White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 459: The High Priest of the Wuer Clan and Origin, Madness and Destruction

The torch illuminated the relief on the stone gate, and Jin An continued to look down.

The following pages are basically praising the divine power and the high priest, such as how to predict disasters, how to hear the latest news in the desert thousands of miles away, how to hear people's inner voices pointing out who is the murderer... these boring things are too boring. It's easy to cheat, so Jin An just jumps over.

After skipping through a lot of boring pages, Jin An suddenly became energetic and saw clues about the human ear flesh puppet.

Just when he was about to look down, the most important part was missing, and a big gap was created by the explosives.

This is like being interested but punching cotton. Jin An felt depressed. He skipped the missing gap and went straight to the end. Ever since the high priest brought the human-ear flesh-spirit puppet to the Wuer clan, the divine power The status in Wuer clan has moved to a higher status.

Everyone is proud to be favored by the high priest and have human ears, flesh and spirit puppets planted on their bodies, thinking that it is a gift from the gods and is sacred and cannot be desecrated.

In order to win the favor of the high priest and have the opportunity to be planted with human-ear flesh spirit puppets, the people of the Wuer clan began to offer their life savings as offerings to the temple and the high priest.

They built temples to their gods.

Offer all gold, jewels, and money to the high priest as a sign of purification of the soul.

This is the origin of the temple in front of you.

The Wu'er clan spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to build the Yin-Yang stone staircase and the temple. The Yang-route stone staircase was only for slaves, war prisoners, untouchables and animals to walk on. These people and animals were all sacrifices, and only those sacrificed to the God's Ear Only sacrifices would be taken on the Yang Road stone staircase; while the Wuer clan of cave dwellers believed that the Yin Road represented the underground and below, and could guide them to the depths of the God's Ear.

This is a huge project.

It wastes people and money.

The relief says that the Wu'er clan fought in surrounding countries all year round and captured a large number of people as slaves. They carved yin and yang stone ladders on the steep walls of the tiankeng and built temples for them.

Rain or shine.

At that time, deep in the desert, the ancient rivers had not dried up, the oases were still there, and there was still rain on the oases.

Jin An wanted to look down again, but it turned out that the relief was blown up by explosives again. This time it was really at the end, and everything behind it was missing.

Jin An: "If those human-ear flesh-spirit puppets are really a poison that can be inherited from generation to generation, the more people the Wuer family breeds the human-ear flesh-spirit puppets, the greater the probability of cross-reproduction, which can double, quadruple, or eight times. Times, sixteen times... the reproduction continues, and when the number expands to a certain number, thousands and thousands of people will inherit it... It seems that the destruction of the Wuer family is due to the dry desert, the drying up of oases, and the gradual depletion of water sources that cannot support it. The population of a country is related, and secondly, these puppets of human ears, flesh and spirit are the crucial key."

Mr. Yiyun: "I don't know what the origin of this human-ear flesh-spirit puppet is. It seems that the only way to know the answer is to capture those northern grassland people. Those people blew up this stone gate. They must have seen the complete contents."

The two of them talked as they walked, and then walked back to the altar to join Ayimaimaiti, Aheqi and the others.

At this time, Abbas, the earless man, was still lying on the altar, listening to the sounds of the altar crazily, mumbling indistinctly, unable to hear what he was mumbling.

"He has been lying here listening for so long. Do you know what he heard?" Jin An looked at the crazy Abbas who had a bloody ear wound and a broken leg, and sympathy arose in his eyes.

Ayimaimaiti and the others shook their heads. In Abbas's current mental state, they couldn't communicate at all.

"The two of us just discussed it and planned to enter the stone gate to see what's inside. Do you want to come too?" Ayimaimaiti and the others were very excited by Jin'an's invitation, but now Abbas It's like being possessed by an evil spirit. They can't pull it away no matter how hard they try, and they can't cruelly leave their companions alone.

So they thought about it and finally declined Jin An's kindness.

Just when Jin An and Mr. Yiyun were about to leave, someone called Jin An hesitantly. That person was one of the people from the Western Regions who came to the temple with Jin An before. Jin An remembered this person's name. The name seems to be "Benny".

Benny's eyes were hopeful: "Taoist Jin'an, Master Yiyun, you recognize that the human ear flesh spirit puppet is a kind of poison. You must have a way to save Abbas, right?"

When Ayimaimaiti and Aheqi heard this, their faces were shocked and they quickly asked what was going on. After hearing Benny's journey, they both looked forward to looking at Jin An and Mr. Yiyun, begging for help. Save Abbas.

Jin An had some affection for these desert men who remained unyielding in the face of life and death. He did not hide it and answered truthfully: "I just guessed that this human ear, flesh and spirit puppet looks like a poison. It is not necessarily true. If it is really a poison, , I have a few ways to try, but again, it may not really work."

Hearing this, several people looked happy and were about to speak, but were interrupted by Jin An: "To be honest, we met by chance, and we practitioners attach great importance to cause and effect. If I save a few murderers today, , this cause and effect must be placed on my head."

"Instead of asking for help, you should think of other ways to save yourself."

Although Jin'an has the Five Blessings Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman, the yellow talisman loses its spiritual power once it is used. With so many people eating human ear flesh spirit puppets, the Five Blessings Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman may not be enough.

We meet by chance, neither enemies nor friends, just passers-by who have only known each other for a few days. Why should he sacrifice his own interests to do good deeds and only have to say thank you in the end? If it's a simple matter, he would be happy to help, but when it comes to personal interests, everyone has a selfish side.

Moreover, one of his words was not false. People's hearts are separated from each other. Before seeing people's hearts clearly, he would not overflow with bottomless compassion.

"Mr. Yiyun, please save us. We know that you and Taoist Priest Jin'an will definitely have a way to save us..." Those people from the Western Regions begged and looked at Mr. Yiyun.

Mr. Yiyun: "His words are what I want to say."

Young Master Yiyun pointed at Jin'an.


Outside, everything is dominated by Jin'an.

"You should be lucky. Since Old Man Jiufeng burned down the Laughing Corpse Manor, you didn't eat many human ears, flesh, spirit puppets. You won't die miserably like those dead people in the temple so quickly. You still have a lot of time to think of a solution. Save yourself." Jin An had a good impression of these people from the Western Regions, so he gave a kind reminder.

After saying this, Jin An and Mr. Yiyun stopped lingering and walked directly to the stone gate. Where would the stone gate lead to?

Seeing Jin An and Mr. Yiyun go away, the light of the torch was almost gone. Ayimaimaiti and Aheqi were also anxious. After a last discussion, Ayimaimaiti gritted his teeth and knocked out the earless Aba. Si, then carried Abbas on his back and led the others to chase Jin An and Mr. Yiyun.

"Taoist Master Jin'an!"

"Master Yiyun!"

"Wait for us!"

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