White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1628: Prince Zunyi returns to the capital, storm is coming

In the following time, Jin An took out the spiritual martial arts secret book "Heavenly Demon Sacred Art".

Martial arts secret book "Black Mountain Divine Art Extreme Chapter".

Physical training secret book "Six Extreme Xingyi Fist".

The Taoist mental method "Five Internal Organs Secret Scripture".

The "Black Mountain Divine Art Extreme Chapter" was sealed, consuming 400,000 Yin De, and the fourth realm's complete cultivation secrets were sealed.

Another new martial arts supernatural power, Devouring Demons and Eating Ghosts.

With only the Yang Fire of the martial arts immortal, it is also possible to swallow all demons and be immune to all evil.

"Six-level Xingyi Fist", consuming 400,000 Yin De, sealed the "Six Extreme Xingyi Fist Second Level", which can cultivate the power to subdue two dragons and can blast two dragons at the same time to fight the enemy.

"Heavenly Demon Sacred Art", consuming 1,228,800, sealed the complete cultivation method of the three small realms of the fourth realm.

At the same time, three new spiritual martial arts supernatural powers were added.

The thirteenth level has one more supernatural power, Dragon Heart Tribulation.

The fourteenth level supernatural power is the Heavenly Death Tribulation.

The fifteenth level of magical power is the Dragon Tribulation.

But after roughly reading the new "Heavenly Demon Sacred Art", Jin An's eyes sparkled. The surprise brought to him by the complete fourth level of "Heavenly Demon Sacred Art" was as great as the dream interpretation technique.

Dragon Heart Tribulation can improve one's own understanding to a certain extent, and can change a person's qualifications. People with ordinary qualifications can also become geniuses after practicing Dragon Heart Tribulation. To cultivate the body, you must first cultivate the nature, and to cultivate the nature, you must first cultivate the heart. If the heart is settled, everything will come naturally.

Heavenly Death Tribulation can destroy the opponent's spirit when facing the enemy, and fall into the great fear and grief brought by knowing the destiny of "the destiny cannot be violated", infinitely magnifying the regrets of the human heart, and giving up the idea of ​​self-destruction and self-destruction.

Dragon Tribulation is a step up from Dragon Heart Tribulation. It can make people have the power to seize the fortune of heaven and earth, and warm up the dragon spirit and dragon power, greatly increasing the mental damage. When facing the enemy, it can make the opponent bear the pressure of the dragon way, such as facing the angry face of the dragon power, and the momentum is innate.

Just the ability to change one's aptitude through a dragon's heart tribulation is enough to deserve the word "holy skill" in "Heavenly Demon Sacred Skill".

How could Jin An not be shocked?

There is also a divine dragon tribulation.

Looking at the divine dragon tribulation, Jin An's eyes showed a bit of strangeness. Why did he feel that this time, the deduction of the skills of the decree, the "Heavenly Demon Sacred Skill" and the "Black Mountain Sacred Skill" seemed to assist each other, one practiced the outside, the other practiced the inside, one practiced the dragon's form, and the other practiced the dragon's spirit, intentionally adding fuel to the flames...

"Is it because I have fought with the King of Wu of the King's Mansion too many times, and the impression left is too deep, so even the decree is deduced in one direction?" Jin An pondered for a long time and could only find this most logical reason.

"But if I want to practice the divine dragon tribulation, I have to go to the underworld again, and go to the underworld to hunt dragons in the corpse cave again." Jin An looked at the secret book of "Heavenly Demon Sacred Skill" in his hand and said to himself.

Because in order to change the will of a real dragon, you have to find a way to find a dragon essence and refine a dragon essence.

It is also possible not to hunt dragons, but the power of the dragon power of the divine dragon tribulation will be greatly reduced.

You can also choose to hunt the emperor and the emperor's bloodline, plunder the emperor's luck, and warm up your own dragon power. Jin An is not a cold-blooded devil who will do anything to achieve his goal and kill people without blinking an eye. This method is naturally not within his consideration.

Then he consumed another 1.2 million Yin De and sealed the fourth realm of the "Five Internal Organs Secret Sutra".

After exploring the bag to take things, giving skills, two-sacred true fire, and three-sacred true fire, he added another Taoist magic power, shrinking the earth into an inch.

So far, his Yin De was only about 250,000, and he became poor again overnight.

Faced with several times when he had just gained tens of millions of Yin De and spent it immediately, Jin An bit his back tooth socket painfully, and the back tooth socket was a little sore.

Next, he multitasked, flipping through and comprehending several newly-conferred secret books at the same time, until the sky and the earth were completely bright, and the sun tube shone in through the cracks in the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave. Only then did Jin An put away the secret books and the lead-mercury holy fetus clone and got up to return to the capital.

He had been away for too long this time, and the files and official business piled up in the Criminal Investigation Department must have piled up like a mountain. After Jin An returned to the Wuzang Taoist Temple, his main body stayed in the Taoist temple to continue practicing the new secret books, and let the lead-mercury holy fetus clone go to the Criminal Investigation Department to handle official business.

He had always done this before, and he had already gained experience.

When he went to the Criminal Investigation Department this time, he also brought a dog and a Feng Shui turtle.

Last time, the old dog bullied the Feng Shui turtle and rode on the Feng Shui turtle with his big buttocks. Jin An said that he would let it solve 100 cases to atone for his sins.

When the old dog heard that Jin An still remembered this incident, he was listless and had no energy in the early morning.

As for the Feng Shui turtle to be taken to the Criminal Investigation Department, it was naturally the Yellow Wind King.

In the following days, Jin'an had many clones in many places, and a lead-mercury holy fetus clone was stationed in the Criminal Investigation Department to deal with the national case files that had accumulated for many days.

The other five lead-mercury holy fetuses were in seclusion, and they did not eat or drink for twelve hours a day to sacrifice the blood and flesh of the mountain god. With one clone missing, the speed of sacrifice and refining was slightly reduced, and only 800,000 Yin De could be sacrificed a day.

As for the main body, he was devoted to "Heavenly Demon Holy Art", "Black Mountain Divine Art", and "Five Internal Organs Secret Sutra". He broke through the fourth realm too quickly, and it was just right to use these new skills to consolidate the realm and lay a solid foundation.

On the third day after he returned to the Criminal Investigation Department, Fatty Li, who was on duty patrolling the streets, suddenly ran back to the Criminal Investigation Department and found him.

"Master Jin'an, King Zunyi has entered the capital. King Zunyi went to the palace to meet the emperor as soon as he arrived in Beijing." Fatty Li immediately conveyed the news to Jin'an.

They were the only two people in the Criminal Investigation Department who knew that the bone-picking and cannibalism case involved Prince Zunyi's mansion and that someone wanted to dig up Prince Zunyi's ancestral tomb. This was the important reason that forced Prince Zunyi to return to Beijing.

Zunyi Wang's return to Beijing to attend the ceremony of worshipping the ancestors of Emperor Kang Zhao with the civil and military officials was fake. The real reason was that the ancestral tomb was robbed and made Zunyi Wang angry.

It was precisely because he knew the truth that Fatty Li ran to report to Jin'an with a nervous face as soon as Zunyi Wang entered Beijing.

Jin'an, who was busy reviewing the national case files, paused slightly, then continued to circle the suspicious points in the files, and said without raising his head: "Okay, I know."

There was no surprise in his voice.

Zunyi Wang, who held the tiger talisman for mobilizing troops and guarded the border all year round, returned to Beijing. Such a big event, not only the eyes of the Criminal Investigation Department in the capital were watching Zunyi Wang's convoy all the way, and kept track of Zunyi Wang's position and movements at any time. All forces were undercurrents, and countless eyes were watching Zunyi Wang's new movements every day.

Jin'an had already obtained the intelligence that Zunyi Wang's convoy would be in Beijing today, so there was no surprise on his face.

"King Zunyi's ancestral tomb was robbed. This time, King Zunyi returned to Beijing for this matter. Master Jin'an, do you think King Zunyi will come to the Criminal Investigation Department to hold us accountable after meeting the emperor... What should we say then?" Fatty Li asked in a low voice.

King Zunyi commands a million soldiers, and he, Fatty Li, is just a small centurion. Facing King Zunyi's visit to the Criminal Investigation Department to hold him accountable, how could he not be nervous?

Jin'an is still busy dealing with the piled up case files: "What else can I say? We must tell the truth."

"King Zunyi can command a million soldiers and guard the border to resist foreign invasions all year round. He must be a man of both civil and military strategies, wisdom and courage, so we can only tell the truth and don't have any fluke mentality."

"But..." Fatty Li frowned and hesitated.

The more the case of picking bones and eating people is investigated, the wider the implications behind it are. Now it has implicated the palace and the nobles who are close to the queen. If the truth is really told, isn't it a sign of a storm?

Seeing Fatty Li stuttering, Jin An finally raised his head: "No need to wait for King Zun Yi to come to the Criminal Investigation Department to hold us accountable. I will go directly to King Zun Yi's mansion to apologize."

"Fatty Li, continue to watch King Zun Yi's motorcade outside the palace. Report to me as soon as King Zun Yi returns to the mansion."

Fatty Li's face was moved. He finally realized what it meant to have someone taller to hold up the sky when it falls. He added carefully: "Master Jin An, do you want to mobilize all the brothers in the Criminal Investigation Department to find Princess Han Yun..."

"Princess Han Yun is the only descendant of King Zun Yi. Princess Han Yun can help King Zun Yi to some extent. Say a few good words for us..."

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