White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 223 The Water Goddess goes down to the Yinyi River


Blood splattered ten steps away.

Jin An slashed the last human flesh figurine into two halves vertically from the middle.

Jin An's eyes were sharp.

At his feet, hundreds of incomplete corpses lay lying on the ground, blood dripping on the ground.

All of them had their hands and feet separated, their torsos were cut in half, and their bodies were chopped into pieces by the Husha knife. None of them was a complete corpse.

The man-eating canyon is filled with the strong smell of blood.



Jin An was like a god of murder, standing in the canyon of the hanging coffin covered with a thick layer of blood.

Tick-tock, tick-tock... drops of blood kept dripping from the tip of the knife.

If someone who didn't know the truth saw the scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood in front of them, they would definitely mistakenly think that Jin An was a murderous demon.

But if you look closely at the mutilated corpses in that area, you will find that these chopped corpses have no internal organs in their bodies and are filled with white human flesh.


The next scene, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

This time, perhaps because there were too many dead human flesh figurines, these human flesh figurines no longer disappeared, but died and resurrected on the spot. These human bodies were resurrected with blood lines that had not been completely healed.

Seeing this scene, Jin An frowned.

Isn't it even useful to chop the body into pieces? It came back to life so quickly!

"it hurts!"

"My body hurts so much!"

"Taoist Master Jin'an, why do you want to kill us?"

"Taoist Master Jin'an, why do you want to kill us?"

These human flesh figurines, with blood lines on their necks, blood lines on their hands and feet, and blood lines on their bodies that had been split in two, had not yet fully recovered. In the darkness, they swarmed toward Jin'an with ferocious looks.

at the same time.

In the darkness of the Hanging Coffin Burial Canyon, there were more footsteps rushing towards this direction.

This time there were hundreds of people, several times more.

Jin An's face darkened. How many people had been eaten in this cannibal canyon? How is it like endless! If he kills these people again this time, will he rush out thousands of people next time?

Next time, maybe the tide of tens of thousands of corpses will directly swamp them!

"No matter how hard you kill these people, you can't kill them all. Instead, they kill more and more. Little brother, I think we might as well find a way out from the hanging coffins on both sides. Since finding a way out on the ground doesn't work, let's try to see if we can run out directly from the hanging coffins. "

The old Taoist priest shouted anxiously.

Jin An also understood that if he continued like this, even if he was not afraid of these human flesh figurines, sooner or later he would be exhausted and die in this weird hanging coffin burial canyon.

"Cut the sword, take the goddess up there."

"I'll take your third junior brother up."

Jin An shouted to Xiajian that he no longer wanted to fight.

Old Taoist priest: "?"

Before the old Taoist priest could voice his resistance, Jin An held the old Taoist priest's shoulders in his hands, and used the soles of his feet to lightly pedal on the rugged rocks on the cliff. Finally, he grabbed the hanging coffin burial log support and did a backflip, carrying the old Taoist priest with him. The old Taoist priest easily climbed up onto the hanging coffin, which was two feet high from the ground.

On the other side, Xiejian also brought the country goddess with him, and easily climbed over the hanging coffin. Like Jin An, his hands and feet are as nimble as an ape's, and he performs a set of movements like a master of martial arts, moving smoothly without blushing or panting.

These hanging coffins have existed for a very long time.

They have existed for at least hundreds of years and have long since rotted into rotten wood. Just as Jin An was about to take a step forward, the coffin lid under his feet seemed unable to withstand the weight of two people standing on it at the same time. The coffin lid fell apart with a bang. His foot was stuck in the coffin.

When Jin An lifted his foot, the upper part of the shoe lifted the upper body of the skeleton, and his foot got stuck in the gap between the dead man's sternum.

"Everyone, be careful. These coffins are badly decayed. Try not to have two people standing on a coffin at the same time, and try not to make any violent movements."

Jin An reminded everyone.

At this time, Jin An held up a torch to shine on the ground beneath his feet, and found that the human flesh figurines did not follow.

"Jin Engong, it seems that those people can't raise their heads to look at the sky, so they can't find us on the hanging coffin..." The country goddess stood carefully on a hanging coffin and said.

She stood as close to the wall as possible.

This reduces the contact area between yourself and the coffin under your feet.

If the hanging coffin beneath her feet really collapses, she can still cling to the cliff to prevent falling.

"What do I think? It's not that these people can't look up to the sky, but that they are suppressed by the sky, or are afraid of the sky above their heads, so they don't dare to look up at the ghosts and gods in the sky?"

"The owner of this tomb would not set up these hanging coffins for no reason and deliberately expose such a big flaw to let us escape. From my experience, it seems to me that the owner of the tomb deliberately lured us into the hanging coffins. There must be something similar to the hanging coffins. There are even more terrifying things waiting for us on the ground, including flesh and blood, mud and human figurines..."

In the pitch-black environment, the light of the torch illuminated the old Taoist priest's face, which looked gloomy and gloomy at one moment, and then red and strangely red at the next.

Jin An: "..."

Country Goddess: "..."

Chi Jian kept looking at the sky, looking at the hanging coffins stacked high above his head into the infinite darkness.

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest whose zodiac sign was the crow's mouth in silence. The key is that the crow's mouth was effective all the way: "Old Taoist, shut your crow's mouth."

"Also, keep the torch away from your face. Don't keep shining it on your face to talk to us. It looks scary."

The old Taoist priest muttered something like a resentful daughter-in-law. After being glared at by Jin An, the old Taoist priest shut his mouth.

Then Jin An began to discuss the next way out with everyone: "Although we are temporarily safe, the old Taoist's words are not unreasonable. Everyone knows that the old Taoist's crow's mouth is as effective as a magical weapon that has been illuminated..."

When Jin An said this, he did not forget to glance at the old Taoist.

The old Taoist priest had a dark face.

He expressed dissatisfaction.

Doesn't this mean he has a bad mouth?

The old Taoist priest originally wanted to protest unconvinced, but faced Jin An's gaze, he closed his mouth in depression.

Jin An continued: "So on the way ahead, when we leave the hanging coffin, we should try to be careful, keep moving quietly, and don't make any noise, so as not to really disturb something hiding in the dark."

After Jin An explained a few more words, he asked everyone if they had anything to add. The old Taoist priest shook his head, and the country goddess frowned and thought for a while but also shook her head.

Jin An looked at Xiejian, who had been looking up at the sky, and asked Xiejian if he had discovered anything?

Sharpening his sword and shaking his head, he said numbly that he was just worried about whether corpse oil would drip onto his body from the hanging coffin above his head.

Jin An, the old Taoist priest, and the country goddess: "!"

Afterwards, the four of them continued on their way, but this time they walked through the hanging coffin and out of the canyon.

Because these hanging coffins were too old, the four of them walked very carefully and did not dare to go too fast.

In addition, the old Taoist priest and the country goddess were exhausted, jumping on these hanging coffins to rush on their way, and their agility was naturally not as good as that of Jin Anhe, a master of martial arts, so the group of people didn't go very fast.

Fortunately, the human flesh figurines at his feet never raised their heads to look at the sky and did not follow them.

In the darkness.

The four of them were still on their way.

Suddenly, Chi Jian, who was walking at the forefront, stopped. He stood upright on the hanging coffin, turned around and stared in the direction from behind.

When he stopped sharpening his sword, everyone also stopped.

Walking at the end, he was calmly jumping between coffins, and he could easily look around and be alert to the surroundings. Jin An, who was responsible for breaking up and responding, suddenly stopped walking when he saw Xiejian, and asked Xiejian in confusion: "What's wrong with Xiejian?" Already?"

"Master, there is movement behind you. It seems that someone has entered this canyon again." Xiejian replied dully, still looking in the direction behind him.

Hearing this, Jin An looked towards the direction behind him.

But nothing was found.

Through the doubtful looks of the old Taoist priest and the country goddess, Jin An understood that they, like him, did not notice anything unusual.

But Jin An chose to trust Xi Jian's judgment.

The origin of the master thief Jiejian is mysterious, and the journey down to the Cave of Thousand Corpses has indeed proved that the master thief Jiejian has extraordinary abilities.

"Could it be that other people are starting to come ashore one after another?"

"Could it be the captain general who came down behind us?"

The old Taoist priest guessed.

Unexpectedly, Jiajian shook his head and objected: "No, it's not a man's voice, it seems to be a woman..."


"Goddess, if I remember correctly, among the people summoned by Master Fu Yin to go down to the Yinyi River this time, woman, you are the only one, right?" Jin An looked at the country goddess.

The weather-beaten face of the country goddess looked behind them in the direction they came from. She nodded solemnly and said, "It is true that as Jin Engong said, I am the only woman on this trip to the Yinyi River."

Jin An frowned and thought.

Just as he was talking like this, someone came from behind and approached quickly. Jin An had already heard the movement without sharpening his sword to remind him.

It was the plaintive, miserable voice of a woman.

This woman's plaintive voice, in this dark, oppressive, silent and empty canyon, is desolate, secluded, full of resentment and horror, the sound is so sharp that it can be heard far away, making people's eardrums feel a little painful.

"My child, my child..."

"Has anyone seen my child..."

"Have you seen my child?"

"Have you seen my child?"

As the woman complained, the desolate sound got closer and closer, accompanied by the sound of broken bones and the tearing sounds of flesh and blood being separated...

At this moment, Jin An looked surprised.

"It's Xiao Hanba's mother, the Water Goddess of the Jia family, who went down to the Yinyi River with her!" Jin An asked everyone to be careful, while he continued to stare in the dark direction behind him with frowning eyebrows.

The old Taoist priest's expression changed after hearing this.

He said with a grimace that it was really a leak in the house and it rained all night. This was because there was a man-eating canyon before and we still haven’t figured it out. Now there is a small drought and the mother is descending into the Yinyi River. What the hell is this? It’s over, let’s This time I'm really going to be dumped in a dumpling.

Only the country goddess looked in surprise, Xiao Hanba? Water Goddess? Didn't Mr. Fu Yin say that Xiao Hanba was discovered by the villagers? Didn't Xiao Hanba's mother have been burned to death by the villagers? Why is there another Water Goddess now? Xiao Hanba’s mother?

But the Country Goddess is not stupid. She just thought about it briefly and figured out a lot. Jin An and the others know much more about the inside story than the outside world. The little Hanba in the hands of Lord Fu Yin may have another origin. …

"Hush, silence, she's already here!"

As soon as Jin An finished speaking, he saw a young and beautiful woman wearing a snow-like gauze skirt, old clothes, water stains all over her body, wet and dripping water, walking barefoot from a distance.

Her bare feet were as white as snow.

She landed every step.

Not a drop of dirt on it.

But it left a lot of water stains on the feet.

And behind the snow-like gauze skirt, a woman's long hair was like the fangs of an evil ghost, spreading out in the air with fangs and claws. Those long black hair spread out, pierced through the mouthparts of hundreds of people, and hundreds of people were hung in the air. Scattered in mid-air, there was an evil aura spreading in the air, and the scene was horrifying.

Among the hundreds of people hanging in the air with their long hair pierced through their mouths, a few held torches in their hands, floating in the dark canyon.

Jin An saw many familiar figures among the hundreds of people hanging in the air.

There were three monks from Xishan Temple, two Taoist priests from Mingyue Taoist Temple... and many other acquaintances were seen, all of whom were the human flesh figurines from before.

The Water Goddess went down to the Yinyi River!

Jin An was startled when he saw the true face of the Water Goddess for the first time.

Because he already recognized the other person at a glance.

It turns out that he had already met Jia Zhidie as early as the beginning! He had already met the Water Goddess from the beginning!

This was the first time he saw the true face of the Water Goddess. It turned out that the strange woman in the water he saw when he first came to Fucheng was the Water Goddess!

The Water Goddess is the strange woman he has been looking for and was brought ashore by his nephew Zong Ren who killed his uncle!

Jin An's eyes darkened!

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