White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 357 A secret! Eleven mural prophecies from thousands of years ago!

The content of the second mural is a vast stone palace. There is a sky-high sacred tree in the palace, especially a coffin hanging from the branch.

The stone hall has three side halls, namely the left hall, the right hall, and the back hall.

The left hall was densely packed with people. Because the mural was so old, there were roughly a hundred people standing there, and these hundreds of people all had dotted lines on their bodies. And standing at the front of the hundreds of people were six people, the same six people from the first mural. The headless corpse was not on the mural.

Five of these six people have solid lines on their bodies, and only one has a dotted line on their bodies.

"Why are there so many people on the second mural!"

The old Taoist priest, Old Man Qi, and the Wu brothers all shouted out loud.

Jin An pondered and said: "The meaning of the second painting should be that it is dawn outside, the sky and the earth are clear, and the order of the world is restored...So the seven people who appeared in the first mural survived the night safely and began to go to the left hall to find a way out. "

"As for the extra people in the left hall...the people with dotted lines on their bodies in the first mural, if they refer to dead people, it means there are dead people among us, then what does this second mural mean that we have fallen into the circle of the dead? "


Are they all dead people’s left hall?

Thinking of the several times they had entered the left hall not long ago, the old Taoist priest and Old Man Qi could not help but shudder. They suddenly became suspicious and felt that there were invisible dead people standing around them.

"Wait a minute! Brother, you said that the dotted lines on the body on the first mural represent dead people, then, then..." Old Man Qi and the Wu brothers all looked at the ruby ​​girl next to them with expressions of shock.

The old Taoist priest looked at this scene and finally felt a little more balanced in his heart. Sure enough, only the little brother and Xiejian were monsters, and the others were normal. Ordinary people didn't realize that Hongyu girl was a dead person.

Jin An had no intention of talking about this at this time. He couldn't wait to see what the third mural was about.

The content of the third mural is a bit too much and messy, divided into several parts.

First, draw the seven main halls.

But when the seventh hall collapsed, the way out was buried.

A dark crack tore open the wall, revealing a bottomless abyss. Six people stood in front of the abyss and seemed to be observing how deep the abyss was? Where does it lead in the end?

Jin An said in surprise: "The content of this mural should be that six people entered the dark room corridor of the left hall, passed seven side halls along the way, and finally came to the seventh main hall that collapsed and was buried?"

"The people who arrived at the seventh hall this time have once again transformed into the six people on the first mural. It seems that all six people will arrive at Zhongting Xuan Palace safely, or if one of us dies, it will explain why only six people were predicted. People."


There was a third conjecture in Jin An's mind that he hadn't said yet, and that was that there was an anomaly among the seven of them, an anomaly that couldn't even be calculated in this world's secrets.

But this kind of thing is related to his own secret. Only he knows it, so he doesn't tell it.

The content of the fourth mural is simpler than the messy third mural. It is a dark world of pits with densely packed hanging coffins suspended by chains.

The hole is too deep.

Even the murals are endless.

There is like a vertical abyss, leading directly to the underworld.

On the densely packed iron chain-suspended coffins in the abyss pits, there appeared several vague human-shaped small yellow dots representing people, which seemed to represent people descending into the pits holding torches or carrying divine treasures.


This time there were not just six people on the hanging coffin, but many more people, and there was a giant black thing lying on the hanging coffin at their feet.

Something like a humanoid?

"I know the content of this mural. Those little yellow dots in human shapes must mean that the six people in front collectively fell into the abyss!" This time it was Old Man Qi who was rushing to analyze the prediction.

He continued his analysis while observing the mural: "But this time there are more than six people walking on the hanging coffin, indicating that they will encounter other people or have encounters there. And the bodies of these extra people are all solid The line should not be dead, but living."

Old Man Qi continued: "I would say the most dangerous thing here is the black giant lying on the hanging coffin at their feet! Look, everyone else is tracing with yellow ink, only this giant thing is Drawn with black ink and lying on the hanging coffin, black means black evil and evil. Black is used among the people to represent evil souls, dead people, and funerals. Therefore, this group of people are lying on the iron chain hanging coffin and staring at the huge figure of the living person above. The black shadow must be a dead person! It must not be a living person!"

The more Mr. Qi analyzed, the more he felt that what he said was eloquent and inspired. He raised his head and held up his chest, holding the divine treasure in front of the fifth mural: "Let me continue to see what the fifth mural is about. What...ah! This, this is impossible!"

Old Man Qi cried out in fear.

Seeing that Old Qi was so frightened, the old Taoist priest couldn't help but joked: "Brother, weren't you quite capable just now? You were scrambling to decipher the prophecies on the murals. Why, were you frightened this time? "

As the old Taoist priest spoke, he also held a torch and leaned over to take a look. As a result, when he saw it, even he was stunned and froze on the spot.

The content of the fifth mural is very simple. It is a large hall with the same bare sacred trees. This should be the Zhongting Xuangong or Tianting Xuangong.

But of the ten or twenty people who were in the pit and abyss, only four or five came back alive.

If this mural really predicts today's situation, and the six people predicted on the mural are these people, doesn't it mean that one or two of them will definitely die? It's not even clear whether the four or five people who came back are them, maybe they are other people in the pits of the abyss!

No wonder Old Man Qi was frightened like this.

The sixth mural that follows is unknown what happened later. A large-scale landslide occurred in the Xuan Palace in the atrium. Nearly half of the building collapsed. If there were no sacred trees to support the beams, the entire hall would have been buried under the rubble. The Xuan Palace was shaken. A big crack opened, and water poured in and flooded the Xuan Palace in the atrium, washing away everyone.

This time, hundreds of extra people appeared from nowhere.

Jin An guessed that the water pouring back should be underground rivers?

The seventh mural is no longer in the underground palace, but has returned to the ruins. Black clouds are spreading in the Cave Heaven Paradise. Wherever they pass, floods are surging, winds are rolling, and a huge shadow stands in the black clouds.

The mural stopped here, everyone swept away the dust and continued to reveal the prophecy of the mural behind it.

What the eighth and ninth murals predict is that the sun in the sky outside the Cave Heaven Paradise will be covered by dark clouds, and there will be crazy rainstorms. The tide of the Yinyi River will rise, overflowing the embankments and dams, and submerging villages one after another. The red flood will cover thousands of miles, and the floods will They were all drowned cattle, sheep, pigs and horses, as well as the corpses of women, children and adults. There was a mother who was drowned but still protected her young son in her arms. There was a son who hid in a tree and struggled to lift his seriously ill old mother with both hands. A passenger ship was swept into the flood by a wave high enough to hold a few people. A passenger ship was smashed by the flood on the cliffs on both sides of the Yinyi River. Dozens of people fell into the flood... This is the collapse of humanity, the end of the world, the destruction of life, and thousands of floating corpses. .

On this day, too many people died. Even Fucheng was not spared. Half of the houses in Fucheng were flooded. Hundreds of thousands of people were trapped in Fucheng and could not escape. Fathers and sons, women, couples, and relatives hugged and cried, waiting in despair to die. .

The military camp was flooded.

The government office was flooded.

Restaurants, tea houses, restaurants, and private houses were flooded.

The large mansion was flooded.

More than half of the buildings in the city were flooded, but the floods were still rising rapidly, including an unfinished Taoist temple that was flooded. The Bailong Temple on a low mountain opened its gates to save people, and it was crowded with refugees. The crying people.

At the source of the flood, a several-foot-tall golden Buddha statue, the mummies of a man and a baby, and a Taoist priest were rushing into the black clouds, risking their own lives.

But they were no match at all. The whole body of the golden Buddha statue was shattered, the mummy of the baby and the adult who controlled it were knocked into the flood. The Taoist priest's robes were stained with blood, but they still regarded death as a tragic thing and rushed into the black cloud to prevent it from rushing into the dark clouds. Get out of the Cave Paradise and prevent it from flooding the city with hundreds of thousands of people.

And in the distance of the flood, there was a white coffin flying quickly through the water waves.

This was a catastrophe with so many casualties that it even required two murals to predict it.


If the previous eight murals only surprised and shocked the people present, then the ninth mural, in which humanity collapsed and corpses were floating thousands of miles away, made everyone, including Jin An, feel a chill running up from their tailbones. The air on his forehead was so compressed that his breathing was stagnant.

No words at this time are enough to express my inner feelings.

All that was left was that my hands and feet were cold, and my scalp was burning.

No one said anything at this time, because they were all frightened by the final prophecy on the mural.

A few people who were eager for answers quickly swept away the dust to look at the tenth mural. As a result, the tenth mural was empty with nothing on it.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the eleventh mural, but they didn’t know that the content on the mural was an irrelevant sea of ​​sand. At the end of the desert, a shadow of an ancient country faintly appeared, like a mirage, faint and unreal, unreal as a dream. …

"What, what's going on? Why is the tenth picture blank! Why is the eleventh picture an irrelevant desert in the Western Regions! What happened next? Why is there no prediction of the final outcome!"

The prophecies on the murals were too depressing and despairing, and Old Qi was talking crazy nonsense.

Everyone went to wipe the remaining walls of the five-color earth pagoda with him, but the murals had ended, and there were only ten mural prophecies in total.

"Then, is that city where hundreds of thousands of desperate people are trapped... the city of Wuzhou Prefecture?"

"It's definitely not right, right?"

"Old Taoist Master, why don't you speak?"

"Brother, please tell me, the little old man, that the content on the mural is not Wuzhou Prefecture, and the people prophesying on the mural are not us, right?"

Old Man Qi was driven to despair by the mural prophecy.

"Old Taoist Priest, you said outside Xuan Palace that nine is the ultimate number, ten is nothingness, and after nine is the death of nine and nine returning to one... The tenth mural is blank, does that mean that in the end, we will all die... We Everyone will die... None of us can escape this catastrophe! Just like this cave heaven and paradise, it turned into a ruined cemetery in the end!"

Old Man Qi desperately grabbed the old Taoist priest and asked him questions over and over again. The old Taoist priest who kept talking along the way became silent now.


He looked at the eleven mural prophecies with complex eyes, felt uncomfortable in his heart, and sighed heavily.

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