White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 581 Gabala Bone Beads

In the central open space of the ancient city of Shenyu, there is a high fire pile of cow dung cakes to provide warmth for so many people in the house.

In a closed environment, burning so many cow dung cakes will give you a sour and refreshing taste.

But for the caravan tea merchants who have been doing business in the snowy areas of Tubo all year round, this "fragrance of the air" has long been accustomed to it. Outside the house, the wind and snow are screaming, and everyone inside the house is still drinking and eating meat from big bowls, talking loudly, noisy, and the atmosphere is very lively.

However, this fire did not bring much warmth, so everyone gathered around in twos and threes, wrapped in blankets, and lit extra small bonfires.

Thanks to the vast space of this divine space, so many people can be squeezed in for activities.

At this time, Young Master Yiyun suddenly asked Zhao Jinchuan: "I think they are talking about the corpse cave. What is that?"

Hearing this, Jin An and Qi Bo also looked around at the people in Shenyu.

As if he was avoiding this matter, Zhao Jinchuan deliberately lowered his voice and said: "When we entered the ancient city ruins during the day, we wanted to clean up the wild animals and check whether there was any danger. As a result, we found a corpse cave in the mountain not far from Shenyu. , the corpse cave is very dark, and you can smell the stench even before you get close, and the corpse cave is full of human skeletons."

"Do you think this is unlucky or not?"

"But it's too late to change places. The weather here changes at any time. We have no choice but to stay here."

Zhao Jinchuan continued to whisper: "Some people speculated that it was a place where prisoners were imprisoned, others speculated that it was a burial cave, and some even speculated that it was the place where the Venerable suppressed demons. But no matter what it is, we try to interfere as little as possible. These things, we will get on the road as soon as daybreak and leave this abandoned place."

Zhao Jinchuan has a very cautious character, and this is exactly how he has been able to settle down and make a living on the Tea Horse Road for so long.

The wind and snow were still roaring outside the door, banging and banging on the door. In the snowy night, a group of people were telling various legends about the corpse cave, which became more and more weird as they talked.

Among these caravan tea merchants, there are both cautious businessmen like Zhao Jinchuan and reckless men who always put their heads in their waistbands to earn a living. The latter are fools who have no taboos and don't care that there is a corpse cave next door. , Talking about the various legends about the corpse cave is like frothing at the mouth, and it's hard to explain.

"Don't tell ghost stories at night, because people like to hear them, and ghosts also like to hear them." Jin An, who was warming his hands on the bonfire, suddenly said something meaningless.

"What?" Zhao Jinchuan's hair stood on end. He was frightened and began to look around suspiciously.

Jin An smiled at Zhao Jinchuan: "It's nothing. Go to bed early. I hope to see the snow stop and the weather turn sunny when I wake up."

I don't know if he was frightened enough by Jin An's words. After lying down, Zhao Jinchuan tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. Even if he was close to the fire, his body felt cold and he couldn't feel the temperature of the flames. In this half-dream and half-awake state. , he was suddenly awakened by the cold wind.

It was as if someone from behind breathed a cold breath on him, and he woke up with a jolt.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a black figure walking to a corner of Shenyu and disappearing on the spot.

Zhao Jinchuan almost screamed out in fright, but his teeth bit his tongue, the smell of blood filled his mouth, and his brain suddenly woke up from the pain.

"you're awake."

The sound of people's voices around him almost made Zhao Jinchuan faint from fright. His tongue was bitten by himself for the second time. When he turned around, he saw that the person speaking next to him was Jin An, who was wearing Taoist robes.

"Scared, scared me to death, Taoist Priest Jin An, I seemed to have seen someone disappear in a flash..."

Zhao Jinchuan really wanted to ask if it was a ghost just now, but he didn't dare to say it and hesitated.

Jin An naturally knew what Zhao Jinchuan wanted to ask and said, "That's a human being."

Hearing this, Zhao Jinchuan let out a breath.

Then he came back to his senses and said in surprise: "The back of that man looks so familiar, he looks like Wang Yong..."

Zhao Jinchuan explained that the man named Wang Yong was the brother-in-law of the owner of another tea merchant. That guy was lazy and peed a lot. He even went outside to poop after dark. He didn’t know if he was blocked by ice slag. This pull lasted for half an hour. Just when the caravan was about to go out to find him, the boy ran back again. Since running back, he has been silent and ignored anyone who greeted him.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Jinchuan has a particularly deep memory of the man named Wang Yong.

Jin An was thoughtful, then stood up and walked towards the place where Wang Yong disappeared. At this time, Zhao Jinchuan also followed him out of curiosity.

"Hey! When did there be an authentic one here? Where did the wind come from here?" Zhao Jinchuan yelled.

This was the bad thing about Zhao Jinchuan, his character was startled, and soon the rest of the people in Shenyu were awakened.

Everyone asked what was going on and what was going on.

Zhao Jinchuan began to explain everything he had just seen with an exaggerated expression. At this time, he was the center of attention. There was no trace of fear on his face. He was only excited about being the center of attention. He kept talking like a gourd. , during which he added some extravagant ideas, and as expected, everyone was stunned.

In order to increase his credibility, Zhao Jinchuan turned to Jin An: "Taoist Master Jin An, come and testify for me, I didn't lie..."

But when he turned around, he found that Jin An was gone. Zhao Jinchuan hurriedly lay down at the entrance of the tunnel. He shouted several times, but what he heard in response was a shrill scream.


The scream came too suddenly and was so piercing, like the scream of a person before death. The other tea merchants in the caravan were so frightened that they all stepped back.

Only Zhao Jinchuan shouted nervously, with anxious eyes: "Master Yiyun, Qi Bo, is Taoist Jin'an in any danger?"

It can be seen that he really cares about fellow countryman Jin An.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of Shenyu in the middle of the night. Everyone was stunned and felt that their brains were not enough and they were a little unable to react. Qi Bo reacted quickly and took the initiative to open the door.

Jin An, wrapped in white fur and snow, came in from outside and then closed the door again.

Mr. Yiyun seemed to have expected that Jin An would come back safely. He looked at Jin An calmly: "Is it solved?"

Jin An nodded: "Solved."

As he spoke, he threw a bead.


Young Master Yiyun stretched out his hand to catch it.

It was a smooth bone bead made of polished human bones. The surface of the bone bead was engraved with complex characters. The characters were very strange and shaped like human eyes.

This is clearly a Gabala.

The native sect of Tubo is the Bon religion. Wine bowls and magical instruments made of human bones are very popular in Tubo, and there are many collections in the homes of princes and nobles.

When they were in the desert Buddhist country, Jin'an and the others had encountered the Gabala Magical Artifact, so they were no strangers to the Gabala Magical Artifact. Master Yiyun naturally recognized at a glance that the bone bead with the eyes engraved on it was actually a piece of art. Gabala magic weapon.

I just don’t know whether this Gabala is a remaining magical weapon of Bon religion or a branch of Tantric Buddhism.

Jin An: "I pried this out of Wang Yong's mouth after I killed him. This thing should have possessed him and taken over his body."

Hearing that this thing was pried out of a person's mouth, Mr. Yiyun frowned, glared at Jin An angrily, and directly threw the bone beads into the cow dung cake fire, making a crackling burning sound.

Well, Jin An pretended not to see it and talked about another thing: "This tunnel is sloping all the way to the corpse cave. I guess that the corpse cave should be a place where death row prisoners are executed. The Shenyu here, It is a place used to judge prisoners, and those sentenced to death will be thrown from this tunnel."

"Perhaps it is due to year-round erosion by wind and snow. As the mountain weathered, corpse caves dug inside the mountain were exposed."

"Or maybe today is the first time someone has entered the corpse cave. People who are not determined are prone to evil winds entering their bodies."

Before Jin An could finish his words, Wang Yong's brother-in-law over there ran over with a livid face and said, "You murderer, you are looking down on human life. Why do you say Wang Yong is not a human being!"

"Everyone, please don't believe what this Taoist says. I think he is the evil Taoist! Think about it, no normal person can drive in such a heavy snowstorm. Have you forgotten those legends about people being killed as scapegoats? , people who die in snow-capped mountains and glaciers will use living people as scapegoats, hoping to find their bodies and get out of the snow-capped mountains!"

"It is said that Wang Yong is not a human being. Everything is said by the demon himself. None of us have seen it. Everything is just a mouthful. Why should we believe you! If you kill someone, you will have to pay with your life. Let's kill the demon and the demon together. The other two, don’t let them escape!”

These caravan tea merchants all know each other. Compared with Jin An, an outsider, they can more easily unite among themselves. For a while, everyone surrounded Jin An with the same hatred.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became tense, Zhao Jinchuan, who was caught in the middle, was anxious and urged everyone to calm down and talk slowly about things. The truth became clearer and clearer. Once the knife was impulsively used, there would be no room for recovery.

It was only the first day that Zhao Jinchuan spoke for outsiders. The brother-in-law Wang Yong glared at Zhao Jinchuan angrily: "Zhao, you are making it clear today that you are going to have trouble with your brothers, right? I think you are obsessed, you He has also been bewitched by demons! He is no longer a human being!"

After hearing this, Zhao Jinchuan was so angry that he spat at Xingzi and cursed: "Fart, I am also a person with a temper. My surname is Luo. Please explain to me today why I, Zhao Jinchuan, am not a human being! I just want to persuade everyone to be angry." Don’t be so big, to avoid any misunderstandings!”

"Taoist Master Jin An, why don't you explain it to Luo Laosan so that Luo Laosan won't be convinced?" Zhao Jinchuan turned his back to Luo Laosan and winked at Jin An, meaning to advise Jin An not to do anything at this time. Use aggressive language to avoid irritating others.

Facing being slandered.

At this time.

Jin An moved.

He didn't waste any time explaining.

Instead, he directly used thunderous means to suppress all voices.

No one saw clearly how he snatched the long knife from the hands of the people next to him. He shot it so fast that no one present could react.


I felt a white light flash before my eyes.

The sword flashed, and Luo Laosan, who had been arrogant before, had a thin crack appear on his forehead. The next moment, blood arrows burst out, and the man was split in half by the long sword, and exploded left and right.


Luo Laosan fell to the ground among the flesh and blood, and there were many small black insects crawling around. Once these small insects were exposed to the cold wind, they quickly curled up and froze to death.

This scene happened too quickly.

If you say kill, kill.

No one was mentally prepared.

One moment he was a healthy, living person, and the next moment he was split in half vertically by a knife.

Jin An, on the other hand, looked sharp and didn't even blink.

The people who were noisy just now were all so frightened that their hands and feet were cold.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

It was fine if he didn't take action. Once he did, he would use thunderous means. Jin An didn't even blink and killed three people in a row with a fierce look on his face.

The four corpses on the ground all have the same characteristics. The flesh and blood in their bodies are filled with black corpse worms. Once a person dies, these corpse worms die soon after they emerge from the human body.

This is Jin An's explanation.

Practice is the first truth.

"These black centipede-like black worms are the larvae of corpse cicadas. You should be lucky that Wang Yong was not long after the Gabala evil spirit took over his body, and he didn't have time to poison more people. Moreover, these corpse cicada larvae have just hatched. Not grown up. Otherwise, with the intense corpse poison accumulated in these corpse frogs for decades or even hundreds of years, it would not be as simple as just four people dying. By tomorrow, all of you will be eaten up by the corpse frogs. The corpse poison enters the brain and turns into a walking corpse." Jin An's words were like a dry thunder in winter, hitting everyone's hearts. Everyone who had been in a state of fright and confusion since just now looked at the people on the ground as if their souls had just returned. The dead people and a large number of corpse insects vomited one by one.

He vomited until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.


Even after vomiting out bile, I still felt like my stomach was churning.

This night was destined not to be peaceful for these people, but for Jin An and the other three, it was an episode that they had long been accustomed to along the way.

They crossed the Western Regions, climbed over the snowy mountains, and entered the ruins of the ancient Zhangxiong Kingdom. The strange things they encountered along the way were beyond the imagination of these ordinary people.

The weather in the snow-capped mountains is unpredictable. Last night it was still cloudy and thick, and the wind and snow were violent. The next morning it was a rare sunny day. The golden sun shone on the snowy peaks in the distance, and the rare sight of the small golden light peak appeared.

Although it is just a small golden light dome, not the auspicious Buddha light that shines on Jinshan Mountain, it is still a rare spectacle in the snow-capped mountains. This is really what Jin An said. After the rain, the sky is clear, and today is a rare sunny day.

After a night of calming down, the now frightened tea merchants, after seeing Jin An's abilities, no longer reject Jin An, but instead rush to follow Jin An.

Jianghu warriors are pretty good at dealing with ordinary people, but if they want to encounter non-human beings like last night, no matter how many people come, there won't be enough people to fill their teeth.

When Zhao Jinchuan approached Jin An on behalf of other tea merchants and explained his intention to come with the same journey, Jin An agreed without thinking for long. These tea merchants have been dealing with Tubo all year round, and he happened to also want to visit the peak where the avalanche occurred. See, there was a lack of a tour guide who was familiar with the route, so they packed up hastily, burned the bodies, destroyed the tunnels, and then the group continued on the road.

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