White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 482 Half clay Buddha statue! Three corpses! (5k big chapter)

The team then continued on the road.

Because Jin An showed his skills, Ander and the others obviously respected Jin An and became more enthusiastic along the way.

They all felt that they must have hired the right guru this time.

I finally understand why Master Tashi was reluctant to bring the magic exorcism device at first. This is called the demeanor of a master.

He admired Jin An so much that he fell into admiration.

Although they experienced a lot of weird things along the way, luckily, they finally arrived at their destination safely. And through Master Yiyun's insinuations along the way, they actually got a lot of useful information.

The other parents, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that Ander and the others had successfully invited the guru, and they all hurriedly came out to greet them.

These parents all have one thing in common, that is, they all wear the mask of being inferior to animals like pigs and dogs.

Maybe it’s because of the masks they wear. No matter how warmly they greet them, they always give people the impression of a fake smile, and even the eyes hidden under the mask look a bit tinged with emotion. The color of haze.

After a brief polite conversation, Jin An also met the five children he was going to exorcise. Although performing rituals to exorcise the dead, there was always an indescribable awkwardness...

When Jin An saw the five children, he frowned. These five children were also wearing masks that were worse than animals. The color was darker than the adults' masks, and the masks were uglier. It seemed that this Buddhist country was using this kind of mask. What does the method mean?

Is the human nature hidden under the mask the ugliest and dirtiest?

Jin An could tell at the first glance that these children were probably not as simple as Ander said. They just died mysteriously one after another because they had no intention of offending the souls of the dead?

Of course, Jin An would not really exorcise these people. Besides, he didn’t understand the process of performing rituals on the dead to exorcise demons. The main purpose of his trip was to get some information from these Buddhist natives, so he saw After passing the five children, he said perfunctorily that if he wanted to save people, he had to cut them off at the source. Tonight he would take the five remaining children to spend the night in the temple of the haunted house.

Jin'an's words were conveyed by Mr. Yiyun.

After listening to this, several parents looked embarrassed as expected. They were afraid of avoiding that haunted Buddhist temple, but now they let their children jump into the pit of fire again. No parent would nod in agreement.

But Jin An seriously underestimated the admiration and confidence that Ander and the others had in him.

After repeated lobbying by Ander and others, everyone knew about Jin An's deeds of scaring away hungry ghosts with just one look. In the end, these parents actually agreed to let the five children stay with Jin An in the temple of the haunted house for one night. .

Only five of the dozen children died, and several masters died among them. They were now desperate and had to treat the dead horse as a live doctor.

Because time was in a hurry, the sky was about to enter the middle of the night, and there was only half of the night left before dawn. These parents were afraid of a long night and more dreams, and if a child died mysteriously, they all showed very high efficiency, even beating and chasing five children. We arrived at the haunted Buddhist temple.

When Jin An followed Ande and the others to the Buddhist temple, he made a surprising discovery. There was actually a clay Buddha statue enshrined in the Buddhist temple!

Although the Buddha's body was covered in filth and his body was in pieces with only half of his body left, it was indeed a Buddha statue.

This was the first time he had seen a Buddha statue in a Buddhist temple in the past few days since he had been in the Buddhist kingdom.

Mr. Yiyun, who followed along, also had a surprised expression on his face. The two secretly looked at each other, both seeing surprise and thought in each other's eyes.

At this time, Ander came over and said, "Master Tashi, tonight I will ask you and your disciples to help us unsatisfied boys."

"One more thing, we originally discovered the sneaky outsider near this temple. If Master Tashi wants to hunt down other outsiders, use their corpses as the underbelly of Kabala and Tsa Tsa Buddha. If they really have other accomplices, they must be hiding around here."

If he hadn't seen this Buddhist temple, Jin An would have doubted the authenticity of Ander's words.

After all, there are not so many coincidences in the world.

You just asked me to exorcise a demon, and then you told me that the person I'm looking for is nearby?

But when he saw the Buddha statue in the Buddhist Kingdom for the first time, Jin An felt that it was most reasonable for several forces to hide nearby.

Originally, those parents also wanted to stay with their children.

Young Master Yiyun looked at Jin An, and Jin An shook his head. Young Master Yiyun found a reason to fiddle with the parents' requests, saying that there were too many resentful souls here to show up, and the fewer people there, the better.

In fact, the main reason is that Jin An is worried about the large number of people talking.

The more people there are, the greater their risk of exposure.

After all, they are all living people who have wandered into the underworld. In the eyes of these resentful souls, they are the delicious human delicacies of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

When the adults left and only Jin An, the others, and the five children were left in the Buddhist hall, Jin An had some free time to look at the abandoned Buddhist hall in front of him.

Indeed, as Ander and the others said, this Buddhist temple was destroyed by a fire. Even after so many years, many traces of the fire can still be seen.

Basically, all the earth walls that can be seen are blackened by the fire, and many of the earth walls have cracked. At night, the cold wind blows in, and the sound becomes extremely sharp when it passes through the cracks, like the ropes of countless resentful souls. The hysterical scream of death.

At this time, the five children were huddled in front of the main hall. They did not dare to step into the main hall and look directly at the Buddha statue. They asked why they did not dare to look directly at the Buddha statue. Under the masks of pigs and dogs, which were darker and uglier than the masks of adults, they were not as good as beasts. , showing a timid look, saying he was afraid of the blood-stained statue.

Jin An nodded.

Ander once said that on the first night these children lived in the Buddhist hall, they encountered the hallucination of carrying gods, slaughtering cattle, sheep, horses and camels, and smearing the statues with blood. This may have left a psychological shadow at that time.

Mr. Yiyun: "Where did you dig up the bones?"

Following the timid fingers of the children, Ayimaimaiti and the other three immediately spat on their hands without waiting for instructions, and then waved the hoes and shovels left by Ander and the others before they left.

Even children can dig up the bones, which shows that the bones were not buried deep.


It didn't take a few diggings to make the discovery.

As Ayimaimaiti and the others continued to dig holes, a total of three corpses were dug out one after another.

Jin An frowned and inspected the bones, turned his back to the five children, and deliberately lowered his voice and said: "The bones of these three people belong to two young adults and an old man respectively. The bones of this old man should be six or seven years old." About ten years old. The arm bones, leg bones, skulls and mandibles of the three corpses are all relatively large and rough. I speculate that these three people are all male."

Ai Maimaiti and the other three all looked at Jin An in surprise, and also said with lowered voices of admiration: "Taoist Master Jin An, you not only know how to exorcise demons, but you also know how to do evil deeds? Taoist Jin An really knows everything about astronomy and geography." I don’t know.”

Jin An continued the autopsy while talking: "As people age, they will develop osteoporosis, and the bones will become lighter and more brittle. This is why people are particularly prone to fractures as they age. For example, the same leg bones, The leg bones of the other two corpses were heavier than the old man's leg bones, which is a good proof."

He didn't understand these before. These characteristics of corpses were all derived from his exposure to dead people. Some of them he figured out on his own, and some he specially learned from relevant books.

Now that everyone is here, there are some things that cannot be avoided even if he wants to. He plans to do his best and investigate what secrets are hidden in this Buddhist hall.

At this time, Ayimaimaiti turned to look at the five children still huddled together, and said in a lower voice: "Taoist Jin'an, I think there is a big problem with those five children..."

Benny and Aheqi both nodded at this time.

Even they could see that the pig or dog mask on the child's face was darker and uglier than the adult mask.

Jin An didn't even raise his head while he was touching the bones and examining the body. He said calmly without any surprise on his face: "Oh? What can you see?"

"I think those beast masks should be related to evildoing and human heart. Anyone who has done evil will have a mask on their face. The more evil they do, the more ugly their hearts are, the uglier the beast mask on their face... I I’m just curious, what kind of evil did these little devils do in their lifetime, and why they are still being demanded by resentful spirits even after they have been dead for so many years? Ender’s people must be dishonest, and they did not tell us everything.”

This time Jin An finally raised his head and glanced at Ayimaimaiti in front of him: "What you said is very good. Generally speaking, you are right."

"There is a saying among us Han people that we know people but don't know their hearts. Some people do one thing openly and another behind the scenes, wearing a fake smile mask on their face."

"Have you not noticed that whenever these people lie, the masks on their faces will also change color, either becoming darker or lighter." Jin An mentioned a small detail.

"Why didn't I notice this!" Ayimaimaiti's voice was a little louder because he was surprised. Fortunately, he reacted immediately and shut up quickly, pretending to be serious and continued to study the three bones on the ground.

The five children had been huddled together since they entered the Buddhist hall, their bodies trembling with fear. Facing Ayimaimaiti, they suddenly shouted, but only glanced at it, and then continued to look in the direction of the main hall in fear.

Mr. Yiyun: "You have been studying these three corpses, but what problems have you seen?"

Jin An: "These three people did not die in the fire, but in man-made accidents."

"This old man should be a monk or abbot in the Buddhist temple. His real cause of death was a heavy blow to the head, a fractured shoulder blade, and three sharp weapon injuries to his chest and ribs. Based on the angle of the wounds, he should be a highly trusted person. He died in a sneak attack. The person who attacked in a sneak attack was not one person but a group of people..."

"...The scene at that time should be that someone took advantage of the old monk's unprepared turn to pick up a blunt object and hit the old monk hard on the back of the head. But the blow was not enough to cause fatal injuries. The old monk was just about to When he screamed, one or two people hugged him from behind and covered his mouth. At this time, the remaining people pulled out the sharp weapons they had prepared and pierced the old monk's heart. These people planned carefully and killed them with one blow. There was no intention to let the old monk live from the beginning, and it must have been an acquaintance who committed the crime, and it is not an acquaintance who cannot gain the old monk's trust."

"Even these two corpses were not burned to death by fire. Their spines were broken, they lost their ability to escape, and they were burned alive by the fire amidst the screams."

Jin An finally concluded: "There should have been a murder case in this Buddhist hall. A group of people came to the Buddhist hall with a very clear purpose. They first killed the old monk, then broke the backs of the other two monks, and finally used a A fire destroyed all traces of the bodies and covered up all the truth."

"Taoist Master Jin'an, do you suspect that the murderers and arsonists were those children who didn't look very old?" Aheqi glanced at the five children who were huddled together in fear. The five children opposite him happened to be with him. Looking at each other, the five children looked at him timidly, like trembling sheep that had been soaked by the storm, weak, helpless, and pitiful.

Aheqi looked at the five children wearing ugly masks that were worse than animals. For some reason, he felt very uncomfortable and turned back.


As soon as he turned around, he found that everyone was looking at him like an idiot.

Ayimaimaiti gave Aheqi a shudder on the forehead and cursed: "Use your brain when you speak. No matter which one of these three corpses is taller than those big kids, any fool can see that these three Those kids didn’t kill people.”

"The deaths of these three people are obviously related to the parents of those little devils."

Ayimaimaiti just made it clear that these three people were killed by several children and adults together.

Aheqi explained aggrievedly: "Just now, my mouth was one step faster than my brain. Of course I know everything you said. I just can't figure out what heinous crimes those little devils did during their lifetimes and wore them on their faces after death." The mask is more humane and uglier than killing people and mutilating corpses? Is it worse than a beast?"

Naturally, no one could answer his question.

"If you want to know the answer, you can find out after tonight." As Jin An spoke, he looked at the incomplete clay Buddha statue in the main hall of the Buddhist temple.

He brought five little ghosts to the Buddhist hall today.

If there is something really weird about this Buddhist temple.

Tonight is the best time to do it.

When the time comes, evil people will be punished by evil people.

After talking about this matter, they talked about another matter, Jin An: "Just now, not long after we entered the Buddhist hall, I noticed a total of two groups of people, peeping eyes from two directions, one was in the Buddhist hall The southeast corner of the temple, and the northwest corner of the temple, just sandwiching the temple in the middle."

Young Master Yiyun followed the two directions mentioned by Jin An, glanced flatly, and nodded slightly: "It seems that there must be something weird in this Buddhist hall."

Jin An: "No matter what secrets are hidden in this Buddhist hall, let's get through tonight safely first."

Everyone nodded.

Although they were the last to enter the Buddhist Kingdom, it now seems that the three forces are at the same starting point.


They temporarily changed their appearance, deceived the ghosts, and occupied the Buddhist temple one step ahead, giving them a temporary advantage.

In fact, according to Jin An's idea, it is safest for everyone to stay together in the most spacious hall, but those five brats refused to enter the hall. In the end, they had to find a room that was relatively complete and had windows so they could observe at any time. Spend the night in a room on the second floor with outside conditions.

Tonight is a bit special, and it has already entered the second half of the night, and it will be dawn soon. Everyone does not sleep, and decides to stay vigil together until dawn.

Although the five children had been frightened all the way since they entered the Buddhist hall, they were a little exhausted after struggling for so long. As the night fell and people were in a quiet environment, waves of sleepiness came over them, and their eyelids It became heavier and heavier, my head bit by bit, and then I fell asleep unable to resist the deep sleepiness any longer.

In the dark room without a bonfire for lighting, Jin An closed his eyes and glanced in the direction where the five children were sleeping. He closed his eyes again and meditated, letting go of his six senses. In this state, his six senses were the most acute. When alertness is highest.

The night is dark.

More sleepy.

"How much is this?"

"How much is this?"

"How much is this?"

Rob is one of the only five children left. In his daze, he heard a childish voice repeatedly, repeating the same sentence in his ear, as if there was a person with black eye sockets who was almost face to face with him. Standing together, the other person raised a few fingers for him to count.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and when he was about to see clearly who was standing in front of him, he found that the other person was gone.

He woke up suddenly, and then hurriedly pushed to wake up the others, only to find that the others were fast asleep.

Even Master Tashi was fast asleep. No matter how hard he pushed or shouted, he couldn't wake everyone up.

The face wearing a mask that was worse than a pig or a dog seemed to be so scared that his pupils were trembling. He tightly grasped an amulet hanging around his neck, and then jumped out through the dilapidated window that had been burned by the fire. He ran desperately outside the earthen wall of the Buddhist hall.

He knew that coming here was the biggest mistake. This place had hated them for a long time, but they couldn't do it because they would die sooner or later! But he didn't expect that the master Tashi invited this time was so unreliable, that he could be charmed so easily and couldn't sleep at all.

At this time, he was running desperately, holding the amulet tightly in his hand, holding on tighter and tighter, even though his neck was in severe pain, he didn't care. Five people had already died back then. He didn't want to die, so he could only hold on to the amulet desperately. run.

I don't know what happened to the wall today. He could usually easily climb over the earth wall, but today he couldn't get over it. He was so anxious that he jumped over and over again.

At this moment, a completely unfamiliar man's voice rang in his ears: "It turns out that ghosts can also strangle themselves to death. It's true that evil people have their own way of doing things."

This sentence was said in Chinese, which Rob couldn't understand, but it was like a slap in the face, waking him up from his hallucination.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was still in the house and had not escaped by jumping out of the window at all. His previous non-stop jumping over the wall was actually his non-stop kicking before death. He pinched himself tightly with both hands. Because his hand was too strong, his neck was broken by him, leaving only a little bit of skin still connected.

If he wakes up a little later, his body and head will be separated.

Rob straightened his neck, which was about to fall off. There was black blood flowing out from the broken neck. He glanced in the direction of Master Tashi in confusion. The person who spoke Chinese just now seemed to be the closest Master Tashi to him?

But before he could think too much, Master Tashi didn't bring a Gabala weapon or a Tsa Tsa Buddha. Instead, he held a long knife with a red scabbard and struck the window sill quickly and accurately.


The already abandoned and dilapidated window sill, which was blackened by the fire, could not withstand the force of a blow from the scabbard and exploded into pieces. Unexpectedly, there was someone hiding behind the window sill on the second floor, and he was caught off guard by the knife and flew to the ground.

But this thing was very fast. As soon as it hit the ground, it disappeared on the spot, causing Jin An to crash out from behind the window sill and catch up with him.

With a pop, several pieces of earth and rocks fell from the second floor, smashing into powder on the ground.

Jin An narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the clay Buddha statue in the main hall in front of him. He snorted and chased after him.

As soon as he stepped into the main hall, he felt that his vision was blurred. The incomplete clay Buddha statue in front of him actually gave birth to Buddha's light in the gloomy underworld. In the Buddha's light, he seemed to see the present sutra, as if he saw the past sutra, and saw what happened thousands of years ago. The unknown truth in this Buddhist temple.

He saw sadness, he saw anger.

I saw the pain,

I saw animals that were inferior to pigs and dogs.

If Buddha also has anger.

Even the Buddha wanted to go on a killing spree.

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