White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 27 Physical Examination (Thanks to the leader @

"Thank you, Brother Erzhu."

"Young Master Jin An, you're welcome."

Jin An clasped his fists towards Erzhu, then stepped into Lin Lu's courtyard.

Erzhu pushed open the courtyard door for Jin'an.

After Jin An entered, he slammed the courtyard door again.

Block out other people's prying eyes.

Jin Anfu was admitted to hospital.

Then he saw that the small courtyard was already filled with more than a dozen people.

These people are all Lin Lu's family members.

Lin Lu's cousins, uncles and uncles were all here.

Several wooden benches were placed in several directions. Some senior members of the Lin family, or prominent figures, were all sitting there.

There are several elderly people who are very old and have limited mobility, and there are several young people standing behind them to take care of them.

At this time, the Lin family members, including Lin Lu and his father, all seemed to be worried, and they all sat with their brows furrowed and said nothing.

The atmosphere was very depressing and silent.

The scene in front of me is a bit like...

Everyone is silently waiting for something to come...

The white coffin placed in the yard was still there safely, and the lid had been closed again.

It's just that the lime powder that was sprinkled on the ground yesterday has now been blown away and spread all over the courtyard. The surface of the coffin seemed to have been soaked by a heavy rain. All the ink cartridges were washed away by the water, and blood dripped all around the coffin.

Jin An looked around.

A strange phenomenon was discovered.

There were only old men in the yard, not a single female family member, and not even Lin Lu's mother was in the yard.

Jin An's head sank.

Jin An was not familiar with Lin Lu and other members of the family, so he found the place where the old Taoist priest was standing.

Jin An deliberately lowered his voice so that only he and the old Taoist priest could hear: "Old magician, what's going on? Why do I think there's something wrong with the atmosphere in this yard?"

"Did someone die last night when someone came to steal the body..."

The old Taoist priest glared at Jin An with the Lin family present behind his back.

It means calling him "Old God Stick" when no one is around in Jin'an is an insult to his character.

But now is not the time for bickering. The old Taoist priest said: "Old Taoist, I suspect that the person who put medicine in our meals last night and knocked out several of us is from the Lin family."

"Because the food we ate yesterday was cooked by Lin Lu and his aunts and uncles. So when it comes to poisoning the food, the most likely suspect is to investigate it first with Lin Lu's aunts and aunts."

"It's just that we asked for a long time, but nothing came out. No one admitted that they did it. I saw the look on their faces when they spoke, and it didn't look like they were lying... I just thought it might not be a living person. What happened is that some of them were possessed by something unclean, but they were completely unaware of it."

"So, I asked the Lin family to select a few strong women and lead Aunt Lin Lu, who was responsible for cooking food for us last night, into the back room for a physical examination."

Jin An had a surprised expression on his face when he heard this.

"I've heard of people being possessed by dirty things."

"I remember that when I was a child, I loved to move. The elders in my family often told me not to run around at night. When a person runs, his heels are off the ground, which is like a broken root, and it is easy for dirt to hit you from behind. The two feet are inserted under the feet to possess the body and extinguish the three Yang fires of the person."

"There is also a saying that people naturally rest at sunset and have Shaoyang in the evening. If they run strenuously at night, they sweat a lot. The sweat takes away a lot of heat from the body, making the Yang Qi even weaker. And people with Shaoyang, It’s easy to hit dirty things. So running at night is not recommended.”

"But there's no need to bring them into the house to check. Just see who is walking on tiptoes."

Who knows.

The old Taoist priest glanced sideways at Jin An.

That sideways glance...

It's like scolding Jin An for farting!

"It's daytime, it's sunny, and the sky and the earth are burning like a sun furnace. What evil spirit dares to come out at this time if it doesn't cost its life?"

"Old Taoist, I've seen that Lin Lu's aunts and uncles all walk with their heels on the ground, just like ordinary people. At least they are not possessed by dirty things during the day."

"What I want to check is which one of them was possessed by something dirty last night."

"As long as a person has been possessed by dirty things, they will leave behind some special characteristics that will not disappear immediately."

When the old Taoist priest said this, he frowned slightly: "After all, it's a different path between yin and yang. It's like pouring a drop of cold water into hot oil. The oil will still splash out of the pot. It can't be completely clean. No. Leave no trace."

The old Taoist priest continued to explain: "Human beings are yang, and evil qi is yin. When evil qi takes possession of the body and cannot clear the upper and lower parts, it is easy for the liver and lungs to stagnate. If the liver and lungs are affected by evils, the liver, lungs, and spleen will be deficient and unlucky, with qi stagnation and blood stasis, and the meridians will be damaged." block."

"Insufficient healthy qi leads to the accumulation of evil spirits, and the qi in the liver and lungs is reversed and forms hidden nuclei in the chest, breasts, or armpits."

According to the words of an old Taoist priest, even if a person recovers after being possessed by dirty things, some abnormalities will remain on the chest or armpits closest to the lungs.

Therefore, if you have ever been possessed, you can tell by taking off your clothes and checking your chest or armpits for any abnormalities.

Although for the sake of safety, the old Taoist priest thought that it would be more secure and safe for him to conduct the physical examination, and no trace of skin would be missed. He was willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of conquering demons and the common people in the world. If I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?

But in the end the matter was dropped.

After all, men and women are different.

Old men are afraid of young men's punches.

So I asked Lin Lu's mother, together with several strong and powerful Lin family ladies, to close the door and check themselves.



The old Taoist priest blinked at Jin An, and finally both of them showed that look that all men understand.

While they were talking, the door to the inner room, which had been closed, finally opened from the inside.

A group of thick-waisted tiger and wolf masters came out with several female relatives. One of them was crying, and his two almond-shaped eyes were red and swollen from crying.

The pale and helpless little hands tightly covered the slightly messy clothes on her chest.

No need to ask, the results of this physical examination have already been produced.

A group of elderly men who had been waiting silently in the yard suddenly stood up, with expressions of shock and horror on their faces.

"Why is it you, little aunt!"

Lin Lu had a stunned expression on his face.

At the same time, another middle-aged man in the yard had an ugly look on his face.

"Donor, don't be fooled. The cause and effect of this matter is not your fault. She is also the victim. You must not feel grudge because of this and mistreat your wife, who has suffered the same hardships as you in the world."

The old Taoist priest bowed to the middle-aged man.

It turned out that the two people were sleeping in the same bed.

The next thing was much simpler. I asked Lin Lu's aunt if anything strange happened around her after carrying the coffin yesterday. Or have you come into contact with any strangers?

Then a man followed the clues.

It turned out that Lin Lu's aunt did meet a strange man last night, and he had been following her. It wasn't until she ran into Lin Lu's house that he left.

Lin Lu had many relatives in his family. They took the painted portraits and went around Chang County to find out the identity of the man who followed Lin Lu's aunt last night.

After half a day, the results finally came.

That man’s name is Chen Pi!

So, a group of angry men from the Lin family, armed with hoes and shovels, took the old Taoist priest and Jin An, and blocked the door to find the thief who had stolen the body.

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