White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 233 Clues to the murals and cornucopia?

The matter of stealing holes in the head.

It didn't cause much of an uproar.

After everyone observed it for a while and saw that there was nothing special about the robbery cave, they turned to look at the murals in the tomb in front of them and the words on the cast iron tablet.

"These characters don't look like Kangding characters, nor do they look like characters from recent dynasties. The fonts are ancient, but they look like characters from a long time ago."

A circle of people gathered around the cast iron tablet that supported the coffin, studying the words on it.

"Elder Hongzhao of our temple is the elder of Zhengdao Temple. He is best at studying ancient Buddhist texts and Buddhist scriptures. How about we use torches to illuminate the words on this cast iron tablet for Elder Hongzhao of our temple. Maybe we can learn from this pig iron tablet Find some clues about the identity of the owner of this ancient tomb."

The abbot of Bailong Temple said with his hands clasped together.

Naturally, everyone has no objection.

Then, the captain asked everyone to disperse. There were too many people here, and everyone was surrounding the cast iron monument, so everyone could leave enough space for the eminent monk Hongzhao.

Then he ordered the cavalry brothers to form a circle and hold torches to illuminate the ancient characters on the cast iron stele for the eminent monk.

Those cavalry guards were well-trained and disciplined. The captain asked them to stand still with torches in their hands. As expected, they stood still. They were tall and burly, standing as majestic as a black iron tower.

Jin An's eyes showed a hint of admiration and respect.

A man's dream is very simple. Every man has a dream when he was young to join the army and serve his country.

Although Monk Hongzhao is an old monk with white eyebrows, his eyes are bright and clear, and the dim sight in the cemetery does not affect his reading.

"The writing on this pig iron stele is indeed very early writing. It should be the Tengguo script that dates back thousands of years."

"This Tengguo writing has a characteristic. This small country more than a thousand years ago worshiped snakes, so one of the characteristics of Tengwen is that it looks like a snake entangled and soaring."

As the eminent monk Hongzhao spoke, he continued to study the words on the iron tablet carefully.


This cast iron stele is too old and has been severely decayed. It is already difficult to identify the ancient writings from thousands of years ago. In addition, the handwriting is severely decayed, making it even more difficult to identify.

Monk Hongzhao studied it for a long time, his brows furrowed more and more tightly, and the atmosphere in the tomb was a little depressed and quiet for a while.

But no one bothered or urged the eminent monk Hongzhao.

Now the only person who can decipher the script of a small country thousands of years ago is the eminent monk Hongzhao. If the other party can't decipher it, they will have no choice but to collectively be blinded.

When they were bored, everyone turned around and began to study the murals around them.

There is nothing else in this tomb.

There are just a lot of murals.

"Little brother, look at this mural. All the subjects in the city are bowing down to the man on the cart. This man should be the owner of the tomb. But this man looks really strange. Why does he have horns? He has a tail. ?”

The old Taoist priest called Jin'an.

"Looking at these murals, the men driving out of the car are actually carved with horns and tails."

"These murals occupy an entire wall. They look very grand. It seems that this small country called Tengguo is holding some major ceremony. The owner of the tomb is riding a chariot to inspect his territory and city."

Jin An came over to take a look and said: "The man in the car has a tall head and a long tail. He probably wants to express the meaning of a human dragon."

"Do you think the owner of this tomb is really a dragon king? He is a human or a dragon, but he is not a human being."

"It's because people in the past, out of respect for their superiors, used exaggeration to deliberately carve their king into the shape of a dragon to fool the people and consolidate the king's dominance."

While several people were still studying the murals.

After about two or three sticks of incense, Monk Hongzhao deciphered the text and finally made great progress.

Everyone who was bored with waiting quickly gathered around.

"General Duwei, the words on this pig iron stele are indeed the characters of a small country called Tengguo thousands of years ago. The Tengwen is really damaged. The poor monk relied on half-guessing and half-blindness to roughly summarize the content on the stele. What time is it……"

"First, these inscriptions mention that this is the tomb of the Lord of Teng Kingdom."

"Second, these inscriptions not only praise the ruler of the country, but also praise the great achievements of the Teng Kingdom to future generations. At that time, the world had not yet been unified, and it was in the chaotic era of the Warring States Period. There were more than a hundred countries, large and small. However, the most powerful countries among them are only the top ten countries, and Tengguo is among them. These dozen countries are constantly conquering each other."

"Third, the leader of the Teng Kingdom is the reincarnation of a true dragon, a human dragon, and his children's bloodline is also the human-dragon bloodline of dragons."

This time everyone was confused.

Do dragons really exist?

Is the leader of Teng Kingdom really the reincarnation of a real dragon?

The Dragon King under the Yinyi River is the leader of the Teng Kingdom?

Doesn't that mean that when they went down to the Yinyi River this time, they were fighting a Dragon King who had practiced Taoism for thousands of years after his death?


Monk Hongzhao suddenly frowned more and more.

"But what?" the captain asked urgently.

Monk Hongzhao pointed to one of the most rusted corners on the cast iron stele, and said with a solemn expression: "This stele mentions the Shanzhou Kingdom and the Shadow Basin, which were briefly prosperous and then declined..."

Shanzhou country?


The captain was startled when he heard this, and immediately his thick eyebrows knitted into a straight line.

This is probably because these two things, no matter which one is involved, are extremely important matters.

Because it involves the secret of immortality.

"It's just that this stele is too decayed, and the writing on the back is badly damaged. I wonder why the leader of Teng Kingdom mentioned Shanzhou Kingdom and the Shadow Basin?"

The eminent monk Hongzhao looked at the monument and sighed.

But among the people present, the most shocked ones were Jin An and the old Taoist priest, who secretly glanced at each other.

They all saw the shocked look in each other's eyes.

Next to the Yinyi River, apart from the Dragon King, why is it also related to the clue that there was a gathering basin in Chang County?

Among the people present, no one is a simple person, everyone has a wide range of knowledge.

When the eminent monk Hongzhao mentioned the Corner Basin, everyone else's breathing became heavy.

The Captain, who was still feeling heavy, noticed that the breathing of others present had become heavier. He said lightly: "Don't you really think that the legendary gathering basin that no one has seen its true face will appear in Teng Kingdom? In the king’s tomb, right?”

"Even if it really exists, I'm afraid it would have been stolen by the group of tomb robbers who left the cave and went to the tomb earlier than us."

"It is recorded in the history books that both the Shanzhou Kingdom and the Teng Kingdom were among the heroes who competed in the world. The leader of the Teng Kingdom mentioned that Shanzhou Kingdom was fighting with the Yin soldiers in the Juyin Basin. It was not a strange thing, and it may not really be involved. Clues to the gathering basin. Even if there is a clue to the gathering basin, if I were the leader of the Teng Kingdom, I would never be stupid enough to expose such a big secret to the public and let others come to me to snatch the gathering basin. "

At this time, the big man with raised eyebrows who was kicking and fighting in Kuixing stuck out his tongue greedily and licked the corner of his lips: "General Duwei, you can't say that. Maybe those tomb robbers didn't find the cornucopia because they were all captured." Was the Dragon King killed in this tomb?"

However, Kuixing's kicking words reminded everyone.

If this Dragon King is really the leader of the Teng Kingdom thousands of years ago, the reincarnation of a real dragon, and he has been practicing Taoism for thousands of years hiding in this ancient tomb in the Yin Mansion, then the age of so many of them may not be as old as the Dragon King.

"You don't have to worry about the Dragon King. Don't forget that this Dragon King was beaten with four bone stakes on the Dragon King's platform. He will be suppressed at the bottom of the river forever. He will never be able to stand up or ascend to heaven. I Since I am willing to go down to the Yinyi River with you to slay the Dragon King, I will not fight an uncertain battle."

"Everyone is afraid of death, and I am the same. Since I appear in this ancient tomb, it shows that we still have a good chance of winning against the Dragon King."

The captain said to calm people's hearts.

The information in this tomb is really limited, so everyone continues on the road and goes deeper into the tomb.

Of course, no one would risk their lives to overturn the cast iron monument or open the coffin to see what was suppressed in the coffin. The purpose of their trip was very clear, to minimize unnecessary complications.

It's strange to say.

It was uneventful all the way.

No danger or dead bodies were encountered.

On the ground covered with thick dust, however, many fresh footprints were found. These footprints were messy. There were many people who had successfully entered the ancient tomb before them.

Everyone speculated on the road that the underworld ferryman and the corpse-carrying craftsman were very capable, but they have not seen these two people so far. Maybe these two people are among these footprints?

The old Taoist priest had a different view on this. He quietly said to Jin An: "Little brother, I think that even if the underworld ferryman and the corpse-carrying craftsman are all dead, the one with mysterious skills and three swords on his waist Even a Feng Shui master with a Feng Shui bell will not necessarily die."

Jin An nodded thoughtfully.

In the dark ancient tomb, relying on torches for illumination, and following the guidance of these footprints on the ground, everyone found the middle hall smoothly without encountering anything along the way.

They discovered an auricle on either side of the nave.

In front of them is a main tomb chamber.

But in the middle hall, they once again saw a coffin suppressed by a cast iron tablet.

But this time the coffin was open, and the rotten pig iron stele and the coffin lid fell to the ground, and the pig iron stele broke into two pieces.

There are still words on the pig iron tablet.

But at this time, everyone had no intention of paying attention to the cast iron monument that was broken into two pieces. Instead, they stared at the opened stone coffin with tense atmosphere.

Everyone is on alert.

The heavy armored soldiers of the cavalry guard did not need the command of the captain. In the clang of the metal armor, they had already raised their heavy tower shields, raised their spears, and arranged the army to fight. They were at the forefront of the crowd and guarded against the contents of the sarcophagus. Rush out.

"Why is the sarcophagus here opened? Was it opened by Taoist Yinshan's group of tomb robbers? Or was it opened by the corpse-carrying craftsmen who were one step ahead of us?"

The old Taoist priest was surprised, and then muttered, shouldn't a thousand-year-old corpse pop out of this sarcophagus?

However, this time, after everyone waited for a while, there was no movement in the stone coffin, and it remained very calm.

Jin An and the others then stepped forward to check.

There was also a layer of coffin inside the coffin. The coffin was filled with highly toxic mercury. The captain borrowed a spear and poked it into the coffin, but there was nothing there.

The captain shook his head at everyone: "This coffin is empty, there is nothing in it."

Seeing that the coffin was empty, everyone went to the left and right ear chambers one after another to look for other clues.

One of the rooms is a burial pit, and you can see the bones of many people after they died.

The other ear chamber was buried with a large number of clay pots and jars.

When no clues were found in the left and right chambers, everyone turned their attention to the main tomb, and then walked towards the larger main tomb in front.

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