White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 292 Waiter, why is there no poison in your food?

Jin An saw so many strange people here eating and drinking the wine and food in the inn without hesitation, so he simply let go.

Give Huang Zinian's body some wine to quench his thirst.

Although he had the Liuding Liujia Talisman to nourish Huang Zinian's physical body, he was still far from being reborn to the point where he could live without food.

Unexpectedly, he had just taken a sip of wine when the Five Plague Messengers Exorcism Talisman held by Yuan Shen reacted.

Wine Gu!

Jin An immediately thought there was something wrong with the drink.

He had a slightly startled expression on his face, then calmly looked up at the innkeeper standing behind the counter, and continued to pretend that nothing happened and poured himself a bowl of wine.

As a result, nothing unusual happened this time.

Obviously, the innkeeper, that flying-headed man, looked down upon him, and actually planted a wine poison in the wine.

After Jin An even took a few sips of wine to no avail, he turned his attention to the fragrant hot dishes on the table, including plain chicken, fish soup, mapo tofu, the same old ones.

"Huang Zinian, have you ever heard the story about Tietou You Tanzhi who accidentally ate ice silkworms and then practiced the "Ice Silkworm Magic Skill"?"

Under the bamboo hat, Jin An and Huang Zinian communicated spiritually.

Huang Zinian shook his head in confusion.

"Then have you ever heard that Duan Yu was immune to all poisons and his internal strength greatly increased after eating centipedes and red clams?"

Huang Zinian still shook his head.


"Huang Zinian, don't be afraid of these poisonous insects that have eaten into your body. The Messenger of the Five Plagues is also called the Emperor of the Five Plagues and the Emperor of the Five Blessings. He can remove plagues and prevent disasters. No matter what kind of plague or disaster he is, he is immune to evil... You can't believe me, you can't believe me. Are you the Five Plague Emperors in Taoism? Let me try something new for you today. Maybe if I eat a centipede or a toad, I can help you open up the two meridians of Rendu and the eight extraordinary meridians in one night. You can achieve great success in one night and save yourself a day of struggle. Jiazi..."

Jin'an Yuanshen said pleasantly.

Huang Zinian: "?"


Jin An grabbed the chopsticks, banged both ends on the table, and then took a big mouthful of the dishes on the table. He frowned, and after taking a bite of each dish, he threw the chopsticks down on the table.

It seems that none of the dishes on the table are satisfied.

An inn waiter cautiously came over to greet Jin An. Is the food not to his liking? Looking at the cautious look of the waiter in the shop, he stood three or four steps away from Jin An, just out of the attack range of the Yanling knife on Jin An's waist. He was deeply afraid that if Jin An was unhappy now, he would follow in the footsteps of his companions.

As soon as Jin An came to the inn, he killed two people in a row.

One of them is also a master Facebook student.

Now in the eyes of people like them, Jin An is just a martial arts lunatic who is decisive in killing and ruthless. He kills people whenever he wants. He acts arrogantly, crazy and has no scruples.

Perhaps it was because Jin An had just killed a waiter because he looked down on others. The waiter's eyes were not those of a dog, but those of a toad, bulging like bubbles.

Maybe you want to have big toad eyes, so you can see the situation clearly, so that you won't lose your life if you can't see the situation clearly?

"Why are you standing so far away?"

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Afraid I'm a man-eating beast?"

Under the bamboo hat, Jin An looked at the waiter who deliberately kept away from him. No one could see the face under the black curtain of the bamboo hat. Was he happy or angry at this moment?

The waiter in the shop was so frightened that he trembled and did not dare to answer Jin An's words.

"This wine is almost smelling like urine. It's as bad as horse urine. Please give me a new jar of wine, sir."

Jin An had no scruples and made a lot of noise.

Not being shy at all would make things too big and offend the store owners here.

But since Jin An decisively beheaded the Bailian scholar, he did have the capital to be arrogant and crazy. The innkeeper standing behind the counter waved to the waiter and gave Jin An a new bottle of wine.

The waiter in this shop was also afraid of death. He nervously put down a jar of wine and ran away.

Jin An didn't embarrass the waiter.

Killing a waiter is only worth a hundred yin virtues, but the yin virtues in the wine poison can't be gained quickly.

"This wine is still too weak! Is your store selling wine or water?"

"It's still not strong enough!"

"Bah, what a bad wine!"

"Change another jar!"

"Change the jar again!"

"Boy, if you don't give me a jar of wine this time that I'm satisfied with, do you believe I'll take off your head and use it as a drinking vessel?"

Jin An exchanged six jars of wine in a row, and the Plague Expelling Talisman easily gained him 600 Yin De. The levels of these wine poisons were too weak, and the Plague Expelling Talisman did not require much spiritual power.

After all, it is a plague-repelling talisman that has been sealed three times, which is already extraordinary in itself.

This time, the innkeeper stopped the waiter and asked the waiter to serve the guests at other tables and serve food to the guests at other tables. He smiled and personally brought a jar of wine to Jin An, with the ingratiating smile on his face that a store owner would bring peace of mind and bring peace of mind.

"Is this knight a knight from the north? When it comes to drinking and having fun, this is the man from the north!" The innkeeper gave Jin An a thumbs up.

Boom, the shopkeeper put down the wine jar: "The gift that this knight gave to my beloved daughter Ye Niang tonight is too big. I can't thank you enough, little old man. I only have an only daughter like Ye Niang on my knees. Tonight is my daughter's wedding." Of course, I can't be too stingy on that day. This wine is the 'Nerv's Red' that I have treasured for twenty years and have been reluctant to drink."

"Little old man, I will personally serve the knight a bowl of wine. Knight, you can try how the wine tastes."

The innkeeper smiled and poured a jar of wine for Jin An.

As the innkeeper opened the wine jar, the aroma of spicy, astringent and pure wine immediately hit your nostrils.


The wine poured from the wine jar is as deep as amber, transparent and clear, and it looks like good aged wine at first glance.

"Please taste it, knight."

The innkeeper made a welcoming gesture with a smile on his face.

Jin An was not pretentious at all, he just took a mouthful of wine when he picked up the wine bowl.

The innkeeper did not leave. He had been looking for a chance to see what the person under the black curtain of the bamboo hat looked like, but before he could see clearly, Jin An had already drained the wine bowl in one gulp, without missing a beat.

After Jin An finished his drink, he remained silent for a long time.

The innkeeper rubbed his palms and asked expectantly: "I wonder how this little old man's daughter's red wine, which has been dusted for twenty years, tastes? Is it suitable for the knight's taste?"

Jin An closed his eyes, and a bright light flashed through his eyes. Unable to suppress his surprise, he picked up the whole jar of wine and drank it crazily.

A jar of red girls was quickly fucked up by Jin An heroically.


The wine jar fell heavily on the table, and Jin An drank heartily and laughed loudly: "Good wine, it is indeed the 20-year-old Nuerhong. It is strong enough. It is as strong and flavorful as your daughter Ye Niang, the shopkeeper!"

Avenue induction!

Six hundred virtues!

The innkeeper smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to answer the question.

"Housekeeper, although this twenty-year-old girl is good, it's not strong enough, come again!" Jin An slapped the shopkeeper on the shoulder several times and praised the innkeeper very appreciatively.

The innkeeper was knocked down hard by Jin An and his legs were slightly bent, but he did not resist. He continued to smile and asked Jin An to wait a moment while he went to get the wine immediately.

But before turning to leave, the innkeeper looked at the wine jar in his arms with a somewhat suspicious look, then quietly looked back at Jin An, with an expression of suspicion and surprise on his face...

The innkeeper quickly left and returned. This time, the wine jar he brought was no longer red with his daughter. There was a piece of paper pasted on the surface of the wine jar, with the words written in black and red——


"Xia Xiang, this shochu is a spirit commonly used by people in the cold climate of the North to keep warm. It is named because of its strong taste, which is like burning fire. When a man takes a sip of shochu in winter, he is as happy as a god, and even the woman who is on the hot bed at home is happy. Don’t want it.”

Avenue induction!

A thousand virtues!

"It's indeed a good wine. It's spicy and strong. Does the shopkeeper have any other good wines in his collection?"

Although Jin'an is constantly nourished by the Liuding Liujia Talisman, which warms and nourishes Huang Zinian's physical body, Huang Zinian has never practiced martial arts and has no internal Qi in his body. He cannot use the internal Qi to expel the alcohol, so it took Jin'an longer to empty it this time. Alcohol in the body.

The innkeeper looked at Jin An more suspiciously this time, and not long after, he brought another jar of wine——

Stifling the donkey.

"Xiajie, don't look at the tacky name. This wine is good wine. It is a strong wine that the young man from the grassland outside the customs bought from a merchant outside the customs. Just by listening to the name, you can tell how strong this wine is."

Avenue induction!

A thousand virtues!

But this was not enough, not enough, still not enough. Jin An felt that the innkeeper was too slow to get the wine from the jar. He was worried that the innkeeper would get suspicious and would not get so many benefits from evil deeds, so he simply pushed the innkeeper away and deliberately pretended Drunk, he staggered to the counter, quickly opened the jar with a jar of mud, and then raised his head boldly to drink wine. The wine flowed down the raised neck and spilled the liquid all over the floor.

A hundred virtues!

A hundred virtues!

Three hundred virtues!

A hundred virtues!

A hundred virtues!

On Jin'an's side, people were drinking and drinking like crazy, and the innkeeper couldn't stop them no matter how hard he tried. On the other side, the wedding between Ye Niang and Ma Jingwen was still going on.

To say that this Ma Jingwen is really unlucky.

They got married twice in a row on the same night. The key is that the bride was still the same woman. She escaped once and was caught again. Not only did she experience two marriages in one night, she also experienced two despairs.

At this time, under the abbot's auspices, the marriage was still going on, and the two began to worship heaven and earth, and kneel down to worship their parents.

Mr. Ma Jingwen was so frightened that his face became even paler and more desperate. There was no joy in getting married in his eyes, only the panic and despair in front of Ye Niang. His body was shaking like chaff and he was so frightened that he could not speak.

He knows it very well.

When he really wants to finish worshiping heaven and earth and start entering the bridal chamber, he will be eaten by Ye Niang until not a single bone is left, and he will follow in the footsteps of Ye Niang's one hundred and sixty-five ex-husbands.

Among Ye Niang's one hundred and sixty-six husbands, the only one who escaped from Ye Niang's hands and finally killed Ye Niang was the exorcist Taoist Master Jin An from Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

Ma Jingwen was so frightened that he cried out Jin An's name over and over again in his heart, hoping that Jin An would come to rob the bride again, kidnap him as the groom, and save his life.

But God did not fulfill people's wishes.

Ma Jingwen, whose eyes were frightened and filled with despair, couldn't help but follow Ye Niang to the door of the inn lobby, and knelt down towards the rainy night outside.

As the interrogator warmly presided over the marriage, the bride and groom in front of them began to pay their respects.

"The auspicious day has arrived, let's start the marriage ceremony!"

"After bowing to heaven and earth, the bride Zi Niang and the groom's official Ma Jingwen are grateful to God and the earth. Today, they wish that the marriage between heaven and earth will be fulfilled. From now on, there will be a marriage on the Three Life Stones."

"Two bows to the high hall, the water has a source, the trees have roots, the children will not forget the kindness of raising them, now they will get married and start a family, respect the elderly and the virtuous, white-haired parents."

Ye Niang's second bow to the high hall was not to the innkeeper, but to two astronaut chairs.

"Husband and wife bow to each other, and they will be blessed together with the first bow, and they will be blessed together with the second bow, and they will be united forever after the third bow."

"The wedding is complete, and everyone praises it. If you pay the official salary early, you can please your wife, and you can serve it in the hall and send the newlyweds into the bridal chamber!"

Ma Jingwen's body went uncontrollably to worship Ye Niang, forcing him to marry Ye Niang. His eyes were frightened and he shouted in his heart: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," with his eyes, but he still uncontrollably bent over and finished worshiping Ye Niang.

And just as the questioner finished speaking, a pair of large, simple straw ropes tied with red ropes suddenly flew towards the two of them. The names of Ye Niang and the scholar were written on the paper-cut figures, each holding a red rope.

This is to force a marriage.

What is a questioner?

As the name suggests, in some rural areas, the abbot must be consulted no matter what matters are important or trivial.

Sometimes, the questioner will kill whomever he wants.

If you want to marry the wrong person, let the wrong person marry.

Can pull the old rope by force.

Just when the little straw man holding the red rope with the two people's names written on it was about to stick to Ye Niang and the scholar's body and hang it on the belt, suddenly the light of the sword flashed like the Milky Way hanging upside down, and slashed Yue Lao's red rope with one knife!

A figure in a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, smelling of alcohol, kicked across the room and forcibly separated the red satin held by Ye Niang and Ma Jingwen. He was drunk and grabbed Ye Niang's wrist like crazy.

No one expected this sudden change, so when the man in a straw raincoat and bamboo hat got drunk and went crazy and stepped in, none of the guests present reacted immediately.


Ye Niang cried out in pain while stroking her hands.

People present: "?"

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