White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 472 The first night in the Buddhist Kingdom! Life-seeking Sanskrit! (5k big chapter)

Young Master Yiyun glared at Jin An next to him with slightly bulging eyes. Those clear black and white eyes seemed to be blaming Jin An for not being able to explain even a simple explanation.

Jin An was wronged.

Mr. Yiyun, you were clearly nodding in agreement just now, but when you turned your head, you turned your face faster than turning the page in a book.

Fortunately, Jin An was thick-skinned and calmly said: "The monk who made this Tsa Tsa Buddha is not serious."

Seeing that these people were very interested in Chinese and Buddhist language and wanted to continue asking questions, Jin An coughed and changed the subject: "Master Yiyun, you just said that this Tsa Tsa Buddha has been artificially altered. What happened?" thing?"

Mr. Yiyun: "The purpose of Tsa Tsa Buddha in Buddhism is to accumulate good deeds and merits, to ward off disasters and to pray for blessings. It is usually made of clay, such as plain clay, clay gold, etc.; there are also items used by great masters or ancestors, parents, It is also popular to mix the ashes of relatives and friends into clay tires and shape them into Tsa Tsa Buddhas.”

"Depending on the different clay materials used, the Tsa Tsa Buddhas produced are also very different. For example, the most common one is the clay Tsa Tsa Buddha. There are ordinary mud Tsa Tsa Buddhas, and there are also slightly better mud Tsa Tsa Buddhas with incense ash added."

"On top of the mud Buddha is the bone Buddha. It is not difficult to understand. The bones of the deceased monks or the bones of relatives and friends are cremated into ashes and mixed into the mud to make the bone Buddha. Because they have received the blessings of the monks' Dharma or the blessings of their ancestors and parents. Ze is blessed, so people who have the bone rubbing Buddha can ward off evil and ward off disasters."

"Further up is the Bucha Buddha. The cloth here is not the cloth we often call cloth, but the pronunciation of 'dharma body, golden body' in Tubo language, which means the golden body of the eminent monk after his death. After a series of tedious processes, the Tsa Tsa Buddha is made by mixing it with soil. It is said that people who wear the Tsa Tsa Buddha with their body can be protected from all diseases and poisons, and can be safe and invulnerable. If the Tsa Tsa Buddha is said to be passively blocked In the event of disaster, the Bucha Buddha can actively protect people from disasters, which is even more powerful than the amulets we often say. Wearing a Bucha Buddha is equivalent to having life protection."

“In addition, there are also some rare medicinal Tsa Buddhas, famous Tsa Buddhas, gold Tsa Buddhas, and silver Tsa Buddhas... Tsa Tsa Buddhas are made from precious medicinal materials, and are made from the hands of historical celebrities or everyone. Tsa Tsa Buddha made of calligraphy and painting, Tsa Tsa Buddha made of gold and silver, these are rare, the most common ones are clay Tsa Buddha, bone Tsa Buddha and cloth Tsa Buddha.”

Mr. Yiyun: "The size of this Tsa Tsa Buddha is a bit wrong. It's a bit smaller than some of the authentic Tsa Tsa Buddhas I've seen in the past few years. It doesn't seem to be orthodox."

"The difference can also be seen through the details of some pictures and text carvings. The authentic Tsa Tsa Buddha is used to pray to the Buddha, so the Prajna Sutra, mantra, and six-character mantra will be supplemented around the Buddha statue, but around this child-giving The scriptures around the Buddha do not belong to any kind of Buddhist scriptures. Their pronunciation is a bit awkward, 'Xi Xuan (xuān)...Ban Xu (xuān) 啰...'"

But before Mr. Yiyun finished reading, the atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped. A feeling of heart palpitations and oppression came from above his head, which made Jin An look up in shock.

They didn't expect to see a ferocious human head staring at them.

There was nothing above my head.

And as Young Master Yiyun stopped chanting the incantation, the feeling of heart palpitations and oppression also disappeared. Jin An and Young Master Yiyun frowned deeply in thought.

The feeling just now was not a good experience.

That is an evil thought.

For a moment, Jin An was so shocked that goosebumps broke out all over his body.

It was an instinctive harbinger of danger.

On the contrary, Ai Maimaiti and the other three people with lower cultivation levels were not aware of it as their six senses were not as sharp as the two of them.

Sometimes it is a blessing to be naive and ignorant, not knowing that a disaster is coming.


There was a crisp sound in the house.

As Mr. Yiyun interrupted his chanting in the middle of the mantra, the child Buddha statue that was placed back in the shrine cracked out of thin air and broke into two halves.

And as the child Buddha statue broke into two halves, something that had been sealed in the clay body was revealed.

"Well, what is this?" Jin An's face darkened, and he was not polite at all. He broke the clay Buddha statue into pieces with three strokes, and revealed from the statue a mummy of a baby with his hands wrapped around his legs and his body curled up. .

However, there were only two dark holes in the eye sockets of the baby mummy, and the eyes had been dug out long before death.


"How could they do this to such a young child!"

"This child is so pitiful!"

The three of them, Ayimaimaiti, were so angry that they cursed.

At this time, even Jin An and Mr. Yiyun looked unhappy. Jin An said, "It seems that this Buddha is offering his life for his life. He is sacrificing a human life to the owner of the house in exchange for a child."

"I have heard from the older generation that some extremely vicious kidnappers and bandits are afraid that they will be haunted by ghosts after killing people, so they will pluck out their eyes first before killing people. It seems that making this large Buddha amulet People who make Tsa Tsa Buddha also understand this truth, so they pluck out the baby’s eyeballs and seal them into Tsa Tsa Buddha.”

Jin An's tone became lower and lower as he spoke: "Now I finally understand what is going on in this room. Why is there a baby suddenly placed in a room with children's beds and children's clothes? Shrine, this room is not for living people at all, but a ghost house for raising imps!"


A few sighs.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, he is so pitiful. It is fate to meet each other in such a big desert. Why don't we take him out with us, and then find a place to build a tomb for him and bury him properly." Aheqi sighed. said.

"I have to carry a plague bird on my back, and the bones of a baby can't weigh much. He can't even be buried in peace after death. Although I don't know where his home is, I need to take him away from this man-eating Buddhist country and bury him. Being outside can be considered a relief for him."

Jin An nodded and planned to wrap the baby's mummy in a cloth and take it out to find a place to bury it, but as soon as his hand touched the baby's mummy, it shattered into powder.

A thousand years is too long.

He is destined not to wait for kindness from the world.

You can never see the light in the darkness.

The matter of the mummy of the baby has demoralized the team for a long time. The five of them traveled a long way in the Buddhist Kingdom and still could not see the end. Seeing that the sky was getting dark and the light in the Great Rift Valley was getting darker faster than outside, they decided to find a place first. A great place to spend your first night in the Buddhist Kingdom.

At this time, even the dullest people could see that this Buddhist country was unusual. After careful consideration, Jin An found a terrain that was easy to defend and difficult to attack as a resting place.

And in order to prevent the bonfire from being too conspicuous at night and attracting prying eyes from someone or something, Jin An asked everyone to finish dinner in advance, eat something simple, and then wait quietly for the first night in the Buddhist kingdom.

The Yin Qi is the strongest at night.

If this Buddhist kingdom is really built in a very yin place.

Whether there are any secrets hidden in the Buddhist Kingdom, we will find out the truth tonight.

So tonight is an extremely important night.

Jin An is ready to deal with it with all his strength.

It was not yet dark outside, and when there was still the last ray of dusk at the end of the sky, it was completely dark in the Great Rift Valley. When even the last ray of dusk at the end of the sky disappeared, the Great Rift Valley was completely dark, and nothing could be seen. In the dark darkness, various terrifying sounds began to wake up one after another.


Like a cold wind blowing from the Great Rift Valley.


There was the sound of iron chains clashing from far to near.

swish swish——

It's like those shade-loving plants rustling in the dark wind, as if there are countless pairs of ghosts waving in the dark night.

Among them, there were several sounds like the gnawing and swallowing sounds of wild beasts.

It is strange to say that there is obviously a lot of movement outside, but it gives people a deathly silence, and the atmosphere becomes a bit confusing for a while.

Jin An thought about it carefully, and it seemed that the Great Rift Valley exuded an inexplicable aura at night, which made people feel palpitating and depressing. The more concentrated they were, the quieter they felt.

Very contradictory feeling.

But the oppressive feeling from some inexplicable aura always overflows like a dark tide. It cannot be seen or touched, but it is always slowly covering the whole body. In the end, it is like falling into the dark deep sea alone, that kind of loneliness, coldness, depression and despair. , suffocation...and other negative emotions are aroused and explode one after another, which can drive normal people crazy.

Jin An's eyes were clear.

His body was full of energy and blood.

You don't even need to use the Liuding Liujia Talisman to protect your body.

It only takes one blood circulation, the hot blood rushes through the body, and then overflows along the pores on the body surface, surrounding the whole body, driving out all the Yin Qi that invades the body.

He is full of blood.

The blood is burning like an oven.

Even the three people around him, Mr. Yiyun and Ai Maimaiti, were protected by his strong blood, and the outside Yin Qi could not get within a foot of him.

Tonight, even the three of them, Ayimaimaiti, were very energetic and used all their special skills.

They sprinkled all the doors and windows of the house with snow-flaked white salt, and took out magic tools such as bear paws, sacred drums, and bronze mirrors blessed by the shaman.

Although these shamanic magic weapons are not too powerful, the victory lies in their numbers.

It was in this depressing atmosphere that the strange noises in the night became louder and louder. After hearing it, Jin An no longer needed to remind everyone, and everyone recognized it. It was actually the sound of many monks chanting sutras.

The monk's chanting became louder and louder, and finally it became the same frequency, resonance, and continued to circulate in the Great Rift Valley for a long time. However, this sutra was not compassionate at all. Instead, it sounded like a life-threatening Sanskrit chant. Very evil.

"These chanting sounds seem to be coming from the stone Buddha statues on the cliff next to us?" Aheqi exclaimed.

Jin An raised his finger and made a silent gesture.

Aheqi quickly shut up.

The chanting outside became louder and louder, and it felt like my mind was filled with life-threatening Sanskrit chants. In the dark room, Jin An silently fought against the life-threatening Sanskrit chants invisible in the night sky.

The blood in his body was hot.

Rushing like red magma.

Constantly transporting Qi and blood to resist the deepening Yin Qi from the outside world and the sound of Sanskrit chants.



Later, Jin An was forced to come out even with the two Yanghuo on his shoulders!

The human-faced phoenix that Aheqi carried with him was struggling desperately in the sack, trying to stay away from Jin'an. It felt as if it was sticking to the stove, and its feathers were almost burned by the fire. .

If it hadn't been a critical night and its mouth had been blocked in advance, it would probably have cried out in terror and turned black into gray.

Just when the silent duel in the darkness was about to reach its peak, suddenly, boom!

Thunder pierced the sky, and a huge lightning exploded in the dark night, branching out into terrifying and thick thunder snakes, and even the entire Great Rift Valley trembled.

This thunder suppressed the life-threatening chant.

Suppressed the abnormal noise of the iron chain.

Suppressed the strange gnawing sounds.

All the terrible sounds hidden in the dark night disappeared after a thunder, and calm returned again.

Under the mighty power of heaven.

Peace returns to the world.

At least it looks peaceful on the surface.

At this time, it rained heavily in the sky. Jin An was surprised. This desert basin was dry and rainless all year round. There was no rain cloud in the clear sky above, so where could the rain come from?

The three of them, Ayimaimaiti, were all shocked when they heard the pounding sound of heavy rain outside: "Is this praying for rain?"

But this rain came and dissipated quickly.

Before half a cup of tea, the heavy rain stopped.

Even Jin An couldn't understand this time. Is it really a rain-praying technique that uses the power of a whole country to bring rain clouds from thousands of miles away? The Sanskrit chanting has not ended yet, but it has already rained so heavily. If the stone Buddha statues outside are allowed to finish chanting the sutras, then there will be a flood that overflows the entire Buddhist kingdom?

Jin An originally thought that he would encounter danger on his first night in the Buddhist Kingdom, but after a thunderstorm, the rest of the night was calm, and nothing strange appeared until dawn.

On the other hand, Ah Heqi's bird was tortured to death by Jin An last night.

At dawn, Jin An first went to check the stone Buddha statues, and Mr. Yiyun followed him. However, the appearance of these Buddha statues was normal, they were just ordinary-looking rocks.

Jin An couldn't help but think about yesterday's experience with the baby's mummy. Could the problem appear in the body of the Buddha statue? But those Buddha statues were too huge. Although the Kunwu knife in his hand was sharp, it was too slow to cut and there was a risk of backlash.

In the end, he spent a lot of time punching and punching several potholes of different sizes on the Buddha statue, but he still found nothing new.

Or maybe he didn't smash it thoroughly enough, and he couldn't find any clues until it was completely smashed.

Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with these Buddha statues. Maybe those weird Sanskrit singing sounds come from elsewhere.

Only by letting him listen to it again can he be sure where the Sanskrit sounds come from!

Since they couldn't find any new clues, they had already spent a lot of time in place and were ready to set off again.

This time the five people discussed it and decided to speed up the journey today. They would not go in to search the Buddhist temples and buildings along the way. They did not find any important clues after searching all day yesterday and it is estimated that there will be no new discoveries in the future.

It would be better to put all your energy on the road and find out as soon as possible where the end of the Buddhist Kingdom leads to, and whether it can really lead to the Kingdom of the Immortal God? It would be better to leave this land of ghosts and Buddhas that is not peaceful even after death!

Due to the intention of speeding up the journey, we traveled half as long today as yesterday. The deeper we go into the Great Rift Valley, the more lush the plants become.

This is not good news.

All the plants growing here are shade-loving plants. The more lush they grow, the darker and colder the yin energy is. They are approaching the gate of hell step by step.

Today, it is still the same as yesterday. Before dark, find a place to spend the night in advance, finish dinner in advance, and then wait for night to fall.

Those terrible strange movements last night were heard again tonight.


The sound of the chains became louder.

Even the sound of gnawing in the dark night became more and more urgent.

Soon after, those life-threatening Sanskrit sounds sounded again in the dark night last night. Jin An stood up suddenly, preparing to go out to personally explore the source of those life-threatening Sanskrit sounds.

Seeing that Jin An was about to go out, Mr. Yiyun offered to accompany him. Jin An was not pretentious and planned to make a quick decision, so he told Ai Yi Maimai and the three of them to stay vigilant, and they hurried out.

As soon as the two people went out, they first looked around cautiously.

It was dark all around, and there was no movement in the night. People have five senses. In addition to vision, they also have hearing, smell, taste, and touch. The two of them let go of their consciousness and listened carefully to the goings-on around them.



There was a soft sound like something moving on the dilapidated wooden boardwalk, and then there was a rolling sound on the boardwalk, which sounded like the rolling sound of stones or human heads.

A strange sound was approaching the two of them.

When it was about ten feet away, the strange noise suddenly stopped, and the plank road returned to calm.

After waiting quietly for a while, it was still silent and dead on the other side of the plank road. Jin An's eyes were piercing, his vigorous body broke through the night, and he took the initiative to attack.

But when he rushed onto the plank road, there was nothing on the dilapidated plank road. He was also very brave, so he jumped over and grabbed the iron chain under the board with his left hand. He was hanging under the plank road with a stern look on his face. Not afraid of the weird atmosphere here.

There was nothing unusual under the plank road.

He stared at the dark plank road for a long time, and then turned back to the plank road with a stern expression.

Seeing Jin An return safely, Master Yiyun looked at him: "Didn't you find it?"

Jin An said coldly: "It's just a few wisps of shady Yin energy that confuses people's five senses, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Mr. Yiyun nodded and did not continue to ask. He changed the subject and said, "I listened carefully just now. Those Sanskrit sounds mainly come from two places. One is the Buddha statue above our heads, and the other is the Buddha statues that do not exist. A less suspicious Buddhist temple.”

The two found the nearest Buddhist hall. There was also no Buddha statue in this Buddhist hall. The Buddhist hall was empty and had a panoramic view. There was nothing evil hiding in it.

The two of them searched the Buddhist hall carefully without believing in evil, but still found nothing unusual.

But when the two of them were in it, the strange tones of Sanskrit chanting chanting were chanting every moment. The Sanskrit chanting came from every stone pillar, brick, and tile in the Buddhist hall.

These desolate, decayed old Buddhist temples are obviously dead objects.

But it seems to be a living creature.

Those life-demanding Sanskrit sounds are like demonic whispers.

Influence people's will.

Illusions and negative emotions abound in my heart.

It seems that they are forcing people to convert to my Buddha, but this Buddha is not a good Buddha, but a ghost Buddha.

"Obsessive attachment? An old living thing?" Jin An was surprised.

Young Master Yiyun'e frowned: "What did you think of?"

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