
"I did act as a pallbearer today."

"Let someone carry the coffin back to Chang County."

"I understand what Shopkeeper Zhang means. I will clean up my mess immediately and leave the inn. This will not damage Shopkeeper Zhang's reputation as a guest."

Living people regard coffins as unlucky things.

Anyone who touches the coffin will have bad luck, which will indeed affect the inn business.

"Driving you away?"

"In Mr. Jin'an's heart, are we such unreasonable people?"

"We are waiting at the door because we want to use willow branches to wipe away the bad luck for Mr. Jin An and help Mr. Jin An wash away the dust."

"I never thought that I would drive Mr. Jin An away just because he carried someone else's coffin out of good intentions."


Jin An reacted.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Willow trees can nail souls, and they are close to Guanyin. There is a willow branch in the jade bottle in Guanyin's hand. Therefore, it is said among the people that willow branches can kill dirty things and eliminate bad luck for people.

After listening to Zhang Lingyun's explanation, Jin An was moved.

"Spank, spank, finally Doudou is no longer the only one who has been spanked by his aunt."

"Pah, pah, pah, pah."

"Auntie spanked Doudou, and it still hurts."

Fu Loli held her little hand in Zhang Lingyun's hand and rubbed her little butt, as if she had been beaten badly last time.

Fu Loli got her ass spanked last time.

It was the time when he wet the bed and framed shopkeeper Zhang.

Jin An: "..."

Shopkeeper Zhang: "..."

Only Fu Loli was still yelling at shopkeeper Zhang to spank Jin An.

Of course, shopkeeper Zhang couldn't really take off Jin An's pants and spank him.

Just taking out the willow branches that had been broken off in advance, shopkeeper Zhang patted Jin An's body a few times without pain or itch, and then...

Jin An: "..."

Sunset and moonrise.

Time flies.

At midnight, everything in Chang County is quiet, except for the occasional sound of dogs barking from far to near, as if they saw something at night. The barking of dogs is faster than the last, becoming more and more urgent.

There was a curfew at this time, and the streets were deserted. Except for the watchman and the night watchman, no one else was allowed to walk around on the streets.

For Lin Lu, he was busy from morning to night today, and he was not fully recovered from his serious illness. After re-burying his late wife, he felt extremely tired when he returned home, so he went to bed early today.

Cluck cluck...

Cluck cluck cluck...

Lin Lu was sleeping groggyly, and seemed to hear some noise.

He didn't pay attention at first, but the creaking sound was still there, like the sound of wood creaking.

But Lin Lu, who had heavy eyelids, was really sleeping too deeply.

Tonight, he didn't hear the cry of his late wife again, so he hadn't slept well in the past few days. Lin Lu slept particularly deeply today.

I don't know how long he slept for, but Lin Lu was finally woken up by the urge to urinate. For some reason, the more he slept, the colder he got. His hands and feet were so cold that he woke up with the urge to urinate.

when he wakes up.

The lamp oil in the room was still burning dimly.

It could only barely illuminate the room where Lin Lu slept.

"The lamp oil hasn't burned out yet. Is it still Haishi at this time?" Lin Lu subconsciously raised his head and glanced outside the window. It was dark outside the paper window and he couldn't see anything.

It was extremely quiet and quiet at night.

Strangely enough, when Lin Lu woke up, the strange cackling sounds he heard in his dream just now disappeared.

"Could it be that I was confused and took the dream seriously?"

Lin Lu looked at the pitch-black window paper where he couldn't see anything. He hesitated a little, but the urge to urinate became more and more uncomfortable. Finally, he got out of bed, raised the oil lamp on the table, put on a robe and opened the door. Men planned to go to the hut.


It was so cold outside the house, and an evil wind came from nowhere and blew out the already dim oil lamp in Lin Lu's hand.


I can't see my fingers.

Lin Lu was so frightened that he almost threw the oil lamp in his hand subconsciously.

in the dark.

There was a while of searching and groping.

Lin Lu found the Huozhezi in fear and used it to relight the oil lamp. The warm firelight once again illuminated the room where he slept.

Lin Lu breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the familiar house with repeated brightness.

I almost scared him to death just now.

It was already late at night, and it was dark outside. It was so quiet that Lin Lu realized that it was too quiet.

"My cousin and several relatives stayed on watch for me all night, guarding the white coffin placed in my yard. Logically speaking, with so many people gathering together, they would be fist-fighting and drinking. It would be very noisy. How could it be so? Quiet?"

"Did the night watchman fall asleep?"

Lin Lu suppressed the urge to urinate. This time he held the oil lamp in his right hand and protected the wick with his left hand to prevent it from being blown out by the night wind outside.

He just stepped out of the house this time, but something happened!

Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck...

Cluck cluck...

That strange sound sounded again in the calm and thick night. Lin Lu retracted his steps timidly. It was not an illusion! It’s not a dream either!

That voice is real!

Lin Lu's face turned slightly pale. He was so afraid that he closed the door and put down the latch. What should he do? What should he do? Could it be that the person buried in the white coffin placed in the yard was scratching the coffin?

The more Lin Lu thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct.

The sound of the wood creaking sounded more and more like it was coming from the yard. At this time, the surroundings were calm late at night, but the sound became more and more terrifying at night.

"Why didn't my cousin and the others who were watching the night make even a sound?"

"And Daozhang Chen is also keeping vigil, right?"

Lin Lu's heart began to tremble.

At this time, no matter how dull you are, you will notice that something is wrong.


Lin Lu swallowed hard in fear, and looked at the dark window paper outside the window, where nothing could be seen.

Cackling... The strange noises continued in the yard where the coffins were placed.

Lin Lu walked to the table in the room as quietly as possible. He was nervous and carefully put down the oil lamp in his hand without making any sound.

Then quietly walked behind the window sill.

He moved slowly and carefully, his heart beating loudly like a drum. He planned to secretly open a window gap and take a peek at what was going on in the yard outside.

This suppressed fear has already suppressed the urge to urinate, leaving only panic and nervousness in my heart.



As Lin Lu secretly pushed open the window, a mallet used to starch laundry clothes was pushed to the ground by the window sill.

The solid sound of wood falling to the ground, in the calm night, was as harsh as a needle piercing the eardrum.

The color drained from Lin Lu's face, and the blood in his heart seemed to have stopped instantly. He couldn't breathe. Under the hazy moonlight, the white coffin in the yard was half opened!

at this time!

A human face hung outside the window, hiding outside Lin Lu's window.


I've been discovered!

I've been discovered!

Lin Lu wanted to scream but couldn't. His whole body was as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

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