White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 535 Awakening? Mother's kindness

The little girl lay on Jin An's back and slept peacefully.

After the commotion made by Jin An and others, coupled with Shi Shi's blood-sucking and feeding back to heal his injuries, the tenants in the inn had long since died and could not escape, leaving only silence.

When Jin An carried the little girl to the second floor and was about to go down the stairs to the next floor, he paused briefly in Room 1 with the word "Han" near the stairs.

When they made such a big move before and demolished all the sealed guest rooms, they left this room alone.

According to the information A Ping tortured from Chi Kuan, the guest room No. 1 with the character "Han" on the second floor and the guest room No. 16 with the character "Yang" on the third floor are actually connected and have already been connected from top to bottom.

In fact, this cold and this yang exactly correspond to the evil and good qualities of people.

Just like the guest rooms in this inn, they are also divided into rooms with good thoughts and rooms with evil thoughts with supernatural stories.

Beware of people with evil thoughts and sinister hearts. Whether they push away the guest room No. 1 with the character "Han" on the second floor or the guest room No. 16 with the character "Yang" on the third floor, they will only fall into the "Han" character on the second floor of the ice cave. Room number one.

And only those who have good intentions and have never been swallowed by darkness can reach the real room No. 16 with the word "Yang" no matter which room they push open. Yang means hope and vitality.

Those who have great merit will have great rewards.

This was when the old shopkeeper gave them a thank-you banquet. Jin An saw that Room No. 16 was not connected to Room No. 1 on the second floor. He curiously asked the old shopkeeper and the answer he gave was.

If there is sunshine in your heart, everything will be sunny. If your heart is dark, everything you see will be dark!

"Let's go."

Jin An took one last look at the "Han" room No. 1, carried the little girl on his back, and walked down the stairs without looking back.

The first floor is dark, and the only source of lighting has been taken away by Jin An a long time ago, so now the first floor is pitch black. Only the strange smell of filth and dirt always lingered, giving the residents a sense of foreboding.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, where did the imposter and blind shopkeeper go? He even abandoned the inn. Did he really die with the tenants on the third floor who came down in front?" The man holding the fifteen spirit tablets in his hand Ah Ping followed Jin An cautiously. The inn lobby was dark and silent at this time, and every step he took would make a soft creaking and decaying sound on the wooden stairs.

The dark environment has little visual impact on Aping and Zhizharen, the girl with the red umbrella. The strongest girl with the red umbrella, Zhizharen, is at the forefront, ready to deal with unexpected dangers at any time.

However, until the group of people walked out of the inn, they encountered no accidents and the journey was surprisingly peaceful.

Just when Jin An stepped out of the inn with the little girl on his back, Jin An clearly noticed that the inn standing behind him in the darkness shook.

It was as if something was roaring unwillingly.

It's a pity that Jin An didn't have the dark copper coin in his mouth now, so he couldn't see more of the situation. He just glanced at the inn behind him like a dark ghost mouth, and finally ignored the inn and hurriedly left with the little girl on his back.

"Ashes will return to dust, dust will return to dust. It's time for you to let go of your past obsessions." Before leaving, Jin An left a somewhat puzzling sentence. In the dark void, someone seemed to sigh.

This trip to the inn made Jin An extremely tired. Before, he had been nervous in the inn and didn't feel anything. Now that his nerves relaxed, he felt extremely sore all over his body. At the same time, he felt sleepy, hungry and thirsty. , just want to find a place to have a good sleep.

But what really made Jin An so physically and mentally exhausted was the fact that they were almost in despair several times because of several life and death crises. This made him dare not completely let down his guard even if he had time to rest in the inn. The string was tense for several days in a row, which brought him psychological pressure that ordinary people could not bear.

When the group of people temporarily found a safe place to rest, Jin An fell to the ground and slept for a whole day. After all, he was just an ordinary person now.

Jin An was awakened by the little girl's clear laughter. In his daze, he sat up suddenly. Where did the little girl come from in the team?


The little girl was so frightened that she ducked under the Taoist robe of Jin'an and tightly hugged Hui Daxian in her arms. Hui Daxian was strangled so hard that his tongue stuck out and his limbs were kicked wildly.

Seeing Hui Daxian's painful look, the little girl quickly let go of Hui Daxian and kept apologizing and saying that Xiao Huihui was sorry.

The Gray Immortal, who finally got a chance to breathe, lay sprawled on the ground and gasped for air. His pink and white belly was beating with the rhythm of his heart and lungs, showing no sign of reserve at all.

Jin An raised his hand, dumbfounded, and mentioned Hui Daxian, don't let people see those double-breasted clothes everywhere, don't have a carefree personality all day long.

The little girl who originally hid behind Jin An carefully poked her head out at this time. On her face, which was full of spirituality and delicateness like a suet-fat jade sculpture, she opened her big, clean eyes and looked curiously at Jin An, who was "alive and able to move". , long eyelashes fluttering.

Jin An was amused by the frightened little girl who hid behind his robe.

Perhaps it was because his Baijiayi had the aura of old shopkeepers and old tenants, so the little girl was naturally close to him, which was not difficult to understand at all.

At this time, Jin An didn't think that this little girl who was most likely the ghost mother was very scary. She was a giant evildoer who had practiced for thousands of years. On the contrary, he thought that the ghost mother was quite cute. Get into his robe.

Well, as expected, everything is the cutest in childhood, except the cubs of flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches.

Jin An's first meeting with the ghost mother started when the ghost mother was extremely affectionate and dependent on him. This was a good beginning.

Jin An, who was in a good mood, played a little trick on the little girl by turning his bare hands into buns. Sure enough, the little girl opened her eyes wide in shock, looked at Jin An in disbelief, and then looked up at Jin An with admiration.

She was so simple-minded that she couldn't understand how Jin An could turn into a bun with nothing, so she simply regarded Jin An as a Taoist priest who knew the magic of immortality.

In fact, this kind of little magic is just a kind of visual deception. It is not easy to deceive adults, but it is more than enough to make children happy.

Then, Jin An handed the bun in his hand to the little girl. The little girl was a little timid at first. Her little hands nervously grasped his Taoist robe. Jin An showed a dumbfounded expression. The more nervous you are, the tighter your grip on my Taoist robe becomes. What the hell are you doing? Are you nervous about me or not? Jin An couldn't laugh or cry.

In the end, the little girl took the bun from Jin An.

"Thank you, Brother Dao Zhang."

The little girl was very polite and bent towards Jin An to thank him with a nice voice.

Then she couldn't wait to share the steamed buns transformed by the immortal with Gray Immortal. Each person and the mouse ate half of it. She ate an ordinary cold steamed bun with gusto, and her eyes with long eyelashes smiled like two crescent moons. , pat your belly, and you will be satisfied easily.

The dark experience in the inn did not leave a shadow in her heart. She is still the same person she was before, representing the good intentions of the ghost mother.

The darkness and heavy burden that this world has placed on her have never darkened her.

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