White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 559 Chen’s Ancestral Hall


The ancestral hall of this five-story wooden structure building is where the Yin Tower is located.

However, at this time, the Chen Ancestral Hall has not yet suffered major changes, and the Chen family has not yet been exterminated, so it cannot be called the Yin Tower yet. It is still the ancestral hall that worships the ancestors of the Chen family.

When the Chen clan leader heard that there were many blood coffins outside the ancestral hall, his expression changed drastically. Even Jin An and the other three had no time to question him, so he and several clan elders hurriedly walked out of the ancestral hall to check on the blood coffins.

On the contrary, the three people from Jin'an, who had made many preliminary plans in their minds, stood in the ancestral hall in a daze for a while.

In the end, the old concierge asked Jin An and the others to go to the backyard to sleep first, and then he followed the clan leader away with a worried look on his face.

At this time, there was still an elder of the clan and several young disciples of the Chen family who were strong and armed with sharp knives at their waists left in the ancestral hall. Jin An was worried that he would be exposed if he stayed too long, so he saluted and said goodbye to the clan elders who stayed behind, with a red face. The umbrella girl Zhizha Ren and Aping left the ancestral hall and slowly found the way to the backyard.

It is strange to say that whether it is the old concierge, the troupe singing on the stage, or the people of the Chen family in front of them, they all look at the red umbrella girl Zhizhao and Aping calmly, as if they regard them as ordinary people. people?

After leaving the ancestral hall, we have to pass by the large stage where only the troupe is singing and there is no audience. At this time, the stage has reached the final critical moment of Zhong Kui's exorcism. A leopard-headed man with ringed eyes, an iron face and curled temples, wearing an official robe and holding a sword. Zhong Kui has already fought against the big ghost.

The story of Zhong Kui's exorcism here is probably about a place where plague has been plagued for years and the people are in dire straits. The heavenly master Zhong Kui happened to pass by this place. In the end, it was found that the body of a drowned person was exposed in the wilderness. There were no relatives or friends to help bury the body. Resentment turned into hatred. A plague ghost pollutes water sources and causes plagues for years.

The plague ghost on the stage is extremely ugly, with a green face and a wide mouth, and unkempt hair. It vilifies the evil ghost and beautifies the local people.

You don’t need to think about it to know that Zhong Kui, the plague ghost, and the innocent people who died tragically on the stage are the current scene of the metaphor.

Zhong Kui is the ancestor enshrined by the Chen family in the ancestral hall.

The innocent people were the Chen family who were afraid and took refuge in the ancestral hall.

The plague ghosts are the innocent people killed by the Chen family when they robbed the medical center.

Jin An, who originally planned to bypass the stage, saw that Zhong Kui was exorcising the demon at the last moment. He paused and wanted to see the final outcome. But at this moment, the clan elder who stayed in the ancestral hall appeared silently like a ghost. At the door of the ancestral hall, he looked straight at Jin An with a gloomy expression on his face.

Behind the clan elder stood several young disciples of the Chen family, all of whom stared at the Jin An trio with unkind eyes.

It seemed like a living person stopped to watch the show. What taboos were violated?

Jin An didn't want to cause trouble, so he looked at each other calmly with the people in the ancestral hall before leaving, then walked around the stage and headed towards the backyard.

Hiding outside the neighborhood for the past few days, through constant observation from high places, they have already become familiar with the topography and environment of the Chen Ancestral Hall. Although they do not know the specific route leading to the backyard, they can guess based on their memory. They are inseparable from each other.

This Chen Clan Ancestral Hall is really weird everywhere. Except for the gatehouse, stage, and ancestral hall, other places are very quiet.

Except for a few scattered lanterns that did not provide lighting but made the ancestral hall even darker and gloomier, I did not meet anyone else or hear any other voices along the way.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, when you were in the Yin Tower just now, I saw something wrong with your expression. Did you see something in the Yin Tower?" On the way, Aping saw that the night was calm and no one was eavesdropping, so he continued walking. Ask Xiang Jinan quietly.

Jin An was thinking about something and didn't hear it at first. A Ping shouted for the second time and he came back to his senses: "Indeed, I made some discoveries in the Chen family's ancestral hall..."

When he told what he had discovered after combining "Shenfeng Tongkao" and "Yin Yang Qingsang Sutra", A Ping once again looked at Jin An with admiration. After the encounters along the way, Jin An has become omnipotent in A Ping's eyes. That expression already made Jin An look like a god.

Even the mute and cool-looking lady in red umbrella looked sideways at him.

Jin An, who noticed the details from the corner of his eyes, subconsciously straightened his waist, raised his head and raised his chest.

The girl in red umbrella turned her head and stopped looking at Jin An.

On the contrary, A Ping looked at Jin An who straightened his chest and felt that the back of the Taoist robe in the hazy night was as majestic, thick and extraordinary as a towering mountain.

I feel even more that Jin'an has an immortal spirit, an ethereal air of immortality, and an immortal demeanor that is both tolerant and magnanimous.

Perhaps because the ancestral hall is too high and the five-story building blocks the light, the already dark ancestral hall becomes even darker when you go around the back of the ancestral hall.

Looking back at the back of the ancestral hall, it is dark, hazy, and dark. It is not as brightly lit as the front, and gradually feels a bit like a ghost tower.

There are quite a few houses behind the ancestral hall, all of them are gloomy and do not look like they are for people to live in. Except for a few lanterns in the corridor that do not provide much lighting, every house is pitch black. one slice.

That's why Jin An said that these houses didn't look like they were for people to live in.

In fact, the ancestral hall is a place to invite ghosts and gods, not a place for living people to live.

Seeing that these houses were all similar, Jin An chose one at random to live in. He couldn't just knock on the door and ask if anyone was there. Can I move in?

He thought that was too much trouble.

I don't know whether it was bad luck or good luck. After a random selection, the house was so clean that there was no trace of a ghost. Only the three of them and a mouse lived in it.

A Ping's eyes showed admiration: "Taoist Master Jin'an, you are getting more and more amazing. How do you know that there is no one in this room, which is suitable for us to lurk and observe the situation of the Chen family and the ancestral hall?"

Although this place is far away from the ancestral hall, because of the quiet night, the singing and opera sounds on the stage at the ancestral hall can still be heard clearly.

In this strange, quiet ancestral hall that worships the dead and ghosts and gods, listening to the high-pitched singing of people straining their throats late at night brings with it a particularly depressing and dull atmosphere.

Those who are a little braver may have been frightened to the point of getting goosebumps.

After the three people settled in, they did not take a lazy break, but began to discuss countermeasures, discuss how to face the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall next, and deduce all possible scenarios.

They were caught in the dangerous situation of the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, where yin and yang conflicted, and had to take some precautions in advance.

At this time, Zhong Kui's battle with the big ghost on the stage did not know which stage he had reached, and his singing voice became more and more shrill and miserable.

Just as the three of them were discussing, there were suddenly footsteps and complaints outside. The sound came from the old concierge. It seemed like he was complaining that someone was caught running around in the dark again?


With a sharp light in Jin An's eyes, he stood up curiously and came to the door, opened the door and looked outside.

Aping also followed him out of curiosity.

Only the girl wearing a red umbrella sat motionless.

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