White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 586 The Tianzhu people came from the south of the Karakoram Pass! The bloody soil cursed by

Jin An saw that Dorje Cuo looked a little strange.

I saw those people on the horizon running towards the small slope where they were resting.

He couldn't help but frown: "Uncle Dorje Tso, do you know the person who came?"

Dorjetso looked at the Tibetan people running at the front across the street and couldn't help but curse again, and then explained in Chinese: "Everyone calls him Kelsang the Kidnapper...not because he has a lame leg...it's because of this He is a personal trafficker..."

"He's a bastard who eats people without spitting out their bones!"

It turned out that the kidnapper Kelsang's original name was Kelsang Tsewang. This man's reputation in the local area was not good. Among the Han people, he was a typical example of thieves, deceivers and greedy money. When everyone saw him, they were on guard against thieves.

About ten years ago, Kelsang Tsewang was possessed by an unknown evil. His temperament suddenly changed drastically. Not only did he not let go of his cattle and livestock, he also sold his wife, daughter, and all the livestock at home. After selling them, he was infected with the disease again. The problem of sneaking around.

And since then, people have always disappeared in the local area. Although there is no direct evidence that the person was abducted by Kelsang Tsewang, he has been seen nearby several times.

This Kelsang Tsewang had a history of selling his wife and daughter, so everyone said that he was abducted by Kelsang Tsewang, and everyone stopped interacting with this Kelsang Tsewang. They all called him Kidnapper Gesang instead, which means a trafficker of human beings.

Human trafficking has been reviled and hated by everyone since ancient times. No wonder even Uncle Dorje Cuo, who has such a good temper, couldn't help but call the kidnapper Gesang bad luck when he saw him.

But everyone has never figured out what happened to this kidnapper Gesang?

Why did he suddenly change his temperament? He sold his wife, daughters, livestock, and people, whatever he could sell.

And if it is said that he is greedy for pleasure, he has always been impoverished, wandering everywhere, without even a fixed residence. Instead, he is very stingy, not just ordinary stingy, but very stingy.

Save money wherever you can.

If you can eat for free, you will never buy meat.

In all these years, I have never seen him enjoying himself in a big way.

It just so happens that such a person, who is even more cheating than Grandet, has been impoverished for ten years. No one knows where the money he made in the past ten years has been spent?

According to what Uncle Dorje Tso said, in order to protect Dolma and prevent Dolma from being targeted by the kidnapper Kelsang, he had not seen the kidnapper Kelsang for several years.

However, this avalanche in the Kunlun Snow Mountains has attracted many outsiders into the mountains. The kidnapper Gesang is like a fox wolf with a sharp nose. He can smell the smell of blood. He has been serving as a guide for people since last year, and he can get something every time he goes. There are several golden beans, and I have really made a lot of money from last year to this year.

After listening to Uncle Dorje Cuo's introduction to the kidnapper Kelsang, Jin An looked thoughtful.

As they approached the short soil slope, people in the distance also noticed Jin An and the others and let out a startled cry.

When they ran up the low slope, the kidnapper Kelsang also recognized Uncle Dorje Tso, with a happy expression on his face: "Dorje Tso, my old friend, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Haha, we haven't seen each other for almost four or five years. No wonder I didn't recognize you just now. I didn't recognize you until the horse came closer."

It seems that this kidnapper Kelsang was very familiar with Dorje Tso before. He laughed loudly and wanted to come over to say hello, and opened his arms to hug Dorje Tso.

This kidnapper Gesang is not as strong as a man in the snowy plateau. He looks like he has been malnourished for a long time. He is very thin, which makes people worry whether the strong wind on the plateau will blow him away with his horse and man. He has a leprosy look on his face. , this is a poor life.

Jin An subconsciously used numerology to check Gesang's face, and then frowned.

It's not that this person looks like a heinous villain at first glance, but he has never seen anyone with such a strange appearance.

If it is true to what Uncle Dorje Tso said, this person should be extremely greedy for money, with a desire like a bottomless pit. He is a person who even dares to sell his wife and daughter. This kind of person's face should have small facial features and a small face. Outspoken, greedy and selfish, loves to take advantage, and has a great desire for money. However, the kidnapper Gesang in front of him did have a protruding mouth that blew wax. He was a philistine and loved to take advantage, but he was not greedy for money at all.

It's really strange.

But he saw that the money palace on this person's nose was red and dark, indicating that this person was really poor and short of money every day. What Uncle Dorje Tso said was true.

He is not greedy for money but loves to take advantage. He is more frugal than Zhou Papi but is short of money every day.

Short of money but not greedy for money?

Is not this contradictory.

Jin An frowned. To prevent him from misreading the face because of his lack of skills, he looked at the face carefully again.

This time he saw that the husband and wife palace of Kaizi Gesang was broken and turned black, which is where the crow's feet are at the corners of his eyes, indicating that the relationship between husband and wife was over and his wife was dead.

Looking at the kidnapper Gesang's thin earlobes and crooked nose, this means he has a shallow fortune in physiognomy and has no fortune.

He has slender eyes, a deep scheming mind, and is good at calculating people. If you stay with this kind of person, you won't even know when you will be betrayed. If you look at the protruding brow bones and broken brows, it means that this person is ruthless and has evil intentions, and is definitely not a good person. The eyes are long and slender, and the eyebrows are broken. The combination means that this person will fall out when they fall in love, and it is not suitable for deep friendship.

That's right, this man's appearance is exactly the same as what Uncle Dorje Tso said about his life experience. Ghosts will be worried when they see ghosts, and Buddhas will stay away from each other for fear of getting bad luck.

Whoever has this kind of friend by his side will even make his ancestors jump out of their graves, because even their ancestors cannot sleep peacefully.

Dorjetso looked at the kidnapper Gesang who was laughing and wanted to hug him. He was as guarded against him as if he were a jackal. He pulled out the stone knife and snorted unceremoniously.

In this posture, if Kidnapper Kelsang wanted to forcefully hug Dorje Tso, he would first have to stab his chest.

When the kidnapper Gesang saw that Dorje Tso was so guarded against him, he had an embarrassed expression on his face, and left in disgrace.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, if you encounter this kind of person in the future, you must stay away." Dorje Tso said loudly on purpose, and he was also telling the people who wanted to invite the kidnapper Gesang.

Those monks who were neither Han nor Tibetan, but monks from the Karakoram Pass, led a group of believers, climbed over the mountain barrier, and came all the way to take part.

With the collective disappearance of the venerables from several major monasteries, their lives and deaths are unknown, the Tantric practice community has been severely damaged, and has lost its spiritual leader. In addition, after the death of the last generation of Tubo kings, the kings have risen and conquered each other. In this period of leaderlessness, the Tubo people Their southern neighbor had no intention of defending the Karakoram Pass. As time went by, more Tianzhu people climbed over the high mountains, across the entire Tubo, and went deep into the Zhangzhong area in the far west of Tubo.

Among those Tianzhu people, there were also people who knew the Tubo language. A translator whispered a few words to a few monks, and then called the kidnapper Gesang. The two groups of people didn’t know what they were mumbling. Gesang persuaded, and then stopped talking to Dorje Tso, which made the well-meaning Dorje Tso angry and turned back, no longer caring about the life and death of those Tianzhu people.

Because this short earth slope is not big, Jin'an and the others arrived early and occupied a large area. The Tianzhu people set up tents on the other side and made fires for cooking.

Because there was not enough space, the Tianzhu people drove all the cattle, horses and livestock down the slope, and then asked a few low-status servants to take care of the cattle and horses, so as to prevent the greedy cattle and horses from running into the meadow and falling into the sinkhole.

Jin'an and the others had a good meal, packed up their things, and started to set up tents. Unlike the Tianzhu people opposite, they had as many hands and feet as they could, so they had to do everything by themselves in order to have enough food and clothing.

While setting up the tent, Jin An lowered his head and warned several people: "Be careful of the man named Kaizi Gesang. He has a bad appearance, is full of scheming, and is ruthless. He is by no means as warm and kind as he appears."

Mr. Yiyun, who was taking off the animal skin blanket from the yak's back, approached the tent holding the blanket: "Did you see something?"

So Jin An told everyone in detail about the face of the kidnapper Gesang he had just seen.

Dorje Cuo, who had been in a bad mood since his kind reminder, ended up with a hot face but a cold butt. After listening to Jin An's words, he couldn't help but respect Jin An a little more: "Taoist Jin An, just tell me The Buddha in the temple is just as powerful!"


Jin An looked strange.

After Dorjetso finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing. Jin'an is a Taoist priest. How can anyone praise a Taoist priest for being like the Buddha? Isn't this a curse?

Even Dorje Cuo, a rough guy, could not help but blush at this moment. He felt that he had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the subject in embarrassment: "Taoist Master Jin'an is right...those Tianzhu people are so close to the kidnapper Gesang... You will regret it sooner or later."

Dorjetso talked about another thing while setting up the tent.

From last year to this year, Kelsang the kidnapper took many people into the Kunlun Snow Mountain, but none of those people came out. Every time, Kelsang the kidnapper returned alone.

Therefore, some local people who are familiar with the nature of the kidnapper Galsang guessed that the kidnapper Kelsang must have itchy hands and returned to his old profession. After tricking the locals, he started tricking the outsiders, eating both sides.

First, they acted as guides for people, and then they deceived people into the Kunlun Mountains, drugged the outsiders to make them unconscious, sold them to serf owners, and robbed the outsiders' cattle, horses, and property.

People like Kidnapper Gesang, whose conscience falls to the ground and turns into a black heart, will sooner or later have their soul taken away by the God of Praise who lives in the wilderness and snow-capped mountains.

Unexpectedly, there was such a secret in it. Jin An thought about it, this kidnapper Gesang really did all kinds of evil, including deception and abduction.

When dealing with this kind of people, even the people and their ancestral graves will be sold and polished, if not in the morning or evening, then at noon.

Sure enough, the further away from this person, the better.

Tubo is a snow-covered plateau. It gets dark around Haishi, which means it gets dark around nine o'clock in the evening. The days are typically long and the nights are short.

However, Xiangxiong is too close to Jiutian and is located in the extreme west. It is the last sunset place in Tubo. By the time it gets dark, it is already around a quarter of Hai hour.

The two groups of people and horses on the short soil slope were separated by a distance of one or two feet and did not come into contact with each other. As it got dark, both parties went to bed early to recharge their batteries in preparation for the long journey tomorrow.

Jin An is not sleepy, he will keep vigil tonight.


swish swish——

Like the boundless black ocean of meadow, the child lowered his body, pressing extremely low, close to the ground.

A strong wind blew in the night. This wind was stronger than the previous few days. Even the meadows were blown down. The temperature dropped sharply at night. Even the cows and horses who were originally kneeling on the ground to sleep were so cold that they gathered tightly together and relied on each other's body heat to keep warm. .

This strong wind has not stopped until half of the night. The wind howls and makes a shrill sound of howling ghosts and wolves in the vast wilderness. Judging from the momentum, it will continue until the second half of the night.

Jin An, who was sitting by the fire to warm himself, raised his head and glanced at the night sky. This weather... gave people an ominous premonition that a storm was about to destroy the city.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Those Tianzhu and monks who were eager to explore the Kunlun Snow Mountains for treasures, fearing that someone would hollow out the treasures if they fell behind, set out early before dawn.

We set off without even having breakfast.

Although Jin'an and the others also got up early, it happened to be dawn when they drank hot soup to warm themselves up, fed fodder to the cattle and horses, and prepared everything to go on the road.

At this time, it had been half an hour since those Tianzhu people left.

"This is good. There are people in the front helping us to take the initiative to avoid the thunder. This is called sitting back and enjoying the results, haha." Jin Anle was happy.

Dorje Cuo, who had packed up all the equipment and checked that everything was tied up, came to Jin An worriedly at this time and said: "Taoist Master Jin An... The strong wind from the south blew all night last night. ...It looks like there will be a heavy rain tonight or tomorrow..."

"Although that kidnapper Gesang has a bad character... he has rich experience in this field... he should have noticed this... so he took those Tianzhu people and set off in a hurry before dawn, just to catch up with the heavy rain when it got dark. Find the next shelter from the rain... Now is the season when the permafrost melts. Another heavy rain will turn the meadow into a muddy swamp... It will make the meadow even more dangerous... We have to speed up today..."

All right.

Jin An was in a happy mood for a short time, but was ruthlessly beaten to death. Now he couldn't be happy anymore.

Mr. Yiyun on the side looked at the change of expression on Jin An's face, gloating about his misfortune, smiling like a fat man weighing 500 pounds.

Jin An was speechless.

"I almost looked like a five-hundred-pound fool from laughing..." he muttered.

As a result, Master Yiyun, who had a sharp ear, happened to listen to these words. He raised his slender eyebrows and stared at Jin An: "Who are you saying is fat? Have the courage to say what you just said again!"

Jin An is not a five-hundred-pound fool, and he will certainly not be stupid enough to hit the sword at this time. He casually made a nonsense in an attempt to get past the test: "I mean, the silly sheep is almost five hundred pounds, and he is still losing weight along the way." All I know is to eat, eat, eat, and if I get fatter, I’ll be able to kill him to supplement the family income.”


At the edge of the meadow, the silly sheep stuck out its fat, round buttocks, revealing a black chrysanthemum, and was happily sticking out its tongue to eat the tips of the grass buds. She turned back to look at Jin An.



At this time, Dorje Cuo, who looked worried, was not in the camp, so he did not notice the two people and the sheep playing around. Instead, he looked at the end of the sky, which was covered by thick gray clouds and never saw the sun all year round. Towering over the snow-capped mountains, he said worriedly: "This is not what I'm most worried about... What I'm most worried about is... the weather in the snow-capped mountains changes as quickly as a woman's face... it's snowing on the top of the mountain... there may be heavy rain or hail at the foot of the mountain... if it continues in the next few days... It's raining heavily... When we get to the foot of the snow-capped mountains, the rain may intensify into a heavy rainstorm, and people may be washed away..."

"Or if it rains and hails, heavy rain mixed with fist-sized hail, even the tent can't stop it..."

Mr. Yiyun: "?"


At this time, Jin An and Qi Bo hurried away and pretended to check whether the things on the backs of the cattle and horses were tied tightly to avoid unnecessary disaster.

Not long after, the team was back on the road and officially entered this meadow growing on the permafrost.

In the next half day, Jin'an finally understood the danger hidden under the meadow that Uncle Dorjetso said. Along the way, from time to time you can see sinkholes that have collapsed after the permafrost melted. Those sinkholes are so dark that people feel like they are staring into an abyss and cannot see the bottom of the sinkhole.

No wonder the locals describe these sinkholes as leading directly to the belly of the underground Zanmo.

It's really a bit nerve-wracking.

If a person accidentally steps on the thin layer of eroded permafrost and falls into a sinkhole, there is a 100% chance that he will be shattered to pieces.

Just as the team was carefully advancing through the dense meadows along the tracks made by the Tianzhu people, suddenly, the ground beneath their feet shook like an earthquake. The team's cows and horses were frightened and neighed. They knelt on the ground one by one and refused to move. Then... A loud explosion was heard, and the ground was shaken for a while before it slowly subsided.

Seeing that the cows and horses were just frightened and kneeling on the ground instead of running away in panic, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After Jin'an checked the team, he looked at Dorje Tso: "What happened just now?"


"Where did the earthquake and explosion sound come from?"

Dorjetso: "That's an ice blast."

"Ice blast?"

Dorjetso explained: "The earth under our feet is not dead...Mother of the Earth lives underground...The ice explosion sound just now is because the ice layer under the meadow has been moving...In high temperature weather, the frozen soil becomes violently active...Ice When the layers and ice layers press against each other, an ice explosion will occur..."

Not long after walking out, Jin An finally saw the ice explosion scene with his own eyes.

The frozen soil under the meadow melted due to the high temperature and became violently active. The frozen soil squeezed and exploded into two pieces, thrusting upward toward the sky, revealing gray-brown frozen soil.

It's like a ravine extending so long that you can't see the ends to the left and right at a glance.

Jin An doesn't think this has anything to do with Mother Earth. The crustal activity here in the Kunlun Mountains is intense, and the terrain of Tubo is rising every year. It is normal for the frozen soil to be squeezed and release pressure toward the ground.

It seems that those collapsed bottomless sinkholes are also related to this reason.

Everyone dismounted, led the cattle and horses carefully across the hard frozen soil on the top of the crack, continued walking on the footsteps of the Tianzhu people, and finally walked out of the meadow without any danger.

At the end of the meadow, there is a fault terrain that is rising and sinking at the same time. They stood on a high place and looked down the fault. There was no longer a meadow under the fault, but exposed frozen soil.

The gap between the faults is three to four feet high, and the edges are uneven, as if the earth was forcibly torn apart by the power of Tamu, revealing jagged gaps.

The frozen soil below the fault includes both earthy brown soil and blood-colored soil. This is a forbidden land of blood soil!

Looking at the blood and soil, Dorje Tso was horrified: "Why, how could this happen!"

"What?" Jin An suddenly had a bad feeling.

"These blood, blood and soil that were cursed by the demon Zan... were not available when I came here last time..." Dorjetso's eyes showed uneasiness that could not be hidden.

Hearing this, Jin An, Master Yiyun, and Qi Bo all frowned.


Ps: If the bosses see that a certain chapter is very long, longer than the previous 4k, bosses don’t have to doubt it, it’s another big incentive event of buy 4 get 1 free or buy 4 get 2 free=. =

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