White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 578 Jin'an Version of Journey to the West

Jin'an went to Xizhou Prefecture,

Leaving Yangguan in the west,

Entering the desert of the Western Region,

Then we followed the caravan to the Yueqiang Kingdom, the first stop in the Western Region.

Then we walked along the ancient desert river all the way to the depths of the desert.

Passing through Wumo Kingdom,

Xi Tuo Kingdom,

Teshsata Village, the hometown of old Sadiq and young Sahav,

During this period, there were several water shortage crises, several times of getting lost, and two or three major sandstorms during the typhoon season.

It took more than three months to finally find Xiaoqiu Kingdom, the ancient ruins closest to Guchi Kingdom, in the deepest part of the uninhabited desert!

There, they saw the wonder of a snowstorm in the desert overnight! We also saw the miracle of the desert turning into the sea after the heavy snow melted!

Then I took the desert ghost ship to find the disappeared Guchiguohuahaishengshan.

And the ruins of the ancient Guchi Kingdom were discovered one after another deep in the desert basin.

Laughing Corpse Village,

Ruins of the Wuer clan’s ancient country,

The ancient ruins of the Baizu people,

Buddhist ruins,

We also saw the wonder of the desert aurora. Folks also called this strange phenomenon of heaven and earth the Chiyou Banner and Touching the Dragon.

Finally, we found the legendary Kingdom of the Immortal God!

These thrilling experiences took another month or two!

From the scorching heat of September to the cold winter of February, Jin'an walked for five months in total. The hardships were unimaginable to ordinary people. However, when we left the desert basin and returned to Teshsata Village this time, it only took about 40 days. If the desert sea had not dried up and the boat was missing as a means of transportation, they could have reached Teshsata Village twenty days earlier.

They just climbed over the Corpse Hidden Ridge of Guchi Kingdom, crossed the desert no-man's land in the middle, and stopped and walked until they reached the ruins of Xiaoqiu Kingdom, which took them more than twenty days.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the temperature difference between day and night in the desert in winter is so great that it can freeze people to death outdoors. If the seal of the Sun Bureau had not been broken and the weather in the deep desert had increased abnormally, Jin'an and the others would not have returned to Teshsata so smoothly. Village.

Sitting around a house sheltered from the wind and sand, warming up by a bonfire, eating barbecued meats, drinking warm goat's milk wine, talking freely amidst relaxing laughter, everyone holding hands and laughing, without the intrigues and troubles of the secular world. , the people of the desert use the most simple enthusiasm to welcome guests and relatives back home with mutton, sheep milk wine, hot naan, plucked plucked rice balls, tambourines...

The desert is vast and sparsely populated. Villages are often separated from each other. Countries are separated by hundreds or even thousands of miles. The lack of communication with the outside world naturally reduces the pollution from worldly interests. Perhaps the living conditions here are difficult. It's a bit old, but the people here still maintain the most rare and simple humanity.

At this time, old Sadiq and young Sahafu, who had recovered and reunited with their relatives, kept toasting goat milk wine to Jin An and Yiyun.

Jin An is their savior and the noble person in their life, so it is appropriate to toast him.

In their eyes, Mr. Yiyun is Appa and his master's wife. It is logical for the apprentice to toast his master's wife.

Although Jin An never mentioned that he would accept them as his disciples, the uncle and nephew had already recognized Jin An as their teacher in their hearts.

After the old man Sadiq and the young Sahafu toasted, their families also came over to toast. Everyone saw that Jin An was still out of breath after drinking so much goat milk wine. Later, all the young and old men in the village came to toast one after another. , giving a thumbs up and praising the Han people for not only their great kung fu but also their ability to drink, which convinced them.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, you not only saved Sadiq and Sahab, but also helped the village find water. You are the great savior of our whole village and the great nobleman bestowed upon us by the desert gods. Taoist Jin'an, you This is it." The old patriarch of Teshsata Village drank a few more drinks because he was too happy, and gave Jin An a thumbs up drunkenly.

The old patriarch, who was already drunk, continued to drink with Jin An, but was finally persuaded by everyone to give up. The old patriarch was old, and they were afraid that he would hurt his body if he continued to drink.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, don't just drink. Come here and eat more mutton. Thank you, Taoist Jin'an, for taking care of me along the way." Old Sadiq handed over the dried mutton.

This was naturally rejected by Jin An.

Old Sadiq had already expected it. He took back the mutton, turned to the woman sitting next to him and smiled bitterly: "Look, I just said that Taoist Jin'an doesn't eat mutton. Please stop pinching my waist. It hurts."

Old Sadiq gasped as he spoke.

His mother-in-law Erguli glared at Old Sadiq, but still did not let go of the tenderest piece of meat on Old Sadiq's waist. She pinched and twisted it, blaming Old Sadiq for talking too much.

When old Sadiq was young, he went to Kangding Kingdom several times with caravans. At that time, he only relied on copying a few romantic love poems of the Han people to marry the flower of Teshsata Village. However, Erguli never disliked Sadiq. The old husband and wife are still very affectionate and inseparable. They have not been apart for many years, and they can't hide their deep love for each other in their eyes.

Listening to Old Sadiq's conversation, people in the room burst into laughter, and someone shouted loudly: "Erguli, if you pinch Old Sadiq's waist again, be careful that he will not be able to sleep with you for a month due to back pain. "

Others also followed suit and said, "It doesn't matter if old Sadiq can't get into bed. As long as he can lie down, Erguli will always find a way."


Everyone burst into laughter again.

Desert women have a straightforward temperament and will speak out anything they say. Not to be outdone, Erguli said: "My man said that since he practiced with Taoist Master Jin'an, he is now so strong that he can carry a camel without sleeping for three days." You are still full of energy, can you be as good as my men?"

Teshsata Village is located deep in the desert, and not many people can speak Chinese. Only old Sadiq and young Sahaf know some Han Chinese because they have dealt with caravans, so these villagers use the Western Regions During the exchange of words, Jin An was confused. He looked at Mr. Yiyun who was carefully cutting the dried meat with a dagger and eating it: "What are they talking about? What are they so happy about?"

As soon as Jin An finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Yiyun's face in surprise: "Hey, Mr. Yiyun, why is your face so red?"

At this time, Master Yiyun's Xiafei's cheeks glowed.

Like a ripe and juicy red apple.

Mr. Yiyun still pretended to cut the dried meat seriously and pretended not to hear what Jin An said.

Jin An then asked Ilham and Yari, the captain of the Yueqiang Cavalry Team, who were standing aside. This time they returned to Teshsata Village. Not only did old Sadiq and young Sahafu transform into human bodies again, but Ilham also changed back to human form. personal.

However, outsiders did not know that the three sheep and three camels in the team were transformed by the art of animal creation. Jin An casually found an excuse to explain it, saying that the three of them were traveling in the desert to atone for their sins and were accidentally killed by him. found in .

Although this reason was full of loopholes, no one doubted it out of trust in Jin An.

Looking at Jin An's innocent eyes, Ilham coughed a few times. He couldn't say that everyone was talking about dirty jokes, and praised Taoist Jin An for being more capable. Ilham finally suppressed the words: "Old Sadiq said Taoist Jin'an, you don't eat mutton, and asked everyone not to pass mutton to you, Taoist Jin'an, and then everyone praised you, Taoist Jin'an, for your kindheartedness, not only your magic skills, but also your love for animals... Well, that's right. , that’s it, everyone is praising you, Taoist Priest Jin’an, for your greatness.”

Jin An looked at Ilham suspiciously: "Is this really true?"

Ilham nodded awkwardly.

Jin An, who still didn't believe it, asked Yari this time. Yari felt that he was under a lot of pressure. One was that he could not offend his own king, and the other was Taoist Jin An who he admired most. He could not offend both of them, so he was vague in the end. Ci said: "Yari thinks my master is right."

This was what everyone had agreed upon from the beginning. The Yueqiang Kingdom's iron cavalry would not be called kings in front of the villagers, but would be called adults instead.



Jin An asked one by one, but everyone was vague and perfunctory.

Mr. Yiyun, who has a straight nose and bright cherry lips with a little oil stain and an alluring luster, continued to pretend not to notice the glances around him, cutting off the roasted meat with a dagger and chewing it slowly, but this She was not thinking about the barbecue at all, and she couldn't taste the fishy smell of the mutton, it was like chewing wax.

Jin An looked at the mutton in Master Yiyun's hand, his throat slid deeply, and finally he looked at the sheep and sighed: "Why is there only mutton in the desert!"

He had never eaten meat this time in the desert.

After eating naan for half a year, the bird smell has long since faded away from my mouth.

Silly Sheep, who was holding a hay bag beside him, suddenly raised his head and looked at Jin An alertly when he heard Jin An mention the word "sheep". There were still a few strands of hay on the tip of his nose.

This silly sheep has calmed down a lot since entering the desert. He no longer fights against humans when he sees them eating mutton, because Jin An and Silly Sheep made a three-part agreement, and Jin An refused to eat mutton in exchange for others eating mutton.

This is his active dedication to sacrifice the small self to save the greater self, and save all sentient beings if I don't go to hell.

Jin An was crying in his heart.

Because he had been thinking about the old Taoist priest, Jin An did not rest for too long in Teshsata Village. He only rested for three days. After leaving most of the camels and only a small part for himself, he continued with the others. Hit the road and say goodbye to old Sadiq and young Sahav in the village.

Before leaving, even old Sadiq, who was used to seeing separation and death, couldn't help but his eyes were red and his voice was choked with sobs. Little Sahafu was even more sad and cried so hard that he couldn't bear to leave Jin An. Both of them proposed to send Jin An out of the Western Region. Jin An dissuaded him.

"The twenty or so sand bandit camels I left behind, without you two in the village to take care of them, would probably cause a lot of trouble. Only if you two stay and take care of them can I rest assured." Jin An said to the two of them alone. .

"Those sand thieves deserve what they deserve. Even working as cattle and horses for a lifetime cannot atone for the countless killings they have committed. So don't be indifferent to them. If there is any dirty work in the future, you can use them more. This is not harming them. On the contrary, it is to save them, and they are all guilty now."

"Also, after I leave, don't stop practicing. The well water with the water talisman of Erlang Zhenjun can gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is regarded as a small spiritual pool. In the future, sit by the well water to practice more. It will be great for your practice. It will be beneficial. You also ask the villagers to worship the statue of Erlang Zhenjun in the Shenyu in the future. This Erlang Zhenjun is both a god of heaven and a water god who protects one side, so it is right to pay more homage to Erlang God."

"In addition, you must remember to keep secret about the Holy Mountain of Transformation Sea and the Kingdom of the Immortal God. Don't tell anyone, even your closest relatives, otherwise it will bring disaster to the entire village. "

Jin An used these instructions to dilute his inner sentimentality.

Life is always full of reunions and separations, and there is always reluctance and sentimentality when parting.

Jin'an and the others were leaving, and the villagers collectively left the village to see them off. Jin'an not only brought clean water to the desert village, but also left nearly a hundred camels before leaving. They felt that generations of people in the village could not repay this gift. A great favor.

In the desert, camels are very precious. Few people will slaughter camels. Camels can not only save people in the arid desert, but also can travel in the desert. They are the beasts given to the desert by the gods. Jin'an left so many camels to them, that is Gave them a huge fortune.

"After a long journey, we must say goodbye. Let's just say goodbye and don't say goodbye again." Jin An waved goodbye to the villagers behind him.

The villagers who had sent them all the way for more than ten miles watched Jin An and his party drifting further and further away in the sea of ​​sand. After they stood on the sand dunes and could no longer see their backs, they stopped for a long time. Old Sadiq and Xiao Sa had red eyes. Hafu then led the villagers back to the village.

At first, the villagers were grateful and demolished the well water shacks and built a sacred temple on the original site. In the sacred temple, there were statues of Erlang Zhenjun, Taoist priests, and goats to pray for good weather and strong cattle and sheep. After everyone returned to the village this time He did not go back to the house immediately, but walked silently towards Shenyu. This time he did not pray for good weather or strong cattle and sheep, but prayed that Jin An would have a safe journey and that he could successfully find his lost apprentice and old Taoist priest.

On the vast and boundless sand sea, Ilham was riding a camel as the sand dunes undulated and bumped along with his body. He turned around and looked in the direction behind him. They walked far away and could no longer see the village of Teshsata behind them.

Ilham turned back and looked curiously at Jin An, who was riding on the back of a goat and walking at the front: "Taoist Master Jin An, what did you say to brother Sadiq before you left? I saw his eyes were firm, as if I finally made up my mind."

Master Yiyun and Qi Bo, who were also riding on camels, also looked curiously at Jin An, who was walking at the front.

Jin An laughed happily and said: "I didn't say anything. It's just that old Sadiq was worried that those sand bandits would climb the wall on the female camels in the village if they were in heat. He asked me what to do. Should I castrate them? Or should I keep them in separate captivity?"


Mr. Yiyun and Qi Bo were stunned.

Then Young Master Yiyun glanced at Jin An fiercely.

Jin An felt a little baffled.

Cough, Jin An: "I say it doesn't matter whether you are castrated or not. There is reproductive isolation between the two."

Reproductive isolation?

What is that?

Someone asked out of curiosity.

In the next few days, the group of people found a sheltered place to spend the night in advance at dusk, and continued on their way as usual until dawn.

When they arrived at the Kingdom of Xituo, Jin'an and Ilham parted here.

Naturally, there is all kinds of reluctance, and Ilham wants to keep Yali and the others to share Jin'an's worries.

However, Jin An declined.

In the end, only Jin'an, Mr. Yiyun, and Qi Bo were left, plus a few people from Ayimaimaiti. They followed another shortcut route in Xituo Kingdom, all the way north, along the ancient desert business road, bypassing The desert is no man's land, then turns westward, heading westward to Tubo and passing through the Kunlun Mountains.

Along the way, we will encounter many desert countries. Jin'an and Ayimaimaiti are separated one by one. People like Ayimaimati dare to go deep into the desert to find the Kingdom of the Immortal God. This shows their identity in itself. Bufan, either the prince of the kings or the son of the general, has a high status in the desert. With them escorting us all the way, the rest of the journey was peaceful and nothing happened.

Out of gratitude, Jin'an left a water talisman of the Emperor Erlang in each of the countries where Ayimaimaiti and the others were.

The desert is huge, and there are indispensable ancient city ruins and some strange things, so Jin'an has gained a lot of yin virtues along the way.

What Jin An didn't know was that this good deed had planted good causes and good results in the Western Region, but these were things for another time.

After parting ways with Ayimaimaiti and the others, only Jin An, Mr. Yiyun, Qi Bo, goats, and a dozen camels were left to continue through the remaining short stretch of the desert.

It is winter now, and the Kunlun Mountains are closed by heavy snow. It is not possible to enter the Kunlun Mountains directly during this season. You have to go north and then west, and then go around in a large circle and pass the ruins of the ancient Zhangxiong Kingdom before you can enter Tubo and pass through the Kunlun Mountains.

But this road is just easier to walk than other routes.

In fact, it is still as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Especially now that it is still the severe cold winter, they have to endure the severe cold and heavy snow, and also resist the thin air that crosses from low altitude areas to high altitude areas. This journey is really the journey westward with the four masters and disciples of Tang Seng. The difficulty is not much different, and there is also a senior brother in the team who is not human.

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