a thumbs up, saying that the devil is as tall as the Taoist, but little brother, you are awesome, doing one thing after another.

Next, under the leadership of Li Huwei, Jin An and the old Taoist priest met the witness Li Huwei specially found in the lower courtyard of Xue Mansion.

They began interrogating these people overnight, looking for any possible clues about Headless Village.

These people are all Xue family servants who followed Xue Xiong to hunt in the mountains a year ago.

As the eldest son of the Xue family, Xue Xiong often takes a month or two to go hunting in the mountains.

In the past two months, it was naturally not the turn of the dignified young master of the Xue family to do the work of making fire, cooking, washing and setting up tents.

Therefore, a year ago, the eldest young master of the Xue family went hunting in the mountains. In addition to a few martial arts instructors who were his mentors and martial arts teachers raised by the Xue family, he also brought with him a large number of ordinary servants and several people from the Xue family medical clinic. Several physicians.

These servants were ordinary people. They were only responsible for the eldest son of the Xue family, making fires, cooking, and living in the wild. They were also the logistics staff. Therefore, they did not go into the mountain together, but stayed outside the mountain to take care of the logistics.

A year ago, there were as many as thirty or forty people accompanying him.

The Xue family is a wealthy family and is not short of money.

In the world of rich people, they can really do whatever they want.

It is precisely because of this that the Xue family left a major clue to the location of Wutou Village this time.

There are thirty or forty people who can provide the general direction of Tutou Village.

Although due to their ordinary physiques, these servants and doctors did not accompany him to the mountains for hunting, but only provided baggage and support materials outside the mountains, they followed Xue Xiong's footsteps all the way.

Just ask the servants and doctors where Xue Xiong and the others have been, which mountains they have hunted in, and what their general routes are, and then they can easily deduce the general direction of Wutou Village.

There is a high mountain in Wuzhou Prefecture called Wushan Ridge.

Wushan Ridge is one of the highest mountains in Wuzhou Prefecture. It is named after the mountains are green and rich in medicinal materials.

One of the tributaries of the Yinyi River flows through Wushan Ridge, so the mountains are very humid and cold. This also causes the mountains to be shrouded in clouds and fog all year round, making it easy to get lost, so few people go deep into Wushan Ridge.

Moreover, this primitive mountain forest is densely covered with wild beasts and poisonous insects. Even if there are hunters who live nearby and make a living by hunting, they only dare to move around the outskirts of the mountain.

The place adjacent to Wuzhou Prefecture is called Cangshan Prefecture. If we talk about the most famous mountain in Cangshan Prefecture, it is Cang'er Mountain, where the word "Cangshan" comes from.

Cang'er Mountain is connected to the sky by the sea of ​​clouds and towers into the clouds. This is a majestic and steep mountain range that spans the two prefectures. One of its branches extends into the boundary of Wuzhou Prefecture and borders Wushan Ridge of Wuzhou Prefecture, forming a complex mountain topography.

Both Wushan Ridge and Xang Er Mountain are inaccessible and steep mountains with complex terrain and poisonous insects and wild animals. Only herb collectors and hunters dare to enter the mountains.

But I only dared to wander around the outer edge of the mountain, never daring to go too deep.

Only the brave martial arts practitioners who are skilled in martial arts, or the young knights with the dream of being a chivalrous and righteous man, dare to go deep into the mountains and forests full of wild beasts to kill the giant man-eating insects.



Two rough men covered in blood and carrying machetes ran wildly through the forest, knocking through thickets of weeds and thorns and frightening the birds in the forest.

The two men had sinewy faces and a fierce look in their eyes. At first glance, they were two wanted murderers who had just committed a crime outside and were planning to escape into the mountains to hide.

Judging from the similar facial features of the two, they are two brothers.

"Brother, it's almost dark, why haven't you found the hanging road yet?"

"The herb collector we killed on the way into the mountain just now said that there is a suspended road after entering the mountain. It was a secret shortcut that merchants used to use to avoid bandits and enter Cangshan Prefecture from Wuzhou Prefecture. But we We haven’t found the hanging road yet, could it be that we were deceived?”

"Damn it, if I had known he had lied to us, I should not have wiped his neck just now but disembowelled him like a pig or a dog. Wiping his neck would have made him die too easily."

This pair of brothers, the eldest brother is called Wang Haichuan and the younger brother is called Wang Haifu.

The person who just spoke was his younger brother Wang Haifu.

The younger brother is tall and muscular, with a nine-ring machete in his hand weighing six or seven kilograms. He is a head taller than his older brother Wang Haichuan.

The elder brother is lean and slender, with a somewhat dull face and an honest face. He was silent along the way and didn't talk much.

But when it comes to being cruel and ruthless, this taciturn and seemingly honest man has committed many more murders than Wang Haifu.

These brothers were a pair of gangsters who blocked roads and robbed people. They specialized in murder, arson, kidnapping and robbery. They committed all kinds of evil and had been wanted by the court for many days.

Today, the brothers killed several government officials and village warriors, and finally escaped from the local government's siege. However, facing the continuous siege by several government officials, the two brothers had no choice but to go to the deep mountains and old forests with dense forests and few people. Drill.

So there was this scene in front of me.

"Brother, in my opinion, that bullshit Hanging Road is most likely fake. Why don't we quickly change our route before it gets dark? Otherwise, if we don't find the Hanging Road, we will end up in vain."

"Besides, we don't necessarily have to flee to Cangshan Prefecture. Wuzhou Prefecture is so big. After our brothers change their names, we can find a hilltop and establish ourselves as kings, and then continue to work back to our old business. We will still have a big meal." With plenty of fish and plenty of meat, life will be happy.”

Wang Haifu was so bored that he kept looking for something to say along the way.

But the eldest brother Wang Haichuan remained silent all the way and just ran away.

The younger brother Wang Haifu, who is taller than him and has a strong back, seems to be more afraid of his elder brother who is a head shorter than him. When he saw that his elder brother was silent along the way, he also shut up obediently and continued to run for his life with his elder brother.

He knew that his brain was not as flexible as his elder brother's.

Ever since I was little, my eldest brother has been the main one.

The two brothers continued to run wildly in the quiet deep mountains and old forests, knocking through bushes and thorns. Suddenly, their vision was empty.

The lush vegetation disappeared and became an open space.

A cliff appears in front of you.

A winding and steep cliff road caught the eyes of the two brothers, and their eyes suddenly lit up with joy.

The cliff road is extremely steep, as if it was carved out by miraculous craftsmanship. It stands at the junction of Wushan Ridge and Cang'er Mountain, as if the mountain range has been torn apart and a fault zone has been created.

The cliff road is narrow and steep.

The two brothers glanced into the distance and even saw that there were many places where it was difficult for even one person to pass.

"Is there really a hanging road?"

"Hey, it's no wonder they say money can make all the difference, but those walking businessmen can actually find such a dangerous road in the mountains. Brother, do you think we will encounter those walking businessmen later?"

His younger brother, Wang Haifu, looked at the cliff road and saw a steep cliff that would be irreversible if he lost his footing. He laughed and joked. While joking, the heavy nine-ring knife he held in his hand shook slightly, making a clanging sound and a murderous aura.

Wang Haifu spoke in a relaxed tone, not at all afraid of the dangerous road dug on the cliff in front of him.

After all, if you don't have any courage, how can you make a living by killing people and robbing goods?

For reckless bandits like them who always keep their heads in their waistbands, they have long taken life and death lightly.

"It just so happened that we escaped all the way and went into the mountains temporarily without bringing enough dry food. If we encounter those traveling merchants later, we can kill them to collect money and dry food to replenish our five internal organs temple."

The lean and silent Wang Haichuan looked numbly at the cliff road standing on the steep mountain wall in front of him and said in deep thought.

Wang Haifu laughed and said something clever, and then the two brothers boldly stepped onto the cliff road in front of them.

Hua Hua——

Hua Hua Hua——

Dusk is dim.

The gloomy sky is mixed with raindrops, beating on the cold mountain walls. The weather in the mountains is like this. It will be sunny when it is sunny, and it will rain suddenly when it is raining.

Wang Haichuan and Wang Haifu also didn't expect that this thrilling cliff road dug on the cliff would be so long. When we got to the end, the cliff road became even more difficult to walk. Even one person could not stand on it. He had to cling to the steep mountain wall and carefully step on the road under his feet with half of his foot before he could walk slowly.

It is precisely because of this that the two brothers were delayed for a long time and saw that the sky was getting darker and darker.

It was already dark in the mountains.

But at this moment, a demonic wind suddenly blew up from nowhere in the mountains, and then it started to rain heavily, which made the already steep cliff road even more difficult to walk on.

But having come this far, the two murderous brothers couldn't go back any longer. They could only bite the bullet and keep moving forward, praying to get out of this damn cliff road as soon as possible, which made people lose patience long ago.

After walking carefully for a certain distance, before dark, they were delighted to see that the cliff road in front of them finally began to become wider.

It is difficult to lower half of the foot, but it is possible to lower both feet when the person is pressed against the mountain wall.

The sun was lower at this time and was as red as blood.

The bright red sunset is getting lower and lower in the mountains.

When the last ray of light on the horizon completely faded and turned into night, Wang Haichuan and Wang Haifu finally walked through the most difficult part of the hanging road, and the road in front of them became wide enough for one person to walk normally.

The two brothers continued to walk forward on the cliff road under the silver hazy moonlight.

Along the way, the eldest brother Wang Haichuan walked silently in front, while the younger brother Wang Haifu followed behind and kept cursing and complaining.

It is said that this cliff road is really not something that normal people can walk on. How can money push the devil? It is clear that money can push the devil. These businessmen can really hide.

Wang Haifu cursed again, don't let him encounter the traveling merchants on the next cliff road, otherwise he will cut off their legs and leave them here to starve to death.

The mountains are quiet and silent.

It was as silent as a huge tomb, not even the chirping of insects or birds.

Too quiet.

It's so depressing.

The half-moon above my head hung alone in the sky, as if half of it had been eaten away by a tengu. The moonlight fell in the quiet mountain forest, and the only sound along the way was Wang Haifu's curse.

Under his feet, there was a pitch-black cliff with nothing visible.

Every time I lower my head and look at the cliff at my feet, I can't help but imagine that in the darkness under the cliff, is there a pair of blue eyes hidden in the darkness, staring at people quietly?



"Hmm? What's the sound?"

The eldest brother Wang Haichuan, who had been walking in front, suddenly turned around and looked behind him with a cautious personality.

But except for the darkness behind him, and the hazy shadows of the mountains, shrouded in darkness, nothing else could be seen, and no strange noises were heard.

"Brother, are you too suspicious? Why didn't I hear anything?"

Wang Haifu, who was impulsive, also followed Wang Haichuan and listened carefully, but he didn't hear anything behind him.

"Brother, I think you are too nervous. If there is really a beast following behind us two brothers, I can use the nine-ring knife in my hand to make us hungry all the way to the temple of five internal organs." Wang Haifu said indifferently.

The nine-ring knife in his hand made a clanging sound, making people look murderous.

Wang Haichuan ignored his brother's noise. He stayed there for a while and looked behind him suspiciously.

But it was always quiet behind him.

Except for the occasional whistling mountain breeze, the mountains are as quiet as a tomb at night.

Later, Wang Haichuan shook his head, thinking that maybe he was too nervous, and the two continued on their way.

Who knows.

The two brothers had not taken a few steps when suddenly, snap! Snap!

Something's wrong!

There is indeed movement!

This time, even the careless and reckless Wang Haifu heard footsteps behind him.

Someone has been quietly following them.


Wang Haichuan drew his sword out of its sheath. The two brothers had been working together all year round and immediately stared at each other in the direction of the dark mountain wall behind them.

But at this moment the footsteps disappeared again.

The mountains are quiet again.


But not long after, footsteps sounded again, pat, pat, pat—

This time the footsteps kept echoing on the empty cliff road, getting closer and closer. Under the tense muscles of Wang Haichuan and Wang Haifu, in the darkness, there were actually flames beating in the dark sky.

Like a will-o'-the-wisp dancing in the void.

The will-o'-the-wisp came closer and closer with the sound of footsteps, and then a Taoist priest wearing five-color robes approached.

The Taoist priest in five-colored robes was a thin, middle-aged man, carrying a bag on his back, like a hiker, and holding a torch in his hand.

The face of this middle-aged Taoist priest in five-colored robes appeared and disappeared under the dim light of the torch, and it was difficult to see clearly the expression on his face for a while.

Wang Haichuan and Wang Haifu were stunned when they looked at the middle-aged Taoist priest who appeared on the cliff road late at night.

Seeing that there were other living people here, the middle-aged Taoist priest in five-colored robes seemed to be surprised.

"Hey, is there anyone else on Xuankong Road late at night?"

"I wonder what the donors call them? I am Yuyouzi, a Taoist priest from Wu Zang Taoist Temple. I heard that there is a village in the mountains called Taoyuan Village. I have been looking for Taoyuan Village in the mountains. I wonder if any of the donors have heard of where Taoyuan Village is. ?”

Under the dim light of the torch, a smile appeared on the middle-aged Taoist priest's thin face, but this smile always gave people the feeling that something was wrong, making people feel inexplicably weird.

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