White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 198: After passing through the Jiamen three times but not getting in, after passing through

Jia Mansion.

Logically speaking, this is Jin An's fourth visit to Jia Mansion.

It's just that he failed to enter the house three times in the first three times.

After passing through Jiamen four times, we finally entered.

When Jin An and the old Taoist priest came to the Jia family, Jin An first gave the Jia family a fortune-telling technique to hide the evil and evil.

A great Feng Shui bureau is now a pearl covered in dust.

He then performed the Qi Reading Technique on everyone in the Jia family, and saw that the entire Jia family, including the female dependents, direct family members, and servants were all surrounded by black energy.

This shows that everyone in the Jia family is in trouble.

"Little brother, look at these people in the Jia family. Every hall is black, and the whites of the eyes have black marks. The whole Jia family is really evil. Bad things are following them. A big disaster is about to happen."

When he arrived at the gate of Jia's house, the old Taoist priest looked at the concierge and nurse who were standing at the gate, and then said quietly to Jin An.

The old Taoist priest continued: "Little brother, look at Mr. Jia's brothers. Their palaces are black and red. Their fatal disasters are greater than those of the servants. This shows that the bad thing that has entangled the Jia family is... I want to destroy the entire Jia family, and I have deep resentment towards the Jia family..."

"Obviously Mr. Jia loved his daughter so much that he did not hesitate to go into the water to carry his daughter's body and take him home. I can't understand why Mr. Jia's daughter who fell into the water and drowned must kill the entire Jia family. Why? Do you hate Mr. Jia and his family so much?"

The last few words of the old Taoist priest were a bit unfavorable to the Jia family, so he always talked quietly with Jin An without making any noise.

Otherwise, they would have offended a rich and powerful local wealthy man in Fucheng before they even entered the Jia family's gate.

Sometimes misfortune comes from the mouth.

Facing the old Taoist priest's pun, Jin An thought of what Uncle Lin had told him before leaving. He recounted Uncle Lin's words to the old Taoist priest again, making the old Taoist think twice.

Regarding Jin An's reminder, the old Taoist priest blinked at Jin An, like an old man.

The two of them had been working together for so long, and they already had a tacit understanding. Jin An knew that the old Taoist priest's eye for seeing people, which he had honed over the years of traveling around the world, must have seen something in the Jia family, and he didn't need to remind him at all.

Jin An calmly continued to enter Jia's house with the old Taoist priest. The brothers of Mr. Jia led the way and hurriedly led the two of them to the attic where Jia Zhidie lived.


Not long after entering Jia Mansion, the old Taoist priest made a new discovery.

"Little brother, the Feng Shui of Jia Mansion is exactly as you said. Many details are actually similar to those of He Mansion and Xue Mansion. It seems that these three Feng Shui bureaus are all created by the same expert. Now. It’s just that the Jia family’s feng shui has a big problem now.”

The old Taoist priest secretly said to Jin An.

Jin An's head moved and he asked the old Taoist priest in a low voice: "What's the big problem?"

The two whispered in low voices along the way, which attracted the attention of the direct senior officials of the Jia family who were walking in front. They stopped involuntarily and hurriedly asked them what they had discovered in the Jia family.

Jin An shook his head and asked them to continue leading the way.

Now they haven't figured out how deep the Jia family's water is, so it's not a big mistake to be careful with their words and actions, lest they say something wrong and embarrass the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

This is called talking less and doing more, saying more and making more mistakes.

After they were on the road again, the old Taoist priest explained the Jia Family Feng Shui Bureau to Jin An in detail.

According to old Taoist priests, the more square and upright a house is, the more it can preserve luck, wealth, and blessings, and the more upright the fortune of a family living under the same roof will be.

But the Jia family was lucky. Along the way, they saw at least one rockery that was cracked and crooked; the roof of an attic was in disrepair, and the beams were broken. It collapsed and a large piece of tiles fell to the ground. Now carpenters are repairing the roof; and there are flower beds. Some of the exotic flowers and trees planted here are actually crooked and ugly...

In terms of Feng Shui, this is called a slanted house, which brings bad luck. Not only will the people living here begin to have bad luck, but they will also be more likely to attract bad things.

As for the evil feng shui in a house as big as the Jia family, I am afraid that this is not just because the Jia family has provoked bad things. The old Taoist priest has rich experience in the world. He guessed that there may also be a big problem with the Jia family's ancestral tombs.

Ancestors cannot sleep peacefully, so they cannot be a shadow to future generations. The ancestors began to alert future generations and asked them to quickly find a Feng Shui master to check the Feng Shui at home again.

"Old Taoist, I dare to conclude that there is something wrong with the Jia family's ancestral grave. It's not just groundless speculation. I just took a closer look at the faces of the Jia family and found that their fields, residences and palaces all have a slight red rash. This is called Jiazhai evil in Feng Shui. Tianzhai Palace represents the farm industry, and this farm industry includes ancestral graves..."

The old Taoist priest shook his head and analyzed.

Led by Master Jia's brothers, Jin An and the old Taoist priest came to the small courtyard where Jia Zhidie lived.

Along the way, they walked through the moon wall and passed the waterside pavilion. Along the way, they saw many banquet tables that had not been removed. They saw many servants collecting leftovers. They heard from several people that the Jia family was hosting another banquet today and that it would be consecutive. Place a flowing mat for seven days to commemorate the funeral.

When the old Taoist priest heard that the flowing water banquet would be set up for seven days, he muttered with emotion: "The wine and meat smell of the Zhumen will freeze the bones to death."

Jin'an's feeling is: "The drought will kill the people and the floods will kill them."

All in all, if you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as Jin An's second entry into Miss Jia Zhidie's shady house.

The first time was during the Yin period.

The second time was naturally in the rainy weather under this clear sky.

At this time, in the small courtyard where Jia Zhidie lives, there are also several wine tables that have not been removed, and running water tables will be opened again during lunch.

He saw that the densely packed yellow talismans to exorcise evil spirits posted outside the attic of the small courtyard had all been torn off. He was surprised and asked, "When did the yellow talismans in Jia Zhidie's attic be torn off?"

Jin An's question actually attracted curious glances from the Jia family. How did Jin An know that Jia Zhidie's niece's attic was covered with yellow evil charms?

Only then did Jin An realize that he had let something slip, so he casually explained that he had heard someone talk about an attic covered with yellow symbols in the Jia Mansion.

The Jia family did not become suspicious. After all, with such a large courtyard empty and covered with yellow charms, there would always be a leak and it would be impossible to prevent it.

"Hey, my eldest brother tore off those yellow talismans. When we discovered something was wrong and tried to stop it, it was already too late. My eldest brother's temperament has changed a lot since he secretly brought back... Jia Zhidie's niece. He kept saying that Jia Zhidie My niece is not dead, but has disappeared in the past few years. She is not dead, but she is missing and living outside... Even the fact that we went to find Mr. Lin was hidden from my elder brother." One of them said with a frown.

While Jin An listened, he took the opportunity to perform a qi-gazing technique on Pavilion.

There was so much gloom in the attic, indicating that something unclean had indeed moved in, but there was no so-called dragon aura. Could it be that Uncle Lin guessed wrongly that after Jia Zhidie fell into the water and drowned and became the Water Goddess, she was not pregnant with the Dragon King's child?

The next step was to enter the attic. The senior members of the direct lineage of the Jia family all stood at the door of the courtyard with embarrassed expressions. They did not dare to enter the attic. Instead, they looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, everyone looked at Jin An and the old Taoist priest. , embarrassed and speechless.

Jin An knew that they did not have the courage to enter the murderous building, fearing that they would encounter the fake corpse of "niece Jia Zhidie" later, so he and the old Taoist priest finally pushed the door open and entered Jia Zhidie's attic.

A lot of dust fell in Jia Zhidie's attic. A thick layer of dust fell on the floor, tables, chairs, stairs, and railings, indicating that the attic had been abandoned for several years.

No one has been here for several years.

I don’t know if it’s because it has been abandoned for many years and there are no living people to move around. This attic always gives people a gloomy and cold feeling.

It's strange to say.

People can tell immediately whether a house is occupied or unoccupied as soon as they enter the door.

An occupied house has a warm air that makes people feel more relaxed.

An uninhabited house feels like a haunted house.

However, at this time, there were two more footprints in the dust on the attic floor. Of course they were not the footprints of Jin An and the old Taoist priest. The footprints were one large and one small. At first glance, they were the footprints of a man and a woman.

It goes without saying who these footprints belong to. They should be those of Mr. Jia and Jia Zhidie who came back carrying the corpses.

The footprints of the father and daughter followed the stairs and went up to the boudoir on the second floor.

Generally speaking, the attic where a lady from a wealthy family like this lives will be divided into two floors. The first floor is for the maids who serve the lady's food and daily life, and the second floor is the boudoir for the lady.

At this time, the old Taoist priest had already taken out the mahogany sword and a pot of chicken blood with a somewhat nervous expression. He planned to stab Ya with the sword first and then spray chicken blood all over him to break the evil spirit of the evil corpse if something went wrong.

Jin An, on the other hand, walked up the attic stairs with empty hands, a long knife tucked into the waist of his Taoist robe.

He has the calm and leisurely demeanor of a Taoist master.

The old Taoist priest hurriedly followed Jin An's footsteps.

Now that there were no outsiders, Jin An asked the old Taoist priest a question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time: "Old Taoist, let me ask you something."


"Suppose the Dragon King is a thousand-year-old Zongzi and the Water Goddess is the corpse of a dead person. After these two dead people get married, is it possible for the corpse and the corpse to conceive a little Zongzi?"

Jin An's question immediately amused the old Taoist priest.

"Little brother, you are like the matryoshka dolls of the Rakshasa Kingdom, one after another."

"Zombies do not enter the five reincarnations and cannot be reincarnated. Of course, a mother zombie will not be pregnant with a baby zombie."

"The evil spirit can at least be included in the five reincarnations. Although it is very difficult to conceive a ghost fetus, it is not impossible. But it is definitely impossible for a zombie to conceive a baby zombie."

"Unless the person was pregnant before death and was nourished by the corpse's temperature after death, it is possible that the corpse will become a serial corpse of mother and child."

Jin An rubbed his chin and thought. Along the way, he never saw the dragon spirit at Jia's house. The old Taoist priest also said that the corpse and the corpse could not be pregnant. Could it be that what Uncle Lin said that the Water Goddess might be pregnant with the Dragon King's child was really just that? Just talking casually?

"Old Master, let's assume that Jia Zhidie was pregnant before her death, and then became the Water Goddess after her death. She was nourished by the temperature of the Dragon King's corpse day and night. Then after the fetus in her belly transformed into a corpse, is this corpse fetus considered the Dragon King's seed? Or is it Lao Wang’s seed?”

Jin An asked a very tricky question.

Damn it! The old Taoist priest was dumbfounded and couldn't help but give Jin An a thumbs up.

"Little brother, the angle of your question is really fucking amazing. I have never thought of such a tricky angle!"

The old Taoist priest began to think deeply about whether this child was the Dragon King or the Laowang...

The stairs were not long. When the two climbed to the second floor, they saw a lot of footprints on the second floor.

They continued to follow the footsteps on the floor.

Speaking of which, Jin An is no stranger to the attic in front of him. He even had a fierce battle with Mr. Zhang and the corpse when he was walking in the underworld.

Even on the second floor, Jin An didn't feel angry enough to see the dragon.

Not to mention the dragon spirit, I didn't even see Jia Zhidie's body. After working for half an hour, there was no gain. When Jin An and the old Taoist priest walked out of the small courtyard, the Jia family members gathered around anxiously and asked what was going on? Has Jia Zhidie’s niece succeeded in exorcising evil spirits?

Jin An said truthfully: "We did see some suspicious footprints in the attic, but we didn't find Jia Zhidie, so we plan to look for them throughout the Jia family."

"Or you can take us to see Mr. Jia in person, and we can ask him directly where he hid the body."

The Jia family brothers first went aside to discuss for a while, and then one person stood up and said: "My eldest brother didn't sleep a wink yesterday and is catching up on his sleep now. It's best not to disturb my eldest brother about this matter. We're afraid that he will miss his daughter so much that he will Stop us from looking for Jia Zhidie..."

"In this way, we brothers and the two Taoist priests will personally search for the body in the mansion. If there is any errand, as long as we can find the whereabouts of my niece Jia Zhidie, the two Taoist priests can just tell us brothers to... It’s obligatory.”

Jin An thought for a while and replied: "That's okay."

"By the way, you can bring the people who have been unconscious due to high fevers due to the evil wind. We will rescue them while we look for them."

Several members of the Jia family nodded happily and began to get busy.

You must know that among the people who were unconscious due to high fever, there were also several of their female relatives, so they naturally became interested.

These people just have ordinary evil winds entering their bodies. Living people and dead people live under the same roof, and they are affected by the evil winds. The yin and yang qi in the body are fighting, and the yang qi actively resists the invading evil winds, so they have high fevers.

In layman's terms, the human body's immunity is playing a defensive role.

Take a few sips of Sanyang wine to re-ignite the three fires of the human body, and then apply Sanyang wine all over the body for massage to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, dissolve the accumulation of Yin energy in the body, and the disease will be cured by sleeping until the next day.

The old Taoist priest showed this trick and easily relieved the high fever of several evil female relatives of the Jia family. Although they had not yet woken up, everyone in the Jia family already regarded the old Taoist priest as a master with real abilities.

Although the old Taoist priest was a little distracted by the flattery, he still did not forget the business. He and Jin An began to investigate Jia's house and found the body before the dark moon erupted.


They only had to dig three feet into the ground, but they searched the whole house but couldn't find Jia Zhidie's body. Even the water in several wells was inspected by Jin An himself, and no corpse was found in the well water.

"It's evil. A person, big or small, cannot disappear for no reason, unless the body is not in Jia's house, but somewhere else."

The old Taoist priest frowned and asked the Jia family: "After Mr. Jia came back from carrying the corpse, apart from tearing off the yellow talisman and setting up a running water mat to celebrate the wedding, did he do any other strange things? Has he ever left the house?"

When asked by the old Taoist priest, the Jia family thought about it carefully and said that they found no other abnormalities.

"I wonder if I can ask, where is the Jia family's ancestral grave?"

As soon as the old Taoist priest said this, the Jia family's expressions changed, and then they remained silent, refusing to tell the specific location of the Jia family's ancestral tomb.

In this era, people have a strong concept of ancestral graves.

Because the ancestral graves affect the fortune and fortune of future generations, if someone with ulterior motives knows where one's ancestral graves are, they can immediately destroy a person's official and financial fortunes by tampering with the ancestral graves, and he will be unlucky for the rest of his life.

If you meet someone with deep hatred and blood feud, they will destroy your family even at the expense of your moral integrity. For example, they may give your ancestors a water trick or a bottle of gourd water from the underworld, or feed your ancestors with Gui water from women’s menstrual period every day. , no one can bear it, just wait for the family to be destroyed.

What you fear most is that the dove will occupy the magpie's nest, borrowing the luck from your ancestral graves, and stealing your family's wealth and luck, without you even knowing it. When your family gradually declines, the sun sets, and your descendants die and you can’t even afford a roll of straw mat to wrap their bodies, you haven’t thought that there is actually something wrong with your ancestral grave. Someone has occupied the magpie nest and robbed it of yours. The wealth and official fortune of the family.

It is precisely because of all the above.

Therefore, when an old Taoist priest asks where the Jia family's ancestral tomb is, the Jia family will remain silent and it is very taboo.

The more wealthy a family is, the more taboo they have on their ancestral graves.

Because these wealthy families are looking for good Feng Shui almost every year, and move their graves every few decades, the purpose is to make the family prosper forever from generation to generation.

And good Feng Shui will naturally cause people to spy on you or enemies to do evil in secret.

Feng shui needs to be dealt with by an old Taoist priest.

Jin An has been watching without interrupting.

This is called specialization in the art. He and the old Taoist priest have a clear division of labor. In terms of Feng Shui metaphysics and looking at acupoints, the old Taoist priest is strong.

However, his strength is in subduing demons and exorcising evil spirits.

Therefore, the job of finding corpses and dead people still has to be done by old Taoist priests.

He will not interfere too much with the old Taoist priest.

This is called self-knowledge.

The old Taoist priest refused to let go when he saw the Jia family. The Jia family kept asking him to think of other solutions. The old Taoist priest frowned and began to share some of the Feng Shui problems he found in the Jia family and what he saw in the brothers' fields and palaces. He talked about all the evil in the family and analyzed the stakes for them. He was worried that Jia Zhidie's body was not in Jia's house. Could it have gone to the Jia family's ancestral grave?

to be honest.

If it hadn't been for the old Taoist priest's performance when rescuing people, the Jia family might not have believed the old Taoist priest's words.

However, the old Taoist priest came first to save people, and they all carefully considered what the old Taoist priest said. After some discussion, the brothers finally agreed to take Jin An and the old Taoist priest to their ancestral graves.

"How many of you have figured out so quickly that we are not here to harm your Jia family?" the old Taoist priest asked, twisting his beard.

The Jia family could afford to put it down, and said with a frank smile: "To be honest, my Jia family just found a better Feng Shui, and they have plans to move their ancestral tombs in the near future, so it doesn't matter if the current ancestral tombs are known to outsiders. Big picture.”

They were all people who were doing important things. They stopped procrastinating and went straight to the Jia family's ancestral grave. However, he was so busy that he didn't even have time for lunch, so he ended up hastily eating a few sweet cakes on the carriage to satisfy his hunger.

Not to mention, these rich people’s cakes were so delicious that the old Taoist priest burped after eating them.

There were twenty or thirty people in the group, riding in several carriages.

Jin An and the old Taoist priest rode in a carriage. The main reason was that the cheesy rice rolls they had eaten for breakfast were still smelly. The carriage was in a closed space. Most people really couldn't stand the smell of the two of them...

As the Jia family's ancestral tomb is an important place, it is natural that it must be closely guarded.

As soon as the carriage arrived at the foot of the mountain, someone from the Jia family came over to drive them away, saying that the nearby hills were the property of the Jia family and no casual visitors were allowed to enter.

When they saw that it was the Jia family who came in person, the servants were frightened and hurriedly let them go.

The farther the carriage went into the mountains, the more Jia family guards it met along the way. When it finally arrived at the Jia family's ancestral grave, the old Taoist priest couldn't help but praise the good Feng Shui.

"The Feng Shui here is like a lady with a slightly bulging belly, like a pregnant woman with a big belly. This is called the funeral energy in Feng Shui. It can nourish people, and it can support generations of people, ensuring that their children and grandchildren will be rich and noble."

At this time, the Jia family asked cautiously: "Check if there is any problem with the ancestral grave. Do you need to open the coffin?"

"We are worried that opening the coffin hastily will disturb our ancestors' peaceful sleep."

The old Taoist priest answered confidently: "You don't need to worry. If there is anything wrong with the Jia family's ancestral tomb, you can tell by just going around the mountain."

"Come on, let's go up the mountain and take a look now."

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