White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 242 The magnet photo from thousands of years ago

Out of an abundance of caution.

When everyone went down to the underground palace again.

In addition to putting out the torches to prevent the temperature in the underground palace from rising abnormally.

They also deliberately kept distance between the groups.

The body temperature that prevents people from gathering together also causes the temperature of the underground palace to become unbalanced and accidents occur.

As the saying goes, you never go too far wrong.

No one wants to be the next chicken whose clothes are burned off, or the chicken is roasted into crispy skin.

The formation of the team at this time was with Chi Jian at the front, Jin An behind, then the captain, the old Taoist priest, the country goddess, the mourner brother who was injured and his clothes were burned, leaving only a pair of pants, and the responsible brother. There are three eminent monks from Bailong Temple behind the temple.

Each of them.

They all stand some distance apart.

Then carefully pass through the eerie green pottery figurines in the underground palace, try to go to a place with a large gap, and keep a safe distance.

Since Chiajian went to the tomb, his performance of various abilities in the tomb along the way has been fully recognized and trusted by everyone, so they all allowed Chiajian to take the lead and clear the way for everyone.

If you encounter any situation.

Sharpening the sword can also provide timely warning to the team.

Fortunately, there are those fish oil ointment permanent lamps in this underground palace for lighting, so there is no need to worry about the black lamp blinding the fire and accidentally knocking over the green pottery figurines, so we passed the green pottery figurines safely along the way.

The Lord of the Teng Kingdom deliberately planned to place fish oil ointment and keep the lights on in the underground palace. His purpose was to keep the air temperature in the underground palace at a balance, just to reach the critical point of burning of the candle yin.

But when these ingenious tricks of the candle-yin fetus were discovered by others, the fish-oil ointment that had been carefully planted in the underground palace became a bright lamp, and instead served as a torch for people entering the tomb.

This can be regarded as one drink and one peck, and you are trapped in a cocoon.

"This means that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. If you don't believe it, look up and see who God will spare. The Lord of Teng has done so many things that are harmful to nature, and even God can't stand it. He originally wanted to use these ever-bright lamps to harm people. In the end, he helped outsiders pass through the underground palace smoothly. He deserves to have his tomb stolen and his coffin dug up." The old Taoist priest walked in the team and let out an angry sigh.

Old Taoist priests hate evil the most.

I can't stand these outrageous activities.

No wonder he was so angry.

Along the way, have they experienced too many strange and strange things? What strange and strange things are they not sacrificing a living person to guard the tomb of the Lord of Teng Kingdom, trapped underground forever for life after life, with no peace, and being buried in the ground, even reborn? The opportunity to reincarnate was cruelly deprived.

"Although we soldiers in the military have never believed in fate, and only believe in the sword in our hands and the comrades behind us to lead us out of a way of survival, this does not prevent me from fully agreeing with Daochang Chen's words. Daochang Chen has a very right saying. , Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation..."

General Duwei, who was walking in front of the old Taoist priest, said in a deep voice: "The Lord of the Teng Kingdom was cruel and inhumane during his lifetime. If such a cruel and unrestrained tyrant were to be resurrected from the dead on the road to hell, it would be a bloody waste. The people are in dire straits, and I don’t know how many more homeless corpses will be left in this world. Regardless of whether it’s public or private, I don’t want the Lord of Teng Kingdom to pop out of the coffin lid and cause trouble to the world after his death!”

"I also like to hear what General Duwei said."

The old Taoist priest twirled the little goat's beard on his chin, and nodded in agreement as if he had found a confidant: "Whether this Lord of the Teng Kingdom is the reincarnation of a real dragon, or a monster with three heads and six arms, is the Lord of the Teng Kingdom any good? It's easy to die, how can we let him jump out of the coffin and cause trouble to the world."

"If we can get rid of the leader of the Teng Kingdom today, it will be a great merit. It can also be regarded as avenging the blood revenge of the countless dead souls buried in this tomb, fulfilling a wish for the ancients who have lived for thousands of years, and allowing them to have peace of mind. He was laid to rest."

The scope of this underground palace is very large.

In addition, we have to avoid the green pottery figurines from time to time along the way and stay as far away as possible.

Therefore, a group of ten people walked for almost two or three sticks of incense before they finally walked out of the underground palace safely. After leaving the underground palace, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, in addition to seeing the largest number of green pottery figurines with different faces, we also saw the largest number of dragon pillars. Each of those dragon pillars was as huge as a tree holding up the sky, and the dragon pillars looked majestic and angry. , supporting the entire underground palace building.

Jin An made a rough count and found that there were thirty-six dragon pillars. Each huge wooden dragon pillar was carved from a thousand-year-old wood that was precious in the world. It would take several people to hold it together.

"It is said that this mausoleum was built based on the Yangzhai. The more prosperous and wealthy a person is, the more they say that after death, 'things die as things live'. There are so many giant wooden dragon pillars built in this underground palace. It seems that the Lord of Teng Kingdom You really regard yourself as the reincarnation of a real dragon."

The old Taoist sighed, expressing his disdain for the leader of Teng Kingdom.

If the leader of Teng Kingdom is really the reincarnation of a real dragon, then the leader of Teng Kingdom is an evil dragon.

And today they are here to be the warriors who slay the evil dragon.

After the ten people passed through the underground palace safely, they found that the field of vision in front of them suddenly widened. There was actually another universe behind the underground palace. This was a large cave.

The torch in my hand alone can't illuminate the end at once.

I don’t know how high the sky is.

How far are the two sides?

Jin An roughly estimated that the area of ​​​​the cave would not be smaller than the area of ​​the false grave above their heads.

When he arrived at the new place, the old Taoist priest took out his Yin-Yang compass again, wanting to see if the Yin-Yang compass could be used normally in this place to distinguish the direction under the cave.

As a result, the old Taoist priest muttered: "There is more evil in this cave than outside. The compass is spinning like crazy. There must be a large magnetite vein in this cave. The magnetite interference is more serious than outside."

The old Taoist priest walked back and forth a few steps from southeast to northwest, and finally shook his head.

Hearing this, Jin An took a curious look at the compass in the hands of the old Taoist priest. The pointer on the compass was indeed spinning like crazy, spinning rapidly counterclockwise and then clockwise.

The magnetic field here is very chaotic.

The compass fails completely here.

Seeing that the yin and yang compass still failed when they got into the cave, the old Taoist priest shook his head, put away the compass, then carefully looked at the black road under his feet, and followed everyone deeper into the cave.

And just when Jin An and the others had walked out of the cave in the dark, they suddenly heard the sound of running water.

Hua Hua Hua——

In the darkness, there was the sound of flowing water. Jin An and the others, holding torches, turned around to find where the sound of living water came from.

Living water means there is a way out.

Perhaps this living water will be the key to their survival out of the tomb.

"It seems to be coming from the front left of us..."

someone said.


Not far away, they saw a pool of water. Just as they were looking for the source of the pool, suddenly, the cry of a horse came from the empty, dark cave.

This was originally an ancient tomb.

The surroundings were empty, dark, and quiet, and the torches couldn't illuminate very far. People's nerves were already on edge all the time. This sudden horse braying suddenly made people's skin crawl.

"Where is the sound of the horse coming from?"

"In this mausoleum from a thousand years ago, the people have rotted and turned into bones. How can they keep horses alive?"

The old Taoist priest held up the torch in his hand and turned around to shine it. The sound of the horse's braying came from the direction of the water flow.



In the empty, dark cave, the sounds of horses and horseshoes began to be heard.

And the sound of horseshoes doesn't just come from one foal.

Rather, it was the sound of horseshoes walking from many foals.


Da da--

The sound of horseshoes approaching, snap, snap, the sound of whips hitting the foal's flesh, the sound of wheels, and the painful gasps of the foal carrying heavy loads and struggling to move forward.


Jin An's face suddenly looked startled.

The old Taoist priest standing next to him had his jaw dropped and his mouth wide open in shock, staring at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

Under this cave, a large number of soldiers, wielding whips, were beating the packhorses hard. The packhorses were bloody and their skins were torn. They were struggling to drag the carriages behind them to transport and build the mausoleum among the rocks on the uneven mountain roads. Stones, wooden piles, iron tools...

Behind the carriage, there were many slaves who were naked and tortured to the point of becoming emaciated, pushing the carriage forward on the rugged mountain road.

Every time the overseer soldiers whipped them, the slaves' bodies would tremble in pain, leaving deep blood marks on their bodies, and their bodies were bruised and bruised by the whips.

These slaves have numb eyes.

Face oppression.

Didn't dare to resist at all.

Numb, repeating the heavy and hard work in my hands.

Some people fell to the ground because they were too thin and could not stand up again. They were beaten to death by the soldiers with whips.

Someone was seriously ill, having inhaled a lot of dust underground, and developed pneumoconiosis and coughed up blood. Just because he was a step too slow in moving the stones, he was stabbed through the neck by a soldier like a pig or sheep, and his numb eyes gradually lost their luster.

Staring at Jin An and the others with unblinking eyes.

As for the soldiers who acted as overseers, they all wore snake scale armor and snake helmets, and their whole bodies were covered in black armor. They were all well-equipped, and their bodies were filled with aura of chilling and brutality. They killed people without mercy.

The people of Teng worshiped snakes and dragons.

Seeing the armor and attire of these soldiers, Jin An's first thought was that these soldiers were soldiers of the Teng Kingdom.

However, the productivity of iron tools in this era is backward, let alone well-equipped fine iron armor. Every soldier here has a pair of fine iron armor. At first glance, they are the best among the best soldiers. Only the personal guards of the Lord of Teng can wear them. Such sophisticated equipment.

This is a huge mausoleum construction project.

In the huge cave, you can see busy people everywhere. There are slaves cutting gravel, craftsmen polishing stone, and pack horses and mules struggling to carry heavy loads on rugged mountain roads. People are bustling, and the sound of jingling stone is heard one after another. …

There were no less than a thousand emaciated slaves, building a very huge imperial mausoleum. They were carrying out extensive construction work. One after another they died of fatigue and never recovered.

Every brick in this mausoleum is stained with human blood.

Under every foot of the road, there is a human skeleton buried.

In ancient times, construction capabilities were very backward. To dig and build a huge mausoleum in the mountains was done with human lives!

at this time.

Several scarred packhorses dragged the carriage past Jin An and the others. The slaves pushing the cart behind the carriage did not seem to notice Jin An and the others, their eyes were numb and empty as they passed by.

At this moment, the soldiers who had been beating the pack horses and slaves just now looked sharply towards Jin'an and the others as if they noticed something.

Under the cold helmet shaped like a snake, only a pair of murderous cold eyes were revealed. The soldier, wearing armor, approached with heavy footsteps.

This scene made the old Taoist priest and the mourner suddenly tense up their muscles and look nervous on their faces.

"What's going on with these people?"

"The craftsmen, slaves, and soldiers who died thousands of years ago... are still alive in the underground tombs! Could it be that the Lord of Teng Kingdom really found the secret method of resurrection from the dead, crossed the Huangquan Road for thousands of years, and led him to conquer the world? The Yin soldiers died together on Huangquan Road and were resurrected? We fell into the Yin soldiers' lair and were made dumplings!"

The old Taoist priest said nervously.

"We've been discovered!"

"Soldiers from Teng Kingdom are coming towards us!"

"General Captain, brother, what should we do? How about we get out!"

The mourner's brother in black robe shouted anxiously.

At this time, the soldier from the Teng Kingdom from a thousand years ago was getting closer and closer. Just as the soldiers were fighting, the soldier from the Teng Kingdom from a thousand years ago suddenly stopped and saluted Jin'an and the others.

"General, you are here!"

The soldier's sudden salute shocked the mourner and the three monks of Bailong Temple who were about to fight their way out.

Everyone subconsciously turned to look at the captain beside them.

The Tengguo soldiers were saluting in the direction of the captain...

At this time, the captain frowned tightly.



The soldier was not saluting the captain, but a general who appeared behind the captain at some point.

The general was majestic and tall, and he also wore snake scale armor and a snake helmet. These Teng Kingdom personal guards all liked to hide themselves in the cold and ferocious armor, and they were all cold-blooded butchers who killed many people.

When the cold-blooded butcher general looked at him, their eyes met, and Jin An couldn't help but have the urge to draw his sword to fight the enemy.

He had a delusion.

This cold-blooded butcher general seemed to have noticed him and was staring at him.

In the end, Jin An resisted the urge to draw his sword immediately because he discovered that the cold-blooded butcher general's cold and emotionless eyes were not looking at him, but at the slaves behind him who were building the vast mausoleum.

Then, the general took the troops behind him and went deep into the cave. Behind this team, there was a carriage carrying a coffin. I wonder if the coffin contained the body of the Lord of Teng Kingdom?

Faced with a strange scene that cannot be explained clearly.

There was some silence in the team for a while.

And the surrounding slaves and supervisors continued to build the unfinished mausoleum thousands of years ago.

As the Tengguo general disappeared into the depths of the cave with the coffin, suddenly, everything in front of him became silent.

Just now, people and horses were shouting, and all the scenes of tombs being built thousands of years ago disappeared.

In front of Jin An and the others, they still saw the dark, silent cave.

Where are the slaves and Tengguo soldiers?


"What exactly is going on?"

At this time, everyone present was stunned. Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, they were all so stunned that they were speechless.

"A ghost covering your eyes?"


"But if ghosts see hallucinations with their eyes covered, why do they only appear for a short moment and then disappear immediately?"

For a moment, everyone held their breath and didn't dare to act rashly. This cave was really evil.

At this time, only one person was deep in thought.

Jin An raised his head and looked around.

"The image we just saw may not be an illusion, nor is it a ghost covering the eyes. Of course, it is not at all the brutal soldiers of the Teng Kingdom who came back from the dead on the road to hell a thousand years ago. Old Taoist, do you still remember when you first entered the cave? I said that the influence of magnets in this cave is more powerful than the outside world..."

"The picture we just saw should be a phenomenon of magnet imaging..."

"The special magnetic field in this cave formed a closed magnet field in a closed space isolated from the world. This magnet field recorded the images and sounds of the tomb being built thousands of years ago, and it has been preserved in the closed field to this day. …”

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