White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 553 Strange Death


Just as Jin An finished speaking, there was a noise of jackdaws outside the hospital.

A crow's head suddenly lowered from the eaves and looked into the medical center. It looked like a ghost and had a ghostly appearance.

Especially those cold eyes, which flashed with human-like cold-blooded ruthlessness, were staring at Jin An and the three people in the hospital.

Among the three, the girl with the red umbrella had the strongest ability to prick people. She was the first to sense the prying eyes. When she looked up at the crow that looked like a ghost spy, the crow croaked, then flapped its wings and flew away. .

Looking at the crow flying away, Aping looked at Jin An with even more admiration, and said in a respectful tone: "Taoist Master Jin An, you are really amazing. You have really guessed everything. Three ominous signs. Now it is really true." All of them showed up.”

Jin An was not conceited. He shook his head slightly and said: "This is not a random guess. It is actually a harmful method in our industry. Those evil spirits and Mr. Yin and Yang who have evil intentions like to use this method to harm ordinary people. He was so frightened that his soul came out of his body, so that he could seize the opportunity to take away the three souls and seven souls of the person."

A Ping: "What should we do next, Master Jin'an?"

"There is a dead man hanging in the house, an old dog is digging a hole outside the house, and a crow is perching on a branch to announce his death. We have also searched the entire house and cannot find anyone else. This is a dead end."

Following A Ping's gaze, it turned out that the crow flew not far away and then landed on a dead tree. While combing its feathers with its sharp beak, it glanced at them from time to time with its cold, round eyes. Are you confirming whether they are dead?

Speaking of this, A Ping said thoughtfully: "According to Taoist Master Jin'an, since this is an ominous sign, someone will be mourning if they bump into it, and someone will definitely die suddenly. Why don't we strike first and kill this person?" If there is only one corpse, one dog and one crow, no one will die?"

Jin An still observed the surroundings calmly and replied in a calm voice: "You have forgotten that there are unknown funerals and shady weddings for the dead outside. Isn't it just right for us to go out and kill old black dogs and crows? Got off the road and died outside?"

A Ping felt a little nauseous when he encountered something that used his brain. Although he had no brain, he said discouragedly: "This won't work, that won't work either. Then are we going to be trapped in this place forever?"

At this time, the body of the dead man hanging on the beam above his head gradually stopped shaking and became still. Jin An raised his head and looked at the still body, and said to A Ping: "This man was not hanged in the first place. He died first in the medical center and then was hung from the rafters, and this is a medical center that saves lives and heals the wounded. I think the reason why this person died in the medical center is not simple, and maybe there are some clues that can be found in him."

"Aping, put him down and let's look around to see if we can find any clues in him that could help us."

Soon, the body was taken down by Aping and placed on the bamboo and rattan bed.

Several reactions will occur after a person dies. Rigor mortis will appear first, and then corpse spots will appear under the skin. After a day or two, the body will soften again. If it is not stored properly, it will start to decay in less than seven days.

The dead man in front of him has no rigor mortis and no obvious signs of decay. It is estimated that the time of death should be two to seven days, and the first seven days have not even passed.

The marks of strangulation after death are different from those before death. Deep bruises will appear when people are hanged before death, and there are traces of repeated friction, because the human survival instinct will make a struggle before death.

There are several other characteristics of death by hanging before death, such as congestion under the eyes and blood spots in the lungs and heart. These are the most prominent features of death by hanging before death.

There are not so many obvious clues for people who are hung after death. The neck strangulation marks are usually very thin and smooth. People can move and are not stationary like stones. Unless they are killed first and then hung up, there will be no clues. When you are in pain, you will naturally lose your ability to survive.

The neck strangulation marks on this corpse fell into the second category, so their previous guess was correct. The man was already dead when he was first covered with a white cloth and placed on the bamboo and rattan bed.

Jin An analyzed and said while observing the corpse and not letting go of any suspicious details.

A Ping, who was standing aside, sincerely admired Jin An's courage. He looked at the other person and raised his left hand to look closer, and then moved his neck back and forth to check his neck. He was curious, didn't Taoist Jin An worry about the dead person lying there? Did he suddenly sit up?

He had forgotten that he was half human and half paper. When it came to scaring people, he was much scarier than the dead.

And there was a real person standing next to him.

Facing these two inhuman companions every day, even ordinary people have long been brave enough to be brave, and they really are not necessarily afraid of ordinary corpses.

A Ping couldn't hide too many things on his mind, so he asked when he was curious. Jin An answered without raising his head: "If you don't do something bad, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If he really doesn't come, I, a god, won't be able to hear it." The wooden slap made his head spin and his soul was in a state of disbelief."


A Ping thought of Chi Kuan, who had a towering head, and subconsciously raised his hand to touch his forehead.

He changed the topic: "Taoist Jin An, you know so much. Taoist Jin An, you are so knowledgeable, you seem to know everything. Nothing can stump you. Where did you learn all this?"

Jin An was still observing the corpse, and still answered without raising his head: "Some of them were taught to me by an old Taoist priest, and some of them were influenced by my own eyes and ears. However, compared with the "Record of Collecting Corpses", these skills of mine can only be regarded as nothing. Shang Weimo, if you give me time to thoroughly understand "The Record of Collecting Corpses", then I can get a glimpse of one of the three thousand avenues. That "Record of Corpses" is a stunning work that collects the painstaking efforts of our ancestors from ancient and modern times."

A Ping had an impression of "Collection of Corpses". It was a strange book that Jin An got at the Fu Shou store.

Although he was talking, it did not delay Jin An's autopsy at all. While talking, Jin An had already completed the autopsy in the autopsy room.

During this period, no corpse fraud occurred as A Ping said.

Jin An frowned and straightened up.

Aping asked: "What's wrong, Taoist Master Jin'an?"

Jin An: "The death of this man was very strange. There were no wounds on his body. He didn't look like he had died of illness and was emaciated, nor did he look like he had been poisoned. His skin, nails, lips, and tongue were all different colors. And looking at the constriction marks on his neck, He was obviously hung up after death, but his eyes were bloodshot. The cause of death is inconsistent and a bit unexplainable..."

Jin An was still frowning and thinking.

A Ping was a little confused, and it took him a while to figure it out: "Taoist Master Jin'an said that this person looks like he was hanged to death, but not like he was hanged to death?"

Jin An walked back and forth twice and suddenly stood up. He thought of a key detail: "No matter how he died, one thing is clear. Before he was sent to the hospital, he was definitely still alive and not dead. He died after being sent to the hospital."

"How on earth can a person appear to have been hanged to death but not appear to have been hanged to death, and still have no scars on his body, so that no one can find out the real cause of death?"

"Perhaps if we solve this mystery, we will be able to know the truth of that year. This corpse was placed in such a conspicuous place in the medical center. It cannot be for no reason. It must be related to the rise and fall of the medical center and the Chen family's clever land grab. The Chen Clan Ancestral Hall has close ties.”

"Finding out the true cause of death of this body should be the key to solving the problem." Jin An said firmly.

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