White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 420 Desert Haizi (6k big chapter, there will be another chapter later)

"Taoist Master Jin'an, is this the Holy Mountain of Sea Transformation in Guchi Kingdom?"

"According to legend, the Holy Mountain of Transforming the Sea in the Guchi Kingdom was a mountain in normal times. On the day of the annual sacrificial ceremony of the Guchi Kingdom, it would turn into the sea in the desert, so later people also called it the Holy Mountain of Transforming the Sea!"

"I didn't expect that the legendary mountains turning into the sea are actually the snowy mountains melting after snowfall in the desert!"

Under the sand pit that had been re-reinforced by Jin An and the others, Ari looked at the snow-covered desert outside the cave and said excitedly.

At this time, the world outside the cave was very cold. The clouds above our heads had been shrouded for several days, the temperature was extreme, and it was snowing continuously.

There seems to be no stopping trend at all.

The wind and snow outside the cave were so strong and cold that even Yali did not dare to get too close to the entrance of the cave. Only Jin An, who had a body of energy and blood as strong as a furnace and had successfully cultivated, could stand shoveling at the entrance of the cave with his face still rosy. Snow.

At this time, several bonfires were crackling in several buildings under the sand pit, and someone kept adding charcoal to the fire.

All this charcoal was left by the gang of sand thieves.

The sand thieves had prepared a lot of supplies for this trip into the desert, including clothing to keep out the cold, charcoal, food and water, hay, mugwort, salt bricks, etc. specially for camels.

It can be said that the supplies are sufficient.

In the end, Jin An got the better of everything.

If it hadn't been for this gang of sand pirates, who had blown up sand pits to hide from the snow, and left so many supplies behind, Jin An felt that he wouldn't have been able to see the sacred sight of the snow-capped mountains so smoothly this time.

At this time, the world under the sandpit was crowded with forty-eight camels, four sheep, and ten people. It was overcrowded and had a bit of an unpleasant stench, but it was better to die from the stink than to freeze to death outside.

Moreover, so many camels are crowded together, which is equivalent to thick natural pure fur, which is warm and warm. Naturally, no one will find these camels smelly.

The wind and snow outside the cave were so strong that the ice and snow accumulated at the entrance of the cave at almost the same speed as Jin An was shoveling snow. Jin An had to keep shoveling snow to prevent the entrance of the cave from being blocked by heavy snow. He had a cheerful expression on his face while shoveling the snow. Yali replied: "Yari, your guess is the same as mine. It seems that the holy mountain of Guchi Kingdom we are looking for is most likely in these snowy mountains."

"No wonder so many people have gone into the depths of the desert to look for the Guchi Kingdom and the Huahai Holy Mountain over the years, but they have never been able to find the Guchi Kingdom. It turns out that the Huahai Holy Mountain can only be found in a specific season and at a specific time. Those people are not If you come early, you come late, and even we almost missed it.”

Ari said with a simple smile: "I have to thank the group of sand bandits this time. They finally did a good thing. If it weren't for the sand pit created by the explosion to hide from the snow, we would probably be too cold to leave, let alone leave." It’s possible to see these spectacular snow-capped mountains.”

Ari's words directly caused a group of camels to bray. Those camels kept braying, and their intestines turned green.

Unexpectedly, they have been fully prepared for so long.

In the end, she made wedding clothes for others.

How could they not be so depressed that they vomited blood?

The snow lasted for two days and two nights. A white wind kept blowing in the desert, and the ground and sky were completely white. The snow on the ground became thicker and thicker.

Jin An kept shoveling the snow for two days without sleep. At night, the snow finally began to gradually decrease.

It’s not that others are unwilling to help.

The wind and snow were too heavy for these people to bear.

When the sun, which had been gone for a long time, rose from the east again, the weather finally cleared up and the sun was shining brightly. The sun shone on the snow like a mirror, making it so bright that it was hard to open your eyes.

"The sun is out, the sun is out!"

"It's finally sunny!"

Some people cheered and gathered around the entrance of the cave to look out at the snowy scene. It was a very shocking sight. The boundless sea of ​​sand turned into a white world, like a fairy palace, sacred and spotless.



Holy Spirit!

The eternal snowy land, the cold power is thousands of miles away!

The continuous snow-capped mountains shock the world!

At this time, the four sheep who were also curious and gathered around the entrance of the cave tried to carefully walk out of the cave. As a result, their bodies sank lightly and the whole thing was submerged in the soft snow, leaving only a hole in the place.

Someone went to save the sheep, but in the end he sank into the snow with a pop. After two consecutive days of snowstorm, the snow was higher than a person.

Fortunately, one person and one sheep were not far from the entrance of the cave, so he could crawl out by himself.

The sound of gurgling water filled my ears.

The ice and snow in the desert melted and water seeped downward. When the underground sand became saturated with water and became sticky, the water on the ground could no longer drain downwards. Countless small rivers began to gurgling in the desert.

Today is half a month after the last snowstorm. With the sun shining out for half a month, the weather in the desert has become hot again, and the ice and snow are melting quickly.

A dozen or so people like Jin An watched the melting snow and water day by day, finally gathering into a river, winding its way to the hinterland of the low-lying desert basin.

As the snow melted more and more, it continued to wash away the soft sand in the river. Finally, there was a huge river in the desert, winding like an ancient dragon and extending into the depths of the desert basin.

Like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, the waves are magnificent.

Seeing the magical scene of snow and water converging into a big river in front of them, Yali and others had shocked expressions on their faces, calling it a miracle, a miracle, this is a miracle.

According to Old Sadiq, even the villagers of Teshsata Village, the closest village to the desert basin, have never seen such a desert miracle.

Although their ancestors occasionally went deep into the desert and approached the desert basin, they never came close in winter.

Because the depths of the desert are surrounded by the Kunlun Mountains and Tianshan Mountains, the cold wind from the Kunlun Mountains vent and the Tianshan Mountain vent will freeze everyone who goes deep into the desert in winter to death in the desert.

The Desert Basin is located in the deepest part of the desert. The water source is exhausted, there is no rain, and there are no desert countries. Therefore, there are no merchants from the Western Regions to do business in such a deep place. Without merchants, no country, and no desert people are willing to come here, the Desert Basin is For example, the restricted area of ​​life has been a desert no-man’s land since ancient times. In addition, the winter in the desert is very cold, and no one will enter the desert basin in winter. Naturally, no one will discover the miracles here.

After all, the desert is too big.

There are too many places where life is forbidden due to lack of water.

Not even the villagers of Teshsata Village have seen the miracle in the desert before them, let alone other outsiders.

First, no one would choose to go into the depths of the desert in winter.

The second is that the time is wrong, the desert has long winters, and December is just one of them.

Third, even if you go deep into the desert, if you are in the wrong place, you will not be able to see this amazing miracle of nature in front of you. After all, the desert is too big and manpower is limited.

It is precisely because of so many harsh conditions that few people have discovered this desert miracle.

As for why the gang of sand bandits happened to appear here at this time, Jin An interrogated them again. Those people were all desperadoes, and their appearance here at this time was purely coincidental.

These sand thieves, who are more greedy than sand wolves, can't sit still and wait for half a year, and then go into the depths of the desert after the spring of next year. They all think that they can explode the small hill country and find the treasure as soon as possible, and then spend money and drink with women as soon as possible. Spend a warm winter on a woman's belly, and go out to find work when it's not so cold.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, the snow has almost melted. Why haven't we found the holy mountain of Guchi Country yet? There are all sand dunes here, and there are no mountains in sight?" Yari stood at the entrance of the cave with Jin An, looking at The big river, snowy water, and sand dunes outside, he said doubtfully.

"Since it's called a mountain, it should be a rocky peak, not these sand dunes, right?"

The snow melted for half a month.

They stayed at the entrance of the cave for half a month.

Not even a rock was visible, let alone a mountain.

The surging river outside was still washing away the sediment on both sides of the bank. Looking at the river that had been meandering towards the hinterland of the basin, Jin An pondered and said: "Yali, where do you think this river will end?"


Ari, who had been craning his neck to find the holy mountain of Guchi Kingdom, didn't realize why Jin An suddenly changed the topic to the river. He was stunned and forgot to answer Jin An's words.

Jin An continued to think to himself and said: "The water flows downwards, and there must be lower-lying places in the hinterland of the basin... Yari, you continue to stay here and take care of the supplies and the camels and sheep. I Go outside to find a higher place to see which direction the river flows. We have no choice but to wait here. The mountain is a dead thing and will not come to us on its own. We can only rely on us to get out. Looking for it.”

"But Taoist Jin'an, the sand outside is now filled with snow water, making it difficult for people to walk on it... It's too dangerous outside. Taoist Jin'an, let's not think of other solutions," Yali dissuaded.

At this time, Jin An had turned around and walked back into the cave. He found two wooden boards and tied them under the soles of his shoes. He tested whether the rope was strong and whether the wooden boards were strong and whether it would affect his normal walking.

These wooden boards can increase the tension area of ​​​​the soles of the feet, which guarantees whether he can walk safely in the swamp. He has to be more careful.

Yali saw that he could not dissuade Jin An, so when Jin An was preparing, Yali called two other people, and the three of them accompanied Jin An when he went out.

"Ainis, Adan, follow Taoist Jin An together with me. If anything happens, multiple people will take care of him."

Although he knew that Jin An was very skilled and did not need them to protect his personal safety, emergencies in the desert were too serious. If anything happened, he could come back and ask for help personally.

Jin An did not refuse Yali's kindness this time.


The four of them were well prepared and began to use the buoyancy and tension of the wooden board to walk slowly and carefully on the wet and soft sand filled with water, and followed the direction of the river towards the distance.

At the beginning, the team wanted to find a high place to see the situation in the distance, but found that this was not realistic. The slope was too steep and people could not climb too far on the soft sand dunes. Finally, they found a place with a gentle slope. When I climbed some of the sand dunes and looked far away, I saw a small blue mirror reflective object appearing at the end of the desert.

But it was too far away to see clearly what it was.

Jin An called to Yali and the others to continue rushing in that direction. When he climbed up to another high ground and looked further into the distance, Jin An was startled.

"Taoist Master Jin An, have you seen clearly what that is?" Yari, Enis, and Adan, whose eyesight was not as good as Jin An's, asked curiously.

Jin An took a deep breath and said with a shocked expression on his face: "That's the reflection of the sea in the desert under the sun!"

"The Holy Mountain of the Sea! We finally see the sea! Since there is a desert sea in that direction, the Holy Mountain of Guchi Kingdom must be there!"

"Let's go back and join the others in the camp now. Tomorrow we will take everyone to the desert Haizi. We don't know when the Haizi in the desert will disappear. The sooner we get there, the better!"

He said with an excited look on his face.

He led the two of them back in a hurry.

Desert Haizi?

The three of them were all shocked by Jin An's words, but they craned their necks several times to see, but they could only see blue reflections and could not tell that it was the sea.

Jin An and the others went too far, and they were delayed for a day on the road. However, on the way back, they encountered a sand slide.

A sand dune became heavy and unstable after being soaked in snow water. A loud sand avalanche occurred, just like a mudslide, and half of the mountain was lost in an instant.

This danger was just a small episode on the way, and everyone returned safely.

As soon as the group returned to the sand pit of Xiaoqiu Kingdom, Sureti and the others, who were left behind to take care of supplies, camels and sheep, quickly came up to ask how the situation was and whether they had encountered any danger.

After Jin An roughly explained the situation, he started to ask everyone to make preparations to see if they could find more wood chips in the ruins of Xiaoqiu Kingdom and tie them to the soles of the feet of people and camels. At dawn tomorrow, they would head towards the desert Haizi. Walk there.

As Jin An finished speaking, everyone began to look for everything they could use.

Looking at the busy people and the few helpless sheep, eating hay and watching the excitement, he said: "When I think about seeing the sea in the desert soon, I feel that even my heart is much younger. Following Taoist Jin An along the way was eye-opening, it turns out there are so many incredible things in the world!"

Ilham said excitedly.

He has no regrets at all about following Jin An and turning into a sheep. What he has seen and heard in the past few months is more wonderful than what he has seen and heard in his whole life. He is as dazzling as her daughter Gulizar.

Bah, bah, bah.

Several sheep continued to lower their heads and eat the hay in the bags in front of them.

"It would be great if we had a big boat. We can take the boat directly along the river to the desert Haizi. I just heard from Ari and the others that it is very dangerous outside. There is a danger of the sand dunes collapsing due to snow and water at any time." Little Sahafu raised his head. , tilted his head and said, with a few sticks of hay stuck to his wet nose.

"I think you are thinking nonsense, nephew. This is deep in the desert where there is drought and water shortage. How can a boat run here?" Old Sadiq was convinced by his nephew's young and naive thoughts.

At this time, old Sadiq noticed a few hay sticks on little Sahab's nose, so he helped his nephew lick the hay off, and also helped little Sahav lick the wool on his face to prevent the wool from looking dirty and messy. Feel more energetic.

This is called licking the calf with deep affection.

"Who said there are no boats in the desert? Fourth uncle, have you forgotten the legends of Devil Mountain, Devil City, and Devil Ship that the old people in the desert have always said? Old people often say that old things will produce 'souls' over time, and those that sink A boat in a dry ancient river is a stranded soul..."

Before little Sahab had finished speaking, old Sadiq, who had been licking the calf affectionately just now, hit little Sahab on the head with a goat's head mallet, which made little Sahab bleat from the pain.

Injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging yourself eight hundred. Old Sadiq, who was also in pain and his head was buzzing, endured the severe pain and glared at the little Sahaf: "Eating, eating, eating, I only know how to be a foodie all day long, talk about it late at night What nonsense! Didn’t you know that the devil can also eavesdrop on people’s speech when we call him out!”

Little Sahaf felt aggrieved. Just as he was about to talk back, Old Sadiq glared back at him.

In order to prevent his careless nephew from talking nonsense, Old Sadiq turned to look at the group of desert camels huddled pitifully in the corner: "Tomorrow will be the first time for you to follow us on a long journey in the desert. If there is anything wrong, If you understand, you can follow us and Senior Sheep, and pay careful attention to how we walk in the desert."


"What are you looking at? I'm talking to you!"

In the corner, even the winter desert could not stop the enthusiasm of the male camels, who were trying hard to climb the wall. On the other side, the sand pirate camels transformed by the animal-making technique were staring at each other intently.

This scene made old Sadiq a little confused.

"Fourth uncle, are they trying to climb the wall too?" Little Sahafu looked shocked, and a piece of grass fell out of his open mouth.


Old Sadiq looked shocked.


Ilham looked shocked.

The Sand Thief Camel was called back to life by Old Sadiq, and someone cried uncontrollably: "I feel like I'm finished. I'm slowly turning into a real camel. I haven't touched a woman for just a few days, and even looking at a female camel makes me look pretty!" "

Camels have a habit of foaming at the mouth when they have a bad temper. If someone angers a camel, he will not only foam at the mouth but also spit at the person.

The sand bandit camel was still crying, frothing at the same time.

He felt that he had failed his family.

Sorry, ancestors.

Sorry humans.

He actually has thoughts about a female camel.

At this time, the other Sand Pirate Camels also had ugly expressions. Only then did they realize that death and being turned into a camel by a demon were not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was that even their souls were slowly being assimilated into camels, losing themselves. It was really Think of yourself as a camel.

This is not even allowed to be a human being.

Just when more sand bandit camels cried out, little Sahaf, who had just recovered from the shock, added after hesitating for a while: "Fourth uncle, you said that people and... can get pregnant. ?"

Old Sadiq: "?"

Ilham: "?"

Sand Bandit Camel Group: "???"

Well, even the goat, which had been chewing hay quietly, rarely glanced at the talkative but upright little Sahab.

Next, the group of sand bandit camels started to cry in fear, crying and begging Jin An to turn them back into humans. They didn't want to be cows or horses anymore, they wanted to be humans.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, please turn us back into humans!"

"As long as we can become humans again, we can do whatever you want! Except as camels and other animals!"

The camel suddenly made a loud noise here, which quickly attracted the attention of Jin An, who was busy at first. When he came over and asked about the situation, Jin An was also a little dumbfounded.

Then he actually thought about it seriously for a while.

It is common sense that there is reproductive isolation between different species. So the question arises, does the art of animal creation count as humans or animals?

Of course, Jin An would not feel sympathy for these evil-doing sand thieves. After saying a few words, he continued to chop wood pieces.

"Don't think too much, you have to let the female camel like you."

These words simply hurt my heart.

The group of sand bandits and camels were immediately silenced by Jin An's words.

Jin An is indeed very busy and has no time to pay attention to such trivial matters. After repairing it for more than half a month, the team will set off on the road again tomorrow. There are many things and details that need to be prepared.

This whole process lasted until late at night, when the camels cried for a long time and gradually fell asleep.

As the night gets darker, the cold atmosphere outside the cave also increases.

Desert winter keeps advancing.

Without the water mixed with qi and blood pills distributed by Jin An, eight or nine people here would have frozen to death in their sleep in just one night.

Tonight, Jin An asked everyone to have a rest early. Tomorrow they will be heading towards Desert Haizi. It is estimated that there will be no rest time tomorrow.

As the night gets darker, everyone clings to each other or the walls of the ruins, warming themselves up to the bonfire and falling asleep.

Only Jin An and a few people were responsible for keeping vigil at the entrance of the cave.

While others kept vigil at night to keep their spirits up, Jin An kept his eyes closed to practice. During the meditation practice, his six senses were at their most sensitive.

The desert is not peaceful at night. The cold winter wind keeps howling at night and ruffles the snow.

Little Sahav was woken up by his bladder in the middle of the night. He walked out of the crowded corridor and walked towards the entrance of the cave.


Before little Sahab came closer, Jin An had already closed his eyes and turned to look.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, I, I have an urgent need to urinate." Little Sahafu said.

"Ask your fourth uncle to accompany you, don't be left alone."

Because the environment inside the cave is closed, everyone consciously solves the problem outside so as not to stink up the place where everyone rests and sleeps.

Old Sadiq was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly woken up by someone. When he got up, he got angry and glared at his little Sahav: "What are you doing?"

When I wake up, I don’t know whether to kiss my nephew or not.

The son also beat me.

But when I got up, I was only afraid of Jin An.

Jin An said calmly: "Old Sadiq, little Sahafu said he has an urgent need to urinate. Please go outside with your nephew and don't be alone."

"Oh." Old Sadiq nodded in agreement. He didn't dare to get angry with Jin An.

However, after exiting the cave, old Sadiq often told his little Sahaf: "In the daytime, I only know how to eat, and in the evening, I only know how to defecate."

It was freezing outside. As soon as the two sheep came out of the cave, they were shivering from the cold wind. Old Sadiq, who had no intention to urinate at first, also felt the need to urinate.

The two sheep squatted side by side in the cold wind, their buttocks and balls feeling chilly, and the surrounding area was pitch black, so dark that it made people feel frightened. Fortunately, the flickering light of the cave entrance not far away gave them courage.

The two sheep continued to squat.


"Fourth uncle."


"Are you confused?"

"Shh! Stop talking! The noise seems to be coming from those snowy river beds!"

The night was dark, and the moonlight illuminated only darkness on the snowy river. Accompanied by the sound of ripples, a huge black ship turned out from behind a sand dune. It was an old, huge ship, and the canvas on the mast was as tattered as cloth. The ship's hull is carrying a lot of sediment, and the creaking deck seems to be sighing with thousands of years, thick, old, and rotten.


The cry of terrified sheep breaks the desert night.

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