White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 164: Taoist Priest, have you ever met Mr. Yuan and the others?

Regarding the environment and layout of Taoyuan Village.

Jin An is naturally no stranger.

Taoyuan Village is full of stone houses. Each house faces east and west, and the door opens to the west.

In Feng Shui terms, this is a Yin House.

Song Fangping led the way, while the villagers of Taoyuan Village gathered around to watch the excitement. Taoyuan Village is located in a secluded mountain, and few outsiders come, so both adults and children are rushing around with smiles.

There are many tree crowns in the village, and the rooftops are full of people.

It’s more lively than during the holidays.

Jin An saw more villagers coming around, and he secretly made eye contact with the old Taoist priests.

"Brother Song, there's something I don't understand."

"As for the orientation of the houses in the village, why not choose to sit north and south so that the house faces the sun and gets enough sunshine?"

"There is a lot of humidity and cold in the mountains. Logically speaking, only when the house faces the sun can the furniture and bedding in the house be less likely to get moldy, right?"

Jin An took the initiative to ask Song Fangping, who was leading the way.

Song Fangping walked in front, scratching the back of his head with a loyal and honest face, and said with a naive smile: "Mr. Yuan and the others asked us to change this. By the way, Mr. Yuan and the others are a group of antique dealers who travel everywhere and specialize in purchasing antiques. "

"Mr. Yuan and the others are good people. We took the bottles and cans that no one wanted in the village, the stone tablets and stone bars from the pig pen, and exchanged them for a lot of seeds, cloth, farm tools, and food from Mr. Yuan and the others..."

"Mr. Yuan also said that the reason why we have been poor and nestled in these mountains for generations and have never been able to get out of the mountains is because the village's feng shui is not right. So let us bulldoze the houses in the village and rebuild it according to Mr. Yuan's feng shui layout. By building a house and changing the feng shui of the village, they say that this will change our appearance and fate of poverty, and we will be rich and noble in the future. Mr. Yuan’s kindness will be remembered in our Taoyuan Village for a lifetime."

"Mr. Yuan said that when we improve the village's feng shui, they will come to Taoyuan Village again to buy antiques and change our appearance to value human lives. We have been waiting year after year, waiting for several waves of outsiders, but they have never come. Mr. Yuan and the others, Taoist Priest, have you ever met Mr. Yuan and the others?"

Jin An watched Song Fangping gently scratch his scalp, and his fingers easily scratched the scalp on the back of his head, revealing the rotten flesh under the scalp on the back of his head, the maggots crawling around, and the white skull mixed with yellow and green sores. He felt that his scalp I was slightly numb, and I always felt uncomfortable and chilly on the back of my head.

But Song Fangping seemed to be completely unaware, unable to feel any pain, and continued to wear a simple and honest smile on his face.

The old Taoist priest and Yu Youzi present were fine. They were both Taoists and had traveled around the world all year round. They had never seen anything like this. However, Li Huwei was stunned when he saw that Song Fangping had a large piece of skin scratched on the back of his head. , my jaw dropped.

Fortunately, he didn't need Yu Youzi to cover his mouth this time. Li Huwei looked at Yu Youzi next to him with lingering fear, and quickly covered his mouth himself.

The other surrounding Taoyuan Village villagers turned a blind eye to Song Fangping's abnormality, and their expressions remained normal.

However, compared to Song Fangping's scalp, when they heard the news about Mr. Yuan and the group of antique dealers, it was the latter that surprised Jin An and the others.

Changing Yangzhai to Yinzhai?


Can you change a person's fate?

Seeing that Jin'an and others still didn't answer his questions, Song Fangping stood still and asked Jin'an again: "Mr. Yuan said that after we improve the village's feng shui, they will come to Taoyuan Village again to buy antiques and help us change our appearance. Change it to noble life. We have been waiting year after year, waiting for several waves of foreigners, but we have never waited for Mr. Yuan and the others. Have you ever met Mr. Yuan and the others, Taoist Priest?"

Next, Song Fanping, who always had a simple and honest smile on his face, repeated the above words and asked Jin An for the third time.

At this moment, the entire Taoyuan Village seemed to suddenly stop. The chirping of insects, birds, cocks, dogs, and urchins all suddenly disappeared at this moment. In a large village, only Song Fangping's honest look was left. Looking at Jin An and the others...then repeated the question for the fourth time.

The originally lively atmosphere suddenly turned weird when it came to the group of antique dealers.

Jin An felt that the left sleeve of his Taoist robe was being pulled secretly. Jin An knew without looking that it was the old Taoist priest standing on his left hand who was winking at him crazily.

Jin An looked around at the villagers of Taoyuan Village. At this time, the eyes of the villagers of Taoyuan Village, who were originally peaceful and peaceful, slowly turned red.

His Taoist robe was being secretly pulled more and more frequently. This time, it was the old Taoist priest and Guard Li who attacked him with both hands. Both of them complained incessantly as they looked at Jin An, who was standing still like a wooden stake.

Just when the honest-looking Song Fangping was about to repeat the question for the fifth time, Jin An finally answered: "I haven't seen it."

Jin An's words seemed to be the final word.

The entire Taoyuan Village became lively again, and the redness in the villagers' eyes receded, once again turning into a quiet and peaceful rural scene filled with enthusiasm and welcome along the streets.

The completely opposite style of painting before and after is really weird.

The old Taoist priest and Guard Li behind Jin An couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. They were so frightened that they almost choked to death just now.

Although I know this is a headless village full of dead people.

But knowing is knowing.

Deliberately irritating is intentional irritation.

These headless dead people in Taoyuan Village look like they are brainless, brainless, and not smart at first glance. If these brainless dead people are provoked, who knows what kind of uncontrollable scenes will happen?

As Jin An answered Song Fangping's words, the villagers in Taoyuan Village regained their enthusiasm, and more people in the village came to watch the excitement.

"A stranger has entered the village again. Are Mr. Yuan and the others here?"

"Mr. Yuan and the others came to Taoyuan Village to collect antiques again?"

The village was crowded, with more villagers flocking in.

"Mr. Yuan, can we exchange the beautiful pebbles we picked up from the river for the sweet cakes and preserves from outside this time?"

There was a kid who climbed up to the top of the tree and showed his buttocks without wearing pants, yelling loudly that he wanted to eat sweet cakes instead.

"Mr. Yuan, we are waiting for you. You said that after we rebuild the village according to your Feng Shui pattern, we can change our appearance and change the fate of all of us. Everyone can enter the city and become high officials and rich people. A big landowner, so that everyone in the village can become nobles and enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth without suffering. We have now changed the feng shui of the whole village according to Mr. Yuan's words. Mr. Yuan, when do you think we can change our lives?"

"Mr. Yuan, I have been a bachelor all my life. Do you think I can change my life to a rich man? I want to ask for a mother-in-law with heavy breasts and round breasts. I want to give birth to a whole litter of cubs. Our family's incense cannot be cut off." It’s in my hands.”

"Mr. Yuan, I want to be a high official. Which official is the biggest, the county magistrate or the governor? Which official can live his whole life without worrying about food and drink? Does it have more power than the patriarch of our village, and does it have more people in charge than Li Zheng?"

"Mr. Yuan, where have you been? It's been a long time since we waited. We've been waiting year after year, but we finally waited until you came to Taoyuan Village again to fulfill the promise you made to us back then."

The villagers in Taoyuan Village were all noisy. They stared with longing eyes, tried to stand on tiptoes, and shouted to Jin An and the others in the center of the crowd.

Seeing more people gathered around and even the road was blocked, Song Fangping shouted to the fellow villagers in Taoyuan Village: "Everyone, give way, these are not Mr. Yuan who collects antiques and others, they are other strangers passing by Taoyuan Village." , everyone should leave first."

Looking at Song Fanping who was hospitable and full of simple mountain people's smiles along the way, if it weren't for the large piece of bald scalp hanging on the back of his head and the bloody scene, Jin An almost believed that Taoyuan Village was a paradise with simple folk customs. The village.

Jin An and his group walked in Taoyuan Village, and the light became darker and darker as they walked.

Walking in the sunny Taoyuan Village, it was extremely cold.

The living have their yang houses, the dead have their yin houses, and the living occupy the yin house. If there is no yang house, it must occupy the cemetery of the dead. People who live in the yin house are easily in a trance because of the influence of yin energy and special magnetic fields. Sickly. If the Yang Fire is weak, it is easier to encounter unclean things.

Not to mention the easy entry of unclean things into the house. Just because of the heavy humidity and cold air here, people are prone to dampness diseases, cold legs, joint diseases of the limbs, eczema, and headaches... These illnesses alone are enough to torture a person. .

Without experiencing the suffering of others, Jin An could not understand why these Taoyuan villages were so persistent in changing their lives and getting out of the barren mountains.

Needless to say, Song Fangping's home is also a stone house with the door facing west.

Along the way, villagers came over, noisy and noisy, maybe because they haven’t seen outsiders for a long time.

Jin An tried to find among these villagers the victims from the outside who later entered Taoyuan Village by mistake, but he did not see the Zhang family in the new coffins among these people, nor did he see the eldest son of the Xue family, Xue The male figure.

When Jin An and the others walked to Song Fangping's house, smoke was rising from the kitchen and the aroma of minced meat could be heard.

Weird, right?

In a remote mountain village that has always wanted to escape from the barren mountains, even ordinary people can afford to eat minced meat.

Jin'an and the others looked at each other silently.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law..."

After returning from the busy farming season, Song Fanping, who was carrying a hoe, just walked into the yard and started shouting in the direction of the kitchen where the smoke was rising: "Mother, we have guests at home today. We need to cook more food for five people."

At this time, there was movement in the room, and then a woman in her thirties with big breasts and fat butt came out.

When the woman came out, she was still chewing the minced meat in her mouth. The minced meat became more and more fragrant the more she chewed it. Her mouth was full of oil and her face was glowing with spring. Her pair of peach blossom eyes showed the watery and charming look after being satisfied. She was so charming that she wanted to eat it all. The flesh of all men in the world will absorb all the bones of men in the world.

"Eat, eat, eat, you mother-in-law took advantage of my absence to eat alone." Song Fangping cursed at his mother-in-law.

Song Fangping, the big-assed woman, said dissatisfied: "Who can tell the men in my family to be unhappy? What else can I do besides eating? You have to make me eat more vigorously so that I can taste the marrow. I don't know how to eat." As for stealing food every day."

While the big-assed woman was talking, she kept chewing the minced meat in her mouth, chewing, chewing, chewing, and her peach-blossom eyes were so satisfied that they seemed to be dripping with water.

Not to mention how exciting it is.

Eat the marrow to know the taste.

Your mouth is filled with the fragrant smell of minced meat.

Old Taoist priest: "?"

Guard Li: "?"

Yuyouzi: "?"

Sharpening the sword in a daze.

Song Fangping seemed to feel that his self-esteem as a man had been stabbed in a sore spot, and he cursed in a hurry: "You have eaten up all the food in the house by you, a prodigal woman who only eats but does not work. Why don't you go to the butcher shop in the village?" Let’s get some more meat. I just slaughtered a few new pigs today. I’ll get more fresh pig head meat and pig ears for the wine and food. It’s rare to have guests at home today. I’ll entertain a few Taoist priests and gentlemen tonight. I won’t get drunk. sleep."

Song Fangping's big-assed wife complained: "The family has no money left, so where can I get meat?"

Song Fangping scolded: "You're a prodigal woman who only knows how to eat all day long. No matter how hard I work, I can't feed your two mouths together."

"Go to the butcher's shop and get credit first. If you can't get the credit back, I'll use you, a prodigal woman, to pay off the debt."

Jin An: "!"

The old Taoist priest, Li Huwei, and Yuyouzi: "!"

Chi Jian was still in a daze in silence.

Jin An and the old Taoist priests quickly dissuaded Song Fangping and his wife. There was no need to entertain them. They had their own dry food, so they only needed to eat dry food.

However, hospitality is hard to resist. Song Fangping is very stubborn and hospitable. He insists on inviting Jin An and the others to have a meal at home, and almost rushes his wife to the butcher shop.

Seeing his mother-in-law twisting her plump waist and leaving, Song Fangping suppressed his excitement and swallowed, then he smiled plainly at the Jin'an people and said: "Taoist priests and gentlemen, come on, come on, hurry up and enter the house. Don’t continue to stand in the yard, come inside and have a sip of hot tea.”

Song Fangping was hospitable and greeted him at the front.

I don’t know if it’s Jin An’s illusion.

Jin An felt that Song Fangping was like a turtle, wearing a big green hat and smiling humbly.

Song Fangping's daughter-in-law went to the butcher shop to get meat. It took about half an hour, and the sky turned from dusk to sunset until dark.

Logically speaking, Taoyuan Village is not big and it will not take so long.

Maybe Song Fangping's wife happened to meet an acquaintance on the roadside and chatted about hair styles, and she was so selfless for a while that she forgot the time to go home to cook?

When Song Fangping's wife came back, she already had a pig's head in her hand.

The pig head is very fresh.

White skin and tender meat.

Staring with a pair of unblinking eyes.

At first glance, it looked like it had just been slaughtered.

But as soon as Mrs. Song Fangping entered the house, she saw that her husband was the only one sitting in the house, and the few foreigners from before were not there. So I asked my man, where are the Taoist priests and gentlemen? Song Fangping scolded his mother-in-law for being really good at grinding, and she kept grinding for half an hour when she left. He said that several Taoist priests and gentlemen were too tired from the long journey and could not wait for dinner, so they went back to the house to sleep.

Song Fangping: "After the food is ready, I will call some Taoist priests and gentlemen to come out for dinner."

Afterwards, the sound of cooking pots and pans came from the kitchen. Song Fangping's wife was busy in the kitchen. Soon, the aroma of minced meat began to waft from the kitchen.

There are steamed ones.

There are stir-fried ones.

There is soup.

The aroma is overwhelming.

With the help of Song Fangping, a table of delicious, delicious and delicious food was served on the wooden table. The food was steaming hot and the room was filled with the aroma of meat.

By this time, the sky had turned completely dark.

After setting up the dishes, Song Fangping started to call Jin An and the others to come out for dinner.

But after knocking on the door for a while, there was still no movement in the room. Song Fangping bent down, quietly pressed against the door, and looked into the room along the crack of the door. It was pitch black inside, with no lights on, and nothing could be seen. .

After knocking on the door for a while, but no one opened the door, Song Fangping turned around and left. Not long after, the creepy sounds of chewing meat and gnawing bones began to be heard in this damp, musty house.

Jin An, who had been standing close to the inner door, listened to Song Fanping's footsteps leaving, and then the sound of a couple eating meat came from another room. After there was no danger outside the door for the time being, he sat down again. Returning to the old Taoist priest who was also awake, the four of them sat down and began to discuss the next countermeasures.

Although they escaped this meal.

But there is no way to avoid the next meal.

If the story of Headless Village is true, there will be a more lively village banquet waiting for them in the evening.

It was a feast of headless corpses!

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