White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 295 The saint’s way of controlling the Tao is hidden. It is not just about loyalty, trust, b

"Jin'an, you heartless Taoist priest!"

"Have you ever done anything you regret in your life? Do you really have a clear conscience for everything?"

Ye Niang looked at Jin An, who was walking towards Feitouman with a drink in one hand and a knife in the other. She shouted to Jin An's back.

The voice is cold.

It's like the loneliness and silence of a dead heart.

Hearing the voice behind him, Jin An walked towards Feitouman with a knife without looking back, his mood and will never wavered.

"The transformation of heaven and earth lies in the high and the deep; the sage's rule lies in concealment. It is not only about loyalty, trust, benevolence and righteousness, but also about being upright."

"You witch, you are trying to disturb my will and dream with just a few words of yours. Your moral conduct is still far behind."

Jin An took a sip of strong wine and started to kill Feitou Man while laughing loudly.

That back view.


Free and easy.

Carefree and free.

"Jin An! Since you are so hard-hearted!"

"If a woman died for you, and a woman who had been betrayed by you twice died in front of you, I wonder if this hard-hearted Taoist priest would have any regrets in his heart."

Ye Niang's voice was calm.

No hysterical ranting.

There is no sadness or resentful anger.

But the figure in the coir raincoat who was drunkenly slaying demons and slaying demons with his sword drawn did not waver in his will. He still killed the flying man in front of him without looking back, without any hesitation.

At this time.

Feitouman drew a complex talisman formation on the ground using his own essence and blood as a guide. His body was shaking non-stop and his face was painful. After so many people helped him to hold Jin An, his master's door control method was finally ready.

Feitou opened his eyes fiercely.

The body and head are separated.

A disheveled head flew high into the sky with an ear-piercing scream.

"The 3869th village of the Jiuli tribe - the last descendant of the 83rd generation of Feitou village, here is willing to sacrifice his longevity and blood to the ancestors of Feitou village. Today, the descendants will encounter a powerful enemy. If you are going to die here, I beg your ancestors to save the descendants. If you escape today, I would like to offer three pairs of boys and girls to my ancestors!"

After the flying headman screamed and circled over the headless corpse, the flying headman flew into the formation and picked up a piece of paper on the ground.

There was a little man drawn on the note.

A heart-killing sword was pointed directly at the villain's heart.

On the facial features of the little man, the facial features of a person appeared on his own, with complete eyes, ears, mouth and nose. It was Huang Zinian at this time.

And there are three characters written on the body of the villain, which are Huang Zinian's full name.

The flying man picked up the note on the ground and chewed it in his mouth. This scene was exactly the same as the headless Gu King in the golden coffin of the Headless Village with his birth date in his mouth.

But Feitou Man obviously wouldn't be so kind as to change Jin An's fate.

"Bite you to death, bite you to death, you stinky Taoist priest from the Five Zang Taoist Temple. Even if I have to sacrifice half a year of my life, I will curse you today. Huang Zinian, who is possessed by you, died tragically today. You will be trapped here for the rest of your life." A dead person with a decaying body slowly suffers the pain of physical decay and cannot return to his soul!"

"I curse you. When your body rots into bones, it will be the day when your body dies and your soul disappears!"

"I curse you..."

Feitou is crazy.

While chewing the note in his mouth, his smelly teeth bit the note until it turned black and smelly and filthy, while he cursed Jin An loudly with vicious eyes and hatred.

Just when Feitou Man was uttering vicious curses, the blood formation on the ground burst into a thick blood light as thick as a water tank, and there was an ominous sign coming.

Jin An's temples jumped in shock.


But before Jin An could forcefully kill Feitou Man and interrupt the evil ritual, the Five Blessing Emperor Plague Exorcism Talisman he was holding in his soul suddenly became spiritually bright at this moment.

The dazzling aura of five-colored auspicious clouds bloomed.

The Messenger of the Five Plagues is also called the Emperor of Five Blessings among the people.

Under the auspicious light in the clear sky, there seems to be a tall phantom of the General Shenting wearing a five-color robe, holding a pot, a pot, a leather bag and a sword, a fan, a hammer and a fire pot in his hand, gathering the plague. Inhale poison, sweep away filth, and break up the bloody array in front of you.

There is no need for Jin'an to sacrifice the magic talisman, Huang Fu takes the initiative to eliminate disasters for Jin'an.

"Oh no!"

"How, how is it possible! Why is this happening..."

"I'm not willing to give in!"

Feitouman's screams rang out from the blood-light formation. Not only did he not curse Jin'an, but he suffered the backlash of his own curse. The last descendant of Feitou Village died tragically under the backlash of his own curse.

The head rotted into bones in an instant, and the soul was trapped in the head and could not escape. In just a few breaths, the soul fell. With the death of the body, the person died like a lamp extinguished, the soul lamp went out, and was cut into pieces by his own curse.

Feitouman has been preparing this curse for so long.

In the end, it became his own prison.

Avenue induction!

Three thousand virtues!

The plague-repelling talisman not only has the miraculous effect of dispelling plagues and diseases, but also eliminates disasters and ward off curses.

However, blocking a curse for Jin An this time also consumed a lot of the plague-repelling talisman. With a crisp pop, the plague-repelling talisman in Yuanshen's hand dissipated, exploded into crystal powder, and disappeared in the void.

"Old man, are you right or wrong?"

One person destroyed dozens of evil cultivators in the inn, and Jin An turned around with a murderous look and looked at the old beggar with one shoe who had been sitting there without moving.

The old beggar, who was unkempt but not unkempt and smelly, raised his finger and tapped the charred corpse of the meat-and-wine monk at Jin An's feet.

"The little Taoist priest is very brave today. Taoism is really prosperous. Talents are emerging in large numbers, and another generation of geniuses has emerged. Old man, I showed up in this Yuanyanglou Inn today, not for you, the little Taoist priest, but to catch the traitors from my Tianshi Mansion. Going back."

Jin An lowered his head and looked at the charred corpse of the drunken monk at his feet.

This fair-weather monk didn't know what kind of magic he practiced, but he was not chopped into ashes by the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman, but only half of his body was burnt.

And as the meat-and-potatoes monk was struck to death by lightning, his disguise was broken and his true identity was revealed. He was a long-bearded man wearing a Bagua Feng Shui robe. He deliberately disguised himself as a monk and walked around the world, hiding his whereabouts and avoiding the Tianshi Mansion. tracking.

The old beggar looked at Jin An and said with admiration: "Little Taoist Priest, today I saw the bravery, uprightness, and subjugation of demons. It really opened my eyes to the old man."

"Originally, old man, I wanted to exchange glasses with you, the Taoist Priest, and have a long drink with you, but I have no choice but to bring this traitor to Tianshi Mansion as soon as possible. I will say goodbye today. Maybe we will meet again in the near future. See you again soon, and then I can get to know you well, Hahahaha, old man, I will take my leave first."

As the words fall.

The old beggar who had been sitting at the table in front of him burned his body and turned into a small paper man.

When Jin An looked at the Tianshi Mansion traitor at his feet again, the body at his feet had disappeared.

"Pretending to be a ghost."

Looking at the little paper figurine that was gradually burning away, Jin An looked calm, and then stopped caring about the messy things in the Tianshi Mansion.

He is just a little Taoist priest from a small Taoist temple in Fucheng. His hands are not long enough to reach the Tianshi Mansion in the capital.

At this time, Yuanyanglou Inn was completely quiet.

Not long ago, there were dozens of noisy people in the inn, but suddenly there were only three people left.


Scholar Ma Jingwen.

Ye Niang.

"The sky is covered with frost over the ten-mile flat lake, and every inch of blue hair is filled with worry about the past. Looking at the moon shape to protect each other, I only envy the mandarin ducks, not the immortals."

"Taoist, does this poem have a name?"

Ye Niang asked Jin An calmly.

She at this moment.

Stop calling Jin An's name.

Instead, call him a Taoist priest.

It is said that the Taoist priests are pure in heart and have few desires. They only care about freedom and freedom, not about the fetters of the mortal world.

Maybe this is Ye Niang's state of mind at this moment.

Jin An did not avoid: "A Chinese Ghost Story."

"A Chinese Ghost Story, a Chinese Ghost Story..."

"I know that people like you don't bother to take a look at a prostitute like me, and you will never fall in love with a prostitute like me who is born with a low life. Today you lied to my mother Ye twice about her true love and took advantage of her. If you fail my Ye Niang twice, then my Ye Niang will die in front of you today, so that you will always remember that there was a woman who died for you. Taoist priest, please remember the last face of Ye Niang today. I want you to remember her for the rest of your life. Live with the regret that a woman died in front of you."

Ye Niang’s voice was calm.

At this moment, she was no longer the charming female devil who was born to seduce scholars everywhere.

She is just an ordinary woman who is desperate.

She looked at the man in front of her very seriously.

What she was looking at was not Huang Zinian, but Jin'an Yuanshen in Huang Zinian's body. She wanted to keep in mind the image of this heartless man who made her fall in love twice and failed her twice in a row.

Not heartbreaking.

No self-pity.

There is no such thing as the little girl who sheds tears of great sadness and sadness.

There is nothing greater than the peace of heart-death. Everything started in peace. Ye Niang's black hair spread out, and finally it was like thousands of steel needles piercing the back of her own head, fluffy!

A female devil who kills people without blinking an eye.

Fragrance eliminates jade damage.

Fallen in front of Jin An.

The body exploded into blood mist in the air.


Jin An came to the table, overturned the table, grabbed the collar of scholar Ma Jingwen who was too frightened to stand, and walked outside the Yuanyanglou Inn.

Who knows.

Scholar Ma Jingwen kept yelling and crying: "There's one more! There's one more! There's one more!"

The rain outside the inn stopped at some point.

The clouds dissipate.

Revealing the night stars.

When Jin An grabbed the frail scholar by the collar and just stepped out of the Yuanyanglou Inn, he saw two familiar figures standing outside the courtyard of the Yuanyanglou Inn, who seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

It is Mr. Yi, the master of Feng Shui.

And the big-headed old man Zhong Laosan has returned to his spiritual state again, with a green lotus leaf on his head.

Except that the Zhi Zha Ren possessed by Mr. Feng Shui was a little worn out and the old man lost his swordsman Zhi Zha Ren, and the two of them were a little embarrassed, there were no signs of injury on their bodies.

"Mr. Yi, Senior Zhong!"

"It's great that you're okay!"

Seeing that the two of them were fine, Jin An's eyes were filled with joy and he stepped forward to say hello to them.

"Mr. Jin An, have you finished handling the matters at the Yuanyanglou Inn?" Mr. Feng Shui seemed to be making a pun, looking at Jin An meaningfully.

There was nothing unusual about Jin An's face. He nodded without saying anything, as if he had answered Mr. Feng Shui's words.

Jin An didn't want to talk more about this matter, so he asked Mr. Feng Shui and the old man how they were trapped this time. Did they kill Mr. Yuan, the leader of this group of antique dealers?

"Zhong Laosan and I were trapped in the depths of the painting world and killed their Ling Yu. Unfortunately, two people escaped in the end. One of them was Mr. Yuan, Mr. Jin An. This one is Mr. Yuan. This person does have some skills, and at the last moment he was able to command Xiaohanbao to fight back against us."

"However, after this battle, only two of the group escaped. It will be difficult for them to do so in the future, so there is nothing to fear."

Mr. Feng Shui said, looking at the night sky behind Jin An.

Jin An's face was calm. He didn't need to look back, he already knew what was behind him.

In the dark void.

There stood a huge figure in red robes several feet tall.

The man was wearing a red robe and a black gauze hat with stiff wings on his head. His face was as pale as that of a dead person with thick white powder on his face. With his left hand painted with yin and yang and his right hand with a ghost pen, he looked like a judge walking in the underworld.

It looks like a ghost and an evil wild god.

The yin and yang scroll in his hand is held in one end and the other is hanging on the ground. What is painted on the scroll is none other than the Yuanyanglou Inn.

There is an earthen tomb in front of the courtyard of Yuanyanglou Inn.

And in the hazy distance, there seems to be a village with scattered lights, which is Sanshui Village.

At this time, Jin An took Ma Jingwen and walked out of the Yuanyanglou Inn in the scroll. Jin An turned around and saw the mysterious giant in the dark night behind him.

The ghost pen in the right hand of this huge figure was about to point towards Yuanyanglou Inn, just like the ghost pen in the hand of the underworld judge, trying to lure away someone's soul, but when his ghost pen was still a few feet away from the scroll, The body was completely unable to move.

Because of his huge body and the position of his torso, he suffered some serious injuries and had a puncture wound as big as a millstone.

Through the huge hole in the wound.

You can even see the bright moon after the rain stops, parting the dark clouds to see the bright moon.

It was this fatal wound that ended the life of the red-robed giant.

Next, Jin An set fire to the inn in front of him, painted the scroll, walked out of the tomb, took the scholar Ma Jingwen, followed Mr. Feng Shui and the big old man, and rushed to Sanshui Village to save the villagers who had been harmed by the antique dealer.

When all this was done, it was already Yin time, and it would be dawn in an hour.

The Yuan Shen of Jin'an left his body and returned his body to Huang Zinian, asking him to take good care of his mother-in-law. When he returned to his hometown to bury his parents and had nowhere to go, he could come to the Five Zang Taoist Temple to find him. The Five Zang Taoist Temple would not be too many sets of dishes and chopsticks.

Later, Jin An asked a Feng Shui master for a pair of paper-pierced human shells. The master and the two servants chatted and laughed together, exchanging their practice experiences with each other, while hurriedly heading towards the city.

On the way, Jin An also talked about how he met an old beggar from Tianshi Mansion at the Yuanyanglou Inn, and asked Mr. Feng Shui and the big old man if they knew him.

Neither of them said they knew each other.

But they can go back and ask Madam on Jin'an's behalf. Madam seems to know a lot about things in the capital...

The two escorted Jin'an and returned to Fucheng safely. The master and the servant finally parted ways at the entrance of Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

"Mr. Yi, Senior Zhong, I would like to thank you both for your help tonight, and I would also like to thank your wife for lending me two masters to help me get rid of this serious problem. I have a letter here. I wonder if you can pass it on to your wife on your behalf?"

Before parting.

Jin An handed over a letter sealed with wax oil.

Naturally, Mr. Feng Shui and the big-headed old man would not refuse, and they agreed immediately.

After watching the two people leave, Jin An turned around and returned to the Five Zang Taoist Temple. When he returned to the house and his soul returned to his body, he stood up from the bed and walked to the paper prick in front of him.

He took out a few things from Zhizharen's arms. They were some ghost weapons that he found after killing the evil monks in the Yuanyanglou Inn...

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