White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 304: Good luck to you, fellow Taoist Niu, and let me chop off tons of heads for you today! (

"Abbot, senior."

"The captain asked me to leave my body and search for you two. Now that I have found the abbot and senior, what are the abbot and senior's plans next?"

Jin An looked at the stone bull carrying the coffin who was being hunted by the souls, then looked at the four souls fighting together in the sky, and asked the abbot of Bailong Temple and the senior Yujing Jinque beside him.

Unexpectedly, Senior Yujing Jinque said: "There are hidden masters of the soul here, and there are masters from the third realm who are protecting the cub..."

His voice was hoarse and disguised, making it impossible to recognize the real voice.

A master in the third realm?


Jin An and the abbot of Bailong Temple felt their hearts sinking. Can they travel to the realm of imperial objects in a day?

Just as Senior Yujing Jinque finished speaking, he suddenly looked up at the sky as if he noticed something.

"No! Back away! The souls are gathered here, and the Yin Qi is too strong. In addition, the stone cow left behind by the Corpse Executioner has reappeared in the world, causing strange phenomena in the world. Xia Lei is about to strike!"

Senior Yujing Jinque grabbed Jin An and the abbot of Bailong Temple, and his soul flew outward fiercely.

Xia Lei?

Jin An's reaction was only three breaths slower than that of the senior Yujing Jinque. Having carried the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman for four times, he also noticed the unusually violent fluctuations in the thunderous aura of heaven and earth.


Just as Jin An reacted, a bolt of thunder exploded in the sky, tearing the sky and the earth apart, breaking through the darkness, shining as bright as day, exposing his soul to the daylight.

At this moment, Jin An only felt that there was a vast expanse of white in front of him, he could not see anything, and his whole body was stinging, as if he had fallen into a large furnace where molten iron was burning. The pain made him look up to the sky and scream. But the soul is exposed to "daylight" and cannot see anything. When a person is in an unknown environment, the inner fear is infinitely magnified.

Suddenly, there are negative emotions and inner demons.


After the lightning, the thunder exploded. Jin An, who was already filled with fear, felt his ears roaring and his headache was about to explode. A mighty wrath of heaven and earth enveloped Lian Zhen. The pressure of the heavenly calamity can kill even immortals.

It is more terrifying and a thousand times more horrifying than the thunder method on the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman that has been sealed four times! Ten thousand times!

Thunder is the leader of all laws.

It is the power of Heaven.

It's pure Yang.

All evil spirits, ghosts, and souls exposed to the thunder will be shattered, their form and spirit will be destroyed, and the power of God cannot be resisted.

Even if Hikyu Mikuni has reached the third realm, he is still unable to resist the power of thunder. If he is struck by lightning from heaven and earth, he will die on the spot and his soul will be scattered.

Jin An felt his soul boiling.

The soul is burning.

Even if the thunder didn't hit here, just hearing the thunder in the distance would already make his soul boil. The thunder was pure Yang and the temperature was scorching. This was a sign that his soul would catch fire and burn himself.

Unless he immediately returns to his physical body, his soul will be scattered here.

When people are in desperate situations, they are either desperate or have a strong desire to survive.

The strong desire to survive made Jin An burst out with a roar. This roar was like splitting the night and fear. At this moment, he showed all his magical powers without reservation.

"Ding Chou prolongs my life, Ding Hai restrains my soul. Ding You restrains my soul, Ding Wei prevents me from disasters. Ding Si protects me from danger, Ding Mao protects me from misfortune! Jiazi protects my body, Jiaxu protects my shape. Jiashen strengthens me. Life, Jiawu guards my soul. Jiachen suppresses my spirit, Jiayin nurtures my truth! Six Ding Liujia Talisman, open!"

"Ding Wei saved me from disaster, Ding Si saved me from danger, and Ding Mao saved me from misfortune!"

"Jia Zi protects my body, Jia Xu protects my shape, Jia Shen secures my life!"

Jin An's trembling soul, which was about to be set on fire, was stabilized for the most part in an instant, and the cracks in his injured and torn soul were quickly closed.

But this was not enough. He was still frightened in his heart by the shadow of the thunder of heaven and earth. His eyes were white and filled with lightning, and his soul could not see the world in front of him.

Jin An knew that this was the fear in his heart.

It's not really lightning.

The thunder in the sky only rang once and then disappeared, and the lightning had already gone away.

If he doesn't surrender the shadows and fears in his heart, he won't be able to see the world in front of him clearly. His soul will be in panic all day long. In the end, he will be scared to death by himself. When daybreak, his body and soul will be destroyed and his soul will be scattered.

The thoughts in Jin An's heart were beating violently, and the Yuan Shen was frantically observing the Yang Shen magic and Yin Shen magic on the yellow talisman. At the same time, he was doing two things at once, observing the Five Thunder Evil Slaying Talisman, comprehending the deeper true meaning of the thunder method, and observing the Five Thunder Diagrams. The five thunders and the five emperors' magic are on the tattoo.

Jin An, who was frightened by the thunder and lost an inch of his spiritual platform, burst out with unprecedented potential under the pressure of the desperate situation, and frantically studied the thunder method. As he became more focused and immersed in the method, the panic and fear in his heart were soothed.

"Only evil heretics who go against the righteous law of heaven and earth will be afraid of light and justice! Only people with evil intentions will not dare to look directly at the righteous way of heaven and earth!"

"I am neither an evil spirit nor a wicked person. Why should I be afraid? Why should I be afraid of heaven and earth inspecting the soul?"

"Five thunders of pure yang, the righteous law of heaven and earth. Those who are afraid of my five thunders of pure yang are the ones with evil intentions! Anyone who dare not look directly at me is the evil heretic who goes against the righteous law of heaven and earth! I have trained with the holy blood tribulation In myself, I am the thunder method, the thunder method is me, and the universe borrows the method!"

Jin calmed down all the negative emotions in his heart. He no longer had fear in his heart, but had the courage and fearlessness to continue pursuing the path in his heart.

The lost spiritual platform was restored.

As the heroic will was regained, the pure Yang aura in his soul also began to rise. He no longer feared the power of heaven and earth, but instead used the power of heaven and earth to hone his own soul's thunder method and hone the pure Yang of his soul. Hone your spiritual martial arts in the Holy Blood Tribulation.

With this kind of great progress in understanding and bravery, Jin An observed more and more Shinto from the Six Ding Liujia Talisman and the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman.

He turned the white thunderous light in front of him into the cornerstone of the avenue for the soul to transform into the sun. The thicker the cornerstone is, the longer the building will last.

At this moment, Jin'an's spiritual soul improved greatly, and the thunder pattern in the palm of the three-headed and six-armed Demon God became even brighter.

Jin'an turned the crisis into a sharp sword that cut through thorns on the road of spiritual practice.

The spiritual soul has made great progress.

The more brave he is, the more magical skills he borrows from the Six Ding Liujia Talisman and the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman, and the more divine help he gets.

Because divine power cannot be blasphemed.

Only those who are fearless can be sincere and spiritual.

Those who are only willing to retreat in their hearts will always be suspicious and unable to borrow divine methods.

This time Jin An not only saved the day, but also made great progress in cultivation. At this moment, the shadow of thunder disappeared before his eyes, and the light reappeared, and his soul once again saw the true meaning of the world in front of him.

Jin An was overjoyed.

In the path of spiritual practice, only those with courage can move forward and prosper.

Of course.

This doesn't mean you can be arrogant.

That's not bravery.

But a reckless man.

Jin An never doubted that if the lightning struck him just now, he would definitely die. Even a true immortal could be struck to death by lightning, let alone a mere night-walking soul like him?

The sound of thunder alone almost frightened him to the point where his soul boiled and almost burned him to death. If the thunder had exploded a few more times, no matter how many treasures he had on him, they would not be able to save him from the disastrous end of being shattered. .

Another reason for surviving is that fortunately, the senior of Yujing Golden Tower noticed the power of heaven and earth early and left early with Jin'an and the abbot of Bailong Temple.

The brave man.

Not a reckless man.

It is not that we have lost our respect for Tao and nature.

It is a kind of hard work and perseverance that "the road is long and long, and I will search up and down."

When Yuan Shen regained his vision, the slanting rain in the sky became heavier and heavier. Jin An hurriedly went to find the senior Yujing Jinque and the abbot of Bailong Temple.

Jin An is not worried about the safety of the two of them.

Even he can withstand this summer thunder.

As the abbot of Bailong Temple, an eminent monk who has been practicing for a longer time than him, and the former master of Yujing Golden Tower, the two of them will definitely be able to escape this crisis.

Jin An searched around and found no two people nearby. His soul floated high into the sky and soon found the abbot of Bailong Temple on the top of another mountain.

At this time, the abbot of Bailong Temple closed his eyes and sat in meditation.

Reciting Buddhist sutras over and over again, guarding the Zen mind and seeing the true self, behind the abbot there is a golden Buddha appearing from the crystal bone in the void, forming a diamond barrier.

That's the relic.

It is the Buddha's light crystal bone left behind by the cremation of a Buddhist monk after his death.

The eminent monk recited Buddhist sutras day and night, and received meritorious cultivation day and night. The physical body transcended the ordinary world, and the physical body was filled with Buddha nature and Buddha's light. After death, there is a very small chance that relics will be produced due to karma and fate.

It was thanks to the barrier of Buddha Relic that the abbot of Bailong Temple was able to barely escape a disaster.

Jin An, who had experienced thunder, immediately saw that the abbot of Bailong Temple was also frightened by the thunder. There was a crack in his Zen heart, which gave the inner demon an opportunity. The white lightning in front of his eyes was impossible to see. The object has lost its direction, and its soul is flying further and further away.

"Abbott, let me help you!"

Jin An felt relieved when he saw that although the spirit of the abbot of Bailong Temple was weak, he had no life-threatening power. Now that he had transformed back into a normal human form, he took off the three-times-sealed Five Thunder Evil-Destroying Talisman from his body and handed it to the abbot of Bailong Temple to help him observe the thunder method and subdue the inner demons.


"Thank you, Taoist Priest Jin'an, for your generous help. I owe Taoist Priest Jin'an a great favor."

Although the abbot of Bailong Temple cannot see, he can still feel the movements of the outside world.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, you're okay. I've completely let go of my worries. Then I can safely surrender my inner demons, find my true self, and meditate."

The abbot of Bailong Temple clasped his hands and said with a kind smile and closed eyes.

"Abbot, where is the senior Yujing Jinque? Why isn't he with you, Abbot?" Jin An asked with concern.

Amitabha, the abbot of Bailong Temple chanted a Buddhist chant in a low voice: "Since he was separated in the thunder, this Taoist priest from Yujing Jinque was the first to recover among the three of us. He first found the poor monk and then When we were going to find you, Taoist Master Jin'an, someone took the opportunity to sneak attack on us..."

"There is a Taoist priest who came to Yujing Golden Tower from his former enemies."

According to the abbot of Bailong Temple, the senior Yujing Jinque took the initiative to lure away his enemies in order to protect him and the abbot of Bailong Temple, and asked the abbot of Bailong Temple to let the two return to the city first after finding Jin'an, and not to return to the original place. Waiting for him, he will find a way to get rid of his enemies.

"Abbott, please feel at ease and stick to the Dharma for now. When you recover, come find me at the other side of the river valley. I will go to the other side of the river valley to see how the stone cow carrying the coffin is doing."

"Amitabha, Taoist Master Jin'an, be careful in everything you do."

After Jin An explained to the abbot of Bailong Temple, his soul floated and began to fly quickly towards the river valley.

He flew to this side of the river valley. It was quiet here. Under the dark night, the bustle before was completely gone. The spirit of Yaksha, the four-eyed wild god Bodhisattva, and the Rakshasa King Bodhisattva... were all not here.

I wonder if he was shaken out of his wits by the Xia Lei thunder just now? Or hide somewhere secretly to heal your wounds?

Jin'an Yuanshen flew high into the sky again and roughly searched the surrounding area.

The souls of those evil monks and evil cultivators were not found.

So, he gave up the search and began to search the lower reaches of the river, chasing the stone cow carrying the coffin.

Under the escaping light of the Yuan Shen, a few miles of road arrived in an instant. It was a calm river with not fast current. Under the hazy night, a stone cow carrying a coffin was looming under the water.

When Jin An saw the stone cow carrying the coffin, the stone cow carrying the coffin looming under the water seemed to have seen Jin An.


Under the night, the familiar sadness and low voice sounded again, as if someone was sad for someone, and the voice revealed endless loneliness and...sentimental longing.

People describe a person as heartless.

They say that person is cold-hearted, cold-hearted, and unmoved by emotions.

But at this moment, Jin An seemed to understand all the emotions of Shi Niu, the loneliness, the sadness, the desolation of waiting...

"You must be lonely..."

"It's very sad..."

Jin An looked at the stone cow under the water. He thought of the first time he came to Fucheng and the shock and spiritual feeling in his heart when he first saw the stone cow standing motionless and lonely in the square for more than ten years. resonance.

"Under the starry sky that is destined to have no end, you are pursuing the old person who is destined to be unavailable. How can you and I be lonely travelers isolated in this world... When we are frustrated, we still talk alone, and we only know ourselves when we are sad..."

"When you are frustrated, you still talk alone; when you are sad, you only know it..."

"When you are frustrated, you still talk alone; when you are sad, you only know it..."

Jin An chewed this sentence over and over again.

Then he looked up to the sky and laughed, laughing carefree, free and unrestrained.

"The drizzle and slanting wind make the morning cold, and the light smoke and sparse willow trees make the sunny beach more beautiful. When you enter Qingluo in Huaihe River, it becomes more and more diffuse. Snow foam and milk flowers float on the midday lamp, and Polygonum velvet and artemisia bamboo shoots taste the spring dishes. The taste of the world is the joy of happiness."


"It doesn't matter what heaven and earth it is, it doesn't matter what a world of great contention it is. Money can't buy it. I am happy today."

"Do you have a family, fellow Taoist Niu?"

"You and I are both in trouble in this world, let me help you today! Split this turbid and angry wave, and from now on, there will be no home anywhere in the world! Hahaha!"

"Fellow Daoist Niu, please go all the way. The enemies behind you will let me cut off their heads for you. Just watch me cut off the heads for you today and smooth the long road ahead for you!"

Jin An laughed loudly at the stone ox carrying the coffin under the water. His soul changed, and he transformed into the holy king of the human race with three heads and six arms supporting the sky. At this moment, he appeared holy and flew high into the sky.

In the distance, on the horizon, there was a red ray of light that was quickly tracking towards the stone cow carrying the coffin.

The escaping light was red thunder. In the escaping light of the soul, there was a dragon-body bird-headed primordial god with a thunderous mouth and red dragon scales.

It seems that not only Jin An survived Xia Lei's thunder, but many others also survived.

The arrogant Yuanshen with the body of a dragon and the head of a bird controlled the red thunder method, lighting up the night sky, and flew towards him with wind, thunder and lightning. He sneered in his eyes as he saw the Jinan Yuanshen with three heads and six arms supporting the demon god.

But he rushed towards Jin An without slowing down at all.

Trying to break the spirit of a flying centipede.

Crash Jin'an Yuanshen into several pieces.

Then he launched thunderbolt methods to suppress Jin'an, swallowing Jin'an's soul and restoring part of his soul that was consumed in the thunder just now.

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