White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 408: Brother, did you also voluntarily become a sheep?

The camel team led by Jin'an and Kulijiang merged smoothly with Big Beard, Uncle Keremu and the others.

The first person to discover that Jin An was back was not a human being.

But three sheep.

Sadiq and Sahaf, the uncle and nephew, have traveled through the desert with the caravan in the past few days and have suffered a lot. People are so strange. When Jin An is here, they talk about each other, but when Jin An is gone, they miss Jin An again. In the days of , at least Jin An could understand the bleating words of the sheep, and knew when they were thirsty, tired, and hungry, and he did not mistreat them along the way.

During the three or four days that Jin An was away, they lived in such a miserable state that they had to walk with their legs crossed even to pull the sheep cake.

Because the caravan was afraid of losing the sheep, they tied the three sheep and the camels in a string. So when they happened to poop or urinate, they could only be led by the camel team's rope while walking and pulling the horse all the way.

Moreover, sheep are not like camels, which carry two big humps on their backs. They can live in the desert for a long time without eating or drinking water. The camel itself is a sacred animal given to the desert by the gods. It is the most resistant to sun exposure in the scorching desert.

Sheep are different. I don’t know which bastard came up with the idea of ​​bringing sheep into the desert to graze. It’s so miserable. Not only do sheep get hungry and thirsty quickly, but they also poop and digest quickly. It takes a day. Eat all night long.

But Big Beard and Kremu were businessmen, not shepherds, so they would always be negligent. When they thought of feeding them water, Sadiq and Sahaf, the uncle and nephew, almost died of thirst in the desert several times.

If they hadn't been so diligent in licking their fur, and the goat seniors occasionally took care of them on the way and gave them some water from the water bags hanging around their necks, Jin An would have really had to collect the carcasses of the two whole roasted sheep.

Later, they became smarter and wanted to be like their senior goats by always hanging a water bag around their necks. However, they found that no one could understand what they meant.

Perhaps because of the animal-making technique, the two of them sensed a familiar aura almost at the same time, and looked back at the same time.

At this time, they were shocked to see that the senior goat stopped one step ahead of them and looked behind them. It was indeed the senior goat. The sheep that ate more hay than them and licked more bricks than them did not eat in vain! The two of them were in awe!

The camel caravan, which had been moving silently on the boundless sea of ​​sand, suddenly tightened its reins, and the camel caravan suddenly stopped and refused to move away no matter how hard it was driven away. Only then did everyone realize that the goat had stopped moving forward, and actually stopped with a goat. The force drags the team unable to move forward.

Infinitely powerful.

Is this...still a sheep?

What! The goat has a good understanding of human nature. He glanced sideways at the bearded man and several Yueqiang Kingdom cavalry guards who came over to check the situation. Then he turned his head behind him. The goatee found that he had no problem understanding this human scene. The goat After telling him to look behind him, don't just look at the sheep.


The bearded man felt that he was hysterical. How could people understand the words of animals? But not long after he waited, he saw dust rising at the end of the desert behind him, as if a camel team was rushing through the desert.

In fact, there were so many people and camels in the caravan, and they had to carry goods and supplies. It was not fast to travel in the desert, so I kept changing camels all the way from Jin'an to Kulijiang, and traveled for a day and a half. In the afternoon of this day Finally caught up with the caravan.

"Tubal has a big beard!"

"Uncle Kremu!"

At first, Jin An's sharp eyes saw a small caravan in the vast sea of ​​​​sand across a few sand dunes.

But the first ones to respond were Sadiq and Sahaf. They looked at Jin An who finally came back with tears in their eyes. They looked excited and shouted at Jin An's tearful bleating.

If they hadn't been held by the camel team's reins, the two of them would have run to Jin'an in tears, telling them about the countless hardships they suffered along the way.

The two teams reunited soon, and Jin An was a little confused by the excited reaction of the uncle and nephew. They hadn't seen each other for a few days, so why did it seem like so many things had happened?

These two were a little too enthusiastic.


The twenty or so mounted guards of the Yueqiang Kingdom shouted excitedly on the backs of their camels when they saw Kulijiang returning.

Kulijiang, who was riding over on the back of a camel, saw that all the personal guards he had brought out were safe and sound. The fatigue along the way was wiped away. He laughed boldly and said: "Hahaha, you are very energetic." Yes, it seems that the caravan has a safe journey during our temporary departure, and no blind sand pirates have any plans to attack our benefactor from the Yueqiang Kingdom."

Naturally, the reunion of the two parties involved some exchanges of greetings. After discussion with the caravan, Big Beard decided to find a place nearby to rest and not continue on the road, but to wait until early tomorrow to set off on the road.

Even an expert like Ku Lijiang couldn't bear to travel for two days in a row, so he planned to take the opportunity to rest for a night and then take people back to Yueqiang Kingdom tomorrow morning.

Next, the team found a leeward side as a resting place. They formed a circle with camels and supplies to form a simple sand retaining wall. Then the group lit a bonfire in the camel circle and heated up goat's milk wine, horse milk wine, and meat. They talked about their experiences happily and happily.

What attracted the most attention was naturally whether the exorcism went smoothly. Kulijiang was in a very good mood and kept praising Jin An with admiration in his words.

However, Kulijiang only talked briefly about the devil, and did not tell outsiders too much about the private affairs of the Yueqiang royal family.

After a day of traveling, we were exhausted physically and mentally. Now we could drink steaming kumiss and bite into the tough meat jerky. Everyone was in a good mood, chatting and laughing, and changing glasses.

Some people drank too much and began to take out polo and tambourines, and started playing and singing around the campfire. The atmosphere was lively.

There was singing and dancing here, and the four sheep on the other side met, and they also got along in a harmonious atmosphere.

The four sheep were tied to one side by a rope, each with a bag of hay placed in front of them. The four sheep lowered their heads and ate the hay in front of each other, while exchanging bleating, bleating, bleating from time to time.

"Little brother, were you also forced to turn into a sheep by that Han Taoist priest?" Sadiq claimed to be a senior and asked about the new boy's path.

After being separated for a few days, Sadiq and Sahaf changed their names for Jin'an, no longer talking about the same monster.

Perhaps he was worried that Jin An would really leave them behind and suffer.

So this time Jin An came back with a much friendlier attitude.

"It turns out we are all human!"

The new sheep opened his mouth in shock. Of course, to outsiders, it sounded like a sheep's cry.

But the next moment, he looked respectful.

Taoist priest Jin'an is indeed of noble character. When others go into the desert, they wish they could bring more water and food to save their lives. Only Taoist priest Jin'an ignores his past grudges and not only takes them into the desert as sinful sheep, but also gives up most of the camels to replace him. These guilty sheep carry water and hay, and they are extremely benevolent and righteous.

Taoist priest Jin'an has a kind heart.

Noble character.

Old Sadiq was unhappy: "We are not humans, how can we still be sheep?"

"Brother, I didn't mean that. I was just too surprised at first. It turns out that we are all guilty people exiled in the desert."

The words "old brother" made Sadiq feel a little embarrassed. He felt that the other party was so polite. Why should he take care of this new little brother on the way to come, so that he could realize that the people of the desert were as warm as the sun? In the way of hospitality, he led the way with his seniority: "My name is Sadiq, and this is my nephew Sahav. It has just been six days since we put on sheepskins and became sheep. This senior sheep, who is more senior, is The first one to follow the Han Taoist priest, Senior Yang, usually doesn’t speak, but he took great care of us along the way. Thanks to Senior Yang’s care, we were able to survive the most difficult first few days..."

As soon as Old Sadiq started talking, he was like a chatterbox. He kept chewing hay with relish, and the more he ate, the more delicious it became: "Little brother, what crime did you commit to be turned into a sheep by that Han Taoist priest? I don’t know what you call us? From now on, everyone will be a sheep on a rope. We have to help each other to survive in the desert for a long time."

The new sheep said in a low voice: "My name is Ilham. Because I was bewitched by the devil, I indirectly helped the devil kill many people. Although those people were not killed by me personally, they died because of me. I just wore the clothes two days ago. Wearing sheep's clothing and becoming the scapegoat..."

Hearing this, both old Sadiq and young Sahav were moved.

It turns out that everyone is a degenerate in the world.

"Ilham, you are not alone. My fourth uncle and I also indirectly killed many people because of helping the devil, so we all understand your feeling of self-blame... Come, eat more hay, and you will be full tomorrow It’s time to hit the road. This is your first time wearing sheep’s clothing and going into the desert. It looks like you have no experience in going into the desert. If you don’t eat well now, you will get hungry quickly when you start the journey at dawn. The caravan will not stop and wait for us sheep. "Little Sahafu took out a pile of hay from the hay bag in front of him with his horns and shared it with the other party's hay bag, comforting him.

"Thank you, brother Sahav, and thank you, brother Sadiq. You are all good people. Did you also voluntarily follow Taoist Jin'an and become a sheep?"

Little Sahav: "?"

Old Sadiq: "?"

Looking at the harmonious atmosphere of the three goats, the goat continued to lower its head and eat a large bag of hay in front of it. The goat was strong, so the hay sack in front of it was several times taller than that of the other three, half as tall as a person.

At this time, old Sadiq frowned and thought, "Ilham, this name has always seemed familiar to me. Does it sound like the name of the king of Yueqiang Kingdom?"

Little Sahafu felt that his fourth uncle was old and confused. He laughed at his fourth uncle in a naive manner: "Fourth uncle, why don't you just say that the Han Taoist priest kidnapped the king of the Yueqiang Kingdom? Hey, fourth uncle, you are such a fool. I'm so confused, thinking about it, this is impossible, it's even more impossible than me marrying the princess of Yueqiang Kingdom."

Boom! Old Sadiq raised his hooves and hit his nephew's forehead hard. He glared at both of them and said, "I'm not big or small. How can I talk to your fourth uncle? All he knows is eat, eat, eat."

It was so lively to see several sheep bleating non-stop when they met for the first time, especially the scene where the sheep knew how to share hay with each other. The bearded ones happened to see it, and everyone couldn't help but sigh and said: "Sometimes people Life is not as humane as a few sheep."

"Taoist Master Jin'an, why did you bring an extra sheep into the desert this time when you went to the Yueqiang Kingdom? Is there anything more profound than the Sanyang Kaitai?"

Jin An answered naturally: "This is called Siyang Kaitai."




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