White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 610 Living Immortal on Land! A strong man from the third realm from Kangding Kingdom!

Kick, kick, kick.

Chaotic footsteps.

Everyone rushed up to the city wall to look at the golden miasma area, wondering whether the soul-controlled objects could really pass through those poisonous miasma safely?

After waiting for a long time, everyone saw that the three powerful Tianzhu men on the roof of the ancient palace were no different. Their bodies were still splendid, standing like three Bodhisattvas in the world.

Jade and gold can indeed restrain those golden miasmas.

"The search for miracles in the Kunlun Mountains this time gave the lucky Tianzhu people an advantage. I never thought they would be willing to spend such a large amount of money this time and dispatch three top experts at once!"

Someone in the crowd sighed and said, with complicated eyes, including jealousy, envy, and helplessness.

I am afraid that the only real beneficiaries of this trip to the Kunlun Mountains are those from Tianzhu.

Just one third-level warrior was enough to intimidate all the forces present. What's more, three of them came at once. It was as if three great mountains were pressing down on their heads. They didn't even have the courage to resist.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the several great sages from Tubo who were the first to enter the mountains, and all of them were trapped in the Kunlun Mountains, where their life and death were unknown, and without restraint, it would never have been the turn of the Tianzhu people to be so proud here." Someone in the crowd cursed. , showing disdain and unwillingness to follow the trend of Tianzhu people.

"It would be great if our third-level warriors from Kangding Country could also enter the Kunlun Mountains this time. In terms of numbers of people and experts, we have a vast territory and have never been afraid of anyone."

"Who says it's not the case, but it is precisely because we have a vast territory and a large territory that there are many jackals, tigers and leopards looking around. Every third-level strongman has his own mission and his own place that needs to be guarded. It is not easy to Walking around... Hey, even the opening of the Cave Heaven Paradise that happened in Wuzhou Prefecture last year didn't include a third-level powerhouse. You can imagine how many tigers, wolves, jackals and leopards we faced."

"After all, it's not because these Tianzhu people are backed by the Karakoram Mountains plateau, and have wild and uncivilized primitive mountain forests as a natural barrier. They are born without the eyeing eyes of powerful foreign enemies, so they dare to go out with such unscrupulous experts to expedition to Tibet. Snowland.”

"Okay, please stop saying a few words. You didn't realize that now is the time when those people are at their peak. Those Tianzhu people are looking at us unkindly. They must have heard our conversation." The people traveling with us smiled bitterly. Discourage these old friends of yours.

"Hey, we old guys are really old. We are so old that we no longer have the spirit of young people. When will our country be concerned about a few Tianzhu people? What if that young man, the Great Demon God, is here? Enough……"

"After all, that brave young man who is a great demon is not in the third realm. One realm short of him is enough to crush someone to death. I hope he won't act impulsively at this time. Only those who are in the third realm can defeat those in the same realm."


The atmosphere fell into silence, and these people silently looked at the golden miasma outside the city.

As if hearing their conversation, at this moment, the team of jade figurines near the Yushu Sacred Tree suddenly changed again.

Sonorous! Sonorous! Sonorous!

In the team of jade figurines of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, a row of generals wearing gold jade robes, with the crisp sound of jade armor, turned over and mounted the jade horses of the heavy cavalry, which were also covered with thick jade armor, and charged forward with great momentum. To the poisonous miasma outside the city.

Faced with this sudden scene, everyone was shocked and subconsciously turned to look at the three old Tianzhu people on the top of the ancient palace, thinking that the other party's soul was controlling the object again.

As a result, I saw the three old Tianzhu people turning their heads and looking in one direction.

The crowd was excited, and a thought came to everyone's mind. Is there a fourth person in the third realm of the dungeon ruins?

Everyone turned around in panic.

Then, everyone saw a shocking scene. A middle-aged man from Han Dynasty was floating in the air at some point, looking straight at the golden miasma outside the city.

"Gods, gods..." Someone said with a shocked expression on his face and his jaw dropped.

"That's not a god, but it's not an exaggeration to say he's a land god! There's a type of people in this world who can lift themselves up in the air and fly in the air. They're called living gods on land! If I'm not wrong, that person in the sky He is such a terrestrial god. His soul can lift itself up after traveling for a day and leave the ground. From then on, he can travel around the world with boundless freedom!" A well-informed old man explained to a group of juniors around him with a very solemn expression. .

"The Yuan Shen travels on a day trip? Leaving the ground and flying into the air? Master, don't be too pretentious. Tell me, what's the new saying?" Amidst the exclamations one after another, someone urged with rapid breathing.

The old man looked at the sky solemnly: "Old man, I also accidentally saw the description of the third realm from the ancestors' manuscripts preserved in the sect. The third realm is also divided into several small realms, namely Yuan Shen Day Tour, but Controlling tangible objects in the world; flying into the air, the soul can lift up his physical body, fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and perform mysterious changes..."

It is rare to know the specific details of the third realm. Some passers-by scratched their heads and asked impatiently: "What about the back? Is it just gone? Master, don't just say half and leave half!"

The number of strong people in the third realm in this world is too rare, and there are not many records spread among the people. It is difficult for people to learn the details of this realm through normal channels. Now that there is such a golden opportunity in front of them, everyone looks nervous and asks. .

The old man sighed sadly: "It's a pity that we, the descendants, are not filial. After several changes, we did not preserve it properly, and many records are incomplete. Even the soaring from the ground, old man, I guessed based on some clues in the manuscripts of our ancestors." , I am really ashamed of my ancestors’ spirits in heaven, and my children and grandchildren are unfilial...”

Day trip to the Royal Monument...

Soaring off the ground...

Everyone carefully savored the artistic conception, and their horizons were broadened today, which will be of great benefit to their future practice.

First, they witnessed the battle at the limit of the second realm of the Great Demon God, and now they heard many secrets about the third realm. Everyone felt that the trip to Kunlun Mountain was worthwhile, even if they did not find the legendary Buddha, the Great God, and the Great Sage. The miracles in the Kunlun Mountains, these eye-opening experiences alone are enough to become a source of conversation in life, and will be of great benefit to future spiritual practice.

At this time, another person discovered a detail that everyone ignored, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "I don't think the three elders of Tianzhu can fly into the sky. Doesn't it mean that the realm of the third realm strongman who finally appeared is better than How can the three elders of Tianzhu reach a small realm?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became extremely solemn.

The old man Nianxu said proudly: "I can't guarantee anything else, but look at the strong men in Tianzhu. They can only control one item with their souls at a time. Even Yama, the god of death, and the two hell dogs are not equal in strength. At most It’s one and a half. On the other hand, the strong man from our Kangding Kingdom can split his mind and split his mind, transforming his spirit into a bead. He can control eight or nine jade figurine generals and eight or nine jade figurine war horses at one time, which is a small difference in realm. , is the Tianyuan Chasm, which can suppress the dead!"

Kangding country!

The Han people in the crowd had bright eyes and looked up at the third-level strongman who alone suppressed the sky. The gloomy atmosphere that oppressed them was swept away, replaced by pride and a straight chest.


There are more than three elders from Tianzhu who are in the third realm here.

Kang Ding Kingdom also has third-level experts coming to Kunlun Mountain this time to act as powerful backers behind them.

This time, the three elders of Tianzhu acted together to establish their power, and the third-level powerhouse of Kangding Kingdom chose this moment to show up and fly into the sky. Wasn't it meant to suppress the arrogance of the three elders of Tianzhu and promote the power of the Han people?

It doesn't matter if there are many three elders in Tianzhu, they are only at the early stage of the third realm, but Kang Dingguo came to be their backer this time, at least they are in the middle stage of the third realm!

One sky and one earth cannot be compared to two more people!

A sense of pride and happiness that even though you are thousands of miles away, the Han people are your biggest supporter behind you, it is deep and deep, and your mood changes drastically.

The three elders of Tianzhu on the roof of the ancient palace turned their heads and looked at the Han people flying off the ground, without saying anything.

Their bodies glowed, and their bodies were shrouded in divine light, deliberately creating an atmosphere like the arrival of gods. Outsiders could not see the expressions on the three people's faces, nor could they see the changes in their moods at this moment.

In fact, this is not the first time that the three elders of Tianzhu have dealt with the visitor.

As early as outside, they had already secretly competed with each other.

After staring for a while, the three elders of Tianzhu began to retract their gaze and looked in the direction of the poisonous miasma spitted out by the golden turtle. Through the sharing of souls, they saw the environment inside the poisonous miasma and planned to grab the dragon beads and dragon fetuses before the other party took action.

This is a battle of souls between strong men in the third realm.

It should have been a grand scene with unprecedented pageantry and shocking turmoil.

But it was blocked by a layer of golden miasma.

People can only listen to the loud explosions coming from the golden miasma, which makes the miasma uneasy. They can only watch the huge shadows floating in the golden miasma from time to time and try to figure out the battle inside.

Suddenly there was a huge phantom across the sky, like a firebird and a phoenix singing in the clear air, swallowing gold fossils in the miasma; there was also a sword aura, like a jade figurine general slashing into the void with sharp sword auras. In the poisonous miasma, they were splitting gold and cutting stones with murderous intent; there were also the gods of death and four-eyed hellhounds from the Eighteen Mud Plows, their eyes were scarlet in the golden miasma, as if they were searching for souls, and those with low strength looked at those His temples were beating wildly with his scarlet gaze, as if the soul in his body was about to fly out of his body uncontrollably at any time, and then be detained in the mud plow. Even the ferocious roars of the two hellhounds did not stop, as if they were fighting. To the searing heat…

They stayed in the dungeon and couldn't see clearly who they were fighting in the scorching battle within the golden miasma. They didn't know whether the two top experts were fighting for the Dragon Ball and Dragon Fetus, or whether the two top experts were fighting together. Join forces to slay the dragon...

This hazy feeling, like looking at flowers through fog, made everyone scratch their heads and scratch their heads with anxiety, wishing they could rush in now to see how the battle was going!

But facing those highly poisonous golden miasmas, they all became timid again!

Without warning! Sudden! Boom!

There was a loud noise, like a thunderbolt exploding in the underground space, deafening and causing chest pain!

Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, and the entire Kunlun Snow Mountain was shaking!

There is a huge terrifying aura permeating under the Kunlun Mountains, and the air is filled with restlessness!

Click! Click! This is a big movement of mountains and rivers cracking, as if the earth is about to collapse and the situation changes!

At this time, a lot of dust and stones fell from the top of the head. Even the jade figurines and jade-carved dragon, chariot and phoenix chariot teams in the city were smashed by the falling stones!

"What's going on! What's going on!"

"Where did the explosion come from?"

"Is there another avalanche in the Kunlun Snow Mountain outside?"

This uneasy commotion lasted for about half a cup of tea before it gradually subsided, but before everyone could figure out the situation, another wave broke out!

Those strong men in the third realm seemed to have made some important discovery. Their expressions changed slightly, and then they quickly took off the jade figurine's jade clothes with golden threads, put them on themselves, and then rushed in non-stop. Inside the golden miasma!

The four strong men did not hesitate throughout the whole process, as if they had seen something a hundred times more precious than the dragon beads and dragon fetuses!

The first person to rush into the golden miasma was the strong man from Kangding who passed from the sky and flew off the ground.

The three elders of Tianzhu rushed in a few steps behind.

This series of shocking changes happened so suddenly that it took a while for everyone to react, but no one stayed there to think about what happened. Everyone subconsciously rushed towards the jade tree in the city.

They all ran towards the jade figurines wearing gold-lined jade clothes.

The gold-studded jade clothes worn on the jade figurines are the only artifact that can overcome the poisonous miasma of the zodiac.

"Whoever dares to attack our Blackstone camp will be killed!"

At this moment, a cold shout suddenly sounded in the air. His voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in the ears, making people dizzy and slow to react.

A man rushed over very fast, and with a wave of his sword, he cut off the arm of a Westerner who touched the jade figurines. Blood splattered all over the ground, staining several jade figurines nearby.


The man from the Western Region who had his arm cut off fell to the ground and screamed in agony. Blood gushed out from the severed arm and the blood continued to bleed.

But this was only one of the seven or eight people who were chopped down by the sword. The man made a cold move and chopped down several people in an instant. Some people had their hands cut off, some had their heads chopped off, and only a headless corpse was left. Down.

This overbearing and ruthless force directly killed the crowd who were overly excited and rushed towards them, until their hands and feet became cold and they stopped in their tracks.

A majestic middle-aged Tibetan man who looked like Black King Kong killed everyone in cold blood.

It was Dorje Black Vajra, the number one warrior of the Blackstone clan, who was the first to rush back to the sacred tree of Yushu. He struck coldly and domineeringly, shocking hundreds of people by himself.

"Who dares to rush into the Tianshen clan's camp!"

The Blackstone clan's ruthless suppression seemed to have taken the lead. At this time, the experts from the Tianshen clan on the other side also rushed back to the Yushu sacred tree, and started to kill the others one after another. Blood spattered for more than ten steps, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Then the Golden Family and the descendants of the Divine Monkey also arrived one after another. However, these two families were not so murderous. They just fought back and did not kill anyone.

The most murderous people are the Tianzhu people. I don’t know whether they are emboldened because they occupy the three elders of Tianzhu, or they are still a little bit unconvinced that the majesty of the third-level strongman on their side has been taken away by a Han Chinese, and they want to regain their majesty. Anyone who came near the ancient temple was mercilessly killed by them.

The ancient palace is near the sacred jade tree, and next to the ancient palace is a large team of jade figurines, dragon chariots and phoenix chariots. These Tianzhu people have long regarded the jade figurines in the ancient palace as their own and will never allow outsiders to get involved.

And this caused outrage.

"Why do you occupy all the jade trees, jade figurines, dragon chariots and phoenix chariots! Why can't we take them!"

"The sacred jade tree is a sacred object planted by the Queen Mother of the West in the Kunlun Mountain. It is an ownerless object. Don't go too far! Don't be too domineering!"

"Don't think that because you have a large number of people, you can do whatever you want and take all the things of heaven and earth as your own! Everyone has a share in the things of heaven and earth. Be careful, if you are crazy, you will be punished by heaven!"

People looked at the several major forces that had surrounded the altar, and saw the broken limbs and blood flowing all over the place, as miserable as hell on earth, with angry expressions, and fierce conflicts broke out.

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