White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 368 Clues from the Kingdom of the Immortal God

Xu Anping and Monk Qianshi, who noticed that Miss Hongyu was missing, only glanced at Jin An and did not reveal the matter.

This is the benefit of being around smart people.

Some things are obvious at a glance.

No need to point out.

Their biggest crisis now should be the stone people in the mysterious palace in front of them. Now that it is dark outside, who knows what kind of changes have happened to these stone people.

Jin An glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the Xuan Palace also had five-color earth pagodas lined up in a row. Jin An led everyone straight to the tenth five-color earth pagoda.

Xu Anping and Monk Qianshi, who were not sure why, saw Jin An running towards the tenth tower impartially. They thought the former had discovered something and hurriedly followed him.

In the five-color earth pagoda, he sharpened his sword and carefully put down the old Taoist priest on his back. At this time, the old Taoist priest's complexion was much better. Since he came out of the Yin Road steps, there is no such majestic Yin Qi entering his body, and the old Taoist priest's body has recovered quickly. , people have woken up.

It's all because he has the Liuding Liujia Talisman placed close to his body. The Liujia Yang God is like a solar furnace, quickly removing the yin energy from his body.

Seeing that the old Taoist priest woke up okay, Jin An breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, in that situation, he decisively used the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman, which had the miraculous effect of unexpectedly frightening the figures on the rock wall, and he was able to escape smoothly.

Otherwise, if the delay continues, let alone the old Taoist priests, even these people will be annihilated sooner or later.

After all, this is the underground palace after the destruction of the dojo. Every step is dangerous and full of many variables.

"Little, brother, brother... gurgle... Old man, I thought I was really going to lose my old age this time... gurgle... I ended up in this palace..."

Although the old Taoist priest has woken up, his body has not fully recovered. When he spoke, his upper and lower rows of teeth were shivering with cold, and his body was huddled up. It was because too much Yin Qi entered the body and hurt his soul.

"No, no, but I think it's worth it to die in the place of a saint in the dojo... I think it's worth it. Does this count as... returning home with honor?"

"But when I think about how little brother you are going to treat me to roast whole lamb after we go out this time, I think the world of mortals is the most humane thing."

The fact that he was able to joke unseriously showed that although the old Taoist priest had some injuries to his soul, he had all three souls and seven souls intact and was sane, and had not damaged his roots and turned into a fool.

Those with incomplete three souls and seven souls may be at least stupid and have dull eyes, or in severe cases may be unconscious, and their bodies will die in less than three to five days.

Seeing that the old Taoist priest could still joke casually, Jin An relaxed his head and said cheerfully: "As long as you are all fine, after we get out of here, I will treat you to a roasted whole lamb, and I will let you eat it until you get tired."

Jin An smiled and asked for the wine gourd again, then took out a blood-tonifying and qi-enhancing pill from his body, pinched off a small piece and put it into the wine gourd and shook it for a few times. After the pill melted into the wine, the old Taoist asked Drink to warm yourself up.

The blood-tonifying and qi-enhancing pills he carried were very powerful. The old Taoist priest was not as strong as he was. So soaking a whole pill in wine worried that the old Taoist priest would not be able to bear it.

Don't have a nosebleed when you are weak and don't get enough replenishment. The person will bleed out before the qi and blood are replenished.

After the old Taoist priest took a sip of the spiritual wine soaked in pills, the blood on his face immediately looked much better, but he was strangely hunched over and did not dare to straighten his body.

Xu Anping and Monk Qianshi, who had never dared to disturb Jin An's rescue, saw Jin An stand up with a sigh of relief. At this time, they also came over with concern: "Old Taoist Master, is he okay?"

"For Yin Qi entering the body, I have Zhang Yang Talisman, which has a miraculous effect on removing Yin Qi and evil spirits from the body."

Even Monk Qianshi on the side took out a pill from his body, saying that it was a unique pill prepared by Zhenguo Temple. It was the detoxification pill they used most in the world, and it could detoxify most of the corpse poison, Yin poison and Gu poison. It has significant effects in detoxifying, promoting qi and activating blood circulation.

Jin An thanked them one by one for their kindness and said that the old Taoist priest was not in danger for the time being. Then, they took another look at the earthen pagoda in front of them.

This five-color earth pagoda was carved from the same mold as the five-color earth pagoda he saw in Xiatingxuan Palace in terms of size, craftsmanship, and material.

If this mysterious palace wasn't made of white marble, I would have thought they were back to square one.

No one has been in the tower for many years, so there is a lot of dust accumulated. People can stir up a lot of dust if they move a few steps. Jin An covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves and robe, and secretly wiped it on a corner of the wall while others were not paying attention. Remove the dust and there is no mural as imagined.

He even moved several places to secretly wipe off the dust, but there were no murals on the walls.

"It seems that they are not copied from the same model. There are still some subtle differences between this place and the Xia Tingxuan Palace..." Jin An thought in his mind.

Xu Anping noticed that Jin An had been standing in front of the wall without moving, and looked curiously: "What?"

Monk Qianshi also looked over.

Jin An shook his head and said it was nothing, pretending to leave as if nothing had happened. In fact, the face under the bronze hood had already frowned: "The sixth mural predicts that great changes will occur in this Xuan Palace, the sky will collapse and the earth will fall apart, and then the underground river will pour in, and finally It will completely submerge this place... What kind of accident can cause this thousand-year-old stable palace to be destroyed in an instant?"

Thinking of this, Jin An turned around and asked in the direction behind him: "Fellow Daoist Xu, Monk Qianshi, have you noticed any traces of anyone else here?"

"According to the footprints we found on the spiral staircase, there should have been many people who successfully passed through and came to this mysterious palace before us, but now we can't see anyone..."

"Either they arrived first and had already hidden them in the left and right halls deeper in the Xuan Palace...or in the most important back hall, which is used to store coffins and shrines."

After hearing what Jin An said, the two of them couldn't help but frown, and then both looked outside the door of the dark earth tower: "We didn't search the other nine earth towers carefully just now. Maybe they are hiding in other earth towers."

"They should be the same as us, because it is now night and they are hiding somewhere in the underground palace. They dare not walk around in the underground palace at will. If it is like what we have guessed, they will not take the initiative to meet us before dawn."

This is indeed possible.

Jin An thought for a while and asked another matter: "There were too many things that happened along the way. Some things I didn't even have time to ask. Fellow Daoist Xu and Monk Qianshi, when we first met in the underground palace, why didn't the coffin bearer... With you?"

The coffin bearer he was looking for was none other than Zong Ren, who killed his uncle and nephew.

Speaking of which, the hatred between the two is not small.

Who knows.

Jin An got an unexpected result.

The coffin bearer did not go down into the deep valley with them. Just when the people of Tianshi Mansion discovered the secret of the underground palace, he took the lead to go down into the deep valley.

By the time Prince Xiao Ling led his men to pursue him into the underground palace, the coffin-carrying man had disappeared.

After receiving this unexpected result, Jin An frowned slightly. This was really bad news. He didn't have many enemies outside. However, these few enemies were the first to go down to the underground palace to find immortal fate. people.

Maybe when these three people met and chatted, they discovered that they had a common enemy, and now they have joined forces with the same enemy!

Think about it this way.

Jin An couldn't sit still.

He ran too fast just now and didn't have time to check whether there was anyone hiding in the other nine towers. The longer the delay, the greater the chance that the antique dealer and Zong Ren would join forces.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but walk to the door of the earthen tower and looked at the black world outside, his eyes full of contemplation.

He didn't know if it was the psychological pressure caused by the steps on the Yin Road before. Looking at the dark palace in front of him, he always felt like there was a thick haze on his head.

Especially in the main hall of Xuan Palace behind their earthen tower, there were still stone figures kneeling on three floors inside and three outside!

If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, he would have immediately sealed himself with a dozen Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman to kill him. By then, no matter how many stone men came, they would be shattered by the thunder. Jin Anxin's hair was so fierce that he happened to have so many evil deeds to take advantage of him. .

He now has three hundred and five thousand virtues... Suddenly, wow!

In the dark palace, there was a harsh, sharp cry of a baby. The baby was crying in the dark night. The sound was very unpleasant and harsh, like biting a mouthful of glass shards, and the screams were mixed with glass shards and blood in the throat. The screams of wild cats in the middle of the night are even more frightening, heart-rending and shrill.




The baby began to cry loudly, and boundless Yin Qi surged toward the tenth earth tower. It was as if there was a thick cloud of Yin Qi coiling above the Xuan Palace, rotating violently like a funnel cloud.

Jin'an's face froze, it was that little Hanbao!

This time it was definitely an evil person, because the cry was so close, as if it was behind him!

Jin An turned around violently!

But behind him there were only two people, Xu Anping and Monk Qianshi, who heard the noise and ran to check. There was no baby or little Hanba!


Not behind him.

But it came from the direction of Xuan Palace Hall behind the earth tower.

At this time, Jin An, Xu Anping, and Monk Qianshi stood at the door and looked at the movement outside the tower, but it was too dark outside the tower and could not see anything. The most important thing is that these ten earthen towers are at the entrance of Xuan Palace. The tower door opens towards the outside of Xuan Palace, so no matter how they look, they can only see a thick wall.

The cry of the little Hanbao continued.

One sound was louder than the other, and one sound was sharper than the other. It was like a dead cat's call in the middle of the night.

"That's the cry of the little Drought Demon! It makes too much noise. If you let it continue to cry like this, it won't be long before it attracts many dangerous things in the underground palace!"

As if to fulfill Jin An's words, some extremely frightening and slight noises began to be heard outside the tower. You could not hear them if you were not paying attention. However, the underground palace was so quiet that any abnormal small sounds could be clearly heard.

It was the stone men kneeling in front of the petrified tree in Xuan Palace that came to life.

"Protect the old Taoist priest, someone must stop that death... Xiaohanbao, keep crying!"

Jin An almost blurted out and shouted "dead child", but when he thought that the Water Goddess might be here, he changed his words in time. He left the sharp sword in place to protect the old Taoist priest, and he decisively stepped out of the tower and strode into the darkness outside the tower.

Xu Anping and Monk Qianshi, who understood the seriousness of the situation, also went out to find the source of the trouble.

"Xie Jian, you said that the Water Goddess Empress is on our side. How can the little Hanba who is the Water Goddess's flesh and blood be regarded as our little nephew?" Three people were missing in an instant, and the tower became empty, with only the old man left. The Taoist priest murmured with a worried look on his face.

At this time, the old Taoist priest's face was red and his neck was thick, with an embarrassed expression on his face, and he still did not dare to straighten his body.

"My little brother took off my nephew's arm last time. Will he just take off our nephew's head this time?"

"I forgot to tell my little brother about this. Tell him not to beat the little Hanbao too hard. The Water Goddess has helped us many times. We should focus on reforming the little Hanbao..."

The old Taoist priest is not worried about Jin'an's safety.

But he was worried about the safety of the little drought demon.

As he spoke, he, who was not serious just now, suddenly sighed: "If the prophecy of the ninth mural is true, then Xiao Hanbao is also one of the people who should resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth. It means that he is not bad in nature, but falls into In the hands of thieves, one loses his true nature temporarily, and finally finds his way back..."

If the prophecy of the ninth mural comes true.

This means that many people will die after they escape from the underground palace.

They wanted to escape from the underground palace, but they also didn't want to see hundreds of thousands of people swallowed by floods and their families destroyed. This matter not only troubled the old Taoist all the way, but he could see that Jin'an kept silent about the mural prophecies, so why not... Deliberately avoid.

But sooner or later they have to go out, and sooner or later they have to face the moment of choice, just like everything along the way is predicted one by one.

"Third Junior Brother." He was guarding the door of the tower with a sharp sword.


"Bah, talk nicely."

The old Taoist priest had a dark face.

Chi Jian turned his gaze and looked at the old Taoist priest: "I recovered some memories in the Yin Road just now. I seem to have seen the eleventh mural..."

The old Taoist priest quickly asked happily: "Where is it?"

Jiajian always has that expressionless and dull face, just as his answer is as simple as the expression on his face: "The Kingdom of the Immortal God..."

The Kingdom of the Immortal God? Why does the eleventh mural predict the emergence of an unrelated kingdom of immortal gods, even thousands of miles away? Does it mean that withered trees come back in spring? Or is it a metaphor that Ying Jie hopes to be in the depths of the desert in the Western Region? Let's go to the depths of the desert to find an opportunity to save the fate of the people of Wuzhou Prefecture?

But this doesn't make sense. From Kangding State to the depths of the Western Desert, we have to cross the long desert Gobi land. We won't be able to come back for a while, and it will definitely be too late to save the hundreds of thousands of people in Wuzhou Prefecture.

The most important thing is that the Kingdom of the Immortal God has disappeared along with the ancient kingdoms in the Western Regions for thousands of years. For thousands of years, people with various purposes have been looking for this golden Kingdom that disappeared in the ancient ruins in the desert, hoping to find the immortal. Secret, I have never heard of any monarch finding it...

The old Taoist priest chanted over and over again, frowning in thought.

He asked Chi Jian if he remembered any other memories. Chi Jian shook his head. His memory recovery was similar to a part of recovery that was affected by the external environment. It was not his own initiative to recover his memory.

"This is a good thing. Since you can recover once, you can recover twice, three times... Don't think too much. When we go out, ask our little brother to treat us to a few more roasted whole lambs. Maybe we can eat the roasted whole lambs, and you will be tempted to sharpen your sword. I have recovered more memories." The old Taoist priest said optimistically.

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