White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 564 The Eight Trigrams and the Human Bone Mirror

Jin An's eyes flickered, and he jumped into the cellar of the ancestral hall again with the red umbrella girl Zhi Zha and A Ping.

He had discovered long ago that the underground was extending in all directions, and perhaps the disappeared Chen family was hiding in these tunnels.

The underground passage was narrow and was not conducive to the flexible movement of Shiwu's body. Jin'an kept Shiwu on the ground and was responsible for protecting the safety of the seventeen human bone lanterns.

There are four passages under the cellar, each at the four corners of the southeast, northwest and northwest. At this time, the great gray fairy with a good nose comes in handy again.

Everyone was simmering with anger. Without any delay on the way, three people and one mouse walked into one of the passages.

This underground passage is just like the ground. No lighting can be brought in, so a few people moved forward in the dark.

The tunnel was darker and gloomier than the environment on the ground. It also had a strange corpse smell from the burning corpse oil that had accumulated all year round, and a feeling of suffocation and lack of oxygen due to the lack of underground air circulation. All in all, the experience was not pleasant.

This darkness did not have much impact on the red umbrella girl Zhizhao and Aping. Jin An pressed his tongue on the dark side of the Five Emperors copper coin and opened his yin and yang eyes, and his vision was slightly able to adapt to the dark environment. It was the thin air that made Jin An I had to lower my breathing rate to maintain sufficient strength.

However, the consequence of this is that people can easily become sleepy and drowsy in an oxygen-deprived environment.

Jin An felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier as he walked, and his eyelids were as heavy as lead. He tried to cheer himself up several times, but soon he would feel sleepy again. He didn't know whether it was because the underground space was narrow and the air was thin, or because the tunnel itself was different. Ordinary.

Just when Jin An's eyelids became heavy and he was drowsy, a woman's cry suddenly came to his ears. Jin An was alert and suddenly woke up.

"This cry seems to be coming from behind the corner in front?" Jin An, who had the Five Emperors copper coin under his tongue, said with difficulty in speaking and his speech was a bit unclear.

As a result, when he turned around, he found that the red umbrella girl Zhizharen and Aping, who had been walking with him, was no longer around.

There was no one around, not a soul around.

He shouted several times, but no one responded. Only the sound of the woman crying from the front of the tunnel continued.

Jin An approached carefully, turned the corner, and saw the injured red umbrella girl Zhi Zharen leaning against the wall and crying, and A Ping's black-backed iron knife fell on the ground.

"Taoist Master Jin'an saved me. Aping suddenly went crazy and wanted to kill me. What fell to the ground was the weapon he used to hurt me..."


Before the girl in red umbrella could finish pleading for help, Jin An picked up the black-backed iron knife on the ground. It was a sharp cold knife stained with blood. His movements were crisp and sharp, and he slashed hard without any hesitation. The light of the knife split the air. .




The broad kitchen knife smeared a thin red line on the neck of the red umbrella girl. The red line gradually expanded, and a beautiful head fell backwards and rolled to the ground.

"You dare to do tricks in front of me with this little trick, and you have to pretend to be a girl in red." Jin An threw away the iron knife in his hand and snorted disdainfully.

The hallucination disappeared before his eyes. There was a headless corpse and an iron knife on the ground. The headless corpse was sitting against the wall. The wall behind him was stained with blood. There was blood from his life and black corpse blood spurted out after his head was cut off. .

Spreading a large area of ​​black, red, and red on the wall is so disgusting and smelly.

However, this headless corpse is not a person stuck in paper, but a young member of the Chen family wearing the clothes of the Chen family. The head that fell next to him looks familiar to Jin An. It is one of the young children who stayed in the ancestral hall not long ago. one person. The man's fatal injury was a penetrating wound to his chest, his heart was lost, and he died of excessive blood loss.

In fact, the red umbrella girl Zhizha Ren and Aping were still standing with Jin An at this time and were not lost. It was all an illusion just now.

At this time, Aping looked at Jin An strangely: "Taoist Master Jin An, did you see the girl in red when you were blinded by a ghost just now?"

After saying that, A Ping looked at Jin An again with a strange look: "Taoist Master Jin An, your sword is quick, accurate, and ruthless. It's not sloppy at all. You just kill the girl in red. It's true." Without any hesitation, fortunately, Taoist Priest Jin An, you didn’t kill the wrong person, otherwise you would have turned into a girl in red and lie headless... Taoist Priest Jin An, you didn’t use Baijiayi to invite the gods to get on top of you. How did you see through it so quickly? Hallucination?"

A Ping didn't say it was okay. The red umbrella girl who had been observing the corpses of the Chen family on the ground turned around and looked directly at Jin An with a pair of beautiful eyes. Jin An could see why Jin An felt a chill on the back of his neck. Jin An laughed, and then talked about the experience just now.

But it was obvious that the girl in red umbrella was different from ordinary women. She was smart and smart and was not easy to fool. She still looked at Jin An calmly with her eyes.

Jin An coughed dryly, and seemed to be explaining to A Ping seriously, but in fact he was secretly telling someone around him: "All good-looking skins are the same, but in this world, there is a lot of beauty and inner beauty. She is as refined as the Kunlun Fairy. There is only one girl! Not to mention that men are extremely stunning when they see her. She doesn’t know the taste of meat in March. Even if she sees a goddess, she will feel inferior to her. How can a small blind trick be able to transform the unique temperament of the girl in red in the world? She is simply to the girl in red. Such humiliation! How can I tolerate such a young mandrill that tarnishes the Kunlun fairy-like image of the girl in red in my heart? I am sworn in with them and vow to kill her!"


Such explicit and disgusting words made even the little beast like Gray Fairy feel goosebumps. He quickly ran into the basket and continued to accompany the little girl. Human beings are too complicated, but these two little ones are the simplest and most innocent.

A Ping looked at Jin An in shock.

He must have this eloquence.

Can bring life to the dead.

Why worry that the bun shop run by the couple will be out of business!

Next, Jin An changed the topic and began to ask himself what happened just now. Actually, the whole thing is not complicated. Not long after the three people and one mouse descended into the tunnel, they discovered the corpse of the Chen family in front of them. Of course, the corpse had not been decapitated by Jin An at that time. Just when the two of them were observing the corpse to look for clues, they encountered the evil spirit. As if terrified, Jin An suddenly raised his knife and chopped off the head of the corpse. Finally, he mentioned the girl in red with disdain...


Jin An knelt down and dropped the topic in the name of autopsy.

"This man's fatal injury was a penetrating wound to his chest. Judging from the traces of the wound, it appears that his chest was penetrated by human hands with great force."

"Even because of the huge disparity in strength between the two, he didn't even have a chance to resist, because there were no signs of a fight in the aisle."

"Not long after I entered the tunnel, I felt drowsy and mentally exhausted, and then I had hallucinations. It should be related to inhaling too much corpse poison emitted by decaying corpses in a closed and narrow space. Because the girl in red is related to Ah Ping does not need to breathe air and is immune to corpse qi, so he is not affected."

Seeing that no useful clues could be found on the corpse, the three of them continued to move forward.

After what happened just now, Jin An was awake all the way and no longer sleepy. After walking for a while, they entered a dead end.

Jin An trusted Hui Daxian's nose very much and believed that Hui Daxian would not smell wrong. Since he directed them to come here, it must mean that there is something going on here.

In the end, Jin An discovered the abnormality. He faintly smelled the unique smell of pickled bamboo shoots in the tunnel. Although the smell was very slight, he definitely smelled it. As he asked A Ping to use a knife to split open an earthen wall in front of him, he found that the wall was There is a mezzanine at the back.

Behind the earthen wall is a cellar containing many fruits, vegetables, and smoked meats. However, these stored foods are rotten, and the surface is covered with thick dust, indicating that no one has touched these things for a long time, and the sour smell that was smelled before The smell of bamboo shoots leaked from one of the clay pots.

There was a wooden ladder in the cellar that led all the way to the ground above. Just when the three of them were about to step up to the ladder, huh? With a cry of surprise, they found some fresh footprints on the ground, leading to the direction of the ladder.

Jin An was overjoyed: "The Gray Immortal has made another great contribution."

When the three of them came back to the ground, they found that it was a dark room without moonlight or candlelight. As soon as they came out, they all smelled the smell of blood.

There were two people lying motionless in a pool of blood on the ground. When they got closer, they discovered that they were the two veterans of Laughing Corpse Village who had left the backyard at the beginning. Both of them had bled to death, and their bodies were still warm, indicating that they had just died. Died soon.

One of the corpses was still very familiar to Jin An. It was the fat old man Xikelti who always had a smile on his face and forced them to eat camel meat in the Laughing Corpse Village.

Seeing how it took several generations of people to finally find the Kingdom of the Immortal God after going through countless dangers and hardships, but ended up dying quietly and miserably in an unknown corner, Jin An suddenly felt a little sad. It was not that he pitied these veterans of Laughing Corpse Manor. But there is some lamentation about the impermanence of life and death.


The amulet Jin An wore on his chest was faintly hot!

At this moment, Aping spoke alertly: "There are other people here! Be careful!"

The Yin energy did not come from the two dead bodies on the ground, but from this room.

In the end, it was the girl in red umbrella who was sensitive to Yin Qi, and she found the source of Yin Qi. The Yin Qi came from a human bone mirror hanging on the wall behind the curtain. The surface was engraved with,,,,,,,, eight Sutra hexagram diagram.

In front of the Tianyuan Earth Human Bone Mirror, a large group of figures were kneeling. These people were motionless, just like very devout believers. Although they could only see their backs and not their faces, through their clothes and figures, the three of them recognized at a glance that these people were the missing Chen family patriarch, clan elder, concierge old man and other Chen clan members.

They clearly heard the movement behind them, but these people still knelt down and worshiped in front of the human bone mirror in Tianyuan Place, as if they didn't hear it, and as if they were dead? He kept his bowing posture unchanged, and the atmosphere in this dark room where people couldn't see anything was indescribably weird.

The moment he saw the human bone realm, Jin An frowned. The human bone mirror and the human bone lantern, even the most stupid person can think of the connection between the two at this moment.

It seems that the prosperity of several generations of the Chen family is related to the human bone mirror they obtained by chance. Moreover, the Chen family originally wanted to build the Bagua Tower, which was also built for the human bone mirror with the Eight Classics and Trigrams engraved on it. Use the Feng Shui treasure land to nurture this mirror and refine it to create more powerful magical powers.

It's just that this human bone mirror is contrary to the harmony of heaven, and even God can't stand it. The geomantic treasure land has become a vicious cave where yin and yang conflict, and dragons and tigers fight. It collapses every time it is built.

From the moment he saw this human bone mirror, Jin An thought a lot, and even guessed... Find a geomantic treasure land, build a Bagua Tower, absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, and integrate the innate and acquired spirits into one body, so that he can become a Yin God and improve his Taoism. , perhaps it was not the idea of ​​the Chen family, but that this evil magic weapon had already developed its own consciousness! Understand self-cultivation!

Because he remembered that in "Guangping Youshuo Synaesthesia" written by Guangping Sanren, Guangping Sanren once encountered a strange case among the people. A corrupt official abandoned the court in order to pursue promotion and wealth. Tsuna ignored it and invited a wild god to live in his home.

The wild god didn't ask for anything at first. He only asked for a few sticks of incense every day to satisfy the corrupt official's wish. Over the next period of time, the corrupt official found that everything went smoothly and everything went as he wished. He solved several murder cases and got Appreciated by superiors, the official career is bright.

But just when his colleagues thought that this person had a bright career, this corrupt official suddenly died mysteriously in the yamen, and even the official could not find out the cause of his death. If the cause of death cannot be ascertained, documents cannot be issued, and the body remains in the mourning hall and cannot be buried.

Seeing that the first seven days were over, the corpse was rotting day by day and emitting a foul odor. The official's house was in a smoky atmosphere, and guests and relatives fled. The corpse was rotting in the coffin but no one was watching for it in the mourning hall. After death, it ended up in a miserable state.

Naturally, the Yamen couldn't just sit back and ignore this matter. They dispatched several police officers one after another, but still could not find out the specific cause of death... Until that day, Guangping San people were passing by here and heard about this bizarre murder case, so they curiously went to the official's home to find out. The evil spirit that the officials invited into the house was causing trouble.

The evil god really wanted nothing at first, but as it satisfied more and more demands of corrupt officials, and saw that the desires of corrupt officials were growing day by day, it became dissatisfied with only seeking incense and love, and began to eat the flesh and blood of animals and raw people. Flesh and blood, eating children's flesh and blood, this evil god's desire is as swollen as that of the corrupt official. Our ancestors always said that the human heart is not enough and a snake swallows an elephant. Even this evil god is the same. This evil god tries to get his hands on the dragon veins of the imperial court and cultivate himself into a righteous god, so that the evil god can become a righteous god. A corrupt official writes an invitation and secretly stamps it with the official seal. He wants to be honest and invite him to live in the yamen, which will attract a hundred years of luck.

As a result, when I saw the "Ming Mirror Hanging High" plaque in the lobby of the Yamen, the evil spirit was immediately revealed. The corrupt official and the evil spirit were both physically and spiritually destroyed. That's why the autopsy on the deceased could not find out the cause of death no matter what.

The plaque on the hanging mirror hanging in the lobby of the Yamen has had a profound meaning since ancient times. It can clearly discern the truth, distinguish right from wrong, and illuminate people's hearts. Behind the four words "miracle hanging high" there are also four words "Heaven will punish the earth".

The reason why Jin An thought of "Guangping Youshuo Synaesthesia" at this time was because he felt that the human bone mirror in front of him and the evil god in the story were both based on the same principle. They both used human greed and dissatisfaction to lure people into depravity step by step. Hell is contrary to the harmony of heaven. In the end, it is all about trying to peep into the mysteries of heaven and earth, and to make progress in the Tao.

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