White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 567 Jin An’s third choice!

When Jin An wanted to reawaken A Ping, he did not relax his guard against the bone mirror. He also noticed the playful smile of the shadow in the mirror.

At this moment, the girl in red umbrella beside her started to move. She couldn't sit back and ignore A Ping's life and death, but she just fell into the trap set by the Human Skeleton Mirror.

The red-clothed umbrella girl looked at the human bone mirror with piercing eyes. Behind her, the chains of Yin Qi soul-enchanting chains and blood-light soul-enchanting chains were like thousands of arrows, fiercely stabbing at the human bone mirror in front of her.

Plan to break the human bone mirror on the spot.

However, the attacks of these soul-enchanting chains all failed, and none of them successfully attacked the human bone mirror.

This is like the fact that the reflection of a fish seen by a person standing on the shore of a lake is in a different position than the reflection of a fish seen underwater. There are too many mirrors in this room, and the layers of light and shadow are reflected like the rugged lake surface. Look It seems calm, but it is difficult to see the true position of the human bone mirror in the room.

The red umbrella girl's mask was pierced by frost, and the Yin Qi on her body exploded. The extremely sharp chains behind her were killing people indiscriminately in the room, but even so, they were still unable to attack the true position of the human bone mirror.

This is another scary aspect of the human bone mirror.

The reason why the mirrors used daily by people can see the other side of a person is because the mirror can overlap space. The eight prisms and sixteen prisms are like the principle of Tai Chi that generates two phenomena, two phenomena generate four images, and four images generate Bagua. In one space It can reflect countless spaces. You never know what you see in front of you is the truth? Or is it fantasy?

The attack failed again and again, and the frost on the girl's face became even colder. This time she opened the red umbrella in her hand, and bloody runes burst out from the surface of the red umbrella, illuminating the room with blazing blood and gloomy energy. The walls, furniture, beams, ground beneath the feet, and curtains were all covered with sinister blood-written runes.

But wherever it was illuminated by the blood light, it was melting and smoking.

She was planning to demolish the entire mirror room.

However, she quickly stopped, because these blood runes were indiscriminate attacks. The closer they were to her, the brighter the blood light. Before she could find the location of the human bone mirror, Jin An and A Ping, who were close at hand, were the first to be hit. No.

At this time, the shadows reflected in the human bone mirror showed that the skin of Jin An and Aping was cracked, and the bones were visible in the wounds. According to this scenario, there was no need for her to find the position of the human bone mirror first, and the two closest to her were the first to bear the pain. Constantly crashing.

Regardless of the pain of the two people around her, the red-clothed umbrella girl was still flooding the room with blood, attacking indiscriminately.

But after only holding on for three breaths, she sighed.

In the end, she couldn't bring herself to be cruel. She didn't dare to bet on whether the scene of the two of them collapsing was real or illusory. Jin An was the person she was most bound to, and A Ping was the person she cared about the most. It wouldn't matter if one of them was missing.

This is the clever way the bone mirror plays with people's minds.

Let you know that hope is in front of you, but use kindness as bait again and again, making you make words and deeds that do not mean it.

The girl in red umbrella put away her red umbrella and took the first step, then the second step, and the third step. She passed through the rows of Chen clan members who were kneeling motionless, planning to go there and break the human bone mirror in person. .

Just when she was halfway there, A Ping was revealed in the human bone mirror and completely completed his blackening. He began to lose control and went to kill Jin An. Jin An did not resist and was still trying to awaken A Ping's mind. However, A Ping, who had completed the black transformation, completely His mind was controlled by three little demons, and he began to kill Jin An regardless of his past feelings.

Jin An was forced into a desperate situation step by step, but still didn't want to do anything to A Ping.

At a critical moment, Jin An accidentally turned his back to the human bone mirror. It was this momentary omission that finally allowed the evil god living in the human bone mirror to seize the opportunity.

Although Jin An had turned around immediately, it was still too late.

Jin An's shadow in the human bone mirror showed a cruel sneer. It inserted its hands into the chest and violently opened two rows of sternum, revealing the bloody internal organs...


This was the second stinging sigh of the girl in red. Seeing her reflected in the mirror, she finally couldn't help but turn her head and look behind her, planning to save Jin An. Whether it was true or not, she couldn't bet on it. rise.

And there is a saying that care leads to chaos.

Attacking the heart is the top, attacking the city is the bottom; fighting with the heart is the top, fighting with soldiers is the bottom. Those who are good at scheming are best at taking advantage of this.

The girl in red umbrella turned her head and saw that both Jin An and A Ping were safe and sound. Jin An was guarding A Ping safely and was looking at her in astonishment. Then she turned into an anxious expression and shouted at her. With.

Seeing that the person she was most bound to was safe and sound, the girl in red umbrella tried her best to smile, but for the person with the paper tie, her face was cold all day long and she was unable to make any small movements. It was impossible for her to make small movements of facial muscles. Finally, her eyes smiled slightly, and that smile bloomed like a hundred flowers. This was her first time to smile, and her smile was alluring. The pink and white in the Sixth Palace were colorless, with With the poignant beauty of flowers dying in an instant.

She made a slight shake of her head.

She signaled Jin An not to come to rescue her.

Later, she made the same choice as A Ping, planning to sacrifice herself to hold back the human bone mirror to buy Jin An and A Ping enough time to escape.

This time, her whole body erupted with unparalleled majestic yin energy and blood light, and every inch of her body began to burn. Pieces of ashes peeled off and scattered like porcelain. She was planning to burn herself and kill the human bone mirror without hesitation.

At this moment, in addition to Jin An's shadow, A Ping's shadow and the red-clothed umbrella girl's paper-piercing shadow all showed evil smiles in the human bone mirror. The evil god of the human bone mirror who had succeeded in his conspiracy would not let the red-clothed umbrella girl's paper-piercing person get close at all. Chances are, although the mirror did not reveal the woman in red wearing an umbrella piercing the person's heart or stomach and intestines, this does not slow down the killing speed of the human bone mirror.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. At this moment, when their eyes met, the light in the red umbrella girl's eyes dimmed, and she looked confused. Although she was already trying to resist, the red umbrella in her hand was still raised little by little. , gradually turned the gun head, intending to blow himself to pieces.

The evil god who lives in the human bone mirror is smiling more proudly and coldly at this moment. The shadow in the mirror looks at Jin An, the only one who is awake in the room, with cold eyes. Facing all the companions who are in desperate situation, it wants to know Jin An. What actions will be taken?

Is it to be alone?

Or is it to save the red umbrella girl and abandon Ah Ping? Or save Aping and abandon the red umbrella girl to stab someone?

The more fragile human nature is at this moment, the greater the flaws in human nature will be. Self-blame, guilt, guilt, powerlessness, sadness, anger, sadness, despair...all negative human emotions will burst out at the same time at this moment. A dark force is enough to destroy all a person's beliefs! The final outcome is either destruction or falling into the Abi Hell and never being able to recover!

This is a dead end with no third ending! Desperate situation! No matter which choice Jin An makes, it will be heartbreaking!

The greatest evil in the world is probably nothing more than this.

These evil spirits have long abandoned all the good in the world, leaving only the purest and incomparable evil, taking pleasure in fooling people's hearts.

This human bone mirror evil god has done everything!


Only one thing was missed!

Jin An is no ordinary person!

You can’t reason with common sense!

All the experiences he has experienced in the past year, the coffin temple, the ghost realm, the Teng people and the Dragon King in the Dragon King's tomb, and the mountain god's calamity, none of them are life and death. The hell gate he has overcome this year is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. of?

Day and night, he is nourished by the Five Thunder Emperor Leifa Dao and his Taoist heart is nourished. Day and night, he is nourished and strengthened by the Liuding Yin Shen and Liujia Yang Shen. How can his Taoist heart be nothing more than a Taoist heart? How dare a little evil god take a peek?

Armed with the Five Thunder Divine Laws and the Six Dingliujia Divine Laws, he is walking on the road of invincible power of the Zhenwu Great Emperor. His righteousness is as clear as thunder and fire. He has a clear conscience and is bright and upright in his heart. He is not afraid of evil gods taking over his mind. In such a desperate situation, He did not run away alone, nor did he retreat timidly. He wanted to save both A Ping and the red umbrella girl who was stabbed by paper. No matter whether he could save the two of them or not, he just had to have a clear conscience!

He had made a promise at the Fu Shou Store that since they were a family, no one could be missing, so he made a third choice that was even unimaginable!

His figure was tall and his eyes were bright as he took the first step.

Step two.

third step.

Relying on his memory, he visualized the Divine Dharma of the Five Thunder Emperors and the Divine Dharma of the Six Ding, Liujia and Twelve Righteous Gods over and over again in his mind. He asked himself that he had never done anything to offend the conscience of heaven and earth. Real gold is not afraid of fire, and there are many people who have attained the Tao. Help, virtue must have a god, and there is a god when he raises his head three feet up. As the speed of contemplating the magic in his mind becomes faster and faster, the width of his steps becomes wider and wider, and the steps hit the ground with a sonorous and powerful impact.

A solemn and upright person.

Like thunder and fire in the sky.

Sensing the domineering Leifa Avenue and Yangshen Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

There is a god three feet above your head.

Jin An, who had a great sense of righteousness in his heart, crossed a row of Chen clan members who couldn't kneel down. He lowered his eyebrows and finally understood why these Chen clan members couldn't kneel down. It turned out that they had lost their support a long time ago. There is a black hole in my heart.

If a person has no heart, what difference will he make to death?

These people who worship evil gods as gods have lost their hearts as early as the beginning and have become zombies controlled by evil gods.

In the ghost mother's nightmare, Jin An has seen conscience, human-like animal heart, greed, and the walking corpse Wu Xin. These are all experiences that the ghost mother encountered when she was a child. She expresses her childhood memories through the transformed human hearts. experience.

Jin An just lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the unintentional person on the ground, and then stopped looking at it again. He continued to walk towards the human bone mirror with firm eyes and sonorous steps.

When he passed by the red umbrella girl who was stabbing someone, the two looked at each other. The former only regained consciousness for a moment and then immediately fell into the mix and resisted himself.

Jin An knew that if he wanted to save people, he could only break the human bone mirror hanging on the wall. After taking a concerned look at the red umbrella girl's paper pricking the person, he continued to walk towards the human bone mirror unswervingly.

Now he is the only one left who is not affected by the human bone mirror. He has no way out. Only by advancing bravely and understanding human virtue and divine ways can he have a glimmer of hope to save the two of them.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he is still willing to cut through the thorns and climb up.

Just like Aping and the girl in red, they rescued people without hesitation from the beginning.

He didn't want to leave anyone behind.

Both of them want to save.

Suddenly, Jin An noticed that his wrist tightened, and it was the red umbrella girl who grabbed him. In her rare clear eyes, there was no cry for help, but concern and concern, and let Jin An leave.

Jin An gave the other party a look of relief, overcome the obstacles along the way, and continued to walk towards the human bone mirror with a tall posture.

The shadow in the human bone mirror looked at Jin An walking towards him, with an even more sneer on his face. Whether Jin An chose to escape alone or save others, he was no different from a dead person in its eyes.

It's just a difference between dying faster and dying slower.

If Jin An chose to escape, he might be able to survive for a while longer.

Just as Jin An approached the human bone mirror on the wall step by step, he saw through the mirror that A Ping behind him had finally completed his blackening. The three snarling faces of little beasts appeared on his irrational face, and he glared at the red umbrella girl with hatred. Stab someone, and then chop at them with a black iron knife.

These three little beasts wanted to recreate the tragedy of that year. They used the same kitchen knife to cut open the belly of the red umbrella girl alive.

If we say that the people these three little beasts hate the most, they are none other than Jin An and the red umbrella girl. They even hate A Ping. If it weren't for these two people, they wouldn't have ended up like this. It was so miserable that every day I experienced the torture of being skinned, cramped, and having my own flesh eaten.

Because of this, how could these three little beasts not resent the two people in front of them.

So whenever I get the chance, I will go crazy and kill the red umbrella girl and stab people with paper.

Those crazy and hateful eyes hid the most callous and cold-blooded spirit. They wanted to use the most cruel method in the world to torture the couple in front of them.

Although he knew that this was probably another trap set by the Human Bone Mirror using kindness as bait, he could not be indifferent to the safety of the girl in red and A Ping. He did the same thing as the girl in red umbrella who stabbed people with paper. Choosing, he turned to look at the two people behind him with sharp eyes.


There is a kind thought in everyone's heart.

His conscience and moral condemnation cannot lead him to completely disregard life.

When he saw that the two people behind him were still safe and that they were still struggling to hold on, the sharp eyes became slightly gentle. At this time, the paper-piercing eyes of the red umbrella girl returned to clarity for a short time. She saw Jin When An turned to look at the two of them with concern, she understood everything.

There was no expression of pain, no heartbreaking shouting, only the dark light in his eyes became more and more intense, like dark clouds covering the black moon, erupting with a shuddering murderous aura.



The sharp soul-enchanting chains behind her danced in the air, creating circles of ripples of Yin Qi or blood in the void, like frightening pythons, constantly breaking through the limits of her body, approaching the human bone mirror little by little. go.

It's just that this attack to break free from the trap still failed and did not attack the body of the human bone mirror.

In this special room filled with large and small mirrors, the position of this human bone mirror is uncertain, and it is an invincible existence.

And such a moment of time to break free from the trap was extremely taxing on the red umbrella girl. The next moment, she fell into deeper mental confusion and could no longer help Jin An.

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