White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 398 The Princess of Yueqiang Kingdom asks for help! Jinan exorcism!

Today is the day to leave Yueqiang Kingdom.

The three caravans had agreed in advance to gather outside Yueqiang City.

Outside the city gate.

When they saw Jin An coming to gather with three sheep and learned that Jin An really planned to take the three sheep into the depths of the desert, everyone in the caravan showed shock.

But it's okay.

The two extra sheep brought this time are normal-sized sheep.

Pretty normal.

The bearded man who lived in the same inn as Jin An noticed everyone's shocked expressions and explained seriously: "Taoist Master Jin An said that you should take three sheep with you when traveling far away. There is an idiom among the Han people called 'Three sheep to open the country' , which means that the auspicious hexagram of Shang Shang will bring good luck and good fortune to us, so that everyone’s wishes can come true and go home safely.”

After listening to the bearded man's serious explanation, the caravan suddenly stood in awe.

They all already know that Jin An is a Taoist priest with real abilities. If he says Sanyang Kaitai, then it must be Sanyang Kaitai!

Keremu solemnly said: "From now on, everyone will treat the three sheep raised by the Jin'an Taoist priest as their own. No one is allowed to have any ideas about them, and no one is allowed to think about eating them!"

Kremu warned the people in his caravan.

The bearded man also stood up and nodded seriously and said: "Yes, we will all be our own people from now on. Everyone brings more water and hay to share the weight for Taoist Jin'an and the three sheep brothers! Help Taoist Jin'an and the three sheep brothers Brothers, we are just helping ourselves!”

Under his gaze, other people in the caravan also agreed, saying that I would help carry a bag of water, and I would help share a bag of hay...

Old Sadiq and young Sahaf burst into tears when they heard this, and excitedly asked for help from the caravan: "Finally, someone is willing to believe that we are human beings!"

"Save us!"

Baa baa——

Baa baa——

The two kept asking for help, but every time they opened their mouths, they heard the sound of sheep.

Looking at the sheep that kept barking, Uncle Kremu said in surprise: "These two sheep are so active. It seems that Taoist Jin'an really treats them well. He feeds them enough water and fodder to keep them so fat and energetic." ."



Old Sadiq and young Sahafu were anxious to defend themselves, but they could not speak human words, which only made outsiders think that they were energetic and well-fed.

"Boss, look at them, they are crying after listening to our words. I, Apa, have said that desert animals shed tears towards people to express their gratitude. They can understand our words, and they are shedding tears towards us to express their gratitude." Maisutu, who had saved a life in Jin'an, said in surprise to his boss Kremu.

As a result, everyone looked at Jin An with higher respect.



Is there no one in this world who can understand human speech?

After being hit one after another, the uncle and nephew finally gave up their last chance and completely accepted the reality. They returned to the goat to lick its fur and pat its farts. The desert is very dangerous, and we don't know how many dangers are hidden in the upcoming desert journey. It is better to ask for help than sheep. They can't rely on people. Now they can only rely on their seniors, who are also the lost sheep of Tianya, to take care of them.

After counting the number of people and supplies such as water and food, everything was ready and no one was left behind. The caravan continued on the road, walking in a long line on the rippled desert, heading towards the ancient river bed.

Yueqiang Kingdom is not close to the ancient river, so they have to go back to the ancient river and continue to follow the ancient river deep into the vast desert.

On the bare desert, a few Populus euphratica trees that had survived for thousands of years after they died, and a few clusters of Haloxylon ammodendron that had almost only their roots left after they died, became their guideposts for rediscovering the ancient river course.

the next day.

It's still the same ancient river.

Suddenly, yellow sand rose into the sky from the river behind him, and half of the sky was covered with yellow sand. It could be seen from a long distance away.

The caravan that was originally on its way in the ancient river broke into chaos.

"It's a desert bandit!"

"Tighten up the team!"

The bearded man's expression changed drastically.

"Use the camels and goods as a circle to keep out the outside. Those who can't fight should hide in the camel circle! The remaining warriors, take up arms and fight with my big beard! The sand bandits are more cruel than the devil, and they kill them all every time If the caravan owner robs all the goods of the caravan, the only way to scare them away and survive if they encounter the sand thieves is to fight desperately!"

The bearded man and three caravans were escorted by the team, a total of more than a dozen people. They used the camel circle as the corner of the formation. They listened solemnly to the sound of camels running closer and closer to the ancient river behind them.

Jin An also saw many people in the caravan taking out bows and arrows for long-range attacks.


Yellow dust rose into the sky, like a rolling earth dragon approaching quickly, and the sound of running hooves of many camels was like a violent storm falling on the ancient river, rumbling... It was a well-equipped army with a lot of iron tools, and the camels were higher than the caravan. An excellent desert cavalry with one head.

Resources are scarce in the desert.

Especially the most deficient iron ore.

If you want to have such a desert cavalry in the desert, you are definitely not an ordinary sand bandit. They have not completely left the Yueqiang Kingdom. Why are the most ferocious sand bandits in the desert here? At this moment, the faces of the people in the caravan turned pale. These small caravans could not withstand the charge of the well-equipped desert cavalry.

Including old Sadiq and little Sahaf, they were so frightened that they started to poop again and again, swiping their tails wildly and dropping pellets of sheep excrement on the ground.

Only Jin An, whose eyesight was stronger than ordinary people, noticed that something was wrong. He shouted to the bearded men who were bending their bows and drawing arrows and already making an attack posture: "Don't attack yet. The camel cavalry seemed to be flying the white moon flag of the Yue Qiang Kingdom." !”

He was right.

The visitors were indeed the camel cavalry of the Yueqiang Kingdom, and they were also the most brave and capable royal cavalry of the Yueqiang Kingdom.

"Is the caravan in front of you led by Batur, Kremu, and Amir? Don't get me wrong, we don't have any ill intentions. We are from the Yueqiang Kingdom, and we have invited the Yueqiang royal family to meet the people from Kangding Kingdom. Taoist Jin'an, is Taoist Jin'an in the caravan?"

The bearded men looked at each other and looked at Jin An in surprise.

The camel cavalry slowed down, and when they slowly reached the caravan thirty or forty feet away, they collectively stopped their camels, then got off their camels and begged to see Jin An.

This ceremony is very solemn.

Facing the confused and puzzled looks of the people around him, Jin An was also confused. He asked the bearded men to wait and see what happened, and then walked out of the camel circle alone.

"If there is no second person named Jin An in the caravan, then I am the person you are looking for. Do you think the royal family of Yueqiang King is looking for me?" Jin An frowned and looked at the cavalry team of about 20 people in front of him.

But the next scene made Big Beard and the others even more stunned.

The Yueqiang Kingdom's cavalry collectively knelt down on one knee towards Jin An. The leading man looked at Jin An: "Taoist Master Jin'an, we heard that you helped Batur and the others drive away the devils, and also killed the desert devils with your own hands. Please save Yueqiang Country! Please help us!"

Jin An's eyebrows furrowed more and more tightly: "What on earth is going on?"

He is still confused until now.

The big man looked at the caravan with some hesitation. When the two of them walked aside, he handed over a letter to Jin An.

Jin An quickly read the content of the letter, and the expression on his face did not show much emotion: "Isn't there a Hekmati shaman in the Yueqiang Kingdom? There is a problem with the water source of the Yueqiang Kingdom, and the king and princess have been possessed by evil spirits one after another. Don't you go? Asking the Hekmati shaman to drive away the devil, why did he find me instead of looking far away?"

This man is nearly two meters tall, as strong as a black iron tower, his arms are thicker than an ordinary person's thighs, and his chin beard is thicker than a beard. His name is Kuli Jiang.

Kulijiang had a heavy expression on his face: "Hekmati Shaman is dead."

"Dead?" Jin An was startled, and his expression immediately returned to normal.

No wonder I didn't see the shaman at the city gate when I left the city this morning.

"The princess had a nightmare for the first time. There was a woman sleeping with her back to back under the bed. It happened four nights ago... Three nights ago, the princess had the same nightmare again... The night before yesterday, Hekmatisa Man Man hid in the princess's room to keep vigil for the princess. As a result, the princess continued to dream of the same nightmare, but this time someone died. Hekmati Shaman died. People died very strangely. He was crucified back to back. Under the bed board, her eyes were wide open, as if she had seen a terrible devil scared to death... The princess was very frightened this time. We understand that the nightmares the princess has had in the past few days are not all dreams, but there are devils hiding there. In the princess’s room!”

"We are looking for other psychic experts in a short time and don't know where to find them. Some famous shamans and monks in the desert are also some distance away from the Yueqiang Kingdom and cannot be reached in a short time. We inquired Taoist priest Jin'an once helped the caravan drive away devils, so I would like to ask Taoist priest Jin'an to save our royal family and our Yueqiang country."

Kulijiang sincerely invites Jin An.

As he said this, this man who looked as majestic as a black iron tower knelt down on one knee towards Jin An, with anxious eyes: "We set out to chase Taoist Priest Jin An yesterday, and were delayed one night on the road. In addition, we have already been delayed two nights today. Two nights have passed. , I don’t know what the situation is like in the royal city, whether the princess is safe, Kulijiang once again begs Taoist Priest Jin’an to help us.”

Jin An remembered the first day he came to Yueqiang Kingdom. Uncle Keremu’s words always impressed him deeply. The royal family of Yueqiang Kingdom was one of the few wise rulers who cared about their people. The royal family invited Hekmati Shaman. Later, he did not use it to protect the royal family selfishly, but to protect the people and the city wall.

He still remembered that Uncle Keremu's tone was very envious and he had high regard for the Yueqiang royal family.

To be able to have businessmen from the Western Regions like Uncle Keremu, who has seen many countries, speak well of the Yueqiang royal family shows that the Yueqiang royal family is very popular among the people.

Jin'an agreed to Kulijiang's invitation and decided to return to the Yueqiang Kingdom. They were not far from the Yueqiang Kingdom now. They rode their camels through the night and could reach the Yueqiang Kingdom tonight. They would probably be able to catch up again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Get on the camel caravan.

Because there were many people in the caravan, it was not advisable to take the caravan on the road. Jin An asked everyone to continue on their way. He would catch up with everyone quickly after handling the matter quickly.

Kulijiang was very happy to receive Jin'an's reply. He patted his chest and reassured Jin'an that he would leave everyone responsible for protecting the safety of the caravan. With the protection of the most elite royal cavalry from the Yueqiang Kingdom, armed to camels, no one would be disappointed. The sand pirates will come to take advantage of the caravan.

In order to come back as soon as possible and catch up with the caravan again without further delay, Jin'an and Kulijiang took a few camels and rushed back to the Yueqiang Kingdom with continuous transfers. In order to hurry up, this time only the two of them rushed back to the Yueqiang Kingdom. .

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