White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 602 The goat went on a rampage for the first time, with a thunderous momentum

At the foot of the snow-capped mountains during the day.

People from the Tianshen Clan, the Descendants of the Divine Monkey, the Qiusheng Clan, the Black Stone Clan, and the Gold Clan all gathered here.

In a warm tent with a stove on top, the top leaders of the five major tribes on the plateau were sitting in the tent, supervising the progress of snow digging not far away.

In order to gain opportunities to perform in front of their masters, the tall-legged serf owners of several major tribes kept waving their long whips and shouting curses with white breath from their mouths and noses, urging the serfs with miserable life experiences to dig more snow.

None of these plateau nobles and serf owners regarded the serfs as human beings. Only the Golden Family treated the serfs kindly and rarely beat or scolded the serfs. The serfs who followed the Golden Family also wore the most clothes and looked the best. Serfs.

Although the Golden Family treats serfs better, even the entire Golden Family takes the existence of serfs for granted.

This is a top-down environmental problem.

The general environment is like this. Over time, people will take it for granted to eat, drink and be serfs.

Unless there is a strong break from outsiders.

Otherwise, the local people will not be able to change this evil custom for several generations.

In addition to the five major tribes on the plateau, there are many other outsiders who are also checking the progress near the snow peak. They are afraid that if they dig through the glacier canyon buried by the avalanche, they will find out too late and the good treasures inside will be lost to others. Got a head start.

The column-holding dragon spirit that was just dug up the day before yesterday really stimulated these people.

As for the tantric monks from major monasteries, they are still going around the mountain to pray day after day, praying that the few sages are still alive and safe.

However, there is one exception among these people, and that is the Tianzhu people group.

Those Tianzhu people had just lost many masters last night, their vitality was severely damaged, and they left in dejection, with their tail between their legs. As a result, after only one night, those Tianzhu people began to come out and be active again, traveling in groups, making noises, talking loudly, acting a little unscrupulously, and even more arrogant and arrogant than yesterday.

It stands to reason that I just turned my tail between my legs last night, so today I will be more low-key, but today I am even more arrogant than yesterday. This is because the scar has not healed yet and I have forgotten the pain, so I say these Tianzhu people are an anomaly.

I don’t know what happened to these Tianzhu people after leaving Jin’an last night, so that such a big change happened.




Suddenly, the ground on the glacier shook, like huge millstones jumping and rolling on the glacier, or like a herd of elephants galloping violently on the glacier, making a loud noise.


Everyone was surprised and subconsciously turned their heads to look behind them, and then saw a white snow wall moving quickly on the glacier, and the white snow wall rumbled towards the snow peak.

Everyone was shocked.

When they got closer, everyone could see clearly what the white snow wall was. It turned out to be a snow-capped white cow with white hair running menacingly on the glacier, knocking through the thick wind and snow, giving people the impression of a wall. The illusion that the wall of wind and snow is moving.

It is rare to see a white bull running wildly in the snow-capped mountains. Even the locals rarely see it. Everyone couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and then found a figure sitting on the back of the white bull. Upon closer inspection, it was a Han Taoist priest.

But those who had the biggest reaction were those from Tianzhu.

The Tianzhu people who had acted a little unscrupulously before saw the white bull running through the wind and snow on the glacier, many Tianzhu people knelt down and kowtowed with excitement, shouting "sacred cow, sacred cow".

The Snow Mountain White Ox is also a snow mountain deity in Tubo, but the Tibetan people are relatively calm and just open their arms to pray to the "White Ox".

But some people discovered something was wrong with the white bull in front of them.

"This snow-capped white cow looks like a goat?"

"It is precisely because it is different from ordinary cows that it is called the Snow Mountain Beast." Someone said matter-of-factly.


"Okay, stop being suspicious. There are no goats that look like cows. Don't you blaspheme the sacred cow in the eyes of the Tianzhu people like you? Are they starting to look at you unkindly?" the man reminded.

The two people who came were naturally Jin An and Shayang who came to see the old Taoist priest.

Shayang rushed to the foot of Xuefeng, but did not find its third junior brother. He tilted his head and glanced at Jin An: "What?"

This goat is literally a sperm.

The look in his eyes was just like that of a human being. He tilted his head and looked behind him suspiciously, as if he was wondering if Jin An was deceiving him. No one was found here.

Well, Jin An originally wanted to find someone to ask about the whereabouts of "Master Yongcuo", but then he found that he could not speak Tibetan language, which was a bit of a mistake. He had to go to the Han people to inquire about the whereabouts of "Master Yongcuo" and asked five or six people in a row. , he finally found out the whereabouts of "Master Yongcuo" and went to the mountains early in the morning.

Jin An knew that the mountain tour could not be interrupted midway. After appeasing the goats, one person and one goat decided to wait patiently for the old Taoist priest to come back.

While waiting for the old Taoist priest in Jin'an, some Tianzhu people came closer, knelt down and kowtowed to the goats, and prayed that their trip to Kunlun Snow Mountain would help them gain more heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Jin An frowned.

He was tired of being harassed by these Tianzhu people, so he patted the goat on the forehead and simply went straight into the mountains to find the old Taoist priest.

He has no special hobbies and likes to be knelt down and worshiped.

Even after more than a year, he still couldn't accept the custom of kneeling down at every turn in this era.

However, just as one person and one sheep were about to set off, they saw a familiar figure coming from the other side of the snow peak. The silly sheep was not stupid at all. Its eyes were better than Jin An's. Before he could remind him, the silly sheep under him was actually He rushed forward in a straight line with a rumble, and a long snow dragon rose in the air behind him.


The silly sheep neighed loudly, its breath was long, and its physical strength was amazing.

The group of people behind them looked confused: "Did I just misunderstand it? Why did I hear the sound of goats? This is the Kunlun Snow Mountain. There are only cattle and horses responsible for carrying heavy objects. Where can the living goats come from?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, with confused expressions on their faces.

Going around mountains and lakes to pray for blessings is a very solemn ritual for local people. The old Taoist priests wearing red monk robes and cockscomb hats also follow the local customs and piously go around mountains to pray for those poor serfs, hoping to More people left Kunlun Snow Mountain alive and went home to reunite with their families, parents, wives and children... At this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded in his ears, oh no! It's an avalanche!

This was the old Taoist priest's first reaction.

Sure enough, he saw a white snow wave rushing towards him like a white flood on the snow peak.

The old Taoist priest was just about to run away and remind everyone that there was an avalanche. However, as soon as he turned around and ran for two steps, he realized that avalanches all rolled down from high to low. How could there be an avalanche from low to high?

Then he finally saw clearly that the so-called avalanche was a strong goat as big as a cow running wildly on the snowy peak, rushing towards him like a wall of snow.



First he was surprised and then surprised: "Silly sheep..."

The surprise on the old Taoist priest's face soon turned into horror: "Don't..."

Before I could finish saying the words "Don't come here," the tall and strong goat was already rushing towards me at an unstoppable speed, Peng!

Like the muffled sound of a sandbag being knocked away, the old Taoist priest's pitiful scream rang out from the foot of Xuefeng Mountain, and the person was thrown away like a parabola by the horns of a goat.

I'll beat your lungs out! This was the only thought that the old Taoist priest had when he fell into the thick soft snow. He gave him such a big gift when they first met. After a year of not seeing this stupid sheep, his temper has not diminished at all. This is definitely a way to repay him for shouting just now. That sound of revenge for a silly sheep.

The serfs who were digging in the snow nearby heard the screams of their most respected Master Yongcuo. They looked up and saw Master Yongcuo being knocked away by the "white yak" in the snow mountain and falling into the thick snow. At this moment, these serfs Their eyes were red with fear, thinking that something bad had happened to Master Yongcuo. These red-eyed serfs were more afraid of the whip in the hands of the serf master. Hundreds of people armed with pickaxes, wooden shovels and other tools rushed towards the troubled goat and tried to kill it. Go and rescue Master Yongcuo.

And more serfs rushed over to save people with iron weapons in their hands.

"Silly sheep, look, you've gotten into trouble!"

"This is how you welcome the old Taoist priest!"

Jin An angrily slapped the sheep's head, jumped off the sheep's back and quickly dug out the old Taoist priest buried in the snow.

Although Shayang was very reckless, he knew the importance and stopped his strength at the last moment. Despite the huge momentum, the old Taoist priest only choked on a few mouthfuls of snow, and the thick snow was the best way to relieve his strength.

At this time, the serf owners who were responsible for supervising the serfs digging snow and clearing the mountains saw that the serfs were lazy and did not continue to dig snow when they saw that the serfs were blowing up their nests. These serf owners were furious and beat the serfs hard with the cold cowhide whips in their hands. .

"What are you doing! Do you want to rebel? Go back and continue digging in the snow, you rotten serfs!"

"Get back here quickly and continue digging in the snow. If you're wasting time, then stay with me tonight and continue digging!"

"Damn it! Do you want to escape! This is the Kunlun Snow Mountain. There is no food or drink. You guys who have been bastards for generations, do you think you can survive if you escape? Don't forget that your lives are all Ours, you have sold your lives to us a long time ago. Not only you, but also your women and children have sold their lives to us. If you dare to escape, the first thing I will do when I get back is to cut your women in pieces. The child's hands and feet were then tied to the back of a horse and dragged to death! Come back and continue digging in the snow!"

"You still have the strength to run away. I think I was too good to you in the past. I gave you too much food and too warm a place to live. It made you forget who was so kind to you. They are a bunch of wolf-hearted dogs who don't know how to be grateful to you, my merciful dogs! Since you have so much energy to rebel and escape, from today onwards, your food and clothing will be halved, and your digging time will be extended by an hour! Keep digging even after dark!"

The serf owners were furious and furious. These scoundrels would really pick a time to cause trouble for them. If the master behind them saw this, the master would definitely think that they were doing something bad. They couldn't even control the serfs, so how could they control the cattle and horses? Serving the upper class nobles.

The more they thought about it, the angrier they became, and they beat them harder with their cowhide whips.



The cold and hard whip swung loudly in the air, hitting each serf repeatedly. The thin clothes were burst by the whip, and the skin and scalp on the back were ripped open by the whip, dripping with blood, and the wounds were still raw. He didn't shed much blood and was quickly frozen by the coldness of the plateau. It looked terrible.

But these hungry serfs, who were skinny and weak, seemed to know no pain at this moment, and they all rushed to save the most respected master Yongcuo in their hearts.

At this time, the old Taoist priest who happened to be dug out of the snow by Jin An saw the miserable condition of the serfs. He had no time to pat the snowflakes on his body and ran over with his hands waving: "Don't be nervous, everyone, I'm fine, I'm fine. I fell down accidentally... …”

The old Taoist priest felt distressed as he looked at the serfs who thought he was killed and rushed to save him with iron weapons in hand. He shouted with red eyes and ran over: "Stop beating them, don't beat them again, they are not trying to escape!"

Seeing many people lying in a pool of blood, the old Taoist priest couldn't bear it anymore. Tears burst out from his eyes and he ran to stop the serf owners with a look of grief and anger.

However, the serf owners who were now angry did not show off to Master Yongcuo at this time. They continued to hit the serfs with long whips in their hands. Those whips caused blood and flesh to fly, and many people were seriously injured and fell to the ground. I don’t know.

Only the serf owners on the other side did not beat or scold the serfs.

The serf owners turned around and looked behind them. In that direction was the tent where the top leaders of the Golden Family were.


The top brass of the Golden Family simply recalled the serf owners, then frowned and looked at the suddenly rioting serf team.

At this time, the senior officials in the tents of the four major families on the plateau heard the noise outside and came out to check the situation. However, only the senior officials of the Golden Family recalled their serf owners, while the other three major families did not recall their serf owners and continued to let them go. The serf owners brought their retinues to suppress the serfs with bloody violence.

Over at Xuefeng, Jin An looked at the chaotic scene in front of him. He also knew that he was in trouble, and he hammered the sheep's head angrily: "Look, you are in big trouble this time!"

Then his eyes darkened and he rushed over to save people.

These poor people should not have suffered this catastrophe. Although it was not his fault, it was all caused by him. He was the one who raised Dumbfounded, and it was he who brought the stupid sheep to the old Taoist priest, so this crime Cause and effect he couldn't escape.

But a white shadow rushed out faster.

Goats are suitable for running on mountain tops. Shayang rushed out faster than Jin'an. The ground shook and the snow line collapsed along the way. Thanks to this being the foot of the mountain, there was no avalanche. Shayang passed Jin'an all the way. , old Taoist priest, bang!

There was a sound of broken bones and tendons, and a serf owner who was about to crack his whip was directly hit hard by the stupid sheep. This time, the stupid sheep did not hold back, but hit him like a huge grindstone, or like a beast with huge sharp horns. The bull collided with it at full speed, and the serf owner didn't even let out a scream. His chest collapsed on the spot, his internal organs were ruptured, and he died in mid-air before he even hit the ground.


The serf owner's corpse was thrown thirty feet away, and finally hit the glacier hard, leaving a bloody head and long bloody traces on the ice.

The serf owner's eyes were bloodshot. This was the cause of death caused by ruptured internal organs and massive internal bleeding in a short period of time.

This was the silly sheep's first rampage. It ran rampant in the crowd of serf owners, charging and killing brutally. It was as strong as a cow and weighed a thousand kilograms. Anyone who was touched by it was like being rubbed by a millstone. , the bones were broken and he died on the spot.

Who would have thought that a goat could move so fast, as fast as a white god in a snow-capped mountain, or as white as lightning in a snow-capped mountain. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen serf owners were knocked several dozen feet away, vomiting blood and died miserably.

There are also masters among these serf owners who have strong physiques and strong blood. However, none of them can withstand the rampage of the silly sheep. With a heavy body, they run with an astonishing force. The mountains collapse and the ground cracks, earth-shattering, and the whole body is covered before the naked eye can see clearly. His bones were broken and he was thrown away.

Since this goat followed Jin'an, it has eaten a lot of natural and earthly treasures along the way. It has even eaten the longevity peaches brought out from the Cave Heaven Paradise. Its body of flesh and blood has become as strong as a ferocious beast, and it has been born into an extraordinary world. , how can it be measured by common sense?

At this moment, Shayang was furious!

It's still going on a rampage!

It rushed left and right in the crowd, and every time it bumped into a serf owner, it was like a thunderstorm that hit hard. The hard rock on the spot was smashed into a big crater by its heavy body, and the snow water was torn apart by the fierce impact, killing everyone. Quartet.

After leaving behind dozens of corpses, these serf owners and their retinues finally fled in fright. The large number of living people were actually killed by a sheep. They fled to the rear in panic and despair, towards the rear. Their respective masters asked for help.

This is the first time a goat has killed anyone.

It does not stand up for Jin'an, nor for the old Taoist priests, but for those poor serfs.

At this moment, it is like an epic that has been sung on the plateau for thousands of years. It is a mythical beast of the snow-capped mountains on the plateau, protecting the people of the snow-capped mountains.

The serfs were all dumbfounded.

Not only them, but others were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Is this...an ordinary cow?

"Is this white yak... really a mythical beast from the snow-capped mountains?"

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