White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 436 How can I, Jin’an, be such an exaggerated person?

Jin An looked at the people opposite him with a half-smile.

"The master's discipline is very strict, and no meat or alcohol is allowed. I'd better give this gluttonous feast to a few of you humbly, and those of you will be invited first."

When the Han general heard this, he was surprised and said, "Is the little Taoist a disciple of the Quanzhen sect? I don't think the attire of the little Taoist looks like a disciple of the Quanzhen sect."

Jin An never looked at the steaming table of camel meat: "I am indeed not a disciple of the Quanzhen Sect. My sect comes from a branch of the Zhengdao lineage."

The Han general touched the fine steel ring on his thick finger bone, exclaimed in surprise, and said with great interest: "Why do I remember that only Quanzhen disciples abstained from meat and alcohol, cut off the world of society, and could not marry women and have children? Is there no such rule?"

"Zhengyi really doesn't have such a reason." The Feng Shui master also answered.

Oh, this is actually a northerner with a Beijing accent.

Jin An laughed.

There was no trace of embarrassment on his face that the lie had not been exposed.


Before he finished laughing, he saw Mr. Yiyun sitting next to him smiling at him, with a stiff expression on his face.


Jin An put away his smile with some guilt, then sat upright and said solemnly: "There are many branches of the Zhengyi lineage, and it is normal for the precepts of each lineage to be different."

"On the contrary, some of you have been persuading me to eat meat. Your companions have already eaten camel meat. Don't just talk. Eat it while it's hot. Don't let down the good intentions of these old gentlemen."

The burly general laughed: "Before entering the Laughing Corpse Manor, I was already full. I have no appetite for the time being. I'm afraid I will let down the good intentions of these elderly people."

The Feng Shui master also laughed and said: "As people get older, they are prone to gastrointestinal problems, so they should avoid eating too oily food. I ate too much dried meat on this trip to the desert, and my gastrointestinal problems are a little bad. I will temporarily eat vegetarian naan to improve my gastrointestinal problems."

"Amitabha, monks should abstain from meat and alcohol." The monk holding the tantric demon-conquering stick didn't even need to make excuses.

This group of people always had various excuses not to eat camel meat. After taking turns talking about it, no one touched the camel meat.

Except for those who were already eating camel meat before.

The fat old man who had been standing aside listened to the words for a long time. He finally understood what it meant. No one wanted to eat their camel meat.

The fat old man explained: "When you go out, you need to be careful. I understand this. Are you, guests, worried that we will poison the food and wine or that you will think of eating dead human flesh after hearing about Laughing Corpse Manor?"

"How could this be dead human flesh? Everyone just saw it. The bad-tempered old man from Palletahon picked the meat from the camel skeleton in front of everyone. This is obviously camel meat. How can human flesh be so big? Meat and such thick bones.”

The fat old man became more and more anxious to defend himself.

"The desert has not been so lively for a long time. We old men just slaughtered some camels to entertain a few guests who came from afar just because they were happy... If the guests think these meals are poisonous, I am willing to test the poison on the spot. Allay guests’ concerns.”

The fat old man said, grabbed a few pieces of meat, put it into his mouth and chewed it with relish. He also drank a few sips of wine: "Look, nothing happened to me. These meats and wine are not poisonous. If they are really poisonous, others will be too. It’s been poisoned a long time ago.”

These words, combined with the fat old man's old white hair and aggrieved expression, can indeed win a lot of sympathy. At this time, he continued to urge everyone to eat camel meat, as if if they didn't eat, a large group of people were deliberately bullying him, a lonely old man.

Just when the atmosphere was at a stalemate, there were a few people among the entourage of the Han general who couldn't bear the temptation of the meat and began to feast on it.

Seeing that more and more people on his side were losing their minds, the burly general finally couldn't sit still, and a stern look flashed in his eyes. But at this moment, there were the sounds of many people's footsteps and noises coming from outside the door.

It sounded like someone was coming to stay at the Laughing Corpse Village at night. A group of people were walking towards this place. It looked like it was quite lively in the depths of the desert.

At this time, Qi Bo, who had made excuses to go to the latrine, came back in time and stood at the door looking in the direction of the footsteps.

"Sir, this Laughing Corpse Village is really lively tonight. I saw a lot of torches, old slave, and many people are coming towards us." Qi Bo stood at the door and said to Mr. Yiyun.

Without Qi Bo's reminder, everyone in the house had already heard the messy footsteps.

Seeing that another guest came into the Laughing Corpse Manor, the fat old man stopped trying to persuade Jin An and the others to eat meat for the time being, and instead happily ran outside to greet the guests.

The footsteps of a group of people approached quickly. Before anyone saw them, they heard their voices: "Grandma Liu asked Grandma Liu to buy milk. Grandma Liu asked Grandma Liu to buy milk. Grandma Liu brought milk to Grandma Liu..."



"Sixty-six-year-old Liu Laoliu built sixty-six walking towers, and placed sixty-six bottles of suhesun oil on the towers..."



Under the thick darkness, tongue twisters came one after another. After finishing speaking, Grandma Liu started talking about Old Man Liu.

It’s the human-faced phoenix from Guchi country imitating human speech.

Just that sound.

It sounds so familiar.

Master Yiyun and Uncle Qi both looked at Jin An with shocked faces. The voice imitated by the human-faced phoenix was not Jin An's voice.

Not to mention Master Yiyun and Qi Bo were shocked, even Jin An frowned and was surprised.

That night he clearly killed all the human-faced phoenixes left in Guchi Country, so there was no way any fish could slip through the net.

Unless there was a human-faced phoenix who was frightened at the beginning and escaped from the ruins of the ancient city.

"Jin An! Taoist Priest, the tongue twisters used by Grandma Liu and Old Man Liu seem to be your voice, right?" Mr. Yiyun suddenly laughed, his smile was bright and moving, his eyes were full of reflections of the autumn water. Jin An's figure beside him.

She especially emphasizes the word "Jin'an".

Jin An: "..."

He always felt that this old friend next to him was angry with him, and was specifically targeting him. But thinking about it carefully, the two of them had just met and there was nothing to offend each other. Could it be that he said in Chang County that "girls wrap their breasts" It’s not good, it’s easy to deform, it’s too harmful to the body, and the more you wrap it up, the smaller it becomes.” Mr. Yiyun has been gnashing his teeth and holding a grudge to this day?

If it is really because of this sentence that it is remembered to this day.

Jin An is about to complain.

He was really a kind reminder at that time.

At this moment, even the Han generals, mountain guards, monks, Feng Shui masters and others sitting opposite looked at Jin An with strange expressions.

I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

This Taoist priest is indeed abnormal and indifferent to human affairs.

What on earth did this person do to those human-faced birds in Guchi Country? How come even the human-faced birds have become abnormal?

Just when Jin An was embarrassed and still thinking about how to answer, the footsteps of a group of people outside the door approached, and a group of dusty people walked into the bright room.

There were seven or eight people coming, all from the Western Regions.

In the hand of one of them, he was holding a human-faced phoenix with a lifelike human face.

"Aheqi, hurry up and shut the beak of this plague bird! This is a bird you caught halfway, and you have to clean its butt!"

When a Westerner saw so many Han people sitting in the room, his expression was obviously startled. Then he followed Han Chinese etiquette and clasped his fists at everyone in the room, saying in Chinese: "I'm sorry, sorry, I don't know who this mourning bird learned the tongue twister from. Don’t tell me you think it’s noisy, we also think it’s too noisy. We talked about Grandma Liu and Old Man Liu’s tongue twisters all the way. Now that I hear Grandma Liu and Old Man Liu, I want to hit someone. I don’t know who is going into the desert, with nothing to do. If you have nothing to do, go teach these mourning birds tongue twisters!"

He gritted his teeth as he spoke, and it seemed that he had indeed suffered a lot of mental torture along the way.

I just don't know if he is gnashing his teeth because he hates the immortal human-faced bird, or he hates the person who taught him tongue twisters.

Listening to each other's complaints, the atmosphere in the room became a little strange for a moment. Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look at Jin An, who was sitting solemnly, as if he hadn't heard anything.

The muscles in Qibo's eyes twitched as he stood at the door.


It is worthy of Mr. Jin An’s style of doing things.

As early as when he was in Chang County, he had been deeply impressed by Jin An's unique brain circuit. After half a year without seeing him, he still had the same familiar personal style.

When they passed through the country of Guchi, they also encountered these human-faced birds. Their approach was to drive away those strange birds to prevent them from hiding in the dark and chewing people's tongues and imitating people's speech. This is normal. Human logic of doing things.

Who would have thought of teaching a human-faced bird tongue twisters?

But when he thought that Mr. Jin An did this, Qi Bo suddenly felt relieved and felt it was natural. He was not surprised or surprised at all.

After being surprised when he first saw Jin An, Qi Bo noticed carefully that Jin An was not wearing ordinary folk clothes but a set of five-color Taoist robes.

The expression on his face was stunned.

This five-color Taoist robe seems to belong to the Five Zang Taoism. What exactly has Master Jin'an experienced in the six months since he left Chang County? Could it be that he has successfully found the Wuzang Taoist Temple and joined the Wuzang Taoist Temple to become a disciple?

"Taoist Master Jin'an, this imitator seems to be learning..." The big Han general opposite looked at Jin'an with great interest after hearing what the Westerner said.

Before he finished speaking, Jin An had already answered: "Don't talk too much. The meat on this table will be cold and unpalatable soon. Don't worry about the old gentlemen Pasha and Xikelti." of kindness.”

Jin An's voice was low, deliberately pretending to be thick.

The tall and thin old man Pasha, who had just brought the group of people from the Western Regions, looked puzzled when he heard Jin An's voice: "Little Taoist, what's wrong with your voice?"

Jin An sat still in a serious manner, without squinting, and said in a deep voice: "What's wrong with my voice? My voice has always been so deep, steady, young and mature."

Pasha: "?"

Xikelti: "?"

The Han general led the crowd: "?"

Mr. Yiyun: "!"

Qi Bo: "!"


Young Master Yiyun looked at the serious and funny Jin An and couldn't help laughing anymore. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, and the scent of Red Moon Rouge powder on his body became even more fragrant.

Jin An sniffed, followed the aroma, and glanced at Mr. Yiyun who was sitting next to him. As a result, when he glanced at the man's flat chest from the corner of his eye, he was caught in the act.

Mr. Yiyun's expression did not change.

He just made a motion to pick up the wine bowl on the table, and then gently grasped it with his palm, and the wine bowl turned into a puddle of powder.

Died to pieces.

He died without a complete body.

Jin An immediately sat upright, looking at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose.

Seeing my young master smiling so happily.

Qi Bo's eyes were filled with emotion.

In the short period of time when the young master met Mr. Jin An, he laughed more happily than in the past six months.

It's great to be young. When people grow old, it's easy to reminisce about the time they missed when they were young. Since ancient times, they have been sentimental and full of spare time, and this hatred has lasted forever. Qibo once again fell into the memories of his youth.

Among the people present, the most confused ones are the new batch of people from the Western Regions. They still haven't figured out why everyone's eyes are always on the Han Taoist priest?

However, they felt that what the Han Taoist priest said was right. After struggling in the sandstorm for a day, they were really tired, hungry and exhausted. They saw many people in the house eating steaming and fragrant food. Finally, they could no longer stand the temptation of camel meat. They all ran to the table, grabbed pieces of meat, chewed it and devoured it.

He looked so hungry that he wanted to eat his own fingers.

They have never tasted such delicious meat in their lives.

That crazy eating look.

It's almost like a beast controlled by greed and completely losing its mind.

As for Pasha and Xikelti, two old men, one thin and one fat, they kept pouring wine, filling meat, and entertaining guests warmly. The arrival of these people from the Western Regions temporarily diverted the attention of the veterans of the Walking Corpse Manor. People persisted in persuading Jin An and the others to eat meat.

As for the human-faced phoenix, it had long been thrown aside by these people and forgotten.

This human-faced phoenix kept struggling on the ground. Because its wings were clipped and its feet were tied, it couldn't fly no matter how hard it fluttered.

At this time, Qi Bo had also walked into the house and naturally sat down on the right side of Jin An. In this way, the order became Master Yiyun, Jin An, and Qi Bo. Finally, he no longer had to squeeze in between the two of them, and he felt uncomfortable all over. .

Qi Bo, who had become a man of old age, pretended to drink a few sips of water, got drunk again and fell asleep on the table.

At this time, someone picked up a piece of camel meat from the table and threw it to the human-faced phoenix on the ground, intending to test the reaction of the strange bird. As a result, when the human-faced phoenix saw the camel meat, it was like a poisonous scorpion, and was With his feet tied, he desperately crawled out of the house.

While crawling, he screamed in panic: "Blackened into black ash... Blackened into ash... Gray will make you fat..."

"Turn black and gray and turn back...back..."


Looking at the frightened and screaming human-faced phoenix, everyone who still had sense and did not eat camel meat looked at Jin An again speechlessly.

How many tongue twisters have you taught these human-faced birds?

How could this human-faced bird be so frightened!

When frightened, he stutters and talks in tongue twisters!

But the Phoenix's tongue twister this time was not smooth no matter how he said it. Instead, the more he said it, the more anxious he became, and the more anxious he became, the more irritable he became. Eventually, his arrogant temper outweighed his inner fear, and he actually started to harm himself.

The man's face looked ferocious and manic. He opened his mouth and bit at the body, as if he felt no pain. He tore off large chunks of flesh and blood, splattering corpse blood on the ground.

The scene was bloody.

While biting back, he continued to speak black, gray, and black tongue twisters.

Hiss! Everyone took a breath and looked at Jin An in shock again: "Taoist Master Jin An, what kind of tongue twisters did you teach it? Even this kind of imitating bird can't learn it, and you drove yourself crazy..."

Can drive the human-faced bird crazy!

This can be considered a genius!

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