White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 17 The Knife Comes (Pink Newcomer’s new book, please vote for recommendations~)


After the goat licked the medicinal soup.

I waited for about half a moment.

This guy directly transformed into a wolf and sheep, raising his neck and howling at the sky.

follow closely.

This silly sheep's hooves were digging at the ground like crazy.

In just a short moment, a big hole was dug by sheep's hooves beside the small bamboo forest.

BAA Baa baa--

Baa baa baa baa baa baa——

The goat went crazy and ran around wildly. Bang, the rope that tied it was broken free by force, and then it ran around in circles in the house with its tongue hanging out.

While running in circles, I bleated at the same time. In the cold spring weather of February, my whole body was steaming and filled with white air.

It seemed like he was shouting, "It's so hot, it's so hot, it's so hot..."

The scene in front of him made Jin An confused. He lowered his head and looked at the bare medicine bowl on the ground that had been licked clean by the goat's tongue.

Is the medicine so powerful?

Jin An made a movement of hammering his left palm with his right hand, and suddenly his mind was clear: "If this medicine is sold to middle-aged men who have special needs and lose their hair when they reach middle age and drink wolfberry, they will definitely not worry about sales."

Jin An saw that the goats in the yard would definitely be exhausted in a short while, so he picked up the medicine bowl on the ground and returned to the house first.


As long as it's not poisonous.

Jin An returned to the house and poured himself a fifth of the medicinal soup from the medicine jar.

Jin An was curious about how much the effect of this medicine had been strengthened, so that he could use it as a reference experience in the future, so he took a small sip with the tip of his tongue, like a dragonfly touching water and leaving.

Then he sat still with his back muscles tensed, waiting for the medicine to take effect.

After waiting for a while, it was hot!

The clothes on my back were quickly soaked with hot sweat!

This medicine works!


puff! Damn it, I lost a lot of money, Jin An actually got a nosebleed when he saw it!

Jin An hurriedly practiced the "Secret Sutra of the Five Internal Organs" and used the five internal organs temple to adjust the functions of the whole body, and then the poison of the over-supplemented medicine was eliminated. It was a pity that the effect of the medicine was wasted.

If the medicine is overdone, it will be a poison that penetrates the intestines.

Although there was a slight accident in this drug efficacy test, the overall results made Jin An very satisfied, and even felt complacent.

After looking at the greedy sheep running wildly outside the courtyard, Jin An decided to be cautious about what to do with the remaining 158 Yin De and how to maximize the benefits.

It must not be wasted!

It’s a pity that this “100-year-old Ginsenggui Dabu Decoction” is a pity.

Jin An felt that this was more painful than losing a penny when he went out.

Next, Jin An turned his attention to a thread-armored martial arts secret book on the table.

The cover reads "Blood Knife Sutra".

"The Blood Sword Sutra" is not a very brilliant swordsmanship, it barely squeezes into the bottom of the third-rate swordsmanship.

Don't underestimate third-rate martial arts.

In the Jianghu martial arts world, even third-rate martial arts are stored in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilions of famous sects. If ordinary people don't have the opportunity, they will never be able to come into contact with it in their lifetime.

If you can really achieve something through practice, you will be enough to become a head catcher in Chang County.

Even the three top catchers in Chang County all learned third-rate martial arts.

"Blood Knife Sutra" emphasizes a quick and explosive power, and is not good at endurance-consuming battles.

As well as its own cooperative mental method, it can develop a red blood energy in the body, with a total of six levels.

When fighting with someone, the red blood energy attached to the sword move can often catch the opponent by surprise, making the enemy's blood boil and unable to hold the scorching weapon, so that the enemy can open the door wide and be beheaded by the sword.

The deeper the skill, the more red blood energy is developed in the body.

Naturally, the red blood energy becomes hotter and the evil energy is sharper.

This martial arts secret book "Blood Sword Sutra" is naturally the martial arts that Zhang Lingyun said was stolen from her by killing the thief who picked flowers.

After the two returned to the inn together, Zhang Lingyun took out this martial arts secret book and handed it to Jin An.

Jin An finished studying the "Blood Knife Sutra" and then picked up a children's toy wooden knife that he had bought in advance. On the way back to the inn, Zhang Lingyun asked him to go out and walk to the yard.

What a fucking children’s toy wooden knife.

It's so annoying.

It's like playing house, not like I'm learning your ruthless killing skills.

Martial arts are killing skills!

Not a showmanship!

Jin An also protested seriously at the time, feeling that Zhang Lingyun was engaging in gender discrimination. Why should men be inferior to women?


Zhang Lingyun didn't say much, took Jin An to the blacksmith shop, and asked Jin An to pick a white-edged iron knife.


Jin An honestly bought this children's toy wooden knife.

Forget about mentioning anything, Jin An felt that recently, he really didn't have the courage to raise his head and appear in front of Zhang Lingyun. He still couldn't forget that when he couldn't wield any iron sword or knife in the blacksmith shop, Zhang Lingyun's seemingly cold and calm face had white, tender and moist skin, but the corners of his eyes were slightly curved and he continued to pretend to be cold and lonely.

An iron sword weighing one or two kilograms is fine if you let an adult man hold it. But if you ask him to dance, he will soon be exhausted and panting, and his back will be sore for several days.

Not to mention an iron sword that is heavier than a sword and requires a powerful and heavy cutting force.

On top of the ordinary blades, there are heavier thick-backed knives, Zhanma knives, Nine-ring knives, and Yanyue knives.

I heard that Lu Bu, the number one god of war in the Three Kingdoms, had a square-shaped painted halberd in his hand that weighed twenty-four kilograms. No wonder Diao Chan, one of the four beauties who was so awesome, fell into Lu Bu's arms so sweetly.

Practice sword skills.

All dishes start with a wooden knife.

What's more, Jin An, a weak weakling from modern times with a sub-healthy body, was only qualified to play with wooden swords in front of the ancients.

It really hurts a man’s self-esteem.

It took Jin An a long time to study the sword manual. When he walked into the house, the sun above his head had gradually set at noon...and the greedy goat running around the yard was lying on the ground tiredly and motionless. Lying under the shade of a small bamboo forest, my tongue stuck out, foaming at the mouth, and I could only breathe in but not out.

Jin An ignored this silly sheep. He stood still, calmed down, cleared his mind of distracting thoughts, and carefully recalled the various changes in sword moves in the "Blood Sword Sutra".

Then, holding the wooden sword in his hand, he adjusted his breathing rhythm and body functions, and slowly used the force technique to slowly perform the knife movements that he had memorized by rote, harmonizing the inside and outside, and matching the mental techniques.

I don’t know if it’s because of strenuous exercise.

Jin An felt that the blood in his blood vessels was flowing faster and faster, and it was getting hotter and hotter. Following the sword moves, the breath of the blood was firmly guided by the "Blood Knife Sutra".

Jin An is becoming more and more obsessed.

Gradually forget myself.

Forget about the passage of time in the outside world.

The mirror of the soul is free from impurities.

Practice over and over again.

The sword moves are like tides, pulling in the qi, blood and life force within the body.

The mental method refines the blood and physique over and over again.

When Jin An quit practicing, the outside world had changed from midnight to midnight.

Looking at the moon hanging high in the sky, Jin An was stunned.

"Is this the kind of epiphany that others can only hope for?"


His body must have changed during this time travel. Practicing the "Secret Sutra of the Five Internal Organs" last night was also a sudden enlightenment and a matter of course.

He seems to be particularly prone to enlightenment.

It seems that the number of times he entered enlightenment was a bit too frequent?

But before Jin An could investigate further, he felt dizzy, his chest felt heavy and he couldn't breathe, and a feeling of weakness and weakness spread throughout his body.

"Oops, this is because the realm has been improved too fast, causing a serious deficiency of Qi and blood in the body!"


Whenever Jin An opens his mouth now, he feels a stinging pain in his throat, making his throat hoarse and painful.

He stumbled and walked into the house to drink the bowl of "Century Ginseng Gui Dabu Decoction" to replenish the depleted energy and blood.

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