White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 333 Secret Code: Haggis Noodles, Xiao Long Bao with Chive Stuffing, Cold Cake

When the old Taoist priest came to the temple and saw Mu Yuan, he was quite surprised.

He surrounded Mu Yuan and marveled: "Old Taoist, I have always heard that Tianshi Mansion is full of talented people, and has produced many masters of divination and alchemy skills. I never thought that there is someone in Tianshi Mansion who can reproduce Lu Ban's wooden cow and horse trick."

"Little brother, now that we have this wooden kite, it will be easier to find sharp swords."

After talking about it, the old Taoist priest happily twirled his beard.

Jin An laughed, and then threw Tufuzi's peach wood sword to the old Taoist priest, saying that this peach wood sword was carved from the magical peach wood in Dongtian Paradise, and it had the power to ward off evil spirits. It was definitely not as good as the lightning strike wood mahogany sword that had been heated for decades. To ward off evil spirits and yang-fire differences, with this peach wood sword, you will be immune to all evil spirits in your future deeds.

However, Jin An told the old Taoist priest that the color of the peach wood sword must be changed to prevent people from Tianshi Mansion from recognizing it.

The old man and the young man were not worried about offending the Tianshi Mansion at all, and did not even mention what would happen if they offended the Tianshi Mansion.

Next, Jin An asked the old Taoist priest to watch the peach trees and wait for him in the temple. He went to visit a few hills next door and returned as soon as he went.

Jin'an built a temple.

There are four other mountain temples standing on the ruins of this shrine.


There was such a big noise caused by Jin An's demolition of the temple. It was impossible that these people were not alarmed.

These people walked out of the temple and came to the square in front of the temple. They all saw how Jin An captured a temple with one person. They were all shocked by his thunderous killing methods, and they were even more afraid of the giant arrow of the world. Stone bow.


When they saw Jin An walking towards them after laying down a temple, the right eyes of several people began to jump wildly.

It is said that if the left eye jumps, the right eye will bring disaster.

This is a bad sign!

Jin An originally wanted to ask these people if they had ever seen a sword sharpened. With so many people here, maybe someone had seen a sword sharpened?

But when he came to the foot of the mountain, he found that the people in these groups were very nervous, and they were at war with him, trying to fight him desperately.

He figured it out after a moment's thought.

These people must have mistakenly thought that he came to attack the mountain.

But such a tense atmosphere is definitely not conducive to communication.

In order to show his goodwill and ease the tense atmosphere, Jin An called out to Shan: "Everyone is so nervous, why don't I tell a little joke to ease the atmosphere. Once upon a time, there was a candle that was afraid of the cold, and then it died."

Everyone, look at me and I'll look at you.

There's something wrong with your mind!

But I have to admit, this joke is indeed very cold!

People from several mountains looked at Jin An angrily, filled with anger!

When Jin An returned to the temple and joined the old Taoist priest, the old Taoist priest, who was studying how to control the wooden kite, looked over with a suspicious expression: "Little brother, didn't you say you were going to visit me to inquire about the whereabouts of the sharp sword? Why am I listening? A lot of people are making noise, little brother, are you not doing anything anymore?"

Jin An's face turned dark: "That was clearly a hospitable voice."

The old Taoist priest wondered: "That's not right. Those people's voices don't sound like they are happy, warm and hospitable. Why do they sound like they are angry and cursing?"

Jin An felt that the old Taoist priest talked too much today, so he asked Mu Yuan how his research was going. He had already heard about the sword cutting. If they speed up the journey in the sky on the wooden kite, they would probably find the sword cutting today.

"Little brother, have you really found out the whereabouts of the sharp sword?" the old Taoist priest asked in surprise.

Jin An nodded and said that someone had seen a man who looked like a sword sharpener yesterday. He happened to encounter a group of evil people who were so hungry that they lost their humanity. They kidnapped living people, disemboweled them in the temple, cooked them, and cut them into pieces. The sword alone killed most of the evil people, a few escaped, and he sharpened his sword to pursue those people.

These truths were later told to Jin An by the group that occupied the temple. When they entered the temple, they found several human bones that had been eaten and also rescued a survivor.

The old Taoist priest hated evil the most. Hearing these dehumanizing things, he cursed loudly, and then said that he had studied the wooden kite, and they immediately drove the wooden kite to retrieve the sharp sword.


When the old Taoist priest tapped the wooden kite on the head, voila, the wooden kite, which was supposed to be lying motionless like a dead thing, suddenly stood up with fluttering wings, rolling up two cyclones on the ground, and the pair of raptor wings shimmered with hardness. It had a cold sheen like iron, and its sharp claws were like iron hooks, scratching on the ground with a fierce momentum.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Knock the wooden kite on the head three times in a row, hoo!

The raptor fluttered its wings high into the sky, carrying the two of them soaring into the sky. Unprepared by the strong inertia, the old Taoist priest almost fell off the wooden kite, and the old Taoist priest who was afraid of heights screamed in mid-air. Fortunately, Jin An I grabbed his belt in time to prevent him from falling.

The old Taoist priest's face was pale and he firmly grasped the leather buckle of the wooden kite, and he no longer dared to let go.

It has been said among the people that "The Book of Lu Ban" has been circulated in the world in two volumes.

The first volume of "Lu Ban Jing" teaches how to build Yangzhai houses.

The second volume, "Book of Lu Ban", teaches how to build yin mansions, wild temples, 108 spells, Feng Shui secrets and strange techniques, etc.

It is said that if you want to learn the book of Lu Ban, you must first "miss one skill". You can choose from widowers, widows, lonely, lonely, and disabled people. Because when building yin houses and temples, you often encounter some weird and weird things, and people often die. , For example, the wooden piles cannot be driven, for example, accidents often cause death when building bridges, for example, several people are missing in succession before the temple is built...

The record about the wooden kite first appeared in the second volume of "Book of Lu Ban". There is a mechanism on the head of this wooden kite. If you knock it three times, it will fly into the sky. The more you knock it, the farther it can fly.

The old Taoist priest knows how to operate the wooden kite, which means that the old Taoist priest has read this forbidden book...

Looking at the wooden kite under his buttocks, Jin An's eyes revealed regret: "It's a pity that the wooden kite's mechanism is so sophisticated and complicated that I can't remove the crossbow string to complete my stone bow."

Jin An was worried about tearing down the wooden kite.

There is no way to recover.

Divine treasures can protect against wind and rain, and can protect a small world in this rainy world.

A person sitting on a wooden kite can fly very fast, completely unafraid of the strong wind and rain in the sky.

However, this wooden kite cannot fly too high and cannot be more than a hundred feet above the ground, otherwise even Jin An, who is dressed in jewels and jewels, will not be able to withstand the pressure of nine days.

With the wooden kite traveling in the sky.

The speed of traveling was indeed much faster.

In particular, the field of view is much wider, and you can see the end of the world. The world is vast and there are only endless desolate ruins.

Two or three faint candle-like flames could be vaguely seen in the distance. They were swaying in the rain, as if they were small candles in a violent storm and were about to be extinguished at any time.

Yin Deyi! Yin Deyi! Yin De!

Suddenly, Jin An sensed three negative virtues in succession, all from sword sharpening, and he couldn't help but frown.

As time passed, the dark clouds overhead began to get darker and darker, and it looked like night would soon fall.

But looking down from a high altitude along the way, this vast ruins was as quiet as death. Not only was there no trace of the sharp sword, but there was no trace of other people.

call! call!

The wind whistled sharply in my ears.

There was rainwater that was exploded by the fast-flying wooden kite, turned into white water vapor, and flowed backwards behind it along with the divine light, just like time flowing backwards, but Jin An and the old Taoist priest on the wooden kite were not disturbed at all.

Fortunately, the space on the wooden kite is large enough. As long as the old Taoist priest looks straight and does not lower his head to look down, he will not be afraid of heights. The frightened old Taoist priest finally became familiar with the wooden kite and calmed down. , looked up at the sky, then looked at the wooden kite under the seat, and said with some lingering thoughts: "Little brother, it's already getting late, why don't we find a temple to rest first, and wait until dawn tomorrow to continue looking for swords?"

The old Taoist priest is like an old naughty boy. He hasn't had enough fun with the wooden kite of Luban's wooden cow and horsemanship. If it weren't getting dark soon, he could eat, drink, and have sex in the sky, and he can't wait to fly all the way to the nine sacred mountains at the end of the world.

Jin An looked up at the sky and saw that it was indeed a little late. Although he was concerned about Xiejian's safety, he could only find a place to spend the night... Fortunately, Xiejian, the thief, was very strong and could take care of himself.

When it comes to finding the temple, this wooden kite has shown another advantage. Climbing high and looking far away, it is easy to find the faint divine light overflowing from the temple.

The temple the two of them were looking for to stay overnight was a temple with a large shelter area. There was an open space in front of the temple door that was perfect for landing the wooden kite mechanism.

The temple was deserted. No other overnight stayers were seen, nor was Xiejian spending the night here. The old Taoist priest's eyes were lost.

Although on weekdays, Xiejian always regarded him as his senior brother and always called him third junior brother to take advantage of his seniority, which sometimes made the old Taoist so angry that his teeth ached. However, he had long regarded Xiejian as his closest junior and was as important as Jin An.

In the temple, an old man and a young man were biting into crisp and refreshing peaches to regain their strength.

"Little brother, you said that we were sitting on the wooden kite and flying into the sky, and the sharp sword couldn't see us. If we really touched the sharp sword, would he deliberately avoid us? Then wouldn't we just pass by? Already?" The old Taoist priest, who was eating peaches, thought of a very serious topic.

After hearing this, Jin An felt that it made sense, so he began to think about how to make Xiajian recognize them as quickly as possible?

It's definitely unrealistic to shout at the top of your lungs.

Their wooden kite was pulled from the tiger's mouth in the Tianshi Mansion. Exposing the sharpened sword is equivalent to exposing the five internal organs of Taoism.

So I had to think of a code or something that would allow Xi Jian to know at a glance that it was him and the old Taoist priest who were looking for him.

It was still raining non-stop in the thousand-year-old Yuze world outside. Under the protection of divine light, in the calm temple, the couple began to murmur and discuss.

In the end, Jin An punched his right hand with his left palm and decided: "Our secret code will be 'Haggis noodles, Xiao Long Bao stuffed with chives, Cold Cake'."

If there is anything that the three of them have in common, it is naturally that during this summer, the three of them eat the most food in the city.

The old Taoist priest's face turned red: "Little brother, do we really want to shout these three things in the sky? Why do I feel like we are salesmen coming to the blessed land of Cave Heaven, not serious people looking for immortality..."

When I think about other people being beaten to death in the Paradise of Cave Heaven, but they are shouting "Haggis noodles, small steamed buns stuffed with chives, cold cakes, selling haggis noodles, small steamed buns stuffed with chives, cold cakes", I just think about it. I can't bear to look at it.

Well, Jin An thought for a while and added: "Then hang a piece of cloth on the wooden kite and write 'Haggis noodles, Xiaolongbao stuffed with chives, cold cakes'. Chi Jian will definitely recognize us if he sees it. ."

"Anyway, we collected a lot of supplies this time, including a lot of clothes."

Jin An had to praise himself for his foresight.

He originally thought that stripping off the robes of the Tufuzi people would be a good way to disguise their identities. For example, he and the old Taoist priest now wear another robe over their Taoist robes, so that no one can tell that they are Taoist priests. identity.

He didn't expect to be able to make full use of these clothes so soon.

As for brushes and ink, the old Taoist priest's Tai Chi Bagua bag already has ready-made brushes and cinnabar.

The night was not peaceful.

Just when the old Taoist priest was sleeping and Jin An was responsible for keeping watch for half the night, suddenly, the eerie and piercing cry of a baby sounded in the mountains and valleys.



The rain overhead stopped again.

The group of antique merchants used Xiao Hanbao's ability for the second time in Cave Heaven Paradise.

The old Taoist priest who was grinding his teeth and snoring woke up from his dream and asked Jin An, who was standing at the door of the temple looking into the night sky in surprise, where did the little Hanbao cry just now come from?

He noticed that the rain outside had stopped.

The next day.

As soon as the genius was revealed, Jin An and the old Taoist priest immediately set out on the road to continue looking for sharp swords.

After the rain stopped overnight, it started raining again during the day.

The wooden kite broke through the raindrops and soared into the sky. However, today's wooden kite had two flags on its back. Each flag was two people high and both read "Haggis Noodles, Xiao Long Bao with Chive Stuffing". , cold cake".

The supporting wooden strips behind the flags are naturally spliced ​​together from several branches broken off from the peach tree.

The old Taoist priest responsible for controlling the wooden kite turned his head and looked at the flags on the left and right. He had a strange look on his face all the way.

"Little brother, I feel like something is weird, but I can't explain it?"

Jin An glared at the old Taoist priest: "That's why you, Taoist, are very suspicious and suspicious. Why don't I think there's anything strange?"

The old Taoist priest had a sad face, frowning and wondering what was wrong all the way.

Half an hour later.

In this boring and unchanging ruins, the two finally met a living person. On the roof of a temple that had collapsed with only half left, someone stood on a high place and kept waving to the wooden kite in the sky.

Finally seeing a living person, Jin An and the old Taoist priest's eyes lit up, and they quickly controlled the wooden kite to fly closer.

After flying closer, I realized that there were two people on the other side. They hadn't eaten for several days. They were all skin and bones from hunger and were dying.

"Um...are there really haggis noodles for sale? Whether it's true or not, if we can't find anything to eat, we will really starve to death in these endless ruins. Boss, I, I want a bowl of lamb Zamian!”

"I want a bowl of haggis noodles and one steamed bun, no, ten steamed buns stuffed with chives!"

The two people, who were dying of hunger, cried and shouted to the wooden kite in the sky.

The old Taoist priest had a shocked expression on his face: "Little brother, Taoist, I finally understand what's strange! We are mobile vendors doing business by hanging banners and cloth!"

Needless to say, the old Taoist priest said that Jin An already had a severe toothache.


Jin An became angry and said to the two people on the ground.

Who said that he came up with this code?

The two people, who were about to faint from hunger, begged: "Two experts, seniors, even if the haggis noodles and steamed dumplings are sold out, you can just sell us some peaches. We have been without water for almost four days." In!"

"Please, two experts, seniors!"

"We are willing to exchange the divine treasures found in the Cave Heaven Paradise for peaches!"

Both of them on the ground noticed the fruitful peach tree that Jin An was carrying on his shoulders.

Jin An looked at the two people on the ground who could look directly at him, their eyes were magnanimous and sincere, not like treacherous people. He thought for a moment: "Well, let me ask you about a person. If you have met me, I can give you a few peaches for free to satisfy your hunger."

After hearing Jin An's description of sharpening the sword, the two looked at each other in shock, and then said cautiously: "We did see a person yesterday..."

"We were far away from each other at that time, because we were too weak from hunger and didn't dare to get close... From a distance, I saw him getting into a conflict with a group of people. I vaguely heard that it seemed that the group was insulting his master."

"I wonder if this person is the person the two experts are looking for?"

Sharpen the sword!

After Jin An asked for the direction of cutting the sword, he dropped six peaches. The wooden kite flew into the sky and chased away. If they lived frugally, those peaches would be enough for the two of them to survive for six or seven days.

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