White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 5: Prospering rice and fighting against rice and hatred

"There was a thunderous explosion. It turned out that someone was struck to death by lightning!"

"It was Li Cailiang who was struck to death by a thunderbolt when he was passing by the river on his way home!"

"At that time, many people from the same village were returning home after working hard at farming."

"Everyone saw the scene where Li Cailiang was struck to death by lightning."

"There was a loud sound of thunder, earth and rocks flew apart, willow trees snapped, and a large black hole was blasted on the spot. Li Cailiang, who happened to be walking on the bank of the river, fell directly into the cold February river water, leaving no trace of his body."

"When Li Cailiang's body was fished out from the lower reaches of the river by fishing nets and pulled back to the door of Li's house in Shangpan Village by an oxcart, Li Cailiang's death was horrific and his hands and feet were all blown off."

"The broken limbs were just thrown carelessly next to the carcass of the bullock cart."

"The body didn't even have a straw mat to cover it. It was exposed all the way and was dragged back to Shangpan Village on a bullock cart."

"Seeing that her husband, who was fine not long ago and had promised to go home for dinner after returning the cows, was suddenly left dead and incomplete, Mrs. Li burst into tears when she heard the bad news. The son in her arms was also frightened and cried loudly. , kept crying for daddy."

"Hey, that scene... those who hear it will shed tears."

"The bones of Li Cailiang here are not yet cold, but rumors have spread in the village over there. The villagers say that Li Cailiang must have done something extremely unscrupulous, and that he will be punished and be struck by thunder from the sky. To do so. Otherwise, God will not punish him, and he will not only be struck to death by lightning, but his body will also be left intact."

"Ms. Li, who was already crying bitterly, cried even more heartbroken when she heard the rumors from the villagers around her. They said that her old man Li had been an honest person all his life. Why did he end up in old age after his death and his reputation was not guaranteed? Slanderous words.”

"But it is helpless that everyone can make money. What effect can the Li family have? There are so many villagers in Shangpan Village. Why are others not killed by lightning? But Li Cailiang is the one who let God." Killed?"

"The old men and women in the village all said that this is because God has eyes. God only kills evil people, not good people. God will never wrong good people. They scolded Li for not fearing God. This will be punished by God. This year Pan Village will definitely be implicated. The fields are dry and there is no harvest. They are grinning, jumping and yelling to drive away the Li family, so that the evil done by the Li Cailiang family will not harm the innocent people in the whole village."

"It's pitiful that Li Cailiang's body is still cold here, but the orphaned Li family and his only son are left to be bullied by the surrounding villagers."

"Just when everyone thought that this matter was settled, that Li Cailiang's death was caused by being struck by lightning, and even Rimasa and Isamu Murura had no objections, a young man stood out from the crowd."

"Tsk tsk, that young man is amazing! He is eight feet tall and eight feet wide. He has a majestic body with thin skin and tender flesh. He has short hair like a monk. He gave his name as Jin and An. There is a scholar beside him. The coachman and his companions are the three people from other villages who just stayed in Shangpan Village tonight..."

"This young master who calls himself Jin'an said that when lightning strikes a person, it will only leave scorched black marks on the place. It will definitely not be like the earth and rocks that people see flying, willows breaking, and leaving a big hole in the place. "

"It is obvious that someone buried gunpowder by the river in advance, deliberately led Li Cailiang to the preset location, and then pretended that Li Cailiang was struck to death by lightning. They also used the river to wash away the river bank and Li Cailiang's body, destroying the body and destroying traces of it. An attempt to remove gunpowder residue particles and odor.”

"Because only gunpowder in this world can have such a violent and domineering effect."

"The leader of the village only needs to report this murder case to the county government and ask the county government to investigate who has purchased large quantities of gunpowder, sulfur, and saltpeter recently; besides Li Cailiang walking to the river by himself, who else is most likely to kill Li Cailiang?" The meeting by the river, or who was walking with Li Cailiang at that time; who is most beneficial to Li Cailiang's death...then this person must be the murderer of Li Cailiang."


"The villagers were shocked when they heard this. The imperial court of Kangding State had extremely strict control over civilian gunpowder. Gunpowder was subject to arms control. Private possession of gunpowder was strictly prohibited in Kangding State. Even the formula of gunpowder was prohibited from being distributed among the people."

"The villagers don't believe that Li Cailiang died from gunpowder."

"Because no one among the people has access to gunpowder."

"Everyone got together angrily and cursed these people from other villages for being disrespectful to God. They wanted to drive these people from other villages out of Shangpan Village together with Li's mother and son."

"But fortunately, Li Zheng has studied in a private school for several years, and his knowledge is wider than that of these illiterate poor people. Li Zheng knows very well that once gunpowder is involved in this matter, it will be a big deal that he, a small man like Li Zheng, cannot handle. It is better to believe what is true than to believe what is not, and never conceal the matter or lie about it. After Li Zheng stopped the villagers who were making trouble, he quickly sent several village warriors with the fastest legs and feet to go to Changxian County Government overnight to report the matter. "

"Hearing that a suspected gunpowder case occurred in a small rural village in Chang County, Zhang Zhixian of Chang County did not dare to delay. He ordered all the arresters in the county overnight, brought the arresters and fast horses, and divided the troops into several groups according to the Jin Dynasty. The clues Mr. An mentioned were investigated overnight, and sure enough, the real culprit was quickly caught!"

"It really corresponds to a folk proverb, if you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself."

"Don't do anything bad, and don't be afraid of the office door being called in the middle of the night."

"The murderer who killed Li Cailiang was Li Dashan, a relative of Li Cailiang's village. He was a bad gambler. He borrowed money from Li Cailiang and his wife in the early years to help him tide over difficulties. He vowed never to gamble again. Li Cailiang and his wife Seeing how pitiful he was, I believed his words and borrowed money from my savings to pay off his gambling debts."

"It turned out that not only did the guy not repent, but after his relatives helped him pay back the money, he continued to gamble badly and failed to repay the money he owed Li Cailiang and his wife. Instead, he secretly asked Li Cailiang to borrow money several times. But Li Cailiang knew his gambling nature well. It’s hard to change. Lending money to a gambler is like fetching water from a bamboo basket, so I have been reluctant to lend money again.”

"This rotten gambler's relative saw that Li Cailiang's family had savings but was unwilling to help his relatives. He also felt that he could gamble all his life and never pay back the money, so he had evil thoughts and planned to kill Li Cailiang, leaving the weak-minded Li orphan. He didn’t have to pay back the money because of his widowed mother. He even thought up a vicious plan to incite the ignorant villagers who didn’t know the truth after Li Cailiang’s death to drive away Li’s orphaned and widowed mother, and then take the opportunity to occupy the houses and fields.”

"As the saying goes, helping the urgent does not save the poor."

"Sheng Mi's favor, fight with Mi's hatred."

"People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people's hearts are poisonous."

"It was supposed to be a case of 'charred corpses struck by lightning', but in the end it was a case of 'clearing the wrongs', and finally involved another 'strange case of concealing gunpowder among the people', with twists and turns and bizarre twists and turns."

"And because the young man named Jin, named An, was appreciated by the county government and the magistrate for his merits in solving the gunpowder case, he hosted a banquet for the guests to come to Chang County. Magistrate Zhang knew the righteousness well and had clear rewards and punishments, so he invited businessmen from the county to the banquet. The squire raised three hundred taels of silver and handed it all over to Mr. Jin'an in person. He thanked Mr. Jin'an for saving Chang County and preventing the people of Chang County from being implicated. Nowadays, the list of the merchants and squires raising money has been marked on a plaque and is still hanging in Chang County. On the county archway.”

"This book is over."

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