White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 170 Be quiet in the noise, be still in the quiet (5k big chapter, please subscribe and vote

"Dark magic?"

"Gu insect?"

Jin An didn't hear the words of Yu Youzi and the old Taoist priest for the time being, because after the large wave of Dao induction made him temporarily absent-minded, he quickly secretly cast a qi-watching technique on himself——

Ten thousand Lu, one hundred and five ten.

Jin An was once again shocked and stunned when he saw that a golden coffin was decapitated by thunder and that he had gained so many virtues at once.

Last time, the most he had achieved was 16,104 yin des since he came out of Chang County. This time, the yin de of a headless village was actually 16,650, compared with Chang County. That time there was an extra five hundred yin virtues.

Jin An looked at the severed heads on the ground and the corpses of insects that emerged from the severed heads, and then recalled the constant presence of the Great Dao Sense in the past, and he had already vaguely guessed the reason why he had gained so many virtues at once this time.

There were so many avenues of induction just now, ranging from a few hundred to a hundred. It seems that they are all related to the Gu insects in this place.

And each of these Gu worms.

It's all about a human life, including the lives of Taoyuan Village, the lives of the Zhang family in Lingqian Township, and the lives of outsiders who have accidentally broken into Taoyuan Village over the years.

So many human lives... When he thought about this, Jin An's original joy was diluted.

The more moral virtue a small headless village can gain.

This further illustrates how cruel the methods of that group of antique dealers are. These people will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

In the eyes of those people, human life is not as good as the grass on the roadside. At least when people crush the weeds on the roadside with their feet, they sometimes feel pity that the weeds on the roadside are also lives.

But that group of antique dealers had lost their humanity, killed innocent people indiscriminately, and did not hesitate to massacre villages to achieve their own goals. Jin An thought of Mr. Yin Yang who died at the hands of that group of antique dealers.

How cruel the methods of this group of antique dealers were, how miserable and desolate it was when Mr. Yin Yang died at the hands of these people.

Jin An was a little upset.

At this time, Guard Li's belated exclamation made the others wake up from the shock of heads falling everywhere.

"It's really a scam!"

"This little trick is just to sow discord between us and you, Taoist Priest Jin'an. You deserve to die. Damn it for your fat grandfather!"

Li Huwei spat at the head that had been struck by lightning on the ground, but no matter how he looked at it, he looked like he was in a state of lust after the disaster. Then he turned around and forgot how stern he had been, and proudly boasted to Jin An and the others: "Taoist Priests, did you also see the dead head of Taoist Jin An in the golden coffin just now?"

"Hmph, I just saw Taoist Jin'an's head in the golden coffin. He tried to deceive me with illusions and wanted us to kill each other. But thanks to Taoist Jin'an and I, we are like brothers and eat the same bowl of rice. , I could tell at the first glance that the dead head was definitely not Taoist Priest Jin An, and there was definitely fraud in it. Because Taoist Priest Jin An, you are a good person, and you definitely don’t look like the kind of murderer who commits many evil deeds.”

"At that time, I, Mr. Li, was considering whether to chop horizontally or vertically, or peel it like a watermelon and reveal the true identity of the dead head in the golden coffin. Thanks to Taoist Priest Jin'an, you took action in time and left a copy of the whole body." Otherwise, if it really falls into my hands, I, Mr. Li, will definitely kill it without any trace of its head."

Listening to Li Huowei's boastful words, everyone present looked at Li Huwei with strange eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"There are flowers on my head too?"

Li Huwei was a little confused. As he spoke, he raised his trembling hand to touch the top of his head, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't have any headaches.

The Headless Corpse King is so ugly.

It’s better to be a good person.

He finally figured it out. How could he satisfy his appetite without his head? There are still so many delicacies in the world waiting for Fat Grandpa.

Old Taoist Priest: "What I saw just now, Old Taoist, is that your head, Li Huwei, is placed in the golden coffin."

Yuyouzi: "Same."

Jin An: "Same."

Even Shen and Jiajian nodded towards Guard Li.



I asked you to pretend to be your Grandpa Li with this dead head. Aren't you cursing me to die early? Look, I'm getting retribution. The sky was struck by lightning. Guard Li stomped on the roasted dead person on the ground to vent his anger. head.

The dead man's head turned around in a circle, and a strange insect fell out from the hole in the Tianling Gai.

The insect looks like a thousand-legged centipede, and its color is bright red, as if it has sucked up human blood. A blood flower blooms at the end of the centipede, which is coquettish and beautiful.

——My heart breaks when I see it, so don’t look back.

The description here couldn't be more appropriate, the more beautiful it is, the more deadly poison it is.

"Little brother, what happened to the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman just now? My ears are still buzzing thinking about it." Although he has recovered for some time, the old Taoist priest is still a little confused and keeps using his little finger. He picked his ears and spoke loudly to Jin An.

His ears are still somewhat deafened by the thunder.

"Little brother, if you have such a powerful press box, you should take it out as soon as possible. Is this given to you by the beautiful sister-in-law? I know it as a gift. When the little brother helps his sister-in-law kill the old body in the coffin temple, he must not only give it the Tongxin Gold Lock it to you, little brother."

"Fortunately, my little brother killed the Human Head Gu King in time. Those Human Head Gu that multiplied from the body of the Gu King and were trapped in the Five Emperors Copper Coin Formation and scurrying around like headless flies followed the death of the Human Head Gu King. Sudden death... If we really wait for so many human heads to be sacrificed under the banner of Human Skin and join forces with the Human Head Gu King to fly out to surround and kill us, the consequences will be disastrous."

After listening to the old Taoist priest's explanation, Jin An's eyes showed such a look.

Sure enough, as he had guessed before, if the Gu King died, other Gu insects would not survive.

It's like a symbiotic relationship between mother and child.

"Brothers and sisters?"

At this time, Yu Youzi's eyes were filled with surprise. The human head voodoo thing could be discussed later. The life-long affairs of the new headmaster were more important.

"Is the new headmaster already married in the secular world?"

Then Yu Youzi said with great interest: "We, the Five Zang Taoists, belong to the Zhengyi sect, but we don't mind getting married. The marriage of the new headmaster should be recorded in the history of our religion. I wonder what the headmaster's wife is called? Where is she from?"

As soon as the gossip was mentioned, the old Taoist priest who originally complained that his eardrums hurt suddenly became brighter and his ears were no longer deaf. He got excited and told Yu Youzi that the origin of this younger brother and sister was not small, and they had some connections with Wu Zang Taoism. When the younger brother avenged Taoist Wu Zang, this younger brother and sister also helped him out. The two husbands and wives worked together to avenge Taoist Wu Zang.

The old Taoist priest became more and more excited as he talked.

The fire of gossip was ignited.

Just when he was about to tell the whole story in detail, Jin An stopped him in time.

Jin An has a toothache.

He explained to Yuyouzi that he shouldn't listen to the old Taoist priest's nonsense. He didn't even say a word about this matter. He had no plans to get married in the short term.

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but mutter to the side: "Same heart lock, same destiny, same heart, same joys and sorrows, never leave, never forget, husband and wife work together to break the gold, my brother and sister have saved us so many times, even the heart lock I gave it away and you didn’t say anything about it.”

Jin An glared at the old Taoist priest, who then shut up.

But the fire of Bagua is human instinct. Jin An can prevent the old Taoist priest from opening his mouth, but he cannot prevent him from opening a hundred mouths.

Li Huwei clasped his fists towards Jin An and congratulated him: "A man should make great contributions and create great achievements in this world, so that his life will not be wasted, but marriage cannot be left behind. Taoist priest Jin'an is already in his crowning year. As the saying goes, filial piety comes first, and there is no such thing as filial piety." The queen is the big one. First of all, I wish Taoist priest Jin'an and his wife to be of the same heart, grow old together, have good flowers and a full moon, have a precious son soon, and be full of children and grandchildren."

At this time, even Yuyouzi couldn't help but clasp his hands and praise him. He rarely said in unison with Li Huwei: "The new headmaster is already quite old. It is indeed time to consider the continuation of the incense."

"We, the Five Zang Taoists, belong to the righteous lineage and have no objection to disciples getting married and spreading their branches. If the new headmaster and the headmaster's wife have ten or eight children, which will intensify the fragrance of our Wuzang Taoism, I believe that my senior brother Quan Xia has knowledge, and it will definitely be the same. I will smile like a child, and I will have the face to meet the founder of Taoism of the five internal organs."

"I think this Headmaster's wife is good. She has a good relationship with my Five Zang Taoism and with our three brothers. This is a good relationship that is rare in thousands of years. The new Headmaster must not miss this great marriage. ."

Yuyouzi is like an elder who hopes that the younger generation will get married and start a family soon, and have children as soon as possible. He repeatedly tells Jin An over and over again to get married and have children soon, so as to spread the branches and leaves of the five internal organs Taoism that has withered.

Yuyouzi and Li Wewei didn't say a word, but they actually discussed the life-long matter of Jin'an getting married and having children in this strange and deserted mountain village with a lot of dead people.

It was obviously full of dangers one moment, but it became a rush to get married the next moment.


Jin An was confused and embarrassed. At this time, he wanted to explain.

This matter of giving birth to a child cannot be done by just me. It is a matter of two people. You don’t know the truth!

The murderer in the white coffin is not a human being.

It was so cold.

Jin An's forehead had a few black lines hanging down, and he glared at the old Taoist priest again, telling him to talk too much.

The old Taoist priest rubbed his palms. It was very humid in the mountains at night, and his hands were a little stiff due to the cold. The more he rubbed his palms, the warmer they became. The old Taoist priest said hey, "Little brother, the days are long."



Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest with pain. Jin An decisively threatened him with the haggis face, then quickly changed the topic and interrupted the old Taoist priest to continue the conversation.

"Human Head Gu? Old Taoist, have you seen this kind of Gu? How much do you know about it?" Jin An asked the old Taoist to explain.

"Witchcraft is prevalent among the southern barbarians or grassland tribes. It is rare to see it in Kangding State, because a few dynasties ago, there was a witchcraft rebellion in the capital. The witchcraft tried to get involved in the throne, but was later slaughtered. He was lucky enough to escape the pursuit. Some of the people fled to the southern barbarian rainforest, and some fled to the grasslands beyond the Great Wall, and they were able to survive and gradually recover their strength."

"This Gu is one of the five poisons and cannot be insidious. That's why, little brother, when you put a Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman on the head of the head Gu King just now, it would have no effect."

"In the years that I have been traveling all over the world, I have seen this Gu only a handful of times. It is already rare to see it in Kangding Country..."

As for which type of Gu among the hundreds of insects this human head Gu belongs to, even the old Taoist priest has no idea. According to the conjecture of the old Taoist priest, this kind of human head voodoo parasitizes in the human body and feeds on human flesh, blood, essence, and spirit. At first, the voodoo king should lay eggs on meat food, and then infect people through the food.

When these eggs are eaten into a person's stomach, they are hatched by the person's body temperature, begin to break out, and then burrow into the person's flesh and blood to survive.

When the human head voodoo grows larger, it begins to circulate along the blood vessels, burrows into the human brain through the neck, and eats away at the human brain bit by bit.

Because the head is related to a person's daily speech, behavior, sanity, six senses, etc... So when insects get into a person's head, the person begins to exhibit various abnormal behaviors.

For details, please refer to Xue Xiong, the eldest young master of the Xue family.

This can also explain why Gu insects only appear during the rainy season, and why Xue Xiong's symptoms worsen every rainy day. Because poisonous insects like dark and humid weather, they can grow faster in a climate suitable for their growth.

Finally, when the rainy season arrives in the second year, the human head voodoo becomes fully mature and begins to automatically return to its nest in the direction of the voodoo king.

After hearing the old Taoist priest's conjecture, everyone in Jin'an also deeply agreed. This is the most reasonable explanation.

At this time, Li Weiwei, who was extremely courageous, squatted down with his big belly next to the Human Head Gu King on the ground, which was still steaming from the barbecue. He was not disgusted at all, and he was not afraid that the Human Head Gu King was still alive. He bit off his fingers and actually put his hand into his mouth and started digging around.

Then he pinched his nose and resisted the stench and took out the few notes from the Human Head Gu King's mouth.

These notes are strange to say the least.

It has been chewed by the Human Head Gu King for so long, but it is not rotten at all. Doesn't it look like ordinary paper used by the common people?

Li Huwei pinched his nose with one hand and picked up the note with the other. After a while, he waved to Jin'an and others in surprise: "Taoist Master Jin'an, come and take a look. It doesn't seem that what is written on this note is Master He's." An uncle’s birthday and horoscope.”

"There are two slips of paper here, neither of them are the birth dates of Mr. He and Uncle He."

Jin An and the old Taoist priest also came over curiously and asked Li Huwei why he was so sure? Li Huwei said that these two notes had other people's names written on them, and no one's name was He Liangchou.

Several people were surprised when they heard this, but it turned out to be true.

Jin An pondered for a moment and said that there were two waves of people sacrificed in Taoyuan Village, namely the local villagers of Taoyuan Village and the Zhang family from Lingqian Township. Sacrifice twice, change the appearance of two people, and save their lives. Could it be that the birthday characters on this paper are the two people who the antique dealers want to change their lives?

They have to go back to Fucheng and ask Madam He to help them investigate this matter secretly.

This matter involves the He family's ancestral home and the Zhang family's ancestral home, I believe the eldest lady will be happy to help.

But there is another question that Jin An can't figure out... Since these two notes are for people who want to change their fate, how did the second note get into the underground golden coffin?

If that group of antique dealers returned to Taoyuan Village, there was no way they wouldn't have discovered the Five Emperors Copper Coin Array set up by Yuyouzi surrounded by human skin flags and drums, right?

In the end, Jin An guessed that as a strange person, the other party must have more than one method. He should be able to send the birth date into the golden coffin without being there in person, such as searching the bag to retrieve the object, burning incense and listening... Among the Taoist techniques he knows, there are two There are ways to do it.

Just like he and Yu Youzi both practiced the Taoist technique of "exploring the bag to retrieve objects" and could take out the golden coffin without digging the earth.

It is estimated that the other party is also worried that excavating the soil without authorization will destroy the interlocking Feng Shui bureau established in Taoyuan Village. Perhaps he was afraid of the human-headed Gu King in the golden coffin, otherwise he wouldn't have built another stake to suppress the evil.

But these are Jin An's personal guesses.

It seems that only by questioning the parties in person can we understand the ins and outs of this.

"Several Taoist priests, tell me, if that group of antique dealers who are most likely from the grassland tribe outside the Great Wall really targeted He Mansion from the beginning and failed with the eldest lady, they would have to turn to sacrifice. Quan Zhang’s family’s life to change someone else’s destiny… They defrauded Mr. He and uncle He’s birth date. Could it be that they are still evil and want to continue to sacrifice the whole He family and take away the noble fate of Mr. He and his wife?”

Li Huwei's words interrupted Jin An's contemplation. Everyone felt that his conjecture was not impossible. After returning to Fucheng, they asked the eldest lady to be careful in everything and raise the vigilance of the He family.

Jin An frowned. Based on the limited information available, he made an analysis and said: "Now we have a rough idea of ​​the abilities of these antique dealers based on the clues in our hands..."

"There must be at least one Feng Shui master, one demon monk or evil monk who knows how to plant ghost fetuses and control the five powers, one puppet who is good at the straw man substitute technique, one who is good at driving away corpses, and one who is good at killing corpses. The witchcraft Gu, and considering that they once took away a dragon-cutting knife from Mr. Yin Yang, it is possible that there is a master of martial arts among them who is good at using weapons..."

Listening to Jin An's analysis, the old Taoist priest and Li Huwei looked at each other with bitter eyes, Mom, no matter how you calculate it, the other party is more powerful than them.

No matter how you look at it, they are at a numerical disadvantage.

The opponents are all capable people and experts, and among them, some are old, some are fat, some are stupid, some are stupid, some are old, weak, and some are disabled soldiers. It is not an exaggeration to describe them.


Jin An also thought of this, so he frowned.

Today they destroyed Wutou Village. From now on, they can no longer harm nature and tamper with people's fate. They have probably already damaged the group of antique dealers, and the gap has been completely forged.

But the good thing is.

This trip was not without success.

Now that he is rich, the worst he can do is strengthen Brother Fu a few times afterwards. Brother Fu will hold a grudge, kill him, and sell Ma Pi.

The incident in the Headless Village is over, and Jin An and the others decided to completely destroy the Headless Village where people cannibalize people.

After memorizing the birthdays and horoscopes on the two slips of paper, and burning the slips, several people began to collect dead heads from all over the ground, then picked up dry firewood and hay and piled them into each house.

Fortunately, Taoyuan Village has been desolate for so long. The village is overgrown with weeds and bushes, and there is no shortage of dry firewood.

After finishing these tasks, a slight green light appeared in the sky, which was a sign before the arrival of dawn with the clear air dispersing the turbid air in the night.

Finally, before dawn, everyone finished everything. While Shen was kneeling and crying, Jin An started a fire and burned the entire village.


The dry wood burns more and more brightly in the flame.

Not long after, the fire spread to the whole village, and the raging flames burned half of the sky with tears of blood, which seemed to be Shen's state of mind at this moment.

Life is full of ups and downs, as if it were a lifetime ago.

A flower blooms at a thought, a flower falls at a thought, quiet in the noise, quiet in the quiet. When you look back, you will see that dust has returned to dust, and dust has returned to dust.

Things are different and people are different.

So sad and sentimental.

Mrs. Shen cried in grief, desolation, and heartbreak. Holding a bundle tightly in her arms, she cried for relief. Inside the bundle, the human skins of a pair of poor people were carefully wrapped.

"Xiao Qiu, Xiao Lin, let's not separate. Our family will not separate. Mom will never let go of her until she dies. Thank you for still forgiving Mom..."

"Thank you, Taoist Master Jin An."

"Thank you, Daochang Chen."

"Thank you... Taoist Master Yuyouzi."

"Thank you Mr. Li Dashan."

"Thank you, the great benefactor of Sharp Sword."

Mrs. Shen held a pair of children tightly in her arms. The frost-haired, hunchbacked old woman with red eyes from crying stubbornly faced Jin'an and the others and bowed to thank them one by one.

Li Huwei and the old Taoist priest were so moved that their noses were sore and their eyes were red. Especially Li Huwei was so moved that he couldn't help wiping his tears. He cried and told Jin'an that this was the first time he had lived so long in his life. Being thanked and called a good person, it turns out that this is the satisfaction and spiritual sublimation of rescuing a person who fell into the water.

In order to avoid everyone seeing that he had sand in his eyes, Jin An hurriedly said to Shen: "Donor Shen, can I ask you a question?"

"Have you ever buried a Taoist priest who wore the same five-color robes as me and my uncle?"

After hearing what Jin An said, Mrs. Shen subconsciously glanced at Yu Youzi, who was standing next to Jin An with a pleased expression on her face. She was chatting and laughing with Li Guards about Jin An's marriage. She nodded lightly: "Go back to Jin An." Sir, the old woman did bury a Taoist priest with her own hands."

Jin An quickly asked: "Can you take us there? He is a deeply respected senior in my opinion."

Mrs. Shen nodded and led the way. Jin An and the old Taoist priests, with complicated expressions, took Yuyouzi, who was still unaware that he was dead, and followed him all the way.

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