White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 574: The second evil show of Xiang's power, the whole city riots

Sangmen is very scheming. It can also be said that his childhood experience has made him particularly sensitive inside and to changes in the surrounding environment.

After his punch failed again, he smelled a few special smells in the air that were different from the smell of blood and Yin Qi. After searching carefully, he saw the incense of evil inserted in front of the threshold of the Yin Tower.

Only then did he notice that there were a few wisps of light smoke entangled around him, like a vine that was difficult to remove and never dispersed.

As mentioned before, Sangmen's childhood experience has made him have a sensitive psychology that is different from ordinary people. He is very scheming and without a moment's hesitation, he decisively uses Linglong Jade Ruyi to turn danger into good luck and ward off disasters.

When the few wisps of smoke wrapped around his body dissipated, the giant corpse monster with seven heads came towards Jin'an again.

There was not a word of unnecessary nonsense throughout the whole process.

Jin An naturally also noticed the details that the evil thing seemed to be broken by Linglong Yu Ruyi. He did not show any panic in his eyes. This time he no longer blindly avoided it, but calmly and took the initiative to attack.

No matter what, he must guard the Yin Tower. While guarding the Yin Tower, he must also kill the Sangmen and rescue the happy personality of the Ghost Mother who was eaten by the Sangmen. This is related to whether they can successfully escape the Ghost Mother's nightmare today.

So he can't escape.

One must swim up the rapids.

The zombie monster giant spliced ​​to the Zombie Gate, its strength increased greatly again, as if at this moment it was a complete family connected by heart, all blood strength exploded, the Zombie Gate instantly killed, and the index finger flicked towards Jin An's face, the terrifying power An air cannon ball was shot out from his fingers, as big as a small millstone, and hit his face.

This is both a direct arrogance and a kind of disdain. Jin An is not taken seriously at all. Just like when he fought with Qi Bo and the red umbrella girl Zhi Zharen on the roof before, he just watched the ground battle with cold eyes. He was so arrogant as to snipe and kill Jin An without intervening.

Another word for arrogance is arrogance.

Geniuses are always arrogant.

But it is rare for someone to be so arrogant that he can kill someone with just one finger.

Jin An was not angry, but remained calm and composed. He had faced so many dangers, and he never escaped by relying on fear, but by going forward with courage and invincible belief.

His eyes were as if they were gods of thunder, and his eyes were like lightning. He met him with his fists and clashed head-on with Flicker's fingers.


In the ancestral hall filled with Yin Qi, two suns erupted, one was the Corpse Fire Sun, and the other was the Thunder Fire Sun with golden flames. The fist wind swept across the surrounding Yin Qi, which was simply terrifying, and the energy shook violently.

Sangmen's eyes were cold.

He just deliberately humiliated Jin An with a contemptuous gesture. He wanted to anger Jin An, but it seemed that this mind-attacking technique was ineffective on Jin An.

Jin An is following the path of the brave, fearless, and invincible Zhenwu Emperor. How can a small mind-attacking technique easily cause ripples in his solid state of mind?

The corpse monster giant that fused a family of seven people was a lot stronger than before, and even the speed was much improved. Next, Jin An used the "Twelve Extremes Xingyi Fist"'s Cun Jinhu Collapse Fist and grappling skills. He Yun Hands, Eagle Claw Kungfu, the Ox Demon Bone Crushing Axe, and the Elephant Demon Legs were also used, but they still couldn't do anything to the corpse monster giant. Instead, the two of them fought so hard that explosions continued in the ancestral hall. Every time their fists collided, dazzling lightning would erupt in the ancestral hall, as if the god of thunder was suppressing the demons of hell here.

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

The two punched and kicked each other, and every collision was an explosion of blazing light. All the martial arts were destroyed by the corpse monster giant. In terms of pure physical force collision, Jin An was still lagging behind.

After all, it is a matter of asking God to take over the body, not the physical strength obtained through self-cultivation. The improvement in physical strength and physical strength is limited.

Human power has its limits.

If you don't break through the limits, the borrowed divine power will eventually be limited.

In the back and forth collisions of lightning and flint, Jin An's eyes showed something strange. This zombie giant's strength, speed, firmness of skin and muscles, and reaction speed have all improved a lot. This is a new thing that appeared after the fusion of the Zombie Sect. Change, this time I met a strong opponent, stronger than expected.

Although he is not as good as his opponent in terms of pure physical strength, he is not necessarily afraid of him.

He now has a golden body of merit, and is blessed by the pure Yang thunder and fire of heaven and earth. He can drive away evil spirits and suppress evil spirits. They are what evil spirits fear most. He is born to suppress evil spirits. If he really wants to fight, the other party will have to restrain his hands and feet.

"Five hundred thunder gods are stored in the palm, and the earth will crack and the sky will collapse. If evil spirits and ghosts meet here, they will turn into dust in an instant! Open the five thunder palm curse!"

The electric light in Jin An's eyes was even more intense, and there seemed to be an electric dragon wandering in the black pupils. At this moment, it seemed as if he had really transformed into the thunder that controls thunder and lightning and represents the punishment of heaven.



Thunder strikes!

His palms shot out like angry dragons lapping the shore, and the two yellow talismans attached to the palms exploded ten dazzling and scorching lightning bolts, causing two large wounds on the zombie giant's body.

This thunder in the palm of Jin An's hand is like a fish entering the sea. He can make big waves with just one turn. The power of thunder in the palm of his hand is as powerful as that in the hands of ordinary people. It is even more domineering than pure Yang.

The zombie head between the eyebrows of the zombie giant remained expressionless, but the sutures on the back of the zombie giant collapsed, and the sound of flesh and blood tearing and bones breaking could be heard. The zombie giant became a little shorter, and then a pair of pairs of eyes grew out of its back. The arms, behind the arms, held a black whip with surging black energy. It was a human-skin centipede whip.

But the leader of the Black Rain Kingdom was no match for Jin An during his lifetime, and even less so after his death. Jin An silently recited the thunder curse in his heart, and his own dazzling brightness was like a blazing oven, illuminating the darkness of the world and those with evil intentions.

This human skin centipede whip was torn into pieces in the golden light of the furnace.

Jin An's eyes were piercing, and he fired thunder and lightning with his hands again.

"The Five Thunder Palm Spell, activate it again! Today I invite the God of Thunder to come here to slay demons and subjugate demons. He will be here as soon as he hears the call. Send out the Yang sound as soon as possible!"



Another ten lightning bolts struck in succession!

Perhaps because of the psychological shadow caused by being struck by lightning, the two heads of old men and old ladies growing in the center of the palms. Whenever I see lightning blasting from Jin An's body, I subconsciously close my eyes and dare not look directly, for fear of being struck by lightning again. Blind Eyes also clenched his fists with his hands, and hesitated for a moment.

Therefore, these ten lightning beams were not scattered, but hit the zombie giant again.

What hit this time were the two newly grown arms on the back of the zombie giant.

The skin and flesh of his arm were split open, and the smell of green smoke and rotting corpses was so nauseating that even Jin An couldn't help but frown.

Sangmen's psychology was so sensitive that he naturally noticed the abnormality in his body. The flesh, flesh and bones on his back were broken again and reborn, becoming three heads and fourteen arms.

The newly grown arms on the back include the hands of an adult, a skinny old man, and a woman. They are the arms of the Sangmen family.

And because all the flesh and bones rushed towards the fourteen arms behind his back, the corpse monster giant also shrunk from more than a foot tall to a normal human size.

The two extra heads on the neck are exactly the old man and old woman who originally grew on the palms, and the head in the middle has become Sangmen himself.

Looking at the strange corpse in front of him that could be assembled and spliced ​​together at any time, Jin An's eyes were cold and he felt a little regretful.

He had just realized that the zombie giant's hands were its weak point, and was about to attack them next, but the sensitive Zangmen didn't give him a chance at all, and it turned into a three-headed and fourteen-armed monster.

This time, Jin An once again used the talisman with both hands to kill the five-hearted thunder. The thunder and thunder roared from the sky again. As a result, this time, Sangmen used the twelve arms behind his back to grab the ten lightning strikes from the sky.

With the body of an evil demon, he resisted the power of thunder. This was the first time that Jin An saw such a fierce evil cultivator. The twelve arms withstood ten lightning bolts. The palms of his hands were all bloody and fleshy, and the bones could be seen deeply, but there was no trace of Sangmen. It feels like he is still coming with no expression on his face.

But just then, suddenly!

The sound of the battle outside the ancestral hall disappeared, and there was a sudden calm. Even the green underworld fire that filled the sky disappeared. The next moment, a bronze Nuo-faced chariot that could burn three souls and seven souls was crushed into pieces by the underworld flames of hell. On the wall of the ancestral hall, there was a God-Destroying Crossbow shooting at Jin'an.

Jin An's pupils shrank.

It must be that he used his palm thunder continuously just now and made too much noise, attracting the attention of the horror legends outside.

That God-Destroying Repeater Nu is very evil. After being targeted by it, it is like being locked into three souls and seven souls, and there is no way to avoid it.

At this moment, Jin'an felt a sense of loneliness with nowhere to hide, as if he had been abandoned by the world. That kind of loneliness and despair was like the dark and cold deep sea wrapping around his whole body, and his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

At this critical moment of life and death, he had gone through countless dangers along the way. Unwilling to die here, he fought back bravely. His heart belonged to fire. Suddenly the thunder and fire dispelled the darkness and he could see the light again. Just when the God-Destroying Crossbow was about to kill him, his body The golden light burst out, like a golden ocean. It was rushing up the rapids without fear. It was recognized by the thirty-six thunder gods of the Thunder Department and felt more blessings from the thunder and fire power. It was Bai Jiayi who felt the danger and protected Jin An'an. The golden light of merit emitted by praying for blessings surges with aspiration.

Just after doing this, the God-Destroying Crossbow has already arrived!


First there was thunder and fire.

Then the golden light of merit on Baijiayi's body was peeled away layer by layer amidst the continuous cracking sounds of "bang, bam, bam".

Then he felt a burning sensation in his chest. The amulet that had been with him for so long and had been worn from the Fu Shou shop until now was broken.

Finally, the God-Destroying Crossbow pierced through the thunder and fire divine light, the golden light of merit, and the amulet, penetrated Jin An's body, smashed through several walls, and flew out.

The moment he was hit by the God-Destroying Crossbow, his soul was torn, his internal organs were twisted, his eyes went black, and he almost fainted in pain. At the last moment when he was severely nailed and flew out, he saw the fate of Sangmen. He was even worse, being targeted by a chariot and a pair of women's embroidered shoes at the same time.


The crossbow arrow that penetrated the body, after penetrating several houses in succession, finally stared hard at the screen wall of a house, and finally stopped its momentum.

His body felt like tearing pain, and Jin An almost fainted from the pain several times. However, he cared about everyone's safety and endured the severe pain of tearing his soul and body. He stared at the direction of the ancestral hall and stood firm on his feet. Keep moving forward, pulling your body away from the crossbow bit by bit.

He is like a contrarian swimming against the current.

Every time he takes a step, his faith becomes firmer, and his energy and thunder and fire light increase sharply.

This is a sublimation of state of mind.

If you don’t experience death, why don’t you fear life and death?

Only by adhering to one's true nature in death, and remaining upright and invincible after going through mountains of swords, seas of fire, and pans of oil, can one sublimate one's state of mind, guard one's soul, calm one's spirit, cultivate one's truth, subdue ghosts and gods, and walk on the vast road full of thorns. , walk out of the most difficult road of Zhenwu Great Emperor.

When he stood tall and stepped out of the God-Destroying Crossbow arrows with firm steps, Jin An's energy and thunder and fire divine light surged to an unprecedented peak state. His whole body was wrapped in thunder and fire flames, dazzling and dazzling. The terrifying energy spread out of his body like thunder pools and volcanoes. The rock is gushing thin and incredibly hot.

The astonishing divine light illuminated the entire house. The mandrill Kuimei who was attracted by the blood and stared at him had no way to escape. It was like falling into a furnace and being burned, instantly turning into ashes.

Thanks to the protection of the divine light of thunder and fire, the golden light of merit, and the amulet at the critical moment, not only was he not shot and killed by the God-Destroying Crossbow on the spot, but he also only suffered slight injuries to his soul and body. After being freed from the God-Destroying Crossbow, he watched Thinking of the true meaning of the Thirty-Six Thunder Gods, the injuries to the soul were quickly repaired. Even the injuries to the chest were temporarily suppressed by the endless vitality contained in the Secret Sutra of the Five Internal Organs.

Just to protect him, the amulet was broken and disappeared completely. The Taoist robe was in pieces. The Baijiayi attached to the Taoist robe was also seriously damaged. The good soul of the suffering master living inside was so weak that he was dying.

"Everyone, thank you for helping me cut through the thorns and thorns along the way. The rest of the cultivation path is up to me. You can rest peacefully. I have to rush to the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall to save people now."

Jin An thanked Bai Jiayi. Not only was his soul uninjured, but he had made a lot of progress as a blessing in disguise. He flew up and rushed to the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall.

At this time, the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall was going crazy. Just at the moment when Jin'an was nailed by the God-Destroying Crossbow, a terrifying legend emerged from nowhere. At this time, two women's embroidered shoes and those soaked in The triplets of ten-year-old children, sealed in mercury as corpses that would not decay for thousands of years, were fighting fiercely with the God-Destroying Chariot.

It is also rare for ghosts to join forces to kill ghosts.

At this moment, the clang of heavy knives and axes mopping the floor came from the street corner again, and a cold-looking man who looked like an executioner at Caishikou, dragging a giant knife in his hand, walked into the neighborhood where the ancestral temple was located.

Suddenly it became three ghosts killing one ghost, and they jointly killed the chariot.

It seemed to be this prison cart that was dragging dead people for ten miles. It usually had many enemies, but today was a rare opportunity. They all surrounded and killed them.

The prison cart transformed into a huge bronze Nuo-faced chariot, fighting one against three, roaring continuously, burning the sky with ghostly fire. It is a terrifying legend that is rarely seen on weekdays. Today, four people gathered here alone, and the surrounding streets were beaten. Exploded into rubble.

No matter which one of these horrific legends appears, it will be a disaster. Four of them gathered at the same time, and the world was shattered. Deep cracks appeared on the ground. Under the cracks, you can see the Nine Netherworld and the Underworld, and you can see the hell. In the sea of ​​​​fire, houses collapsed in tracts.

Seeing that the scope of the ruins was rapidly expanding, at this time, the horror legends in other places were also alarmed by the huge momentum here, and more horror legends began to move here.

If this situation continues, if all the horror legends in the city are mobilized and gathered in one place, I am afraid that the entire city will be affected and reduced to rubble.

On the contrary, the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, which was originally the center of the storm, has returned to calm and is temporarily safe. Despite the violent storms outside and the shaking of the earth, only a stick of incense in front of the threshold of the Yin Tower has been burning calmly, with light smoke curling up. It was only half burning.

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