White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 2 Father and Son in the Rain

February 12th.

In mid-spring, in the first month of the month, all things are awakened.

In this cold spring day, the cold wind on the river is as cold as a knife, and the hundreds of thousands of mountains are as depressed as withered tombs.

There is a county on the bank of Yinyi River.

It was a county called Chang.

In another deep mountain and old forest in Shiwan Mountains.

The rumble of thunder was getting closer and closer, a strong wind was blowing in the mountains, and the dark mountain forest was shaken violently by the strong wind.

It looks like the weather is about to change and there will be a heavy rain.


Overhead, a bolt of lightning tore into the dark and terrifying sky, and the world was instantly dyed pale white.

The lightning also illuminated a long-abandoned wild temple standing in the mountain.

There are thick bushes outside the temple. The trees are twisted and ugly, with old roots protruding from the earth and covered with moss.

Revealing originality.

And deep.

This is a concave basin surrounded by mountains.

The ruined wild temple is in the center of the basin.

The wild temple is all built of black rock, but it is indescribably weird and awkward because its beams are designed strangely, low in the middle and high at both ends.

And there are only doors.

There are no windows designed to circulate air.



The thunder was getting louder and louder, and the forest was so dark that it was almost impossible to see the way forward and the way in. There were bushes and thorns that could cut your hands everywhere.

Jin An, who was covered in mud and embarrassed, had been lost in the mountains for a day, and could not get out of this deep mountain forest. He was glad that he finally found a shelter before the heavy rain.

Jin An traveled through time.

It has been a day since he traveled to this world.

Who would have thought that in August and September, he went on a self-driving trip to the Kunlun Mountains, known as the hometown of the gods, and accidentally traveled to the unfamiliar mountain environment in the cold spring season before him.


The rain hit the leaves. On this day, it finally rained, and soon it turned into a heavy rain.

"Dad, dad, dad, come quickly, there is a temple ahead where we can take shelter from the rain."

"Xiaobao, don't run too fast. It's easy to fall if the road is slippery on rainy days in the mountains."

In the rain, a father and son ran into this wild temple with their heads in their hands.

"Ah! Dad, why is there someone here?"

A young boy of thirteen or fourteen rushed into the temple first, and was caught off guard by Jin An, who screamed and jumped up. He did not expect that there were other people in this deep mountain temple.

"Xiaobao, stop running around and stand next to daddy... Master, are you here to take shelter from the rain too?"

The father was dark and solid, and he looked like an honest mountain man. Although he had a strong local accent, Jin An could still understand it by guessing it. It was a bit like the accent in Guichuan, but not like it.

The father and son in the rain looked like woodcutter going into the mountains to chop firewood, carrying bundles of firewood behind them.

The clothes on his body are Chinese ancient costumes, with coarse linen underneath and animal fur as the outer layer to keep out the cold.

The scene in front of me was like walking into the filming set of a costume TV series.

Jin An was stunned.

At the same time, click!

Another bolt of lightning pierced the sky overhead, turning the wild temple pale white.

At the same time, it also illuminated a clay statue of a woman enshrined in the wild temple. Perhaps because it had been abandoned for too long, the head of the clay statue had disappeared.

I don’t know who this headless wild temple was originally dedicated to?

Seeing that Jin An did not answer, the father and son thought that Jin An was not good at talking, so they carefully kept their distance and went about their business.

They found some hay from the temple to use as kindling, and then selected firewood that had not been soaked by the rain. The father skillfully took out the firewood and lit the fire.

Soon, a warm bonfire was lit in the wild temple, and then the dry food was brought out.

It's a pancake that's frozen hard and cold.

The father and son heated the pancakes on the campfire and ate them with the rainwater collected from the bamboo tubes.

Gulu gulu~

Smell the aroma of roasted prune pancakes.

Secretion of fluid in the mouth.

Jin An's stomach made a rumble of hunger.

Jin An's face turned red.

He had been lost in the mountains for a day. He had not eaten a grain of rice the whole day. Now he was cold and hungry.

"You are hungry, little brother. There is half a pancake left here. If you don't mind, little brother, please take this half pancake to satisfy your stomach."

The father, a middle-aged man, had dark and rough skin from years of exposure to wind and sun. He did not reject outsiders indifferently. Instead, he enthusiastically handed Jin An half a pancake.

Jin An was indeed hungry. After thanking him, he wolfed down half of the pancake.

After this incident, the relationship between the two parties became much closer, and Jin An also roughly understood the basic situation of the father and son in front of him.

The father's name is Wang Tiegen, and the boy's name is Wang Xiaobao.

The mountain in front of me has no local name. There are many such ordinary mountains around it. The father and son are mountain people living nearby, and they usually make a living by cutting firewood and hunting.

In the past, their father and son would never go so deep into the mountains. The main reason was that when they went into the mountains to cut firewood today, they suddenly encountered a group of wild boars moving.

All hunters in the mountains know a saying: one pig, two bears and three tigers.

Wild boars are so ferocious that even adult wild boars dare not provoke blind bears and tigers.

The father and son panicked and fled for their lives, but accidentally went deep into the forest, leading to the scene before them.

As they chatted, the night gradually darkened, and they began to feel sleepy. The three of them fell asleep one after another against the corner.

I don’t know how long I slept for.

In a daze.

Jin An heard some noise.

He opened his sleepy eyes.

I saw Wang Xiaobao getting up from the haystack.

The child rubbed his eyes and looked outside the temple while unbuttoning his belt.

"Xiaobao, where are you going?"

Wang Tiegen woke up midway and shouted sleepily.

"Dad, I'm going to pee." was Wang Xiaobao's reply.

"Then pee at the door and don't go further."


Jin An didn't know why he was so sleepy tonight. His eyelids were as heavy as lead, and he quickly fell asleep again.

There is no time reference in the mountains.

Jin An didn't know how long he slept this time.

...He was awakened by Wang Tiegen's anxious shouts.



"Xiaobao, where are you? Don't scare me!"

Jin An turned over and woke up: "What happened to Uncle Wang? I remember didn't Wang Xiaobao go out to pee?"

"He never came back?"

Wang Tiegen was crying anxiously at this time: "This is all my fault! I don't know why I felt so bad when I fell asleep today and didn't pay close attention to Xiaobao!"

"Just now I dreamed that Xiaobao was crying all the time. He was still shouting about pain. He was crying that there was a ghost in the temple and the clay statue was eating him. He was about to be eaten. He told me to run for his life!"

"When I woke up, I searched the whole temple, but I couldn't find the little treasure!"

The child's disappearance made Wang Tiegen extremely anxious.

Jin An was surprised.

His eyes subconsciously looked at the clay statue in the temple whose head was missing.

This time he looked at the headless clay statue again, and for some reason, he felt a tingle in his heart, as if someone was staring directly at him.

Jin An didn't believe in ghosts and gods at that time. He took a deep breath and bravely picked up the woodcutter that Wang Tiegen had placed on the ground. He strode to the headless clay statue and chopped it down.



As a result, a young boy's arm that had been chewed off by his teeth actually fell out of the clay statue, as well as a bloody head of Wang Xiaobao.


Wang Tiegen screamed, threw himself in front of his son's head, and cried.

But Jin An stood in front of the clay statue and did not dare to move, with a stiff expression on his face, because in addition to Wang Xiaobao's mutilated corpse, there was also half of Wang Tiegen's highly decomposed corpse in the clay statue! Judging from the high degree of decomposition, he must have been dead for at least ten and a half days!

However, Wang Tiegen is now holding his son's head at his feet, crying heartbrokenly.

Jin An is cold!

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