White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 19 The dove takes over the magpie's nest


"A white coffin came out of Beipo?"

"Are you ready to carry the coffin?"

The guests in the teahouse urged the passerby to tell him what was going on.


It wasn't until a wealthy businessman threw a few coins into his hand that the passerby began to talk about it with great emotion.

"Not long ago in Chang County, a pregnant woman accidentally fell to death and was later buried in a grave on the north slope."

"The pregnant woman's husband's family can be regarded as kind people. The pregnant woman's husband's surname is Lin, and his name is Lin Lu. He buried his deceased wife generously and did not treat her badly at all."

"It's just that Lin Lu hasn't been able to sleep well at night recently."

"As soon as I fall asleep, I always hear someone standing next to the bed crying."

"Whenever Lin Lu wanted to be frightened to see who was crying beside the bed, he found that he could not move. His body seemed to be pressed by a big stone. He felt that his hands, feet, and mouth were no longer his. He was so frightened that he felt like he was dying every time. I could only keep my eyes open at night, listening to a woman crying beside the bed at night."

"After so many times, Lin Lu's face became worse and worse, and his energy deteriorated."

"But it's strange to say that the weaker Lin Lu is, the clearer the voice of the woman crying beside his bed becomes. Listening carefully, Lin Lu almost died of fright. It turns out that the voice of the woman crying beside his bed is his. My deceased wife, who was buried just a few days ago, came to find me!"

"The wife kept crying and said that an outsider had taken over her grave. She asked her husband to dig up her grave and take a look."

"This morning, Lin Lu fell seriously ill immediately when he woke up. But when he thought about the scene where his deceased wife cried to him last night, he couldn't bear it, so he quickly asked his family to ask someone to invite a Taoist priest to come to the door."

"Half a day later, my parents invited a wandering Taoist priest to their home. When the Taoist priest saw Lin Lu's appearance, he said that he lived under the same roof and slept with something heavy in yin energy all day long, so the yin energy entered his body. Damage to the Yang Qi. After hearing what the Taoist said, Lin Lu called for help from experts and hurriedly told the Taoist everything he knew about the strange things he had encountered in the past few days. "

"The Taoist priest listened to the whole story and praised Lin Lu for loving his deceased wife deeply and not losing his mind to continue dragging it out. The Taoist priest also said that the place where Lin Lu's deceased wife slept was occupied by outsiders, so she became a homeless soul. The wild ghost wandered into the husband's house that he was most familiar with during his lifetime."

"As the saying goes, there is a separation between yin and yang. Yin souls have the strongest yin energy. They often live under the same roof with living people, and living people will inevitably be affected. If the yang energy of living people is weak, it will lead to a weak life aura, and then the person will be mentally exhausted all day long. As soon as I was in a trance, all kinds of illnesses and disasters started to come to my door."

"If Lin Lu delays it for a few more days, even if his deceased wife has no intention of harming others, people who are separated by yin and yang will inevitably be implicated if they stay under the same roof for a long time. Eventually, the three fires will be extinguished, and the body will die violently. ."

"The Taoist priest's words were extremely mysterious, but he was also clear-sighted. Lin Lu and his family all believed the Taoist priest's words. They immediately followed the Taoist priest's words and dug up the grave to see if any outsiders had occupied the grave of his deceased wife."

"Lin Lu's family immediately called for relatives, as well as young and strong men with dragon, tiger and dog zodiac signs. They brought hoes, hemp ropes, bamboo sticks, roosters, Sanyang wine, etc., and a large The gang went out to dig the grave."



"Just now, someone came back to the county and said that the grave had been dug. The coffin in the graveyard had indeed been stolen. The coffin of Lin Lu's deceased wife had disappeared. What was buried in the grave was actually a white corpse that no one had ever seen before. coffin!"

After the passerby finished speaking, he broke free from the hand of the wealthy businessman and followed the flow of other people who went out of the city to watch the excitement. In a blink of an eye, he ran away and disappeared into the crowd.


Hearing that such a strange thing happened in Chang County, everyone in the teahouse couldn't help but gasp. Even though it was a clear day and the sky was clear, they still felt a chill on their backs.

After the surprise passed, everyone began to whisper about it with great interest. For a moment, people were buzzing... buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing...


One after another, people began to go out of the city to watch the excitement, either alone or with friends.

On the contrary, as for the storyteller, no one was interested in listening anymore.

The storyteller saw that everyone was not interested in listening to his stories today, so he simply packed up his stall early and followed the flow of people on the street, going out of the city to watch the excitement and collect new stories that he would tell tomorrow.

In just a moment, one-third of the guests in the teahouse had left.

The business of the teahouse suddenly became deserted, it was true that people were leaving for tea.

Jin An thought for a moment. He was also very curious about this matter, so he left a dozen copper coins on the table and got up and followed the people on the street out of the city.

When the waiter in the teahouse brought the steaming teapot to where Jin An was sitting, he had already left except for the dozen coins left on the table.

When I first arrived in Jin'an, I didn't know where the northern slope of Chang County was.

But there is nothing wrong with following the flow of people.

North slope of Chang County.

It is two miles away from the county seat.

This graveyard, which was usually deserted, was extremely lively today. It was noon at this time, and two to three hundred people gathered around it.

There were over a hundred people, and the crowds were densely packed.

Lin Lu, who was pale and had not yet recovered from his illness, looked at the crowd of spectators not far away, and looked worriedly at a man next to him wearing earth-colored Taoist robes and a Taoist crown, who was holding a Yin-Yang compass to determine the position. The old Taoist priest of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

The old Taoist priest has black beard and hair, a strong body and does not look old at all. He is probably between fifty years old.

His sleeves are clear and he is a poor Taoist priest. His Taoist robe is very old. He is a wandering Taoist priest.

"Ahem, cough, cough... Mr. Chen, there are so many irrelevant people gathered here, will it interfere with the coffin lifting? Do you want to drive these people away... Ahem." Lin Lu has not recovered from his serious illness. Just after saying these few words, people were already out of breath.

But his eyes looked at the Taoist priest in front of him with great respect.

Both inside and outside the words were spoken with great respect.

Lin Lu's parents, who were supporting their son, also looked at the Taoist priest standing in front of their son with respect.

The old Taoist priest, who was called Taoist Master Chen, raised his eyes slightly and casually glanced at the noisy and noisy people in the distance eating melon seeds and eating cakes.

"No, the more people, the better. With more people, the yang energy is strong, which can just suppress the yin energy of the dead buried in this grave all year round, making it easier for us to lift the coffin."

"Yes, we will listen to Taoist Chen in everything." Lin Lu had a respectful expression on his face, not daring to object.

The old Taoist priest held the yin and yang compass, and after locating the heavenly stems and earthly branches for a while, he said: "As the saying goes, a poisonous snake must take five steps to find an antidote. Of course, these five steps do not mean that it is really within five steps."

"Old Taoist, I just checked the Feng Shui around me. Facing the southwest corner of your deceased wife's graveyard, there is a broken mountain. In Feng Shui, it is called the White Tiger's Head. That position is exactly opposite your dead wife's grave."

"In a place full of vitality, the terrain and fortune are more upright. But I noticed that the leaves of the trees on Guillotine Mountain are withered and yellow, and the crowns of the trees are slanted and uneven. You should immediately send someone to Guillotine Mountain to see if there are any trees in the forest there. A lot of dead birds and insects fell on the ground.”

"If there is, search the mountain of Sleepy Hollow and you will definitely find the bones of your missing wife."

Hearing what the old Taoist said, Lin Lu was overjoyed and hurriedly asked his parents to call his uncles to look for his dead wife's bones in Duolinge Mountain opposite.

"It's three quarters past noon. Now is the transition between Yang and Yin. It's the time of day when Yang Qi is at its strongest and Yin Qi is at its weakest. Listen to my order and raise the coffin immediately!" The old Taoist priest suddenly looked solemn.

"Those whose zodiac signs are greater, such as dragon, tiger and dog, please stand up and get ready to go to the grave! Carry the coffin!"

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