White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 493 Butcher Knife! Sticky rice! Fight back to Fushou shop!

The landlady in front of me looked a little thin.

There is a huge difference between the image of Jin An, who was broad-shouldered, round-waisted, and full of flesh, and the only difference between Zhang Fei and Zhang Fei was a beard.

"Thank you for saving me just now. I wonder what I should call you, boss lady?"

Jin An carefully thanked the other party. In fact, his eyes were always paying attention to the inner thigh of the boss lady who had been bleeding. The blood stained the boss lady's pants red, but the boss lady didn't seem to know that she was injured, and the expression on her face was that of a dead person. Just as peaceful.

Jin An was talking with his left and right feet staggered, ready to run away at any time.

"It's time for Ah Quan to eat."

The proprietress, whose thighs were still bleeding, seemed to be a little out of her mind. After saying something completely wrong, she picked up the lamp oil on the table and turned towards the back room.

There was a courtyard and several rooms in the back room of the bun shop. The proprietress walked into a room holding an oil lamp. Soon, the sound of hungry chewing came from the room.

It wasn't that Jin An didn't want to follow him in, but the room was very dark. As soon as he got close to the room, he felt the air was particularly cold, giving him a sense of uneasiness.

He could only stand at the door and look into the room. He saw a portrait of a man hanging in the room and a spiritual tablet standing in the room. The rest of the room was shrouded in darkness and he couldn't see anything.

"Is Ah Quan the boss's wife's husband?"

"There is a portrait hanging in the house to place the memorial tablet. The landlady's husband is dead?"

Jin An thought deeply in his heart.

I don’t know if it was his misunderstanding. He felt that the portrait of the proprietress’s husband seemed to be smiling at him?

Jin An frowned. When he looked carefully again, he found that the portrait in the room had changed back to an ordinary portrait.

At this time, the proprietress of the meat bun shop walked out of the house. There was no abnormal expression on her face, but Jin An noticed that there was more blood on the proprietress's pants and her thighs were bleeding more.

The landlady walked out of the house and walked to the kitchen.

This is Jin An's first time walking into the kitchen.

I found some white legs hanging from the beams in the kitchen.

Jin An was startled at first because his vision was dim. He thought those were human legs. He suspected that he had entered a ghost shop selling human-meat barbecued pork buns? After my eyes adjusted to the dim vision, I saw clearly that those white legs were actually pig's trotters.

At this time, the landlady walked to the stove and started to boil hot water.

While waiting for the water to boil, bang, the proprietress took off a white leg from the beam, slammed it on the chopping board, then picked up the boning knife to remove the bones, and then picked up the butcher's knife to chop the meat. Come on, it looks like you are preparing to make meat buns?

It’s hard to imagine that the thin-looking boss lady could swing a thick-backed butcher’s knife that weighed several kilograms without difficulty at all.

Since the landlady saved Jin An's life, she has only said one sentence and has never said anything else. Jin An still hasn't figured out what the purpose of this landlady is? Why do you want to save him?

Looking up at the big white pig's trotters on the beam above his head, Jin An frowned slightly: "The process of my escape from the second floor of Fushou Store just now, boss lady, did you see the whole process?"

"Madam boss, you came to save me. Do you want me to ask for something?"

While Jin An was talking, his eyes were fixed on the changes in the expression on the landlady's face, and he glanced at the landlady's thighs from time to time. Unexpectedly, the expression on the landlady's face did not change at all, and she still had the same dead expression, and she did not respond. Jin An’s words.


Finally, the landlady mixed the noodles, filled them with stuffing, steamed out several cages of large meat buns, and then handed them to Jin An: "Eat."

Jin An: "?"

Those big meat buns are white and fragrant, and are still steaming. One look at the thin skin and white and tender meat filling, and you know that it will be juicy and delicious when you take a bite. The boss lady's craftsmanship is very good.

Boss lady: "Eat."



She repeated the same word over and over again.

Jin An raised his head and glanced at the white thighs that were still hanging on the beam above his head. He saw that the landlady kept insisting that he eat fresh meat buns. Finally, he picked up a meat bun and took a bite. It was indeed white. , the meat was tender, juicy, and delicious. Apart from being a little hot because it had just come out of the cage, he found that it was quite delicious.

"I have accepted your thank you gift. Now you can tell me why you saved me. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? What do you want me to do for you two?"

After experiencing so many things in the past six months and seeing the evil side of so many people, Jin An could still see clearly who was malicious to him and who was not. After taking a bite of meat buns, he looked calmly. Looking at the boss lady.

"...The Taoist priest came from Fushou shop...I wonder if my second uncle has returned from a long trip...I beg the Taoist priest to ask my second uncle to help my family A Quan bury the body...let him have a whole body for burial..."

The landlady spoke very stiffly and intermittently, as if she hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time, which made her speech a bit stiff. In addition, the other party's strong Zhuang accent was mixed with a bit of vernacular accent, so Jin An had to guess with difficulty to understand most of the words.

The boss lady’s words revealed several important clues——

First, the surrounding neighbors call the owner of Fushou Store Ershu.

Second, this second uncle happened to be away from home recently, so Fushou shop is currently ownerless.

Third, the landlady’s husband seems to have died miserably, without even a complete body?

Fourth, the man named Second Uncle seems to know the skills of a stitcher in the voodoo industry, and can sew up the corpses of the dead. There is a folk saying that if the corpse is forcibly buried, it will be easy to fake the corpse.

5. Seeing that he was wearing Taoist robes, the landlady seemed to think that he was the apprentice or fellow disciple of the owner of Fushou Store, and begged him to find his second uncle to do something.

Although he understood the intention of the proprietress, Jin An was also very grateful to the proprietress for her rescue just now, but the key point was that he did not know the second uncle of the Fushou Store at all, and he did not understand the mortuary skills of the line master. Even if he wanted to impersonate him, he would not be able to do it. no way.

However, Jin An did not immediately reject the landlady. Now the landlady is asking for help from him, and she seems to have no ill intentions. Who knows if he rejects the landlady, will she go crazy after losing hope?

Besides, after he took a bite of the meat bun, he accepted the job. Regardless of whether it worked or not, he had to give it a try.

Jin An first glanced at the inner side of the boss's wife's thigh, which was still bleeding. Then he stopped looking at the boss's thigh and looked directly at the boss's wife and said: "The boss's wife has saved my life. I can try it for the boss's wife, but there is no guarantee that it will work. Done, I can only say that I will try my best to help the boss lady give it a try, but before that, I need to prepare a few things."

"Does the boss lady know a butcher who kills pigs? I need the boss lady to help me find a butcher's butcher's knife that is used to kill pigs. It has an evil butcher's knife."

"The boss lady's bun shop should have raw glutinous rice, right? I still need some glutinous rice."

"It would be better if you could find rooster blood or black dog blood."

The butcher's knife is a tool to suppress evil spirits, and glutinous rice is a yang-qi grain that replenishes the body and replenishes qi. It can hang wounds, detoxify, and detoxify corpses. They are all folk tools that can be found to ward off evil spirits and suppress corpses. Jin'an plans to kill them again. Fushou store!

According to the proprietress, the second uncle of the Fu Shou shop is an expert, so there must be magic weapons such as yellow talismans, peach wood swords, soul summoning bells, and illuminated Yin Yang Bagua mirrors in the Fu Shou shop. He wants to explore this bloody place as soon as possible In this world, these magic weapons are necessary to deal with the imps and the soul-calling old man blocking the intersection.

He didn't know if staying in the ghost mother's nightmare for a long time would cause any accidents, such as mental pollution, and turning him into a physically and mentally disabled person like Baizu Man or Wuershi. Therefore, he must try his best to find all possible solutions. It might be a boost to help him explore the nightmare world of the Ghost Mother.

By the way, help the proprietress search the Fu Shou store to see if there are any other ways to save her husband.

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