White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 173 Corpse Execution Immortal

Uncle Lin said so much in one breath.

My mouth feels a little dry.

So he drank the aphrodisiac deer blood wine.


So hot.

Suddenly became very energetic.

Uncle Lin, who originally looked a little sickly, had a hot face and his blood was slightly rosy.

Uncle Lin took a bite of roasted goose slices, padded his burning stomach with oil and water, then looked at Jin An opposite and asked curiously: "Why is Taoist Jin An suddenly concerned about this matter?"

"Taoist Master Jin'an also wants to sign up for the Five Zang Taoist Temple to visit the Yinyi River?"

Jin An shook his head in confusion and said, "No."

"On my way back to Fucheng today, I heard someone mention that the Yinyi River has stopped flowing again. The news spread all over the city, so I was curious and asked Uncle Lin about the situation."

"I am still self-aware. No matter whether it is my past qualifications in the Five Zang Taoist Temple or my current qualifications in the Five Zang Taoist Temple, it cannot be in the eyes of the government."

"After all, Fucheng, as the capital of a state, is full of outstanding people and talents. Fucheng has gathered talented people and experts from all over the prefecture, and the most indispensable thing is people. The five zang Taoist temples in Fucheng have long been famous, In front of the temple, the background is still too thin.”

What Jin An said was true.

It's not that he's being unduly modest.

The territory of Kangding is vast, and its famous mountains and rivers are as vast as the stars in the sky. People in the world can never be underestimated.

Otherwise, I don’t know how he died.

After Jin An said the above words, he did not forget to glance at the old Taoist priest who was holding an aphrodisiac in his left hand, holding aphrodisiac wine in his left hand, and picking vegetables with chopsticks in his right hand.

After more than half a month of traveling and traveling, they were in a hurry to return to Fucheng. They didn't eat or sleep well on the road, so the old Taoist priest was now eating and drinking.

Several black lines hung down Jin An's forehead, and the muscles at the corners of his eyebrows twitched.

This is how the old Taoist priest drinks.

Aren't you afraid of being exhausted from running around in circles at night?

He has not yet finished a glass of deer blood wine, and the old Taoist priest has already drank almost four or five taels of deer blood wine like an ox.

Uncle Lin was not worried at all about whether the Five Zang Taoist Temple was not qualified. He sipped wine and picked up vegetables comfortably, and said while eating: "I have sold coffins and incense candles and yellow paper in Fucheng for so many years. I am more or less familiar with Buddhist temples and small temples.”

"Based on the fact that Taoist Priest Jin'an successfully eliminated demons for He Mansion and returned safely after going to Wutou Village for Xue Mansion, Wu Zang Taoist Temple is now among the many Taoist temples and temples in Fucheng, not to mention on an equal footing with Bailong Temple, at least We can still sit in the top ten, now we just need to let everyone in Fucheng know that there is a Taoist temple with five internal organs."

"So Taoist Master Jin'an doesn't need to belittle himself. If the government really intends to solve the troubles caused by Yinyi River and Qiankudong once and for all this time, and issues a notice to recruit strange people from all walks of life, Wu Zang Taoist Temple will have He and He from the three major medicinal materials merchants. If the Xue family jointly recommends him, he will definitely become a guest of the government office and be looked upon with special attention by Master Fu Yin."

Jin Anquan should listen to what Uncle Lin said.

I am not really so arrogant that I think I can punch Bailong Temple or kick the government office.

This is like complimenting each other between relatives at the wine table.

Just listen.

Moreover, it is still unknown whether the governor will actually issue a notice. Even if Fu Yin really posted a notice for the Heroes Conference, who knows if the Yinyi River will stop flowing in the future? When will the flow stop?

If the Yinyi River continues to flow in the future, all the efforts in Fucheng will be in vain.

Unless Fuyin and Fucheng have a way to artificially cut off the flow of the Yinyi River.

But Jin An felt that this was not feasible.

Don't ask why.

Because the Yinyi River has such a large flow, it is unrealistic to just rely on manpower to intercept it.

Now it is about to enter the rainy season. If you block the stream, the water upstream has nowhere to go, so it will definitely accumulate more and more.

Eventually it overflowed, and the red water was thousands of miles away, and all living beings were devastated. All the towns and villages along the coast, including Fucheng, were swallowed up by the flood beasts.

By that time, corpses litter the fields, plague breaks out, thousands of miles of fertile fields turn into thousands of miles of wasteland, people are in dire straits, and no matter how many heads the nine Fuyin tribes have, they won't be enough for the emperor to chop off.

It was precisely because of this that Jin Anquan listened to Uncle Lin's words, but did not answer them or take them seriously. However, Uncle Lin happened to be talking about Fu Yin. Jin Anxin's head started to change and he took the opportunity to change the subject and inquire about another matter: "Uncle Lin, when I returned to Fucheng today, I heard another rumor that she was the daughter of Fu Yin. His tomb was almost dug up by a group of tomb robbers recently?"

When Jin An said this, he glanced at Chi Jian inadvertently.

If Xiejian hadn't gone with them this time to look for Wutou Village in Wushan Ridge and Cang'er Mountain, Jin An would have suspected that Xiejian, the master thief, had gone to rob the tomb of Fu Yin's daughter?

The mausoleum of the governor's beloved daughter must be heavily guarded.

Ordinary roadside tomb robbers were caught by the tomb defenders and put on death row before they even got close to the mausoleum.

To be able to almost succeed in robbing the tomb under the gaze of so many defenders could only be done by a skilled master.

Since the possibility of sharpening the sword has been ruled out, could it be other accomplices of the tomb robbers who sharpened the sword?

"It does happen." Uncle Lin nodded.

"But after all, it is related to Fu Yin's family affairs. Not much news has been spread. I heard that the others in the group of tomb robbers escaped and only one person was caught."

"When that man was caught by the soldiers guarding the mausoleum, he was already crazy. It looked like he was too timid to go to the tomb and was frightened out of his mind by something in the tomb. He was crazy. I guess the governor also interrogated him. No results will come out.”

"I heard some rumors from my colleagues that something strange happened in the mausoleum of the governor's daughter. The crazy tomb robber kept shouting like crazy when he was caught: the tomb is empty, the tomb is empty. "

"He was crazy and didn't know how to resist, so he was easily caught by the defenders."

"Crazy? Empty?" Jin An's eyes were slightly surprised.

God is so crazy, Jin An's balls hurt.

Uncle Lin nodded solemnly: "This is where the blame lies. The mausoleum defenders later went into the tomb to check. Everything in the mausoleum was normal. The coffin containing the daughter of the governor has always been safe and sound, and it is not a hole."

"The tomb robber must have seen some terrible scene in the tomb, and he was so frightened that he went crazy."

Jin An's eyes widened and he pondered.

Afterwards, he considered his words and asked, seemingly unintentionally: "Uncle Lin, does he know how Fu Yin's daughter died?"

"Why would a tomb robber target the tomb of Fu Yin's daughter?"

Uncle Lin took a bite of the cold haggis, oh? He glanced at Jin An in surprise. Fortunately, Uncle Lin didn't think too much. He took another mouthful of haggis and put it into his mouth. While chewing the haggis, he replied casually: "Tomb robbers rob tombs for money." Come here, you should be eyeing the valuable burial objects of the governor’s beloved daughter.”

"As for the death of the governor's daughter, ordinary people like us will probably never know about it in our lifetime."

Jin An has been away from Fucheng for more than half a month, and the news has been blocked for more than half a month. He has been asking Uncle Lin about what happened recently, so he ate this meal for a long time.

At the same time, Jin An also asked Uncle Lin about some things about Bailong Temple and Master Shanneng.


Master Shanneng actually never came to Wu Zang Taoist Temple to look for him once.

Hasn’t the matter of the Buddha in the flesh still not been resolved yet? Jin An frowned slightly.

It seems that the matter of the incarnate Buddha is very difficult this time. Even the Bailong Temple, the first temple in Fucheng, can't solve it?

I don’t know what the origins of so many fleshly Buddhas who were abandoned by the Buddha are seen in the underworld.

Jin An has always respected Master Shanneng, an accomplished monk with real abilities, so he has always been concerned about Master Shanneng of Bailong Temple.

And Jin An asked Uncle Lin through insinuations whether any major events had happened in Bailong Temple recently, such as whether the eminent monks in the Buddhist temple went out frequently?

Unexpectedly, Uncle Lin said that Bailong Temple has been calm recently, and there is still an endless stream of incense believers every day, and the Buddha incense has not stopped for a day.

Jin An pondered.

Such a big thing as the Buddha incarnate, but the Buddha who was supposed to have died was abandoned by the Buddha. This is a disgrace to the reputation of Buddhism. Bailong Temple has been acting calm and indifferent all the time. Master Shanneng did not return to Bailong Temple to report this. Something?

Jin An thought about it and thought it was impossible.

Master Shanneng acts cautiously, but he is not the kind of fool who acts recklessly.

So Bailong Temple deliberately downplays the impact of so many physical Buddhas? Do you want to keep your family scandal low and keep a low profile to maintain the reputation of Buddhism?

Only this last one makes sense now.

I haven't cleaned up the portal for so long.

It seems that Buddhism is not peaceful at all.

When Jin An helped the old Taoist priest who was dizzy and sleeping soundly back to the Taoist temple, it was already around 11:11. Fortunately, after more than half a month of construction, the Five Zang Taoist Temple had begun to take shape.

Ten wing rooms have been built.

So I only need to move out the old bedding, and I can immediately go to sleep with my bags. Finally, there is no need for three old men to sleep together, with the left and the right being men.

The night was dark.

Fucheng at this time.

All the lights went out.

All the people in the city have fallen asleep peacefully.

Except for a few places where the lights are still bustling, those places are the well-known Goulan tile shops and brothels and willow alleys in the city. The lanterns are always on, men and women laugh loudly, and many young men, scholars and poets stay there day and night, arty and elegant.

In the Five Zang Taoist Temple.

After Jin An returned to his private room, he did not fall asleep. At his level, with strong physical fitness and spiritual martial arts training, he was full of energy every day, and the sleep time of ordinary mortals was getting less and less for him.

Only one hour of sleep a day is required.

Occasionally I don't sleep for a few days, but I still feel clear and clear. The only drawback may be that on those days when I occasionally stay up late without sleeping, the amount of hair loss increases significantly when I wash my hair, and I feel quite bald.

With the lamp oil flickering dimly in the room, Jin An sat cross-legged on the bed with something in his hand, which was the Taoist Bagua bag given to him by Yu Youzi.

There are not many relics of Yuyouzi.

Several notebooks with practice notes, a Taoist disk with identity engraved on it, a simple and dilapidated map of Wuzhou Prefecture, a talisman book, some scattered copper coins and other sundries, and finally there was one thing left.

At this time, the silver light of the bright moon shone through the window sill and into the room, falling just beside the bed, making the things in Jin An's hands reflect the light.

Seems to be spiritual.

It was a broken piece of jade!

Under the moonlight, Jin An looked at the broken jade in his hand with a slightly complicated expression, and frowned.

When he first saw this piece of broken jade among the relics of the Jade Wanderer, Jin An was quite surprised, and his heart was overwhelmed because Jin An had seen exactly the same piece of broken jade on the Yinyi River.

This jade is ancient and clumsy, with many vicissitudes of life.

On the bank of the river, the rough stone has no luster and has been honed for thousands of years, making it gentle and smooth.

Some jade, at a glance, gives people a sense of grandeur and simplicity that has been tempered for thousands of years and smoothed over time.

The surface of the broken jade is carved with exquisite patterns.

Those exquisite patterns look like mysterious symbols, Taoist talismans, or obscure lines. Every stroke of the knife is like a miraculous craftsmanship, and the precise arrangement is breathtaking.

The sound of jade is noble and pure, and the color of jade is pure. It gives people the feeling of great value at the first sight.

The various shapes and colors of this jade are exactly the same as the jade pieces that the uncle and nephew found from a dead body in the middle of the night two or three months ago when they went fishing for dead bodies in the Yinyi River!

In fact, Jin An is still not 100% sure that this broken jade is one with the broken jade in the hands of the antagonizing uncle and nephew.

But regardless of the color, thickness, or the texture that makes people stand out from the world, it seems to prove that nine times out of ten, they are broken jade in one piece.

"Uncle, ah, uncle..."

"You have left me with a big problem..."

"This thing is a hot potato. It can make everyone fight to the death. Where did you get this piece of jade..."

Jin An frowned, his eyes were complicated and he smiled bitterly.

He still clearly remembers how his nephew named Zong Ren, motivated by wealth, killed his second uncle with an ax and killed him to seize the jade.

He still clearly remembered how his second uncle Zong Ren died with his eyes closed and his death was miserable.

Uncle Zong Ren was so mysterious during his lifetime, saying that this piece of jade was a good treasure and related to the Taoist secret of deconstructing immortals from corpses.

Jin An thought about it for more than ten days, but still couldn't figure out how such a small piece of jade was related to the Corpse Execution Immortal?


...The Yinyi River has stopped flowing...

...Imitate the ancient sage riding a bull and turning into a beggar to leave seclusion...

Um? Could it be that this piece of broken jade was something that fell out of the stone oxen coffin when the Yinyi River stopped flowing in the early years? Is it the jade butterfly that the senior master who is repairing corpses and unifying immortals carries with him?

Jin An looked at the broken jade in his hand repeatedly under the moonlight.


Like the same scene, Jin An took it out to observe every day in the past ten days.

But he still hasn't figured out a way.

But the antagonism between the uncle and nephew, the "second uncle" who could catch corpses in the river with just a few copper coins, the solemn and solemn attitude towards the jade, claiming that it was a good treasure, all explained the origin of this broken jade. It's certainly not simple.

I have been studying it for more than ten days, but I still haven't thoroughly studied this piece of jade.

Naturally, he returned without success tonight.

Speaking of the estranged uncle and nephew, Jin An thought of the strange female corpse that was brought to Fucheng by his nephew Zong Ren.

To this day, he still clearly remembers the strange and eerie scene when he first saw the female corpse. Looking back now, it still makes his spine shiver...

The scene that day was really too weird.

The female corpse was finally able to go unnoticed and was brought into the city by Zong Ren without anyone noticing. Then her whereabouts are unknown. No news about her whereabouts has been heard. The mysterious appearance and disappearance of this female corpse is like a stick in the throat. , Jin An always feels that this is the time to cause trouble.

Could it also be related to this broken jade?

Corpse Jie Xian?

Corpse Jie Xian?

Now that Jin An thinks about that strange and chilling female corpse, he feels a chill running down his back and feels uneasy all over.

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