White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 347: Midas, Midas Tree

"Little brother, it seems we have found a big treasure this time."

"The term "Xuan Palace" in Taoism is not simple. It means both a Taoist temple and a palace where immortals live."

The old Taoist priest became more and more excited as he talked.

According to the old Taoist priest, this Xuan Palace must be the main hall of the underground palace, where the owner of the tomb is buried.

Unexpectedly, they found the main tomb chamber so easily and got a glimpse of the true face of the tomb owner in Lushan.

Perhaps because of the relationship between being members of the Taoist sect, the old Taoist priest was particularly excited when he saw Xuan Gong, while Jin An was much calmer.

He squatted down to check the footprints on the ground, frowned and said: "There are many footprints on the ground that entered Xuan Palace and never came out. They should be left by Daoyou Xu, Prince Xiaoling, and Monk Qianshi. The footprints only go in but don't come out. Be careful on the next journey, there is a possibility that these people are still in the Xuan Palace, unless there is another exit from the Xuan Palace."


The three of them entered the majestic and huge temple in front of them one by one, like a long snake procession. Jin An was in the front, Chi Jian was in the back, and the old Taoist priest was in the middle.

They entered the Xuan Palace with caution and vigilance. The torch in their hand was crackling and burning, reflecting the surrounding stone walls. In fact, Jin An, who was dressed in jewels and jewels, was walking in front, which was the best light source.

The door of Xuan Palace and Minlou has been pushed open. I don’t know if it was pushed open from the beginning or by Prince Xiao Ling and others. After passing through the hole in the wall of Minglou, you will see the main building of Xuan Palace. Xuan Palace is Made of stone strips, each of which is half a person's height, most of the main buildings in Xuan Palace are still well preserved and were not seriously damaged in the earthquake.

This Xuan Palace is very grand and tall, which makes the environment inside even more dim. Except for the stone buildings that can be seen everywhere, there is no trace of gold, silver, bronze or iron. The Xuan Palace, which is obviously the main tomb chamber, is not as magnificent as the last floor of the morgue tower.

Not only is there no grandeur of gold, stone and jade railings as imagined, but after the ever-burning lamps in the lamp holders are extinguished, only the gloomy darkness remains.

Even if he wanted to look up at the top of his head, because Xuan Palace was so tall, the top of his head was completely shrouded in dark shadows and he couldn't see anything.

It's really weird everywhere.

An open land appeared in front of us, and there were several five-color earth towers lined up in the open land, corresponding to the five colors of earth: blue, red, yellow, white, and black.

And in each five-color earth tower is a sarcophagus.

The three of them counted carefully and found that there were ten five-color earth pagodas lined up in a row. Among them, the first to the ninth five-color earth pagodas all contained a sarcophagus. Only the tenth five-color earth pagoda was empty and contained nothing. Not released.

"Nine is the number of extremes, and ten is the number of infinitesimals. The ten after nine is the circle of the sky, and all things are destroyed, which represents the return of the nine and nine to the chaotic world where all things originated, that is, escaping into the void. This tenth There is nothing placed in the five-color earth pagoda. It should be taken from the void, which means chaos, and corresponds to death?" The old Taoist priest studied the five-color earth pagoda and whispered to Jin An, who was standing behind him.

He continued: "Old Taoist, I see that the surfaces of these five-color earth pagodas are all engraved with scriptures. The ten five-color earth pagodas in front of me should not only correspond to death, but they should also be used to ward off evil spirits and exorcise nuó. There is a lot of yin energy underground in this mountain. It is good at raising evil spirits, mountain spirits and wild monsters, so a guardian spirit or door god is needed to prevent evil spirits from intruding into the palace, so as not to disturb the deceased's peaceful sleep."

"Of course, no matter how powerful this five-color earth pagoda was originally, it has been destroyed now. If it had not been broken, the sarcophagi in the five-color earth pagoda would not have been overturned and smashed." The old Taoist priest finally added.

Indeed, as the old Taoist priest said, the sarcophagi in these five-color earthen pagodas have long been destroyed and covered with thick dust.

After passing through the gap between the five-color earthen pagodas, you directly come to a huge stone paved road, which is more grand and spectacular. The main hall is very empty. In the center stands a huge stone tree covered with yellow symbols. Only the tree body is bare. And branches, no leaves.

The petrified tree was really too big, with thick texture. It was even taller than the giant tree where they spent the night a few days ago. The bark was like the edges of rocks, showing a lime gray color, and a heavy and ancient artistic conception was oppressing it.

The three of them were all surprised. They held torches and tried to look up to see how tall the petrified giant tree was. As a result, the petrified giant tree kept growing into the darkness above their heads, with no end in sight.

call out!

Jin An pulled out a stone arrow, tied it to a torch, and shot an arrow into the sky. He finally saw what was on top of Xuan Palace for the first time.


The old Taoist priest exclaimed. On the top of Xuan Palace was a huge mural, which showed an ugly monster with arms and legs and a green face and fangs. It was staring downwards with a pair of evil eyes that seemed to want to eat people. Staring at everyone who stepped into Xuan Palace.

Under the illumination of the torch, Jin An saw a large hole in the roof of Xuan Palace. The petrified giant tree passed through the hole in the roof, growing towards the sky, and finally pierced into the rock formation. He didn't know where it ended up growing from. A large number of ancient vines and beards like stone pillars hang down from high places.

Seeing that the petrified giant tree could not be seen to the end, the three of them looked back at the tree trunk in front of them. When they carefully walked around behind the petrified giant tree, they suddenly saw a white figure standing motionless behind the tree. They were caught off guard. It was all a sudden kick under the feet.

When I looked carefully, I realized that the white figure was a lifelike stone figurine. The posture of the stone figurine was a bit strange, with its palms pressed against the petrified tree, and its face still showed the excitement and joy of life, as if it was in Some peerless treasure was discovered in Xuan Palace.

It's weird to say that the skin of this stone figurine is exactly the same as the dead people covering the riverbed outside.

The only difference between the two is that the clothes of the dead man in the river bed are old-fashioned, and they are not from Kangding at first glance, but the stone figurines in front of them are wearing Feng Shui master robes from the Tianshi Mansion.

"People from Tianshi Mansion?" Jin An was startled.

It turned out that the stone figurine in front of me was not carved out of stone. It was clearly a living person who was petrified into a dead person after touching the petrified tree.

This discovery directly made Jin An frown.

"Hey, this man is wearing a Feng Shui master's robe from the Tianshi Mansion. This is the third dead person we have seen in the underground palace..." The old Taoist priest also carefully moved his head closer to look at the stone figurines.

Jin An held a torch and shined a light on the petrified tree, and then on the stone figurines on the ground who were full of fear before they died. After several comparisons, he said solemnly: "Old Taoist, sharpen your sword, do you think this is the case?" Is the color of the petrified tree very similar to the skin color of the stone figurines in front of us, and the skin color of the stone figurines piled with corpses in the riverbed outside?"


The old Taoist priest was not a dull man. He seemed to think of something immediately. He was so frightened that he hurriedly took a few steps back, away from the stone figurines and giant petrified trees on the ground: "My mother, it turns out that we really stepped on dead people along the way. The corpse came over!"

"There are so many stone figurines in the valley...how many people should die?"

Jin An did not answer the old Taoist priest's words. He took a few steps closer to the petrified tree. This time, he made an even more surprising discovery. There were a large number of yin-like polygonum multiflorum growing on the bark of the petrified tree. The corpse polygonum multiflorum seen above is even larger, which shows that the corpse poison is more toxic, but now they are all gray petrified polygonum multiflorum.

I didn't notice it until I was standing far away. It wasn't until I got closer that I realized that the stone bumps I saw before were all petrified Polygonum multiflorum.

When the old Taoist priest saw that Jin An was so close to the petrified tree, he was so frightened that his heart almost jumped into his throat. He quickly shouted in a low voice: "Little brother, be careful, don't get too close. This giant tree that looks like a stone has some dangers." Question, didn’t you see that the person who touched it turned directly into a stone man! This stone tree can petrify everything, a bit like the Taoist Midas Technique!"

The old Taoist priest stared at Jin An who was very close to the petrified tree without blinking. He was deeply afraid that the other party would accidentally fall or trip over the floor tiles without paying attention. He would throw himself on the petrified tree and be burned into stone. From now on, every July 15th, he, Xiejian, his brothers and sisters could only come to this underground palace to burn paper money to pay homage to Jin An.

The old Taoist priest persuaded him again and again, and finally persuaded him to come back to Jin'an. He then breathed a sigh of relief and expressed some of his guesses: "Little brother, I probably understand why this Xuan Palace has only stones, and there are no stone bridges or pavilions like the stone bridge." It is as magnificent as the tower in the corpse room, inlaid with gold, silver and jade..."

"The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, metal overcomes wood, and wood overcomes earth. This sacred tree in front of me can be like Taoist stone magic. Among the five elements, it is wood. It serves as a needle to stabilize the sea and calm the eye of the formation. It can stabilize the underground palace and the thick earth and ward off evil spirits. To drive away Nuo. That’s why we didn’t see gold, silver, bronze, or iron in the Xuan Palace, except for stones, because the people who built the underground palace didn’t want the gold energy to damage the foundation of the stone tree.”

After walking around the stone tree and finding no clues, the three of them decided to look elsewhere in Xuan Palace to see if there were any other clues.

"Mom, that mural above my head looks really scary. I don't know why we painted such a scary demon mural in the Xuan Palace where immortals live." Along the way, while searching the Xuan Palace, the old Taoist priest He muttered in a low voice, and from time to time he looked up at the terrifying green mural with eerie and distorted features above his head under the dim light of the torch.

In fact, the old Taoist priest originally wanted to say that what is enshrined here is not the immortal from the Taoist blessed land, but some kind of man-eating demons and ghosts? But he was also worried that something in the underground palace would hear him if he slandered the underground palace and angered the underground palace, so he suppressed the words in his stomach.

Then, they found a left hall in a corner of the main hall, but there was nothing in the left hall except a dry spring.

According to the guess of the old Taoist priest, the springs that appear in the tomb are generally used to vent the Yin energy and gather the Yang energy, bringing vitality to the cemetery. The main purpose is to prevent the Yin energy in the tomb from being too heavy, which can easily nourish evil spirits and bring about evil spirits. An ominous sign.

Although water belongs to the black evil and xuanshui, it is yin energy, but the yin pole generates yang energy. The flowing water can bring vitality. In places with heavy yin energy and coldness, it can bring a glimmer of life, that is, yang energy.

After walking out of the side hall, the three of them continued to explore in the dark Xuan Palace, looking for any other clues. They did find another passage, but before they could go far, they found that the passage collapsed and became a dead end.

Jin An stepped forward and looked at Duantou Road, then shook his head at the old Taoist priest and Xiejian and said: "No, these earth and rocks are buried very deep at first glance, completely blocking the passage. Even if you want to explode, you can't blow it open. It will only Cause bigger landslides."

At this time, the old Taoist priest held up the compass and said, "If I read it correctly, Taoist, this passage is opened on the central axis of Xuan Palace, and it should be an apse."

"Generally speaking, the back hall of this mausoleum is an important place used to store shrines, ancestors' memorial tablets, and coffins. This Xuan Palace is where immortals live. There are no coffins for human burials in the main hall. Maybe the underground palace we are looking for The owner of the tomb was buried in the apse... It is a pity that the apse collapsed and buried him, and future generations will never be able to see the true face of the owner of the Xuan Palace in Lushan."

The old Taoist priest said with a sigh.

Seeing the regretful look on the old Taoist priest's face, Jin An said quite speechlessly: "As an old Taoist, according to the extent of the destruction of this underground palace, we only saw empty coffins and not a single corpse along the way. Even if this There are really people buried in the apse, and the immortal's body is probably gone long ago, otherwise why do you think the apse collapsed?"

The curious old Taoist priest couldn't help but ask Jin An: "Little brother, aren't you curious about who the owner of this underground palace tomb is?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the old Taoist priest finished speaking, an explosion suddenly sounded in the underground palace, and then the mountain shook violently, and a large amount of dust fell down as they banged on the ropes above their heads.

Jin An shouted nervously: "No, run quickly, there's going to be another landslide here."

The shaking of the earth lasted for a while before it stopped. The three people who had run back from the passage to the main hall were all looking a little embarrassed. Jin An coughed and patted the dust from his hair, and couldn't help but complain to the old Taoist priest. : "Old Taoist, with your mouth of a crow whose zodiac sign is the thirteenth, stop saying unlucky words in the underground palace! You see, you have made the old man in the underground palace angry, so you are not afraid of someone who has been dead for thousands of years. Let’s go into the coffin and talk about old times!”

The old Taoist priest felt very wronged. He was just curious about who was buried by the owner of this underground palace. He was curious because he was curious, and he respected the dead because he respected the dead. But he had not lived enough yet and did not want to be buried as a burial object in a hurry. The old Taoist priest was about to reach his full age. With aggrieved face, he opened his mouth to defend. Suddenly, Jin An shouted coldly in the main hall: "Who is sneaking and hiding there!"

"Cut the sword, you stay and protect the old master!"

sulfuric acid! The Kunwu sword was unsheathed, and the air buzzed and vibrated. After Jin An yelled at Xiangjian, he already strode towards the petrified tree in the center of the main hall.

Through the gaps between the hanging vines and roots, I could vaguely see a dark figure squatting behind the petrified tree, peering at the three of them.


Jin An rushed behind the petrified tree and there was no movement. There was no sound of fighting or talking. Ever since he entered the underground palace, the cemetery has been full of weirdness. Weird things happened one after another, especially when the Xuan Palace fell into silence. , the oppressive feeling from the unknown darkness made people even more breathless. The old Taoist priest waited and waited for no news from Jin'an. He worriedly shouted behind the petrified tree: "Little, little brother, you How is the situation over there?”

Jin An shouted from behind the petrified tree: "Old Taoist, Chi Jian, come here quickly and see what I found! You will never imagine what fell from the petrified tree in the shock just now!"

Jin An's tone was a little strange. It was both surprised, as if he had seen something shocking, and also solemn and vaguely uneasy.

Hearing Jin'an's shout, the old Taoist priest He Xiajian, who had long been concerned about Jin'an's safety, hurried over.

Kick, kick, kick!

At this moment, the sound of messy footsteps of many people was heard in the quiet Xuan Palace where only Jin An and the three of them were. They saw disgraced people running out of the right hall in another part of the Xuan Palace in embarrassment. As soon as they left the right hall, Hearing Jin An's shout, they all ran towards the petrified tree.

There are many old faces among these people, including Prince Xiaoling, Xu Anping, and Monk Qianshi who were the first to descend to the underground palace...

Everyone gathered in Xuan Palace.

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