White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 186 The Nine-Faced Buddha Appears

Master Huizhen’s eyes were cold.

Buddhism often says, "Vajra's eyes are angry, and Bodhisattva's eyes are closed."

Although Bodhisattva is compassionate, he is most afraid of Bodhisattva narrowing his eyes because Bodhisattva also has anger.


Zenyuan's chest exploded.

Master Huizhen's whole body radiated golden light, like a golden Buddha bathing in the sun. The fine steel Zen staff in his hand penetrated Chanyuan's chest, and he crucified Chanyuan on his knees, with his head facing upwards. In the courtyard of Qingfantang.

Blood spurted all over the ground.

The look in Chanyuan's eyes quickly dimmed.

With such a serious injury, even a person with three hearts would not survive.

What a pretense.

Grace and magnanimity.

He was crucified by Master Huizhen with a Zen staff. In front of the real eminent monk, his pretentiousness was completely vulnerable.


The old monk with age spots on his face who was hiding in the Vajra Realm shouted in despair, he was crazy.

Life for more than ten years has been like a dream.

More than ten years of obsession.

But it is no match for a Zen staff in Master Huizhen’s hand.

"I can not be reconciled!"

"I'm so unwilling!"

"After so many people died, I finally tried the method of creating a Buddha in the flesh. I, who have already stepped into the grave with one and a half feet, have only a few years left to live. I am destined to become a Buddha in the flesh after my death. , is destined to be famous throughout history, and will be worshiped by the world, incense believers, temples, and monks everywhere forever. I cannot fail! I cannot fail!"

"I am the eminent monk!"

"I am the eminent monk who has achieved the Buddha's physical form and has both longevity and happiness!"

Master Huizhen's face was filled with anger as he listened to the crazy words of the old monk with age spots on his face.


He created so many fake Buddhas in the flesh, killed monks who were kidnapped from temples in various places, and killed so many people in vain. In the end, he actually wanted to fake the Buddha himself.

for the world to pay homage to

It’s true that people become more confused as they age.

Thinking that what is false can become true.

What is fake will always be fake.

But he really thought that he was a Buddha in the flesh.

"Your obsession is too deep and you have become possessed."

"Let me take you in today."

"Om, ma, ni, ba, mi, hum!"

Master Huizhen recited the six-character Buddhist mantra, tapped the Buddhist fingerprints with both hands, and once again inserted his arms into the diamond barrier formed by the relics in the old monk's hands.

In his contest with the Vajra Barrier, immeasurable Buddha's light burst out between the two.

There seemed to be Sanskrit chanting in a low voice.

It was a meeting and contest between two eminent monks on Buddhism, a competition for Buddhist power between the eminent monks of Bailong Temple and the two eminent monks of Jingcheng Guo Temple.


This is just a piece that fell into the hands of a bad person without a Buddha heart, causing the relic to be covered in dust and not exerting its full power.

Even if it is the most precious treasure of Buddhism.

The Vajra barrier was slowly torn apart by Master Huizhen.

At this time, the old monk in the Vajra Barrier was completely crazy. He forgot to resist and didn't care about Master Huizhen and the relics at all. He looked at his disciple Chanyuan who was crucified on the ground while kneeling on his back. He was in great sadness. I can't stand the blow anymore and I've gone crazy.

He was still shouting crazily: "I will not fail, I will not fail..."


"Conquer the four demons and show mercy to the six paths!"

Master Huizhen shouted coldly, and the movements of his hands sped up, and the Buddha's light on his body became more intense. However, the body that was already seriously injured and had a serious loss of energy and blood began to find it more and more difficult to maintain such intense consumption.

But Master Huizhen didn't care about his own body.

He continued to insist on taking away the relics from the old monk's hands and giving the deceased monk a peaceful Bailong Temple to avoid being desecrated.

"There are still people who can be saved, there are still people who can be saved!"

"There is still a way to save my disciple Chanyuan!"

The old monk couldn't stand the stimulation and went crazy.

He didn't care about Master Huizhen or the relic in his hand. He just looked at Chanyuan's body that was crucified on his back. He couldn't bear the blow and repeated the same sentence over and over again.

The old monk was still talking about his disciple Chan Yuan, but he didn't see that Chan Yuan, who was already dead and had no breath of life, suddenly turned his head beyond the limit of ordinary people!

Turn the front of your face downward to become the scalp on the back of your head.

The original back of the head was turned upwards, and it actually had human facial features, complete with eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and turned into a full face.

This frontal face is the face of a compassionate Buddha.

Chan Yuan, who was originally nailed to the ground by the stainless steel Zen staff and had died of all his energy, actually burst out with a powerful aura of life.

This is a reversal of yin and yang.

Resurrection from the dead.

A person has two Buddha faces, just like a person has two lives. Even if a person dies, he can be resurrected.

Each face is converted.

It’s just a resurrection.

This can be regarded as another form of immortality in disguise, but it does not mean that a person can live a thousand years. If a person is nine thousand years old, he will still weaken and die.

If Jin An were here, he would definitely recognize the scene in front of him. Wouldn't it be exactly the same as Monk Pu Zhi!

Master Huizhen has profound Buddhist teachings. He immediately noticed something was wrong with the breath behind him. As soon as he turned around, he saw Chanyuan trying to pull out the stainless steel Zen staff engraved with Buddhist inscriptions that was pinned to his body.

And have sharp ears and eyes.

His eyes are clear and clear.

There is no muddy feeling at all.

"Nine-faced Buddha!"

"Nine-faced Buddha, you disrupt the tranquility of our Bailong Temple and are seeking death!"

Master Huizhen’s eyes were filled with anger.

No wonder the monks of Bailong Temple were so bewitched that they used vicious means to use the monks of the small Buddhist temple to try to create fake human Buddhas many times.

The reputation of the Nine-faced Buddha in the Kangding Kingdom is well known to the world. He was surrounded and suppressed by the Kangding Kingdom and masters from all walks of life, so he was forced to leave the Northern Desert. He fled into the desert and hid in the desert and has not been seen for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the disciples and grandsons of the Nine-faced Buddha actually sneaked into Bailong Temple.


Ps: I was on a business trip in Shanghai. After a long journey, I arrived at the hotel at 5 pm. There was a cocktail party before I had time to rest. It was already late at night when I returned to the hotel. People have been running around all day without rest. Now they are all confused and confused, and their brains are as confused as a ball of mush. There is not enough time. This chapter has a short number of words. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.

This chapter has a short number of words. I know I will be criticized as a dog.

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