White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 480 There are also scary and strange stories in the Buddhist country after dark

There is a custom in Buddhist country.

Because of the lack of supplies in the desert, water sources are scarce.

Even before the oasis disappeared here thousands of years ago, scarcity of materials was already common.

Therefore, in order to ensure the reproduction of future generations of the ethnic group and the development and growth of the Buddhist Kingdom, there is a custom in the Buddhist Kingdom that anyone over fifty years old or suffering from disease will be expelled from the Buddhist Kingdom to save food.

In fact, this phenomenon is not unique to Buddhist countries.

It is also common in some underdeveloped places.

The headless old man has a son who is married, but the daughter-in-law is not kind to her father-in-law and mother-in-law. In addition, the daughter-in-law is strong at home, so the son does not dare to object. It is considered that he has tacitly allowed his wife to abuse him. This made the daughter-in-law's abuse of the elderly even more serious.

Because she could not bear the torture, her weaker wife passed away first. If we say that the daughter-in-law here is also a really evil woman, she tortured the old man to death. For greed of money, she even sold the old man's bones privately as Gabala sex material. A headless corpse.

The old woman was tortured in various ways during her lifetime, and even after her death she was unable to sleep peacefully. Her head was cut open and made into a Gabala wine bowl.

The daughter-in-law there was used to being strong at home, and although the son knew about it, he did not say anything to stop it.

With the death of his beloved wife, the old man became ill with longing for her. In addition, he suffered all kinds of abuse from his daughter-in-law every day, and he soon fell ill.

According to the custom in the desert, the son and daughter-in-law would kick the old man out of the house at this time and let him fend for himself. However, the daughter-in-law, who is addicted to making extra money, did not do this. Instead, she covered the old man with a pillow while he was asleep. After the old man died, he told his neighbors the next day that he died because of illness.

After deceiving the neighbors, the vicious daughter-in-law once again sold the old man's body as a material for Gabala's vagina. Perhaps out of convenience, she sold it to the same mage both times.

The old man was suffocated to death by his daughter-in-law while he was sleeping. In addition, he was abused in daily life. He had a lot of resentment in his heart. After his death, his throat was blocked and it was difficult to breathe. Therefore, his ghost lingered and he refused to be reincarnated. .

But at this time, the old man had not yet pretended to be a corpse. The accident happened when his head was beheaded and was about to be made into a Gabala wine bowl.

At the beginning, the old man didn't know the truth why his daughter-in-law killed him. He just thought that he was too ill and a burden on the family. It wasn't until his body was sold and the daughter-in-law said something to her husband proudly that he realized that he had been killed. He also found out the truth about the murder and that his wife’s head was chopped off and made into a Gabala wine bowl after her death.

The old man who learned the truth was naturally very angry.

The old man's head was chopped off and thrown into an iron pot of boiling water to stew. Then the rotten flesh, hair, eyes, ears, mouth and nose on the head were scraped off with a knife, leaving only the bones. Finally, they were made into a Gabala wine bowl. , this tragic process once again stimulated the old man's resentment.

That day, the headless corpse that was dumped in the mass grave sucked in the corpse's breath and yin energy, and actually faked the corpse. Not only did he go home and kill the vicious and money-grubbing daughter-in-law, but he also resented his unfilial son. Killed.

Not only did he kill his son and daughter-in-law, he also broke their necks and merged them into his own body, so that the man and woman, who were inferior to pigs and dogs, would never be able to enter reincarnation and suffer the torture of his overwhelming hatred every day.

After killing his son and daughter-in-law, and integrating two more heads, the headless old man's yin energy became even more powerful. The headless old man went to the mage's residence again, trying to find his own head and that of his wife. But his wife had been dead for many years, and his head could not be found. Even his own head had been stewed and scraped to make a bone wine bowl.

It was a coincidence that the Master was not at home that night. The headless old man inhaled the Yin Qi of Kabala and Tsacha Buddha in the Master's house, and eventually became a pest, looking for his wife's head everywhere.

But it has never been found.

Instead, it became a horror story that would wander in the dark every night.

After Jin An heard all this, he thought with his eyes. The Buddhist kingdom has been destroyed for thousands of years. From this point of view, the headless old man has been looking for his wife for thousands of years, which can be regarded as a deep obsession.

The resentment and obsession of the headless old man were so deep that even Jin An did not dare to underestimate him. When the headless old man opened the door just now, his heart was throbbing and the hairs on his arms were freezing. It was a very terrifying sinister feeling. gas.

Even he wasn't 100% sure that he could exorcise the demon.

Unless the five-thunder evil-killing talisman that has been sealed four times is used.

But that would be too much movement.

I'm afraid it will attract the attention of some sleeping old monsters deeper in the Buddhist Kingdom.

Are pigs and dogs worse than animal masks...

Jin An, who was wearing Master Tashi's painted skin, lowered his head and glanced at the people kneeling in front of him. Astonishingly, the faces of these people were wearing masks that looked like pigs and dogs.

But they seem to have no idea that they are beasts too. Instead, they are still scolding the headless old man's son and daughter-in-law, who are not human beings but are crazy beasts who are worse than pigs and dogs.

This is like a lunatic who never knows that he is a lunatic, but in turn calls others lunatics!

The style of this lunatic is really similar to that of Guchiguo, Wuershi, and Baizuren.

So many people wear masks like pigs and dogs in the underworld, is there any deep meaning? Are all the people in the Buddhist Kingdom like this? Jin An suddenly became more curious about this Buddhist country.

At this time, after Master Yiyun and Jin An looked at each other, she continued to interrogate the people kneeling on the ground: "For now, let's count you as passing Master Tashi's first test. As long as you answer the second test, We tentatively believe that you are not outsiders pretending to be here."

Mr. Yiyun: "Let me ask you, where did the outsider heads in your hands come from? Do you know how many groups of outsiders have come in, and do you know where they are hiding? Master Tashi plans to refine powerful ones. The Gabala magic weapon happens to be missing some human bones, and those outsiders are the best material for the ghost, and Master Tashi wants the lives of those outsiders."

The people kneeling on the ground answered directly without thinking too much: "This outsider was lost alone and happened to be encountered by us. We didn't see any accomplices around him. We took his head to Master Tashi." , the body’s limbs, blood, fresh heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all dedicated to other masters, asking them to save us, but, but...all the masters failed..."

"Master Tashi suspects that there are other outsiders entering the Buddhist kingdom?"

When it comes to living people, the eyes of the people kneeling on the ground all showed green light of hunger and desire: "If Master Tashi wants to hunt more living people, we can lead Master Tashi to the place where this outsider is discovered. The place where we discovered the outsiders happened to be near our residence, and Master Tashi could just stop by and save us."

Mr. Yiyun: "Since we met, you have been saying that I will save you. What happened to you? How come you have failed to even invite several masters?"

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