At this time, green smoke curled up, and incense sticks were inserted into the dead man's rice and slowly burning.

Jin An said the words of offering incense and filial piety, but he actually said in his heart: "We all come from the Fu Shou Store, so we are all from the same family. The Fu Shou Store is my home, and I rely on everyone to protect me. Now someone wants to eat me. This It’s up to my family to go back.”

Jin An had just finished reciting silently in his mind and inserted the incense stick in his hand into the dead man's rice. Click, the incense stick originally inserted into the dead man's rice broke all the way.

This turn of events came so suddenly that even Jin An was stunned.

This is like,


,"Kick away.

Thanks to Jin An's quick response: "Old man, where did you buy this incense stick? Have you been cheated? The quality is too low, it's too weak."

"Fortunately, old man, you met me today and found out for you in advance that there was something wrong with these incense. If the problem hadn't happened until you called the souls back, and someone suddenly knocked the table over while they were eating, tell me who would feel better. I'm sure I will fight you tooth and nail."

Jin An spoke with a nose and an eye, and there was no flaw in the expression on his face. He always looked at the old man shouting the soul as he spoke, as if he didn't see the ghosts on the wall who were swollen with anger because someone had lifted the table, and wanted to eat him alive.

See what it means to talk to people and talk to ghosts.

Talking nonsense under the eyes of ghosts is just fooling ghosts.

At this time, the soul-calling old man also looked at Jin An with a suspicious face, and then at the several angry and roaring ghost figures on the wall. At this time, even he couldn't understand whether Jin An really couldn't see ghosts, or was pretending not to see ghosts. .

But the ghostly figures on the wall couldn't get close to Jin An at all. Whenever they tried to tear Jin An's reflection on the ground into pieces, the amulet hanging on Jin An's chest would fend them off.

Jin An felt that the amulet was getting hotter and hotter. He pretended to pick up the amulet and look at it, and then pretended to be surprised and turned his head back and forth to look around: "My amulet was suddenly stimulated and reacted loudly. Could it be that I was right?" Well, old man, you bought low-quality incense and angered the souls of the dead, your ancestors or relatives and friends are nearby!"

Jin An also gave him a look that said he was finished.

The muscles in the corner of the old man's mouth twitched, you are lying!

If he hadn't seen several ghost figures on the wall roaring at Jin An, he would have been almost fooled by Jin An's nonsense.

"Little Taoist Master, I just told you that it's very uneasy here at night. Come into the house with me quickly. I'm trying to save you. If it's too late, we'll die outside inexplicably like you are rich." It's time." The old man called the soul stood at the door again and urged.

No matter what Jin An's idea was, he just wanted to trick Jin An into the house.

But Jin An refused to go in, with a worried expression on his face: "Old man, wouldn't it be better for us to just leave after we turned over the dining table? Your family will definitely spread their anger on you. I think we should stay. Explain clearly."

The old man called the soul: "..."

The old man called the soul: "Don't worry, little Taoist priest, I will immediately find the vendor selling my incense candles tomorrow, take down his sign, and then buy ten times the incense candles again, and burn ten times the paper money back to my son, daughter-in-law, and the others. They are all filial to me and will definitely not care about such a trivial matter."

"Little Taoist Priest, please come in quickly. I am saving your life. Why are you still standing still...I am saving people today. My sons and daughters-in-law will definitely not blame us..."

The old man who called the soul spoke urgently, as if he was really doing good for Jin An and considering Jin An's personal safety.

But Jin An still stood in front of the incense stick without moving.

The old man who called the soul was anxious, not because he was anxious to save people, but because he was greedy for seeing the fresh and moving heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. Now all he could think about was untying Jin'an's belt, tearing up Jin'an's clothes, and then tearing up Jin'an's clothes. Cut into thin slices and melt in your mouth.

He couldn't hold it any longer!

Human flesh!

Human flesh!

Kidney meat, tenderloin, heart meat, thigh tendon meat, heart meat, pork belly, rump meat...

But Jin An still hesitated at the same place and did not go in. He made various excuses to evade. Although he looked as calm as an old dog, only he knew how nervous he was inside: "Brother Xiang, I am a small child if I am eaten. The key is happiness and longevity." The store cannot grow without a heir! If I, the girl in red, and the Gray Immortal all die here today, then our Fushou store lineage will really be extinct!"

"Brother Xiang, I don't know what your magical power is, but I know that Brother Xiang, you must have the only magical power in the world. From the first time I saw you, Brother Xiang, I can see that you are different. temperament!"

At this time, the old man Shohun also gradually noticed that Jin An was a little abnormal. He seemed to have been resisting entering the house. The gray-faced old man suddenly came closer and asked: "What are you muttering about?"

"What's so good about a broken incense? I'll give you ten identical bundles tomorrow! It's too dangerous outside. You go first and hide in my house!"

The old soul-calling man was already reaching out impatiently to catch Jin An. Even the numerous ghosts pressing on him and bending his body were staring at Jin An secretly, as if they resented why Jin An was still alive. , resenting Jin An for not coming to accompany them.

Jin An subconsciously avoided it, and just this time, the face of the old man called the soul changed: "You really have a problem!"

The old man who called the soul was completely broken this time. He no longer pretended to have a fake smile, but instead had a fierce look on his face: "Can you always see all of us!"

Jin An noticed that the amulet hanging on his chest was getting hotter and hotter. The yin energy of the old man shouting in front of him exploded. The colder the surrounding temperature, the hotter the amulet on his chest became. Later, he even felt like a It's like pressing a piece of charcoal fire.

Jin An didn't hesitate, turned around and ran away. He didn't know the limit of the amulet's ability to ward off evil, so he fled the intersection while the amulet was still effective.

But the soul-calling old man didn't want to let Jin An go so easily. Plop, plop, plop, the ghosts of the dead who were pressing on him began to fall one by one like rotten flesh to the ground. These ghosts either had their heads hanging down weakly, or The joints of their hands and feet are reversed, or their intestines are hanging down... These are what they look like when they die, and then these ghosts are on all fours and chase Jin'an eerily.

Jin An naturally saw the horrific scene behind him, and now he could only run out without his life.

The amulet on his chest was so hot that it still burned his skin even through his clothes. He gritted his teeth and persisted, not daring to take it off. As soon as he took the amulet off now, he would definitely be shouted out by the old man shouting souls, and then he would no longer be a piece of flesh. He was burned, but wanted to eat his kidney meat, pork belly, and human head meat.

But soon, Jin An found that as he ran, the movement behind him gradually disappeared, and the surroundings became very quiet. Just when Jin An stopped with some surprise, suddenly, in the small alley next to him that exuded the stinky smell of sewage. , and carefully poked out a gray-haired rat head.

"Gray Great Immortal!"

Jin An happily ran into the small alley, and then he saw the familiar red figure again: "Girl in red, you are here too!"

"I'm so glad you're all okay!"

The joy on Jin An's face came from the bottom of his heart.

After a few jumps, Hui Daxian cleverly climbed onto Jin An's shoulder, then squatted on Jin An's shoulder and kept wiping his face and paws with his paws, as if he was washing his face and complaining about the dirty environment in this small alley.

This is a gray immortal who has a mysophobia and loves to be clean.

Jin An was amused by the appearance of the Gray Immortal. When he and the old man called the soul were together, they only had intrigues and were always on guard against each other. Only when he was with the Gray Immortal and the red-clothed umbrella girl Zhizha Ren could he feel completely relaxed. No need to Thinking about so many intrigues between people's hearts.

People in the world say that ghosts are scary, but ghosts haven’t hurt me at all. I trust people. Sometimes people are less affectionate and righteous than animals.

People's hearts.

The most unpredictable.

"Why did you appear here? I thought you were still in the coffin room all this time. Have your whereabouts been exposed?" Jin An was concerned about the Gray Immortal and the red umbrella girl pricking people.

According to Jin An's initial plan, he would first show up to attract the attention of the old man who called the soul, and then find an opportunity to light the incense and break it up. Then ask the Gray Fairy to stay away and wait to avoid accidentally hurting it. And let the red umbrella girl stab people to find opportunities to sneak attack the soul-calling old man or create chaos to create more opportunities for him.

The girl in red umbrella couldn't speak. She shook her head. When Jin An wanted to ask again, she suddenly stretched out her hand and made a silent movement.

In this peaceful world, the voice of the old man shouting for souls was heard, and then a fierce battle broke out. Then, with a muffled explosion, it seemed like a building collapsed. As the end, the voice of the old man shouting for souls and the sound of fighting all stopped abruptly. .

The surroundings returned to an eerie calm.

Time keeps passing, but Hui Daxian never lets Jin An show up, nor does he let Jin An poke his head out to see what's going on outside.

Animals are born with sensitive five senses. Even the leaping corpse in Fushou shop couldn't catch Hui Daxian. Instead, Hui Daxian tortured a civet cat to death. Jin'an trusted Hui Daxian so much that he stayed quietly in the alley.

After waiting for another moment or so, a slight cough sounded nearby, and then the sound disappeared completely, as if no one came after staying nearby for so long, and finally gave up waiting and really left.

Jin An hid in the alley and waited for another moment before cautiously walking out. When he quietly approached the old man's home, he saw that it had collapsed into ruins, and the collapsed ruins were covered with bloody handprints. Even the black coffin placed in the lobby was smashed by the rubble.

Looking at the extent of the damage, Jin An silently calculated in his mind that the old man who called the soul and the person who left the bloody fingerprints should be infinitely close to the second realm, but have not yet reached the second realm.

"Why would someone get into a fight with the old man calling the soul? Look at this posture, even the coffin was smashed. This is a blood feud, and the enemy must be looking for him." Jin An said to himself in confusion.

The girl in red umbrella raised her hand in silence and pointed at the bowls of uncooked rice. All the incense sticks had burned out.

The girl in red umbrella found a wooden stick from the ruins and wrote on the ground: "This is the incense of evil among the forty-eight incense of good and evil. Within seven days, enemies will come to your door, or there will be a bloody disaster within seven days."

Jin An was happy at first, the girl in red was finally willing to communicate with him.

What followed was a mix of surprise and shock. Good guy, isn’t this just endless hatred! Fortunately, this incense was obtained by him. If the enemy used it against him... But if he thinks about it carefully, he doesn't seem to have any enemies, because everyone who opposes him will return to dust and return to dust.

The expression on his face was complicated for a while. Even though there were thousands of words in Jin An's mind, he finally boiled it down to four words: "Brother Xiang! Awesome!"

Now that he understands the origin of this incense, Jin An even treasures the remaining two sticks of evil incense and keeps them close to his body. Well, he will use them specifically for enemies whose vaginal bones are harder to chew in the future.

The old Taoist priest once briefly taught him some "Forty-eight Incenses of Good and Evil", "Thirty-six Incenses of Worshiping Gods" and "Seventy-two Incenses of Earthly Evil".

The most fearful thing about worshiping the wrong ghosts and gods when offering incense is that it is easy to invite ghosts and gods but difficult to send them away. This "Forty-eight Incenses of Good and Evil" is specially burned for humans. These forty-eight incense sticks are just like people, they also have thoughts of good and evil. Good people burn merit incense, longevity incense, etc. to pray for blessings. To deal with evil people, they have the incense of evil deeds, disease incense, etc. to burn.

Jin An couldn't help but think again of the scene where Shi Xiang overturned the table in a domineering manner as soon as he came on stage, making it impossible for everyone to eat. Sure enough, evil people still need to be punished by evil people, but it is easy to accidentally injure friendly troops. He was almost called the old man and those evil ghosts. Eaten alive.

"Brother Xiang, Brother Xiang, I know that you are the only one in heaven and earth. Before we lift the table next time, can you please inform me so that I can stay away first before we lift the table?"

Just when Jin An was overjoyed and holding the only two sticks of evil incense and talking to himself, the red umbrella girl over there walked to the smashed coffin and pressed her palm lightly against the rotten wooden board. On the top, traces of black Yin Qi were extracted from the coffin board and absorbed by it, strengthening its own Yin Qi and strength.

Jin An put away the incense of evil, and walked up to Zhizharen, the umbrella girl in red, in surprise, and said happily: "Girl in red, can you still improve your strength by absorbing Yin energy?"

This is a real surprise.

In an instant, he had a grand plan in his mind. After all, the corpse is dead, but the person is alive. If the tree is moved, it will die, but if the person is moved, it will live...

However, there is not much residual Yin Qi on these incomplete coffin boards. Most of them have been scattered, which does not significantly improve the ability of the red umbrella girl to stab people.

Even so, Jin An still didn't let go of any coffin board that could be used. No matter how small the ant's legs were, they were nothing but flesh. When he finished cleaning up the surrounding ruins and lifted the heaviest coffin floor, the ant's legs hung on his chest. The amulet heats up again.

Jin An was slightly surprised. There was something big under the coffin board!

When one person and one person carefully lifted the coffin floor, which weighed more than a hundred kilograms, they found that a crack had opened in the ground at some point, and there was a dark layer of rotten flesh and blood inside.

These are the blood and flesh dripping out of the coffin when the coffin eats people. This is mixed with the endless resentment of the person being eaten, and coupled with being nourished by the coffin's funeral energy day and night, it becomes Dirty flesh and blood, heavy Yin Qi.

When you stare at the filthy flesh and blood for a long time, you can even see people's faces roaring with hatred, trying to break through the shackles of filthy flesh and blood and catch people.

But the amulet on Jin An's chest acted as a shield. When his chest felt hot, he regained consciousness.

Jin An urged: "Girl in red, please quickly absorb all the Yin Qi here to increase your strength. We have been delayed for so long. It is estimated that someone else will follow the fighting just now."

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