White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 404 Sacrifice in a clay pot with human face

"Uncle Kulijiang?"

Jin An called several times, but never got a response.

He approached thoughtfully.

Seeing Ku Lijiang, they all had their eyes closed, with expressions on their faces struggling to resist the despair, bloodthirsty, madness and other evil thoughts from the outside world, and to prevent the last remaining sanity from being swallowed up by those evil thoughts.

At this time, he had reached the front of the old man on the ground, but he was so close that he still couldn't hear clearly what the other man was talking nonsense.

Jin An bent over slightly and put his ear close to the old man to listen, and finally heard some sporadic words, no... no... no, the king of Yueqiang Kingdom, who had become neither human nor ghost, kept repeating these words intermittently.

"don't want?"

"What don't you want?"

"Have you not completely lost your mind? Do you want to remind us of something?"

Jin An put his ear closer to the mouth of the king of Yueqiang Kingdom, but the king was in a state of confusion, like a demented old man holding a ghost pottery pot, talking nonsense, and paying no attention to the outside world.

Jin An originally thought that there would be a fierce battle when he came here. He was prepared for the worst. The king of Yueqiang Kingdom was dead and was possessed by something. There would definitely be a battle between the two.

I honestly didn't expect to face such a scenario.

The king of Yueqiang Kingdom ignored his presence and just kept talking nonsense while holding a ghost clay pot.

As long as you don't disturb this little old man, you'll be fine.

Jin An frowned lightly, almost putting his ear close to the old man's mouth, and finally heard more words. This time, in addition to "no", he also heard the word "black rain".

These words were repeated the most, so he could only hear them out after hearing them repeatedly.

"Black Rain?"

"Black Rain Country!"

Jin An looked surprised. He didn't expect to hear clues about the Black Rain Kingdom that had been destroyed for hundreds of years in the Yueqiang Kingdom.

He wanted to continue to hear more words, but this time he couldn't hear any more words after listening for a while. Instead, he got closer to the human-faced pinata in the other person's arms, and that weird feeling was always mixed in the air. The musty smell got stronger.

Very pungent.

Stimulates the trachea.

Causes some discomfort in the throat.

The smell was worse than sulfur smoke.

But that's not the point.

Jin An always felt that he had smelled this strange smell somewhere before and it was familiar to him.

He trusted his memory very much.

If it feels familiar in memory.

Then he must have smelled this strange smell somewhere.

Thanks to his improved memory after practicing spiritual martial arts, Jin An quickly recalled that the pungent smell was somewhat similar to the smell of the place where the stink bug crawled!

At this time, Jin An realized that even his eyes were so smoked that he couldn't bear it. He raised his hand to cover his nose and straightened up. Suddenly, he said, eh? After making a sound, he accidentally discovered that there were five or six human-faced clay pots in the corner that had been salvaged and thrown into a pile. They looked exactly like the human-faced clay pot held in the arms of the king of Yueqiang Kingdom. If it weren't for his eyesight, It’s astonishing that these details would be impossible to find in a dark underground cave.

He also found that the pots were broken.

The clay pot was empty, with nothing inside.

Through careful comparison, he could see that these tattered human-faced clay pots and the human-faced clay pot held in the arms of the king of Yueqiang Kingdom were both ancient things and came from the same era and the same place. .

Bang, Jin An casually threw down the human-faced clay pot in his hand. The old pottery pot shattered into dirt. He walked back to the king of Yueqiang Kingdom.

"Do you still remember the name of Princess Gulizar of Yueqiang Kingdom?"

"She is your daughter."

"Your daughter Gulizar found me and asked me to rescue you."

Jin'an didn't know if the king of Qiang Kingdom still had any sanity left this month, so he said Gulizar's name with the mentality of giving it a try. The king, who had been mumbling incoherently, heard his daughter, Gulizar After a few words, the expression on his face began to struggle.

But not long after the struggle, the struggle on his face disappeared and turned into a ferocious look like that of an evil ghost. His eyes were filled with spite and were covered with fine red bloodshot eyes. He looked just like a ghost: "Death! Die! Die!"

At this moment, his face was filled with bloodthirsty, cruelty, malice, full of evil thoughts, and no trace of humanity. He looked just like the rotten-faced woman sleeping back to back under the princess's bed.

The king's expression was ferocious and crazy, he roared with hatred, and tears were shed in his eyes. It seemed that two consciousnesses were fighting in his body, but the evil thoughts clearly gained the upper hand and completely controlled his body.

Jin An did not continue to irritate the king of Yueqiang Kingdom. The king calmed down again and continued to hold the clay pot and talk to himself, but there were tears in his eyes.

While crying silently.

While holding a clay pot of a masked ghost, he spoke incoherently.

When outsiders saw this, they would think that the king of Yue Qiang Kingdom was crazy and insane.

But Jin An doesn't think so.

When mentioning his daughter Gulizar, this old man, who is both a king and a father, shed tears, indicating that he still has a trace of sanity left. It is the guilt and pain for his daughter, but the souls of ordinary people are in those murderous corpses. In front of Li Hun, any struggle is feeble.

It was precisely because he believed that the king of Yueqiang Kingdom could still be saved that Jin An did not take action against the king. This time, he looked sharply at the human-faced clay pot that the king had been holding in his arms, and spread his fingers to grab it fiercely.


The king of Yueqiang Kingdom raised his hand and grabbed Jin An's wrist. The king's palm was cold, without the body temperature of a normal person, as if he was being held by an ice cube, and a large amount of yin energy entered his body.


A large amount of green smoke rises from the black skin of the Black Mountain destroying the city, the stench is nauseating, and the cold Yin Qi is blocked by the inner Qi of the Black Mountain.

This is the violent collision between Yin Qi and the internal Qi of the Black Mountain. A large amount of green smoke is rising, crackling, and a large number of sparks are sputtering. This is the wrestling between Yin and Yang.

The energy and blood in Jin An's body surged violently.

The blood boils.

Light three Yang fires on the shoulders and the top of the head.

In an instant, the sun was like a furnace, and Jin An's blood was as strong as the sun. It was like the Supreme Lord's Bagua alchemy furnace was blazing close to him, draining away all the true demons. The cold palm that had been holding Jin An's hands suddenly loosened like an electric shock.

Snapped! This time Jin An grabbed the opponent with his palm.

Black Mountain Kung's fire poison inner energy and the three yang fires were all directed at the yin energy on the opponent's body, trying to force out the yin energy on the king's body.

The old king raised his head fiercely, and stared at Jin An with his red bloodshot eyes, a pair of eyes filled with endless malice. Only the whites of his eyes were white, without any black at all.


"Five thunders of pure Yang, the righteousness of heaven and earth! How dare you spy on me!"

Jin An was upright and shouted angrily. The three Yang Fires on his shoulders and head were burning brightly again. His momentum was like smoke, rising steadily. He who has a brave heart has clear thoughts and no ghosts or gods can live in his heart.

An upright person looks directly at the thunder method without any fear. When a villain looks directly at Lei Fa, he will feel fear and dare not look directly. Thunder method pure Yang, exorcise evil spirits and ward off changes!


The king's Yin Qi exploded, and the Yin Qi mixed with evil thoughts set off a storm in the underground cave. The wind was fierce and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

Jin An's eyes were filled with cold light, as if they contained two thunder pools. Infinite lightning was born in the thunder pools at every moment. His eyes were gleaming, and his aura was domineering and killing.


The king spat out a large mouthful of black blood, which was the blood clogged near the heart veins after the Yin wind entered his body.

And as a mouthful of black blood vomited out from near his heart pulse, the old man's crazy eyes finally regained a trace of clarity.

But just as he regained some clarity, he immediately became crazy, cruel, and ferocious again. He no longer looked directly into Jin An's eyes, and planned to throw away an arm and fight Jin An.

But Jin'an didn't give him a chance to fight back.


A hard headbutt to the forehead, with impact on the forehead bone, the king was directly knocked unconscious by his headbutt.

Even though he was knocked unconscious by Jin An's head hammer, the king still held the human-faced clay pot tightly in his arms. Without thinking, Jin An directly grasped the sealing mud on the mouth of the pot with five fingers, opened the opening, and wanted to see. Let’s see what mystery is hidden in this clay pot with a human face.

As a result, as soon as the sealing mud of the clay pot was opened, the smell of the corpse suddenly rose into the sky, as if it had been sealed for a long time and finally found an outlet, turning into a stinking black gas and rushing out.

Even though Jin An had held his breath in advance, he still couldn't stop the smell of corpses that seemed to have been sealed for a long time. The pottery pot was filled with mostly black corpse liquid, and floating on the surface of the corpse liquid was a woman's face that had been completely ripped off. , which floats on the corpse liquid and has a few wrinkles.

The woman's face floating on the black corpse liquid was the same face as the woman with a scratched face that Jin An saw when she left her body.

In my ears, I seemed to vaguely hear the screams of a woman who was cut off alive with a knife when her entire face was cut off.

The voice was sharp, painful, and desperate. The woman screamed until the end, leaving only evil thoughts and vicious curses.


The face of the woman with no eyeballs and two holes in the eye sockets suddenly opened her dark eyes, and black blood of resentment rushed out of the eye sockets.

She stared straight at Jin An and cursed Jin An.

He was no longer afraid of the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman on Jin An.

But at this moment, the Five Blessings Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman on Jin An suddenly automatically protected its owner. The ghost and god characters on the talisman paper shone brightly, and the talisman's light exploded.

Jin An's mouth felt hot.

He has regained consciousness from the hallucination of corpse poison miasma.

Looking at the clay pot again, there was actually a big hole in the clay pot. The corpses that had been sealed inside for countless years had all dried up along the hole. The bottom of the pot had been removed from the human body, including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Apart from organs, there is no shame in a woman.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys had been soaked in corpse fluid, as fresh as if they had just been picked from a human body. But as the corpse fluid in the jar drained away, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys immediately shrank and shriveled away. , almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into the organs of a mummy that had been exposed to the sun and dehydrated for a long time in the desert.

"These organs are...sacrifice sacrifices?"

Jin An's face darkened.

He knew that slavery was still prevalent in many places in the Western Region countries, and using the heads or organs of slaves as sacrifices was the most common sacrificial technique.


There was a sound of falling into the water, and something jumped into the underground river to escape, but as soon as it hit the water, it was hit ashore by a wave of water flowing upstream.

It's Erlang Zhenjun's water talisman controlled by Jin An!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Jin An strode towards him and nailed him to death with his Kunwu knife.

Avenue induction!

Six thousand virtues!

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