White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 541 The four evil talismans that suppress house criminals

The veterans of Laughing Corpse Village were divided into two groups,

One team, led by the fat old man Xikelti, quietly walked toward the front door of Chen's ancestral hall.

The other team was led by an old man whose face was disfigured by the fire. They went to the back door of Chen's ancestral hall. Jin An recognized the disfigured old man and his name was Abboud.

Jin An, who was hiding in the dark, was watching the actions of these people intently, wondering what on earth was in the Chen Ancestral Hall that deserved so many people's attention? Of course, while he was curiously watching, he did not relax his vigilance and continued to pay attention to the movements in other directions, guarding against the leaders of the Black Rain Kingdom who had not yet appeared.

"I hope Ah Ping and Fifteen, who are out hunting ghosts, will notice the anomaly here as soon as possible and come back to join us as soon as possible." Jin An whispered, a little worried about Ah Ping and Fifteen.

At this time, it was also a critical moment for the veterans of Laughing Corpse Village.

Those veterans of Laughing Corpse Village must have tested the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall before. When they approached the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall again this time, they seemed to be familiar with the road and came well prepared.

The group of people led by the fat old man Xikelti to the front door were the first to arrive. They stopped about ten steps away from the blood coffin, and then each took out two yellow talismans. The spiritual sparkle is not an ordinary object, it is definitely a spiritual talisman that has been illuminated by an expert.

Although he was far away and could not see clearly what the yellow talismans were, Jin An felt that one of the yellow talismans should be a corpse suppressing talisman, which was used to suppress the blood coffins, but what was the other yellow talisman for? use?

But he quickly figured out its purpose.

I saw veterans like Xikelti attaching another yellow talisman to their bodies, and then they dared to hold the corpse-suppressing talisman and approach the circle of blood coffins. It turns out that the yellow talismans attached to the body are similar to breath-absorbing talismans, which can temporarily blind the living person's Yang Fire and breath, and deceive the unclean things in the blood coffin.

When they got close to the blood coffin, these veterans began to seal the corpse-suppressing charms in their hands on the lid of the blood coffin, and then took out long nails from their arms to nail the blood coffin shut.

"Huh? Are they coffin nails? There are so many coffin nails. Where did these people find them? They must have dug up the ancestral graves of many people." Looking at the sneaky movements of these people throughout the process, Jin An let out a cry of surprise. .

These blood coffins clearly have a great background. Ordinary coffin nails will definitely not be able to suppress the corpse's aura. Only those old coffin nails that have been buried underground for a long time and have absorbed the corpse's aura and evil spirits can suppress the contents of the blood coffin. .

Jin An suddenly said: "No wonder he has been calm these days, it turned out that he was looking for so many coffin nails."

Then, he frowned and muttered: "Compared to so many coffin nails, I am more curious about where these people's yellow talismans came from, and who is secretly helping the leader of the Black Rain Kingdom and the Laughing Corpse Manor. veteran?"

Just when Jin An frowned and searched everywhere for traces of the leader of the Black Rain Kingdom and several demons of the Black Rain Kingdom, at this time, the veterans of the Laughing Corpse Manor, who were separated into two groups, had quickly suppressed them with corpse-suppressing charms and coffin nails. Seal the blood coffin.

Suddenly, in the empty night, there was the sound of footsteps.

A little old Taoist priest with his hands clasped in front of his chest, wearing a Taoist crown and a black water Taoist robe, less than five feet tall, walked on tiptoes, passed through the archway at the entrance of the neighborhood, entered the neighborhood, and walked towards the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall.

Jin An looked slightly surprised.

He had been paying attention to the movements around him, but he never noticed where the short old Taoist priest came from, as if he suddenly emerged from the ground?

Walking on tiptoes, does this mean you are possessed? If you are not possessed, then you are not a human being?

And because his back was turned, he couldn't see clearly what his face looked like.

This short old Taoist priest who suddenly appeared was full of mystery.

The reaction of the veterans of Laughing Corpse Village was even more strange. Facing the short old Taoist priest who suddenly appeared, the two parties seemed to know each other. The veterans of Laughing Corpse Village were not surprised at all, but were very respectful to him.

It's a pity that we are far apart.

Jin An couldn't hear what the two parties said after they met.

I only saw the short old Taoist priest surrounding Chen's ancestral hall giving away talismans. With the sound of thunder, four great generals rolled up in the four corners of the southeast, northwest and south-west corners of Chen's ancestral hall. One of the four great generals held a sword, one held an umbrella, and another held an umbrella. Pipa, one person holds a red dragon.


At night, the Chen Family Ancestral Hall was shaken!

The short old Taoist priest is finally going to take action against the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall!

Jin An, who saw all this from a distance, thought with his eyes: "Is this the four evil talismans for suppressing house criminals?"

As the name suggests.

This four-evil talisman for suppressing house inmates is used to house the house and exorcise evil spirits, and to ward off evil spirits and get rid of evil spirits.

The short old Taoist priest has some skills and plans to use this talisman to attack and break the overwhelming Yin Qi in the Yin Tower of Chen's Ancestral Hall, and then enter the Chen's Ancestral Hall to find what he wants.

This four-evil talisman for suppressing house criminals is truly a magical talisman to keep the house at bay. As expected, the things in the Yin Tower of the Chen Family Ancestral Hall were temporarily suppressed. The Yin Qi including the ancestral hall and the neighborhood were temporarily dissipated. At this time, they were no longer The night was so dark that Jin An could see most of the scenes in the neighborhood clearly even without the copper coins under his tongue.

Next, the short old Taoist priest and other veterans of Laughing Corpse Village began to enter the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall to look for what they were looking for.

But Jin An still did not act rashly.

He had an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if everything was going too smoothly, so smoothly that it made people think that the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall was nothing more than that.

It's nothing like what A Ping said about the conflict between yin and yang, the fierce place between dragon and tiger's den.

If Jin'an hadn't known Aping, a local aborigine, and learned about the past of the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall in advance, he might have actually believed that the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall was nothing more than that.

What made him uneasy was not just because everything went so smoothly, but also because the leader of the Black Rain Kingdom and several other Black Rain Kingdom demons never showed up.

Jin An continued to hide in the dark, observing what happened after the short old Taoist priest and the veterans of Laughing Corpse Village entered the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall.

After entering the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, these people did not immediately go straight to the Yin Tower. Instead, they began to search through some dilapidated buildings in the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, gradually approaching the deep Yin Tower.

If it had been someone else, he would probably have been unable to hold back his impatience at this time. He was afraid of falling behind and not being able to eat meat, so he had quietly lurked towards the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall.

But Jin An was not impatient.

He is still observing patiently.

The closer the critical moment comes, the more important it is to remain calm and not to rush forward greedily for success. There is no shortage of examples in the world of things capsizing at the last moment.


There are sneaky people at night, taking advantage of the darkness and concealment of the alley to quickly approach the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall.

Sure enough, the area was not peaceful at all, and other dormant forces finally couldn't wait any longer and began to surface gradually.

Just when Jin An was about to see who that person was, boom!

A huge explosion sounded from a few streets away, with smoke and dust billowing from the place. It was a big noise caused by the collapse of many buildings.

In the smoke and dust, I could hear Shi Fifteen's ferocious roar!

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