White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 613: There is weak water in the north of Kunlun, and there are descendants and grandchildren


Jin An's thoughts were brought back by the sound of falling water, and someone threw stones into the middle of the lake to ask for directions.

At this time, the group of people who went down to the lake before Jin An saw that the dragon ball was still in the golden turtle's mouth and had not been taken away. They laughed happily, then hugged the dragon's body, stepped on the embossed dragon scales, and began to move towards the dragon. First climb.

However, wearing gold jade clothes, their hands and feet were clumsy, and the embossed dragon scales slipped off even after stepping on them several times. Instead, they grabbed more gold powder from the golden turtles.

When those golden powders meet the lake water, they produce a golden miasma, which makes the poisonous miasma around them even thicker and more oppressive, like an unknown haze that hangs over everyone's hearts.

"What's going on? Why has the poisonous miasma in the water become darker again?"

"Could it be that the golden dragon in the center of the lake has changed?"

The noise of many people could be heard in the thick fog behind him, and a large number of people were rushing toward the center of the lake through splashing water.

The group of people standing under the golden dragon's head heard the noise coming from the mist behind them. They were anxious. One of them was so cruel that he pulled out his weapon and inserted it into the body of the golden dragon, using its strength to climb all the way up.

The place where the golden catfish was punctured by the sharp blade was actually bleeding, and white flesh could be seen in the wound, as if it were a living thing. The smell of blood began to fill the lake.

The golden miasma in the air is actually changing towards the red miasma!

Even the air temperature is rising slightly!

This unexpected scene stunned everyone present.

Including Jin An also looked at this surprising change with a solemn expression.

But the group of people who were blinded by greed did not think too much about whether this was normal. Their eyes were full of the rare treasure dragon ball. Everyone drew their weapons and quickly climbed towards the dragon's head in the same way.

And with just such effort, the originally beautifully carved golden dragon body had become riddled with holes and bleeding profusely.

The smell of blood became stronger.

More golden miasma transformed into scarlet miasma.


The sound of the water falling this time was loud, and it came from the roof of the cave above our heads!

"What the hell!" Jin An was startled and looked solemnly above his head.

But the fog and the noise in the lake disturbed him so much that he couldn't see what was falling.



More and more unknown things are falling from the ceiling of the cave above their heads and falling into this huge underground lake. The flat lake is no longer calm.

This scene was so similar to the many sounds of falling water they heard when they first escaped from the golden miasma. At that time, hundreds of people were fighting in the lake, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Those people who were already obsessed with interests didn't care about the changes in the outside world. They quickly rushed to the dragon's mouth. The dragon's head was huge, and a person standing in the dragon's mouth was only as high as a dragon's tooth.

Suddenly, Longkou exclaimed as if he was very surprised: "Why is there a dead person here!"

But then, there were screams one after another in the dragon's mouth, and something happened inside the dragon's mouth. Jin An tried his best to see clearly, but he couldn't clearly see the situation inside the dragon's mouth through the fog.

The screams sounded in a hurry and ended in a hurry. When all the screams disappeared, in this strange and miasmatic world, it seemed as if the air around you was solidifying and you were holding your breath.



A figure staggered out of the dragon's mouth shrouded in mist. The man's golden jade clothes were missing his head and visor, and his head was melted to pieces by the poisonous miasma. He wanted to escape from the dragon's mouth, but he inhaled a large amount of poisonous miasma. , the internal organs in his body had long been dissolved, and his vitality was rapidly drying up. When he reached the edge of the dragon's mouth, his strength was exhausted and he could no longer stand, and he knelt down heavily on his knees.

He raised his palms in despair, as if he wanted to hug his head to protect his head from being eroded by the poisonous miasma. Without his nose, he could only breathe through his mouth, and he kept making hard gasping sounds of "hehe". In the end, he was still wearing gold As soon as Lu Yuyi's palms touched her face, she grabbed off the flesh and blood one by one, like a steel wire brushing her face, and soon only a bloody skull remained on the entire face.


With a shrill scream, the man died of anger.

But even after he died, he still maintained a strange kneeling posture, as if he was repenting to the gods who lived in the Kunlun Mountains, and also seemed to be desperately cursing that every outsider who tried to get a glimpse of the Dragon Ball would suffer a bad death! Never be reincarnated!

Only the dragon ball remained intact.

Jin An was not the only one to see this scene. Everyone else who came to the center of the lake also saw this strange and horrifying scene. They all felt a chill running down their backs, making their heads feel cold.

At this time, even the air seemed to be frozen. No one spoke, and no one dared to rush close to the golden dragon that was still bleeding in the center of the lake. Everyone held their breath and looked solemn.

Plop, plop, unknown things continued to fall from the top of the cave above their heads, causing splashes of water to rise in the vast lake. In this strange and bloody fog, every sound of falling into the water hit people's hearts hard. The uneasiness became more intense.


This time, the sound of falling water was nearby, and even a few splashes of water fell on Jin An's gold jade clothes. Jin An's eyes moved and he quietly touched it.

This time he finally saw clearly what had fallen from the roof of the cave. It was an ice burial stone. There was a human corpse with dark skin and a giant belly frozen in the ice stone. The belly was as big as a ten-month pregnancy.

After falling from such a high place, the lake water and gold vessels did not have much of a buffering effect, and the ice rocks and the ice-buried corpse broke into several pieces.

Jin An's eyes flickered and his brows were thoughtful.

It seems that the people buried in the ice have been hanging above the cave ceiling. These ice stones have not melted for so many years. It should be that the cave ceiling is very high from the ground, close to the surface, and there are mountain gaps leading to the outside world, where wind and snow continue to pour in. , maintaining an ice burial state all year round.

However, due to some changes, perhaps related to the golden miasma turning into red miasma when exposed to blood, these ice burial ice stones began to fall one after another.

As the ice stone broke open, the red miasma covered the surface of the giant-bellied ice corpse, and the corpse began to melt. First the hair melted, then the skin melted, and the facial features melted into a blur of flesh and blood. It was impossible to tell which was the nose and which was the eye. This melts faster than the golden miasma and is more toxic.

A cry, like a baby's pitiful cry, resounded in the underground space. Jin An and several other people who were also attracted by the movement looked at the giant ice corpse with a melted belly and a bloody mass in shock.

Because the inexplicable cry of the baby came from the belly of the giant ice corpse.

Can a thousand-year-old ice corpse still give birth to a baby?

In this strange thought, Jin An saw with his own eyes a strange yellow snake bursting out of the belly of the melted giant ice corpse. The miserable cry of the baby came from the mouth of this strange snake.

This yellow snake has a head as big as a bucket and wears a dragon head mask. It can move freely in these poisonous miasmas.


Looking at the big-headed yellow snake in front of him, Jin An first thought of a smaller version of the giant snake!

Perhaps because it had hibernated for too long and was hungry, this big-headed yellow snake that looked like a giant snake just woke up from its slumber and shot towards Jin'an, wanting to eat people.

Just based on the fact that it cannibalizes people, it's very bad.

They have stabbed the nest of the disciples and grandsons of Yanqi!

Although this strange snake has a big head and looks quite bulky, it is actually very agile. However, it is a pity that this little beast must have hibernated for too long, and its brain is a little unclear. It lacks the sense of crisis of a beast and provokes Jin An.


Jin An put his palms together and blasted out air between his palms, swatting the big-headed yellow snake to death like a mosquito. Then he bent down and washed his hands in the lake as if nothing had happened.

The mouths were slightly open in surprise. The people surrounding the giant-bellied ice corpse looked at Jin An, who was as casual as swatting a mosquito, with stunned expressions.

These yellow snakes are not a threat to Jin'an, but they may not be to others. As more and more giant-bellied ice corpses melt, the yellow snakes burst out of their belly, and the entire underground is filled with red miasma. Screams began to ring out one after another in the lake.

At first it was just a sporadic sound.

Soon it turned into screams from all directions.

Many people discovered something unusual in the lake and planned to flee to the shore. However, they were clumsy and bulky in gold jade clothes, how could they outrun the yellow snake that was as agile as a water snake.

Not everyone is as physically strong as Jin An, who has followed the path of the Zhenwu Great Emperor and can almost break through ten thousand kilograms with one arm.

So the more these people panicked and ran to the shore, the faster they died. The heads of those yellow snakes were hard. Every time they ejected into the air, one person's golden jade clothes were penetrated from the back, and after swallowing After the human heart, the yellow snake devours the next person.

These yellow snakes are not very strong, but the poisonous miasma here allows them to live like a fish in water, and this just checks the weakness of human beings.

However, not all human beings are incompetent. Many people find that the strength of those yellow snakes is not strong, but they are weird and scary, making people unprepared. Someone in the mist shouted: "These strange snakes are not powerful." What's so scary, everyone is back to back, guarding each other against the strange snakes flying around! Don't even think about escaping at this time, people will never be able to outrun a water snake in the water!"

"Where are the descendants of the monkeys? You and the tribesmen around you move back to back and move closer to me! Don't use bows and arrows. Use the scimitars in your hands to chop down the strange snakes flying towards you!"

"Master Jiananda is with me now. You are approaching us back to back! Master Jiananda is here to protect your safety!" This time the shout was in Tianzhu language, and only Tianzhu people could understand him. Get closer this way.

After being caught off guard and turbulent at the beginning, as people's hearts stabilized and they gradually launched a counterattack, the casualties caused by the yellow snakes dropped rapidly. There were too many people entering the mountain this time. Once prepared, the situation reversed and the situation changed. There are not enough water snakes for everyone to kill.

As everyone worked in groups, cleaning up the center of the lake back to back, working steadily, the number of yellow snakes that changed this time dropped sharply, and there was a loud cry. The living range of the yellow snakes was getting smaller and smaller, and they were Restricted to the vicinity of the golden giant ancestor, which is as huge as a mountain in the middle of the lake.

When the team arrived near the golden dragonfly and saw the dragon ball in the dragon's mouth, they didn't know who was the first to rush to grab the dragon ball in the chaos. Others followed up to grab the dragon ball, not wanting to lag behind. They had cooperated sincerely before. The people immediately started a bloody fight around the golden fish.

Everyone knows that the more chaotic the muddy water here is, the better the chance of swallowing the dragon ball.

This chaotic scene is definitely not what the major forces want to see.

They originally wanted to wait and see the golden dragon in the middle of the lake. There were many doubts and unknown dangers about the golden dragon. However, in the current chaotic situation, if they did not fight for it, they might miss the dragon ball and the fetus! Everyone here is wearing gold and jade clothes. They have no idea who is rushing to the golden dragon to snatch the dragon ball and dragon fetus. If their enemy gets it first, it will undoubtedly be a catastrophe for their clan!

It is precisely because of this kind of suspicion that the top leaders of the Tianshen Clan, the Blackstone Clan, the Golden Clan, the descendants of the divine monkeys, the Tianzhu people, and several other forces all took action.

These people who take action all have one thing in common, that is, they are physical masters.

The non-corporeal masters wore bulky gold-lined jade clothes, which were not conducive to fierce close combat at all.

The first person to rush to the dragon's mouth was the ancient yoga master Kananda. As soon as he rushed to the dragon's mouth, he was attacked by a cunning yellow snake. However, this master Kananda was worthy of being a rare physical master in Tianzhu. Split the fast yellow snake into two pieces.

But because of this delay, other masters arrived one after another to prevent the ancient yoga master from snatching the dragon ball, which suddenly heated up the fight among the top leaders of all parties.

Not only did several high-level forces take action to snatch the Dragon Ball, but some well-hidden folk masters also took action, all trying to seize it from the tiger's mouth.

Now everyone is wearing jade clothes with golden threads, and no one knows each other's identity, so they have no worries when the fight starts.

Jin An saw the opportunity and snatched the dragon ball.

The soles of his feet were a few steps up and down, and when he was about to jump to the dragon's mouth, someone made a strong move towards him, hoping to take advantage of his lack of leverage to kill a competitor.

Jin An's eyes were cold.


The man's eyes were dull, and he actually followed the instructions and jumped off Yuqi's body, falling straight into the lake with his face facing down.

The golden jade garment couldn't withstand such a fall, and it split into several holes in an instant. Then it was melted into blood by the red miasma, and no bones remained.

This is not a matter of words and deeds, but a shocking catastrophe of spiritual martial arts!

Can launch soul attack directly at the opponent!

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