White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 264 Leek, also known as aphrodisiac, is mainly used to prevent colds

Sha Yang was fostered by Jin An in He Mansion.

When Jin An received Sha Yang from Cong He Mansion, he returned to Wu Zang Taoist Temple just before the curfew.

Originally, Jin An planned to keep Shayang in the coffin shop opposite the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, but when he thought about Uncle Lin's busy business, he probably didn't have much energy to take care of the energetic Shayang, so he had to trouble the eldest lady again.

It is a coincidence that I did not see the eldest lady in He Mansion today.

The old Taoist priest originally wanted to eat a big iced watermelon at He Mansion, but in the end he left He Mansion with no hope.

"Little brother, I think this sheep is fat enough on its own. It has only been in He's house for a day, and it has been fattened up by the eldest lady."

The old Taoist priest looked at Dasha Sheep, the calf, who was holding a sharp sword in his hand, and winked at Jin An.

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest speechlessly.

"Today's haggis noodles and lamb chops haven't filled your mouth yet, Lao Dao."

The old Taoist priest's face became angry, and he quickly defended himself, saying that I was a Taoist who cared about my own family, but little brother, how could you become a wolf-hearted and ungrateful person?

As for the truth of the old Taoist's explanation, he probably couldn't even tell it himself.

The sun sets in the west.

The moon rises in the west.

Like the afterglow of blood shining on Fucheng, because the curfew is approaching, the streets of Fucheng gradually become deserted. The crisp sound of hard sheep's hooves hitting the bluestone pavement opened the street where the Wu Zang Taoist Temple is located. Uncle Lin's coffin shop was still there. The door was not closed, but two lanterns had been hung at the door. It seemed that he heard the movement outside the door. The lantern at the door of the coffin shop reflected a black figure.

The figure walked from the coffin shop to the door.

The black figure gradually lengthened.

A middle-aged man with high cheekbones and a sickly sallow complexion stood at the door and looked around the corner, just in time to see three people and a sheep walking quietly from the corner.

Uncle Lin had a smile on his face.

All the people from Wu Zang Taoist Temple returned safely.

"You're back? It's good to be back. It's good to be back. I'll cook some vegetables for you and wash away the dust for you." Uncle Lin looked at the Wu Zang Taoist master and apprentice who had returned safely with a look of relief.

It's just that Uncle Lin's complexion is a bit off today. His originally sickly sallow complexion is even more sickly than before.

"Uncle Lin, look what we brought you, the deer blood wine from Jixian Tower in Fucheng. This is what I, the old Taoist priest, and Xi Jian brought to you on the road...Uncle Lin, what's wrong with you? Your face Why is it so ugly? Master, please check Uncle Lin's pulse. Is Uncle Lin feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

What was originally a meeting turned into Jin An and the others nervously asking Uncle Lin to come into the coffin shop, asking Uncle Lin what was wrong with his health and stop standing at the door to catch the cold.

Uncle Lin laughed and said that he was just too hot at night and slept without a quilt. In addition, because of his poor physical condition, he caught a little cold late at night and would be fine after taking a few Chinese medicines to treat wind and cold.

Jin'an and the others greeted Uncle Lin for a while, and the old Taoist priest even checked Uncle Lin's pulse. After seeing that Uncle Lin was indeed fine, he felt relieved.

In any case, Uncle Lin was the first acquaintance they met when they came to Fucheng as a foreigner. He always took good care of their neighbors. Jin An regarded Uncle Lin as a benefactor.

"Uncle Lin, since you are cold, drink some deer blood wine tonight to warm yourself up and have a good sleep. We won't stay in the store to disturb you tonight. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it during the day tomorrow. "

Jin An advised Uncle Lin to go back to the house and rest early.

Uncle Lin: "?"

But he really wanted to know what happened in the Cave of Thousand Corpses under the Yinyi River last night.


When Uncle Lin saw Jin An and the others getting up to leave, he also stood up.

Jin An interrupted the owner of the coffin shop: "Uncle Lin, you are too polite. The Taoist temple is right across the door, so there is no need for Uncle Lin to send me off warmly."

Uncle Lin: "?"


Uncle Lin followed Jin An and the others to the door of the coffin shop and opened his mouth to speak. He was about to ask curiously about the situation of the Thousand Corpse Cave in Yinyi River, but was interrupted again by Jin An.

"Uncle Lin, you are really too polite. You have to go a few steps to trouble me, Uncle Lin, to see you off. What can I, Lao Tao, and Xiajian do? Let's help Uncle Lin close the door."

Jin'an was greatly moved and called the old Taoist priest to sharpen his sword and shut the shop for Uncle Lin with a bang.

Until the backs of Jin An and the others entered the Five Zang Taoist Temple, Uncle Lin didn't have time to ask a complete question, which made Uncle Lin frown in frustration, but then, Uncle Lin smiled freely.

Soon after, the candles in the coffin shop were extinguished and it was completely dark. After taking a few sips of the deer blood wine that Jin An had given him, Uncle Lin fell into a deep sleep.

After Jin An dragged his tired body back to the Taoist temple, he did not fall asleep immediately. Instead, he went to Sanqing Hall, Liuding Liujia Martial Hall, and Wu Lei Emperor Hall to offer incense one by one, feeling grateful.

Even the old Taoist priest and Xiejian followed Jin An with great solemnity this time to burn incense.

It was already half an hour after the grand ceremony of lighting the incense in the three main halls. The three of them could no longer bear the feeling of sleepiness and fell asleep after returning to the house.

Jin An also spent a lot of money this time. The bloody battle with the leader of Teng Kingdom in the end took a lot of energy from him.

The night gradually fell into silence.

In the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, which has not yet been completed, except for the loud snoring of the old Taoist priest, everything is as peaceful as before.

Only the energetic sheep raised by Taoist Wu Zang was eating carrots from morning to night in the sheep house repaired by Jin'an, day after day, while staring at the purring sheep with its eyes. The house stood motionless in the dark night.

Sheep's eyes are very strange.

The two pupils grow horizontally from left to right.

Can provide the widest field of view.

Sheep's eyes have almost no blind spots, and their field of vision is almost twice as wide as that of humans.

In the dark sheep house, one of Silly Sheep's eyes was staring at the house with loud snoring, and the other was staring in the direction of the main hall in the front yard of the Taoist temple. Even when he lowered his head to pick up a carrot, the eyes in his eyes were still there. Zi still maintained the same posture, and I don't know if it was an illusion. The scene seemed to be that those beastly eyes had become human, and they were actively standing guard for the three people who were sleeping soundly in the room.

Indescribably strange.

The next morning.

Although Jin An was exhausted when he returned to the Taoist temple yesterday and fell asleep, he did not have the habit of sleeping in. It was just dawn in the early morning, so he was breathing on the roof as usual, and the Five Zang Immortal Temple was breathing in the new day. Vibrant and energetic. Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

At this time, the sky and the earth were dawning, and the fog and dewdrops from last night had not completely dissipated. The morning air in Fucheng was moist and fresh, and everything was shrouded in mist. As the sky and earth dawned, the mist slowly dissipated, and the night was chaotic. The turbid air and the pure air began to separate one by one, sinking and rising. In the golden morning glow, the heaven and earth broke the chaos and ushered in new life.

Jin An is sitting cross-legged on the roof to breathe out the energy of heaven and earth. He is wearing a Taoist Taoist robe with five internal organs. In this quiet morning in the city, he is like a Taoist immortal who is surrounded by clouds and fog, swallowing clouds and spitting out mist, and his body is illuminated by golden light.

The day's plan begins in the morning.

Jin An is practicing the Taoist "Secret Sutra of the Five Internal Organs".

When the rising sun shines brightly in the sky and the earth, and the chaos of heaven and earth is completely broken by the vigorous life of the new day, Jin An wakes up from the meditation retreat, suddenly feeling full of energy, and all the fatigue of the day is swept away.

When a person is bathed in the morning glow, the five internal organs in the body burst out with vigorous and strong vitality.

The pores all over the body are relaxed.

At this time, the people in Fucheng were waking up one after another and starting to run around making a living day after day.

Houses, grass bridges, flowing water, old trees...

Tea houses, wine shops, butcher shops, temples, fortune telling...

It's just that these people who went out of the city mostly saw farmers doing business. When they looked towards the dock, the place was desolate. There were fewer porters carrying goods, fewer bearers fighting for business beside the passenger ships, and many fewer people coming to Fucheng. Businessmen doing business and businesswomen who come to Fucheng to explore the world...

The impact of the Dragon King case will not be subsided in a short time, and Fucheng's commercial business has been greatly affected.

"I have been meditating for so long, but I have only seen a few local ferries crossing the river, but no merchant ships or passenger ships coming from upstream and downstream. I guess the government has not lifted the lock on the river. After all, the flow of people on the waterway is greater. If there are any wanted criminals hiding, On these foreign ships, we can quickly escape from Wuzhou Prefecture."

"And those antique dealers all know the art of disguise."

Jin An looked thoughtful.

"However, the interception of ships in Suojiang has caused great controversy among the people. The people in Fucheng need supplies from the outside, and the merchants from other places cannot bear to be delayed for several days. It is estimated that Lord Fuyin can only last two or three days at most, regardless of whether he is arrested or not. Those antique dealers have to lift the ban on water transportation."

This is really an eventful time.

Jin An frowned when he thought that before Mr. Yi left, he mentioned that the age of great conflict was coming soon and that the Cave Heaven Paradise representing the world of Yuze was about to open.

Yuze World, should you avoid water drops...

Jin An thought about some conversations he had with the old Taoist priest on the way back after saying goodbye to Mr. Yi yesterday. Is the Taoist water talisman...

Qi gazing!

Yin De——

Five thousand seven thousand and three!

Jin An stood up on the roof. He faced the vigorous life of the rising summer, bathed in the golden light. His whole body was covered in golden flames. Jin An's eyes flashed. Although the Five Zang Taoist Temple was still small, it could This unprecedented virtue is his capital to settle down in this world of great conflict.

Jin'an's thoughts are clear.

Leap off the roof... oops!

Just as Jin An jumped off the roof, he heard the screams of the old Taoist priest coming from the house, and then the screams of the old Taoist priest came one after another, which was more tragic than the butcher's house that started killing pigs before dawn.

It turned out that after a while of tossing in the ancient tomb, being chased by rats, running for his life, and being knocked underwater until his whole body was black and blue, the old Taoist priest woke up and found that his whole body was sore and weak, and he was in so much pain. He was squealing like a pig, and his body also had a lot of bruises, swelling, and bruises.

People who have had falls or sprains have had similar experiences. When they first fell or bumped somewhere, they didn't feel anything, but by the next day, they were severely swollen.

Sharpening the sword gave full play to his compassion as the second senior brother to take care of his junior brother.

When Jin An heard the old Taoist priest moaning and screaming, he came to the house and saw Xi Jian applying medicinal wine to the old Taoist priest, massaging the whole body to relax the muscles and activate the blood circulation and remove blood clots.

Jin An couldn't bear to break the rare warm scene between the two brothers, so he said cheerfully: "Old Taoist, don't get out of bed. Just lie on the bed and let the sword sharpen your muscles. I'll bring you breakfast."

"There has been a drought recently. Since many sheep died of heat stroke, it stands to reason that many domestic pigs will also die of heat. I will go look for pork dumplings to nourish your body."

This time when they went down to the Yinyi River, the old Taoist priest followed them back and forth. It was really not easy for him to have an old body. Moreover, the old Taoist priest did help a lot. Without the old Taoist priest, they would not be able to get out of the Qimen Dunjia. Although Jin An didn't say it explicitly about the hanging coffin burial canyon in the Bureau, he kept these in mind.

They finally saw the light of day again this time, so they naturally wanted to reward Xiajian and the old Taoist priest who had helped a lot.

Anyway, he now has Luobao money to support him.

Rich woman, hungry, hungry.

As soon as the old Taoist priest heard that there was meat to eat, he immediately became energetic, and he no longer screamed in pain: "Little brother, Taoist priest, I want to eat Xiao Long Bao stuffed with pork and chives."

People in this era have backward production technology. It is not easy for ordinary people to afford meat every day.

Jin An huffed, smiled and jokingly said, "Old Taoist priest, you are good. I know that leeks can aphrodisiac, and I plan to eat leeks to replenish your tired and exhausted body."

Then Jin An nodded and said, OK, even if I travel all over the city today, I will definitely find you a shop that sells pork and leek stuffed dumplings, so that you can recuperate and reward you as a great hero.

Fortunately, there is no seasonality for leeks.

As long as the seedlings mature, they can be cut and grown, one crop after another.

So Jin'an didn't spend much effort and found a shop selling pork and chive stuffed dumplings just a street away from Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

Jin An suddenly laughed a little.

The emotional old Taoist priest has been thinking about this restaurant's pork and leek stuffed xiaolongbao for a long time, so he specifically wanted to eat this today.

Anyway, the old Taoist priest is buying one, so Jin An simply buys one for everyone and asks the bun shop owner to pack it for him.

In previous seasons, people packed food with fresh lotus leaves, but in this abnormal drought, not to mention the fresh lotus leaves, even the most vigorous roadside weeds have wilted. Finally, Jin An felt that it would be troublesome to go back to the Taoist Temple to get the food box, so he went to a nearby bamboo and rattan shop and bought a bamboo basket to take home.

When Jin An returned to Wu Zang Taoist Temple, the coffin shop opposite the Taoist temple had already opened for business early: "Uncle Lin, have you had breakfast? I bought pork and leek stuffed xiaolongbao for everyone, especially for you, Uncle Lin. Ordered one."

Uncle Lin was surprised and took the pork and leek stuffed dumplings from Jin An: "Taoist Jin An is in a good mood today?"

Jin An looked at Uncle Lin, whose face had not improved much after a night passed, and became concerned about Uncle Lin's health: "Leeks, also known as aphrodisiacs, are also called yangcao. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, leeks have warming and tonic properties. It has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and aphrodisiac. Of course, these are digressions. The key point is that leeks can prevent colds and can also sterilize and reduce inflammation in the body. I hope Uncle Lin will recover from the cold soon."

Uncle Lin: "?"

There were several black lines hanging from Uncle Lin's forehead, and the muscles at the corners of his eyebrows twitched.

He was petrified and stunned on the spot.

It wasn't until Jin'an returned to the Taoist Temple that the masons who came to the Taoist temple in the morning were served fresh and hot xiaolongbao stuffed with pork and chives. Uncle Lin came from the Taoist temple after the masons were talking, laughing and saying thank you. Jin An came back to his senses from those unserious words.

Listening to the lively chatter and laughter in the Taoist temple, Uncle Lin glanced at his deserted coffin shop, which was only accompanied by dead people and coffins. Even after he had eaten breakfast, he still bit into the small pork and leek stuffing in his hand with relish. Long Bao.

While eating the xiaolongbao, he nodded to the Taoist priest with a smile. He didn't know whether it was because Jin An was a kind person or because the xiaolongbao stuffed with pork and chives was delicious.

Taoist temple of the five internal organs.

Private quarters in backyard.

"Old Taoist, Old Taoist, I traveled half the city and finally found you a bun shop that sells pork and leek stuffed dumplings. Eat them while they're hot. After that, let's talk about the imperial water talisman."

In the backyard of the Taoist temple, Jin An shouted before he even entered the house.

Then there was an old Taoist priest lying in the room shouting in disbelief: "Little brother, you have to deal with it. If you really want to run across half of the city so quickly, I will eat the stone table in the yard alive." . Don’t think that I don’t know about it. There is a steamed stuffed bun shop selling pork and leek stuffed dumplings just a street away from Daoist Temple.”

Jin An hehehe: "Hehehe, you old fox, I know you have already known that it is sold nearby."

Old Taoist priest: "..."

Little brother, you little fox is so cunning, you actually lied to me!

The Wu Zang Taoist Temple, which had been deserted for a day, returned to its former lively state after Jin An and the old Taoist priests arrived. The two men began to bicker early in the morning.

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