White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 228 Brother Weeper: “We’re catching you” and “You’re here”




As the human eye artifact exploded, the whole thing turned into powder, and a black hole appeared on the relief of the tomb door.

That black hole.

It is exactly where the human eye instrument was originally placed.

The old Taoist priest and the country goddess were dumbfounded when they saw Jin An breaking the most feared weapon in their eyes so easily.

If they hadn't asked for advice on the power of this magic eye in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace before.

They must have some misunderstanding about the power of this magic eye weapon.

And as the human eye artifact exploded.

The Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman was shaken into the air by the airflow, and then fell back to Jin An's hand.

The divine meaning that arose on the yellow talisman due to the stimulation of Yin Qi also disappeared into nothingness again after the demon was successfully defeated, and once again turned into an ordinary yellow talisman that looked inconspicuous.

Seeing the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman automatically falling back into his hand, Jin An was immediately happy.

"Brother Emotional Fu also recognizes his family."

"Little brother, what are you muttering about?" The old Taoist priest looked curiously at the extra black holes in the relief on the tomb door, approached the tomb door, and came to Jin An's side.

Jin An said it was okay, but his face was as happy as a bachelor finally finding a beautiful young wife. It was beyond words, and anyone could see that Jin An was in a good mood at the moment.

The harvest this time was very rich, how could Jin An not be happy?

Just now, without even using the five opportunities of the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman, he gained thirteen thousand one hundred yin virtues.

Not long after entering the Yinyi River, he had obtained a total of 23,100 Yin De.

Faster than he had been in the past month.

Fortunately, Jin An did not get carried away by the short-term benefits in front of him.

He deeply understood that the journey outside the tomb was already so difficult and dangerous, and when he actually went to the tomb, the situation inside the tomb would be even more dangerous.

Relying on just a few of them is too weak.

Jin An expressed his worries to the old Taoist priest and the others, and then made a decision: "This time we can successfully get out of Qimen Dunjia, thanks to the Water Goddess who led the way. Of course, it is also indispensable for you, old Taoist, to help us. Come out, I believe there are more people trapped in the Hanging Coffin Burial Canyon and can't get out. I plan to enter the Hanging Coffin Burial Canyon again, completely break Qimen Dunjia, and rescue other trapped people."

"We may not trust other people, but the three eminent monks who are the abbot of Bailong Temple, we must join them as soon as possible to form an alliance and face the Dragon King together."

Seeing that the old Taoist priest was about to speak, Jin An raised his hand to stop the old Taoist priest whose zodiac sign was the crow's mouth: "Don't worry, old Taoist, I have my own sense of discretion and I will definitely not take the initiative to die."

"The maze of the Wanxiang Celestial Palace is indeed exquisite and extraordinary. The person who built the ancient tomb must be an expert in Qimen Dunjia, but the Wanxiang Celestial Palace also has its limitations!"

"We are now out of the Hanging Coffin Burial Canyon. The flaws in so many mirrors in the canyon are all exposed under our noses. We don't need to enter the Vientiane Palace again, we just need to break all the mirrors we see in front of us."

When he said this, Jin An blinked at the three people in front of him: "Actually, it's very easy to break Qimen Dunjia. When you were a kid, you threw stones and smashed the windows, right?"


Hearing Jin An's words, the old Taoist priest's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he winked and chuckled a few times.



Outside the hanging coffin burial canyon, a pair of twin brothers wearing pointed hats were kneeling at the entrance of the canyon, wailing at the hanging coffin burial world in the Xianxian Canyon.

The younger brother was holding a mourning stick and had "Catching You" written on his pointed hat.

The elder brother is holding a soul-beating stick and has "You are here" written on his pointed hat.

Not only were the two brothers dressed in inhuman ways, but the expressions on their faces were also inhuman and weird. One of them had an expression that looked like he was smiling but not crying, and the other had an expression that looked like he was crying but not smiling, with tears falling down his face.

The more the two brothers cried, the more terrifying the atmosphere in this dark underground world with hanging coffins became.

Especially against the backdrop of the dilapidated hanging coffins all around, it was even more terrifying and creepy than a real evil spirit lying next to his ears, howling like a ghost.

But their wails are not ordinary cries. They are inherited from mourners, and depending on the environment, the mourners' mourning scriptures are also different.

It's like singing the "Chu Cai Sutra" at a funeral, stopping halfway to cry and returning to the "Pavilion Sutra" where the three souls and seven souls are still nostalgic for the mortal world and don't want to follow, etc.

And what they are crying in front of them is crying "Chinese Materials".

The pair of mourning brothers, who have been dealing with coffins and funerals for many years, once they landed on the beach, they saw that the coffin hanging in the sky was so sinister that it was a desperate situation where the living were forbidden.

Therefore, they did not dare to enter the hanging coffin burial canyon. Instead, they knelt outside the canyon and cried "Chu Cao Sutra".

An attempt was made to use "Chu Material Sutra".

Cry out a soul that transcends the dead.

In a pile of coffins, cry your way out.

This "Chu Cao Sutra" is a cry to the dead, praising the deceased's merits and deeds of good deeds throughout his life, thereby knocking open the gate of hell and saving the suffering victims buried in the canyon with hanging coffins;

They also cry for the living people to see, praise the merits of the deceased, and then leave a lingering shadow to bless future generations and leave a shadow for the living people in the world.

"Woo... Wuwu... Brother, how long have we been crying, Wu, Wuwu... Why are the dead people in the canyon buried with hanging coffins silent and not giving us an answer, Wu, Wuwu..."

The younger brother in black robes with a pointed hat that said "I'm catching you" was lying outside the canyon, crying particularly miserably.

"Heart, wu, sincerity, wu, then, wu, spirit wu wu wu..." The elder brother, who was wearing a white robe, cried in a melody, matching the rhythm of the beat.

"But, wuwu, brother, my voice is almost hoarse from crying... wuwu, there is still no movement, wuwu, there are so many victims in these hanging coffins, and we brothers are crying one by one. , I’m going to cry until the end of the year of the monkey, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh…”

Speaking of sadness, the younger brother in the black robe cried even more miserably, turning into a slug.




In the hanging coffin burial canyon, there were loud noises, as if they were coming from the canyon.

"Brother, what is that sound?"

The younger brother was stunned for a moment. With his nose still covered with white snot, he temporarily forgot to continue crying "Chu Caijing".

The elder brother, who had "You are here" written on his pointed hat, heard the movement in the canyon, knelt on the ground and cried even more vigorously: "Cry! Keep crying! Cry as hard as you can and don't stop! Woo hoo... Sincerity leads to success. , sincerity leads to spirituality, oh, sincerity leads to spirituality..."

"Woo, it must be the ancestors who were buried in the hanging coffins. They were moved by our mourning. The coffin boards were beating... Wuwu, it turned out to be true sincerity. Let's cry hard... Wuwu... The harder we brothers cried, the more we cried. The more I can impress the dead in the canyon, woo woo, woo woo..."

As expected, the mourner's brother was right.

The movement in the canyon is getting louder and louder, and it is approaching the mouth of the canyon.




This time I finally heard what the noise was, and it turned out to be the noise of a large number of mirrors being broken.

The younger brother who had the most questions was once again so shocked that he forgot to cry: "Brother, it's not the coffin board beating. The sound of the victims buried in the hanging coffin being moved by us seems to be the sound of a mirror breaking. Where did the mirror come from in the hanging coffin burial canyon?"

"This is called reunion after a broken mirror. It's a good sign. Wuwuwuwu, we brothers continue to cry hard, Wuwuwu, Wuwuwu, let us cry out a way to survive. Wuwuwu..." My brother said while crying harder, My throat was hoarse from crying.

The words "You are here" on his pointed hat are even more dazzling in this dark underground world.

Like a spiritual hand.

This time they heard footsteps getting closer and closer.

For a moment, the two brothers knelt at the mouth of the canyon, crying harder, more piously, and their voices became hoarse toward the approaching movement in the canyon.

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