White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 235 Bronze Round Belly Cauldron and Secrets (6k big chapter, please subscribe and vote month


There is no need for Jin An to say it.

Many people have recognized the lower body of the dead man as the ferryman from the underworld.

For example, the captain who has the most dealings with the underworld ferrymen.

Another example is sharpening a sword.

He just sharpened his sword in a daze and never said unnecessary words.

"I also had some impressions of the underworld ferryman. After Taoist Master Jin'an reminded me, I also felt that the clothes of this dead body did look a bit like that of the underworld ferryman."

At this time, the abbot of Bailong Temple also nodded and approached, agreeing with Jin An's statement.

"It's just that I don't understand something..."

"How did the ferryman from the underworld die in the tomb?"

"Why is only the lower half of your body left running around in the tomb?"

"Why isn't that naughty little monkey he keeps with him always by his side?"

The inner question of the abbot of Bailong Temple is also the question that Jin An is thinking deeply about.

"Maybe the little monkey is still alive. There is a saying that when a tree falls, the hozen scatters. Or maybe the little monkey died somewhere in the tomb together with the upper body of the underworld ferryman. If you want to know the truth, I'm afraid you have to We have to rely on this half-body corpse to find out the truth."

Later, Jin An planned to let the half-length corpse lead the way.

He was curious.

This half-body corpse keeps running around in the tomb. Where does it want to go?

The others only pondered for a moment, and almost instantly reached a consensus and agreed to Jin An's proposal.


Jin An held the rope in his hand.

Let the half-body corpse lead the way.

When the half-length corpse was released from the five-flowered binding, the old Taoist priest felt uneasy and put a circle of corpse-suppressing charms on the waist of the half-length corpse.

The half-length corpse had just escaped from the trap and continued to burrow into the ruins of the main tomb this time. Fortunately, there was a corpse rope tied around his waist, so he couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

"Little brother, you said that this underworld ferryman killed so many people along the way, and used so many people's lives to lend him a way to seize life. How could such a sophisticated, ruthless and sinister person suddenly die in this ancient tomb? inside?"

"According to common sense, this kind of person is usually the old bastard who has been in disgrace for thousands of years and lives the longest..."

"Hey, even such an insidious and cunning figure as the Underworld Ferryman has capsized in the ancient tomb of the Lord of Teng Kingdom. The road ahead will probably be far more dangerous than imagined."

Jin An was holding the corpse in front, and the old Taoist followed closely beside Jin An, murmuring in his heart.

Jin An didn't say much. He continued to hold the rope and let the half-length corpse lead the way: "Aren't we just looking for answers?"

The old Taoist priest glanced at the half-body corpse...


In the darkness, everyone followed the half-body corpse solemnly with serious faces. The old Taoist priest suddenly burst into laughter, breaking the solemn and depressing atmosphere in the tomb.

This inexplicable smile, in this ancient tomb, is extremely scary.

"Old Taoist, are you possessed by evil spirits?"

Jin An, who was very close, looked at the old Taoist priest beside him speechlessly.

Under the dim light of the torch, the old Taoist priest winked and rubbed his hands and smiled: "Old Taoist, I just thought of a funny thing just now, and I couldn't hold it back for a moment. Although the dead man is a big one, the ferryman from the underworld has committed too many sins, so he deserves to die. ."

"Others just walk their dogs and entertain the birds."

"I never thought that following you, little brother, we could be walking corpses for a while..."

"Sister, are you right?" The old Taoist priest did not forget to glance in the direction of the country goddess, and he couldn't help but chuckle again.

Country Goddess: "?"

Jin An: "?"

Captain: "?"

Three monks from Bailong Temple: "?"


No matter how much people were talking and laughing here, Chi Jian was still in a daze, silent and unmoved all the way. He seemed to be two different people from his previous behavior outside the door of the tomb.

The half-length corpse led Jin An to a corner of the pile of rocks in the main tomb, and then began to crawl into a narrow gap under the pile of rocks.

The torch illumination is limited and cannot illuminate the specific environment under the pile of rocks.

The old Taoist priest said at this time: "Little brother, do you still remember the direction of the coffin of the tomb owner that I mentioned to you in the hanging coffin burial canyon?"

"The construction of tombs is strictly based on the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth and the Eight Diagrams, so the position of the coffin also follows the Eight Diagrams, with the coffin facing the Kun position and the feet facing the Gen position."

"Old Dao, I just roughly located the lower position. The place where we are standing now should be the position of the coffin of the Lord of Teng Kingdom. We should be standing on the Gen position now, which is the dragon head of the Lord of Teng Kingdom or the Dragon King."

"Standing on the Dragon King's head?"

Everyone else also heard what the old Taoist said and looked at the pile of rocks and ruins at their feet with strange expressions.

Although stepping on someone's grave is like killing one's father.

This is called overpowering others.

It will bring about unknown things.

But this time they went down to the Yinyi River to dig up the grave of the Dragon King, so everyone didn't have so many folk concerns.

There are too many collapsed rocks in the main tomb chamber, and the space among the rubble piles is too narrow, making it inconvenient for people to move normally. Fortunately, there were many people on this trip, so they could clear up the rubble very quickly.

But this time the old Taoist priest was wrong.

No coffin was found under the pile of rocks, but a three-legged bronze tripod with a round belly was dug out.

The bronze tripod has been weathered by time and vicissitudes of history. It has a majestic, grand, and heavy sense of historical clumsiness, and it gives people a sense of the heaviness of history.

The bronze round tripod is very large. Not to mention being used as a coffin, it is more than enough for a couple to be buried together. Just looking at the heavy and solid feeling, it is a big lump weighing tens of thousands of kilograms at least.

This bronze round-belly cauldron is composed of upper and lower parts. The lower part has a round belly and three legs, and the upper part presses the top cover.

It's just that this bronze round-belly tripod has long been severely damaged by collapsing rocks, and the surface pattern has been severely damaged. It can no longer be said to be sophisticated or of antique value. Now it is just a piece of scrap copper and iron that has been smashed with craters.

Even the lid of the bronze round tripod was hit by a falling rock, causing a large hole, causing flaws in the originally sealed heavy bronze tripod.

The half-body corpse was impatiently trying to get into the bronze round-belly cauldron.

It seems that there is something in the cauldron that attracts it very much.

"This bronze round-belly tripod is so big, and the tomb passage here is not big. How did people move in here thousands of years ago?"

Seeing such a big bronze lump in front of him, he said in surprise.

The captain explained: "To build ancient tombs, especially large tombs with large-scale construction projects, it is not necessarily necessary to use mules and horses to transport materials from the outside. After all, that is not realistic."

"For example, stone is dug out of the mountain, local materials are used, and local polishing and carving are done."

"Perhaps the craftsmen also found a copper vein in this mountain and cast a bronze tripod directly in the tomb. Some tools left behind from that time should be found in some side halls of the tomb."

After the captain finished explaining, he looked at Jin An: "This bronze cauldron has limited space and cannot allow too many people to enter. Why not let Taoist Priest Jin An and I go in to investigate the situation first."

Afterwards, Jin An handed the corpse rope to Xiejian and told Xiejian to keep an eye on the half-body corpse. If the half-body corpse posed a threat, he could cut off the two legs directly to prevent this thing from causing any trouble.

Originally, the old Taoist priest was itching and wanted to go down into the bronze round-belly cauldron with Jin An and the captain to see what was going on. However, the old Taoist priest's handful of old bones was decisively rejected by Jin An and asked him to stay and take care of them. sword.

Only when the old Taoist priest and Chi Jian are together can Jin An rest assured about the two of them.

Afterwards, Jin An and Duwei, who were both strong and agile, used their strength to make a few leaps on the bronze cauldron, and easily entered the cauldron through the hole in the roof.

"Little brother, what's going on inside? Are you and the captain okay?" The old Taoist priest nervously shouted into the cauldron.

There was silence in the cauldron for a while, and then Jin An's dull response came from the cauldron: "We are fine, there is no danger here, you are right, old Taoist, this cauldron is a coffin, we seem to have found one Human and dragon corpse, we will come out immediately..."

Human and dragon corpse?

Everyone's breath condensed and they stared closely at the bronze round-belly tripod. This was the first time they saw a dragon!

Could it be that the descriptions on the inscriptions about the leader of the Teng Kingdom were true, and that the leader of a small country thousands of years ago was really the reincarnation of a real dragon?

Jin An and the captain didn't stay in the cauldron for long. They held torches in their hands and jumped out of the bronze cauldron as agilely as two leopards.

They didn't come out empty-handed this time, they also had a dead body in their hands.

Everyone immediately gathered around and asked in amazement, could this be the leader of Teng Kingdom? The Dragon King they are looking for?

The reason why I think the corpse on the ground is the Dragon King is because this corpse is different from ordinary people. The surface of the body has a shallow layer of triangular scales that look like snake scales or fish scales.

Especially the face has the most snake scales. The whole face is covered with a thick layer of scales, and the outline of the facial features can no longer be distinguished at all, making the facial features extremely distorted and majestic.

Of course, this human dragon is already dead, because each limb of the human dragon is nailed to a coffin nail. Those coffin nails are engraved with scriptures and nailed through the dragon bone. In particular, one of Tianling Gai's coffin nails was the most deadly. It completely penetrated into the skull, leaving only a black hole.

"This technique of nailing the coffin to suppress evil seems to be a common technique from the lineage of corpse-carrying craftsmen. Could it be that the Dragon King was nailed to death in the bronze tripod coffin by the corpse-carrying craftsman who entered the ancient tomb before us? Isn't it possible? Yes, I think these coffin nails are a bit old and have accumulated a lot of dust..." Kuixing Kidou frowned and looked at the human and dragon corpses on the ground.

This human dragon has been completely broken into pieces. It is completely dead. Without the Yin Qi cultivation to nourish the body, its body has shrunk and lacked water, like a human dragon stranded on the shore, turning into a withered mummy.

The muscles are dark.

The scales on the body are also dark and lackluster.

This was the first time for everyone to observe the Dragon King so close. They were all amazed and amazed that this was the first time they had seen the legendary Dragon King. So the Dragon King looks so ugly?

It is also very different from the human dragon with towering horns and a tail behind it on the mural.

"In those small countries that are not highly civilized, in order to consolidate their dominance, the leader of one country claimed to be the reincarnation of a god, used it to fool the people, strengthen his rule over the people under his rule, and deliberately mythologized the image of the country leader. This is not unprecedented in historical records. ."

Jin An squatted beside the corpse of the human dragon and retorted.

At this time, General Duwei said politely to Monk Hongzhao of Bailong Temple: "The person who appears in the main tomb may not be the real Dragon King. Master Hongzhao, we just found some Tengguo characters in the cauldron. It is suspected that this The people inside the cauldron carved it with their fingers. We don’t know those Teng Guowen, so we have to trouble Master Hongzhao again.”

Monk Hongzhao clasped his hands together and pronounced the Buddha's name. Accompanied by Monk Kongming, they entered the cauldron and looked at the words.

On the contrary, Jin An was squatting next to the corpse on the ground, frowning and thinking, staring at the corpse in front of him, as if he was thinking about something?

The captain noticed something was wrong with Jin An's state, and was about to ask Jin An what was wrong and if he had discovered anything. But at this moment, the half-length corpse of the underworld ferryman who was tied up with a corpse rope appeared. After seeing the corpse of the human dragon on the ground, he actually started to go crazy and interrupted the captain's inquiry.

"Why is the half-body corpse of the ferryman in the underworld so eager to find this human-dragon corpse?"

Jin An saw the half-length corpse struggling more and more fiercely. After thinking for a moment, he nodded towards Xiejian and said, "Xijian, carefully put it over little by little to see what it is looking for."

Although he was clumsy and dazed while sharpening the sword, his movements were not slow, and he immediately slowly lowered the rope to bind the corpse.

When the half-length corpse approached the human-dragon corpse on the ground, the thing actually clicked, kicked the human-dragon corpse's waist, and then lay down on the ground, desperately trying to fuse itself with the upper body of the human-dragon corpse.

As a result, the corpse-suppressing talisman around the waist and abdomen of the half-length corpse flashed with gold talismans and cinnabar, and the two corpses could not fuse together no matter how they merged.

The half-length corpse had no hands and was unable to take off the corpse-suppressing charms. It was twisted and angry on the ground. In the lonely ancient tomb that lacked popularity, it actually felt a little joyful.


Everyone was speechless.

The emotional half-body put so much effort into it, there is no earth-shattering secret, it's just that I just want to find a dead body to make do with.

Jin An was also amused by the funny half-length corpse on the ground: "Does this count as learning and applying idioms to others?"


Everyone, look at Jin An and the old Taoist priests. These two people must be mentally ill. Ever since they entered the ancient tomb, the atmosphere among everyone has been extremely tense. Only these two extremely courageous Taoist priests from the Wu Zang Taoist Temple can be careless. He laughed heartily.

Monk Hongzhao on the other side had made progress in deciphering Tengguo characters, and everyone immediately gathered around him.

"Back to Captain, Abbot, the human-dragon corpse on the ground is not the Dragon King we are looking for, but one of the sons of the Lord of the Teng Kingdom. The Lord of the Teng Kingdom has many descendants. He knows that his time is coming, and he is afraid that he will die. Later, he had no descendants to watch over his body, so he sealed his own son alive in a bronze cauldron and built a fake tomb to hide it from the sky."

"If anyone comes here and opens this bronze cauldron rashly, he will be killed by the human and dragon corpses sealed alive in the cauldron."

"The more tragic this person's death, the higher his status during his lifetime, and the more he couldn't give up the glory, wealth and obsession in the world of the world, the more resentful the world will be after his death. In order to protect his true mausoleum from others, the Lord of Teng Kingdom When he found out, he did not hesitate to kill his own son, so that his own son would guard his filial piety hall and his mausoleum forever."

Monk Kongming, who had a hot temper, couldn't help but break the monk's commandment and cursed angrily: "People often say that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their seeds, but the heart of the Lord of Teng Kingdom is very poisonous. We have been through all the troubles along the way." From what he saw, the sins he committed were worse than those of an animal.”

Monk Kongming became angry. He hadn't scolded him enough and wanted to continue scolding him. However, when he saw the gaze of the abbot of Bailong Temple, Monk Kongming stopped.

He knew that this time he broke the monk's vow of anger.

After returning home, take the initiative to go to the Discipline Hall to receive the punishment.

"Little brother, no wonder I said, the terrain here is getting higher and higher. The Dragon King does not touch the water, but is stranded on the shore. The feeling is that the leader of the Teng Kingdom wants to use the fake tomb to hide his real tomb, but also He didn't want his son to gain power, ascend to heaven, and seize the identity of the owner of the tomb. The leader of the Teng Kingdom took all the benefits for himself, but his own son couldn't even drink a sip of soup. Don’t they say that father and son have no overnight feud? I don’t know how big the gap and suspicion between father and son is, but I actually persecute my own son like this.”

The old Taoist priest stood beside Jin An and murmured in a low voice.

Jin An: "Isn't there an ancient proverb that says 'the most ruthless emperor's family has been in ancient times'? This is a living example."

Monk Hongzhao was not affected by Monk Kongming and continued: "When this human dragon was sealed alive in the cauldron, he was still alive. In despair and struggle, his nails were cracked and his phalanges were cracked, filled with hatred. The hatred that penetrated his bones left those words in the cauldron. In despair, he also left a sentence, saying that the reason why the leader of Teng State spent so much trouble is because the leader of Teng State found the secret of eternal life and wanted to Resurrection from the dead by the Hualong Pond, the hidden dragon in the abyss, the flying dragon in the sky, and do it again..."

"What are you going to do again? Master Hongzhao, don't have any scruples. What you say next is just a narration of a dead man's words. I will absolve you of any guilt." The captain saw that Monk Hongzhao had worries, so he agreed. Make a commitment and take the initiative to reassure the other party.

Monk Hongzhao put his hands together, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, without looking directly at the captain, and relayed: "The Lord of Teng Kingdom wants to use the Hualong Pond to resurrect from the dead. Since the hidden dragon is in the abyss and the flying dragon is in the sky, Be the Nine-Five Supreme again."

"Be bold!"

"A little king who has been dead for a thousand years dares to dream of becoming a saint in a thousand years. He really doesn't know how to live or die! When the Dragon King Temple was built, only four dry bone piles were used to drive him back into the abyss, so that he would never be able to turn over. It seems we haven’t done enough!”

The captain's angry shout really revealed a lot of information.

The captain no longer concealed the matter, so he talked about what happened that year. After listening to the captain's words, everyone was surprised but also understood that the Dragon King Tower and Dragon King Temple were indeed built by the imperial court.

There is no shortage of skilled Feng Shui masters in the imperial court. These Feng Shui masters not only measure the royal land in the world, but also find good Feng Shui treasures for the imperial clan to build mausoleums.

The construction of the mausoleums of the royal family and relatives does not happen overnight. It often takes ten or twenty years to complete the construction.

Later, when a Feng Shui master passed by the big corner in Fucheng, his skills were indeed extraordinary. He said that this big corner is a place where dragons are hidden. There is a dragon crossing the river stranded under the Yinyi River. Every year when the rainy season comes, the water rises. , the dragon crossing the river will raise its head once, hoping to fly in the sky. But this dragon crossing the river is too close to the Nine-Five Supreme, and it has threatened the Nine-Five Qi Number. There is no need to clarify who the Nine-Five Qi Number is.

Therefore, some people do not want to see this dragon crossing the river ascend to the blue clouds and soar into the sky, but they want him to fall into the abyss forever, never being able to raise his head, never being able to look up to the Nine-Five Supreme Being pressing on his head.

However, due to the conditions at that time, it was impossible to stop the flow of the Yinyi River, and because the power of the Dragon Crossing the River was so weak in front of the Nine-Five Supreme Being who dominated the world, he was not even qualified to be taken seriously by the court, so he ordered that A Feng Shui master built the Dragon King Temple and Dragon King Platform at Daguaikou, laid four dry bone piles, and used fire to suppress the water, so that the dragon crossing the river under the Yinyi River could not lift its head or turn over for the rest of its life.

For eternity and eternity, one cannot hide from the dragon and rise to heaven.

For eternity, he will be trapped under the dark Yinyi River.

Unexpectedly, Yinyijiang was involved in so many court secrets, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Aren't you always worried that there will be risks in getting rid of the Dragon King this time?"

"Don't worry, with the four dry bone stakes of the Dragon King Platform nailing the Dragon King under the Yinyi River, this Dragon King, even a thousand-year-old corpse who has practiced for thousands of years, cannot exert his full strength."

When the captain said this, he glanced around the people present with a vague glance: "As for whether telling you such secrets of the imperial court will cause trouble, you don't have to worry. This is not a There are not a few people in the court who know about this big matter."

"Moreover, our trip to the Yinyi River was originally to pacify the Dragon King. By pacifying the Dragon King, not only did you save the people of Wuzhou Prefecture from being in dire straits, it was a great meritorious deed. At the same time, you also cleaned up the side of the holy king's bed. , It is a great achievement. Isn’t it that you are going to Yinyi River this time to get officials and titles, so as to find stability and wealth for future generations?"

"Old Taoist, let's burn the body on the ground first."

Jin An's words were the first to break the silent atmosphere in the ancient tomb. The old Taoist priest secretly glanced at Jin An's calm expression, said "OK," then poured Sanyang wine on the human dragon corpse on the ground, and lit it with a torch in his hand. Burned.

With the help of the fierce flames of the burning corpse, everyone continued to discuss, what should be the next step?

"Since this is a fake tomb, where will the real mausoleum be? The mausoleum is not small, but it is not big. The mountain range is so wide, and we are in the middle of the mountain. Looking for a mausoleum is like looking for a needle in a haystack. different."

"I think the real tomb of the Lord of Teng Kingdom is still nearby. I wonder if you have noticed that among those who went to the tomb earlier than us, they only had the footprints of entering the main tomb and not leaving the main tomb. This means that they did not After walking out of this main tomb, there should be a secret passage or something like that. If we look carefully, we might be able to find it."

Not to mention, during this search, I really found some important clues that were buried among the rocks.

The main tomb chamber is not only about the bronze round-bellied cauldron, there are also many grooves on the wall. In the grooves on the wall are many poisonous arrows, aqua regia spouts, crossbow beds, and kerosene spouts.

These mechanisms may have been designed with great ingenuity at the beginning, making it difficult for tomb robbers to detect them, but now they have been completely destroyed and become a vast sea of ​​​​travel buried in ruins.

As a result, I kept digging, ah!

There were several sudden screams, and Jin An immediately turned around and looked in the direction behind him. As a result, he could no longer find the figure of the old Taoist priest and his sword-sharpening figure. Also missing mysteriously were the two mourning brothers.

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